While I draw the comic that I was supposed to have made on Sunday, I invite you to enjoy this three-layer marbled chocolate-funfetti cake featuring Garrus riding through the cosmos on Pinkie Pie that I made instead as a birthday surprise for my friends Balactus and Captain MAAAN of the Harbinger Podcast and their celebratory Bioware Birthday Bash episode (that I got to participate in).
Because I’m that kind of a friend.
Discussion (178) ¬
This made me smile. Looks like it tastes great.
Oh dear, this is just…
Let’s just say that if someone asked me to google for an image of Garren riding Pinkie pie I wold be expecting mental scars from the result. You just restored my faith in fan art.
And cakes.
Behold. Tali riding Twilight.
First thought, Dr. Weird. Second though, BEHOLD! CORN! …and then a fruitless search for that video about a vegetable on youtube.
Further behold!
Deadpool riding Rainbow Dash!
This.. whole line of conversation.. making me rethink the four horsemen…
Dead Pool and Pinkie Pie make a better match in my opinion…
Whatever do you mean?
that winning moment when someone replies to your comment with the exact picture you were thinking of, but too lazy to find. XD
Stephen Colbert riding Princess Luna!
My life is complete… <3
I can actually see deadpool doing something like that… It wouldn’t be weird at all…
All that comes to mind is yum. :)
…I thought this comic would be a bastion of Manliness against these god damn ponies. Truely this is a dark day for the internet. Coela, Shame on you :(
>implying that it is not manly
>Shame on you ):
You imply that it is manly, and you imply that it is not?! Ha! ‘Tis neither!
Shame on you both. Shame…..
Apparently you missed the time I went to Australia and auctioned off MLP Beefcake for hundreds of dollars.
/)] Brohoof me, Pegasister.
I <3 MLP and Consider myself a Brony, but that's rather disturbing. Very nicely done, but disturbing… They're so… ..manly… .__.; Although MGDMT+MLP=Serious, Thorough Win.
@_@ ……Swag.
Those beef-cake drawings you sold at auction in Oz are hilarious! How did I miss that?! (/rhetorical question) And now a Pinkie cake? Between your excellent comic and these deeds, your cup runneth over with awesome.
The best part imo is Twilight’s big stupid grin.
You’ll have to excuse me for reaching for the brain bleach.
Mmmm. I’d like to taste that rainbow.
What is this I don’t even hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I almost bought those beefcake ponies. So close!
@runedeadthA I agree with you, even if no one else does. Damn ponies everywhere even when it makes no sense to have them. Also it’s very hypocrital for Coela to say that the characters from shonen aren’t manly, and then uploading this. Which, no matter what LinNeTule says, is NOT manly at all.
BTW bronies, save your “love and tolerance” for yourselves. It’s even more hypocrital to say that when it’s not true. Behave yourselves, sarcasm gets boring when we see that that’s all you can try to do against people who don’t like the show.
This is so head-palm worthy I’m not even sure how to respond. How dare I make a cake with a pony and Garrus on it for my friend who likes My Little Pony and my friend who likes Garrus to present them with at their birthday party. And then post it on my site for people who I think would laugh at at.
Clearly, you were thinking something not very manly.
To be fair, all the man/boy/things of the shonen world would probably have their precious little feelings hurt by not being called manly.
Their epic sulks would reach the cosmos.
The comic got it’s title from a gay club song because I thought it was funny. Your favourite bishounen could be manly as all-get-out, but I try to pick characters for machismo. Which is so similar while being a completely different thing…
To think a cake could cause so much ruin…
While not particularly a fan of the whole pony thing, that is a sweet cake.
I think that would make an awesome wallpaper if drawn up like ze comic.
I for one welcome our pony-riding Turian overlords.
Mostly because Garrus tends to be so cutely awkward.
That song wouldn’t happen to be ‘Soccer Practice’, would it? Because if so; love.
Also, hypocritical or not, that cake looks amazing and delicious. Kudos.
Yes indeed.
I think its funny how you’re so insecure in your masculinity that the fact that other men watch a show originally targeted at little girls makes you uncomfortable
^this. I am brony. I will tolerate your decision to not watch the show. I can understand that. However there is no reason that your fear of emotion should be projected as hate towards something you don’t understand. So either watch the show and then tell me why you hate it, or shut up and get off my internet.
funny thing is, I could see this same argument being said by the twilight mom’s.
now, dont get me wrong, im not a brony or anything. but not everyone has to watch a showto hate it, also, remember this is not you’re internet. anyone can come to this site, whether they like mlp or not. but do keep in mind maybe it’s not a fear of emotion. maybe it’s just disgust and repulsion at something that is in fact a tad bit childish. Do remember this is a webcomic site, we come here to see comic and try to relieve some stress. not argue over something so trivial as a show.
Actually, I’m pretty sure we all come here to see the funny thing that Coelasquid has posted this week, which is usually of the webcomic variety. As Coelasquid owns this little corner of the internet, whatever Coelasquid says, goes, and if you don’t like it, you can go.
As far as Twilight goes, there are perfectly valid reasons to dislike it on principle. For an illustrated guide to the basics of what is wrong with Twilight, please consult http://theoatmeal.com/story/twilight
My own personal pet peeve is the idea that Pants (aka Bella) thinks that the best way to get her boyfriend to pay more attention to her is TO ATTEMPT SUICIDE and that IT WORKS. Suicide as a cry for help is prevelant (and tragic) enough without encouraging it in a novel aimed at emotionally unstable teenage girls.
As your strawman lies bleeding in the dirt, perhaps you will have a tilt at my windmills. Can you please explain what you find so distasteful about a children’s show advocating friendship and tolerance that adults can enjoy alongside children?
I, to my eternal shame, actually read Twilight. The whole series. It was awful. Easily as bad as they say. It is also not as well-written, entertaining, or as manly as MLP. After closing the last book, i sat down and cried in sorrow for the human race (internally).
You can’t say my love and tolerance is insincere without knowing anything about me. I genuinely feel bad that you’re angry about a single pink horse in an otherwise pony-free comic. Why are you angry? What can I do to help? This isn’t sarcasm it’s genuine remorse for ponies making people upset when the entire point of the show is to do the opposite.
Something being manly and pretending to be manly are two different things. Shonen characters try to be “tough and manly”, where as liking ponies can be manly because “it takes a real man to X” (X being something not traditionally manly).
It really is up to you to define what manly is, but I think you are mis-interpreting the meaning of all of this.
Not to mention this is not the comic, this is a gift to someone. A true man can understand these things. I hope this helps out a bit. Thanks for reading.
Let me guess.. Your a die hard anime fanboy? ^^;
No offence to the good ones reading this, it’s only directed at rider here
I must have missed the part where she said that MLP was manly, then. Because the comic features unmanly characters and themes all the time, unless you think Jonesy, Jared, Maddy and the kids, Poison, Link, and Jem are manly simply by virtue of having appeared on this website.
Seriously? My god, seriously? You are STILL butthurt over that?
Okay, let me spell it out for you. This comic? Is about making fun of things that are perceived to be manly. Duke Nukem is a nerd that occasionally cries angsty buckets of tears that no one understands them while hiding on the rafters of bridges. Leonidas and Kratos had an epic gay chicken battle that ultimately culminated with them buying scented candles at IKEA. Commander Badass bakes muffins with his daughter.
What’s hypocritical is for you to keep raging about one, single, solitary comic that mocked your precious bishies (who I admittedly favor more than manly men, mind) and yet ignore every other comic that makes fun of ‘manly’ men and their preconceptions of what makes them manly. That is hypocritical, and it’s all you.
The very fact that you keep harping about ‘manliness’ and how the comic is only supposed to showcase manliness shows that you either missed the point by a mile or you just didn’t read any of the other comics. Which begs the question of why the hell you’re even here.
Seriously. GET – OVER – IT – ALREADY. I don’t even whine this much when I’m on my period, what the hell is your excuse?
Continuing Tiger’s explanation with a simple extrapolation of terms, ganked straight from Dictionary.com (and tweaked for readability):
man·ly [man-lee] adjective, -li·er, -li·est, adverb
1. having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery.
2. pertaining to or suitable for males: manly sports.
ma·chis·mo [mah-cheez-moh, -chiz-, muh-] noun
1. a strong or exaggerated sense of manliness; an assumptive attitude that virility, courage, strength, and entitlement to dominate are attributes or concomitants of masculinity.
2. a strong or exaggerated sense of power or the right to dominate: The military campaign was an exercise in national machismo.
The conceptual punchline for the comic, as the URL indicates, is the aforementioned machismo: these are big, burly, manly men, and they are doing whatever the hell they want to do, whether you perceive it as manly or not, because it is as much a deconstruction of the concept of machismo as it is a jab at the general prevalence of men who look like they spend three hours every morning getting worked over by their stylists before going out.
In short (feel free to read this in your assumptive take on Commander Badass’s voice):
Quit’cher bitchen. Nobody’s makin’ ya read it. Yer almost as bad as the guy that made an entire website dedicated to deconstructin’ every XKCD comic because he honestly believes that the artist of the comic cares that he thinks it’s not funny.
(Feel free to truncate any other words you feel necessary during your mental reading, as I popped that off on hazy memory of his speech habits with a minor caffeine deficiency.)
There’s a guy that actually does this!?
Dayum. And I thought I was aspergers.
I LOL’ed all the way to the Internet.
Hell, I’m not a huge fan of ponies but I think the show is not horrible.
And to go ballistic on the comic because it picks on Bishonen – BISHONEN FFS! – is ironic and stupid all in one move.
This is why we can’t have nice things. Weirdos of the Internet come over and text urinate all over our stuff.
Your missing the fact that truly manly men can like things like this because they are secure enough not to give a crap about people that try to say they shouldn’t. Its the whole point of the line “only real men wear pink” manly men do what they want not what others try to tell them they should.
As for the whole shonen business Coela never said none were manly just that most the ones raved about aren’t and the reasons most people give for them being great are the exact things that make them fail the manly tests.
I said they aren’t macho, we’ve already discussed the difference between manliness and machismo.
So you missed the strip where the Commander was talking about Jem the whole time? Face it, he probly watches and maybe even enjoys MLP:FiM himself
I’m not a fan of the ponies but damn that’s funny.
Also my kid loves that cake.
Only a real man can truly and fully appreciate Friendship is Magic. And he will love and tolerate the Hell out of you.
All my arguments are now invalid.
These Manly Guys don’t wanna party… They wanna PAAAAARTAAAYYYY!!!!!
*bro-hoof* / ) ( \
I want to take this opportunity for a chance to vote Garrus and Wrex becoming part of the Agency (After the Horrible Bishounen virus is gone,of course.). Because first: i think they make great manly Aliens and Second: i can already see many funny moments to happen ,some of them including the not-so-alien freindly members of the agency.
Garrus is always busy.
Curse those calibrations!
There are always calibrations to be done, you know.
Why not in the agency? I think Garrus could Calibrate the Agency to Perfection. ^^
Can it wait a bit? Hes got calibrations to do.
Damn calibrations.
I for one want to see Wrex come in during the bishification arc just to see the horrifying (and hilarious) results.
In the vein of additions to the agency: someone (other than Jared) needs to turn out to be a massive brony and kidnap all the ponies for hilarity. I think Rainbow Dash would fit in quite well.
Big Macintosh, as well.
The meeting between Wrex and all the alien massacre killers (Duke Nukem, Doom guy, etc) would be comedy gold in as of itself.
When was their birthday? I just had mine on the 26th. It’d be twice as awesome if I could somehow relate myself to that hilarious cake.
Well, happy birthday to your pals regardless!
Pinkie Pie will take you to the ends of the earth, just to make you smile.
Its so… Beautiful T-T
My life is complete now.
This is quite possibly the greatest thing ever in the history of things! ^w^
I hope it tasted good.
Needs a cutie mark. Just sayin’
I have no problem with this.
Some people would have gone too far. They would have added a nyan rainbow trail to Pinkie. I am glad you were not one of those tacky people. Your restrained composition is a marvel of good taste and decency.
ghat damn, I wasn’t gonna buy that many gel colours and make all those batches of icing :P
Although I hate the show I’m entirely fine with you posting this.
In fact, I think it would be hilarious if Jared was a brony. (No offence. I just think it’d be funny for him to tell Commander that he watches MLP.)
Great idea! I hope it happens, hehe.
I would be entirely shocked if Jared is not already a brony given his past interests, and I’d be shocked if Commander hasn’t already watched the entire series with his daughter.
and I’d be remiss to not mention the title of this comic right here. http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/654
Holy CRAP was that a year ago? I suddenly feel archaic.
I second that. And also that Commander Badass, while entirely comfortable with enjoying his daughters’ ponies, might be profoundly uncomfortable with Jared’s attempting to use them as a common ground between them. Jared’s love of ponies is nothing like CB’s.
Also, I really do not understand what is non-manly about Garrus riding a pony through space on cake. Garrus is all manly, all the time, even and especially while riding pink ponies on cakes. The pony just makes him look manlier by comparison. Also, cakes are extremely manly. Have you ever seen a male chef bake a cake? It’s crazy how intense they get about it.
In other words: It’s not what a man does, but how he does it, that makes him manly.
;o; Coela’s cake art is better than my actual art.
Ignore the haters Coela! Whilst I’m not sure if you yourself are a MLP fan, there’s nothing wrong with anyone liking both MLP and Manly Men!
I wanna see Kratos riding Princess Luna/Might Mare Moon!
Don’t you have calibrations to do?
All this love for MLP and no love for care bears.
For shame. :p I’m kidding of course.
Or …. am i?
It might not be a comic, but it still made me laugh.
Are there any pictures of what it looked like inside? The description makes it sound really yummy and I apparently like to torture myself with seeing deliciousness that I won’t get to partake in.
I genuinely can’t bring myself to understand WHY people are getting pissy and angry over this – Hell, I’d be pissed if Coela DIDN’T post the picture up! I wish that I had a friend good enough and talented enough to go out of their way to do something like that for me – How DARE people get angry when a) this is Coela’s site and she can post whatever the fuck she wants and b) we get provided with FREE comics EVERY week, and are asked for nothing in return? That and… That picture has ‘Your argument is invalid’ written all over it, so take a hint.
They are pissy because around this time of month their man-boobs hurt and there’s not enough bags of Cheetos around to make them feel better :C
So the comic had to wait for a bit because you were in the middle of some calibrations? Did you just out Garrus, Garrus using a Garrus cake?
I’m at a loss for words if that’s the case
No… This cake is too good to be true…it’s not a lie, but…Or is it? I will never taste this cake. Do I believe the hopeful lie, or accept the unfulfilling reality?
My daughter would love to have a friend like you!
I made the mistake of looking at the comments, and now I want to see a Big Brother pony in the manly men comic. Ponies bite and kick viciously. One stallion services a herd of mares because mares can so easily put a stallion of permanent business. Jared had better watch his step around the so-cute ponies…
I must admit I did not expect this but as a brony I approve of all of this!
My life is complete now.
I think this comic just got 20% cooler… I didn’t think it possible! :D
That’s it! The next comic should be made in cake format!
This made me chuckle. Then some of the comments made me sigh in exasperation. What is with all the hate? It’s just a cartoon. Not one that I watch, though that would change in an instant if Bruce Campbell voiced anything in it. (loved him in Megas XLR!)
Speaking of, Ashley Williams might not have the pectoral girth or the manliest name, but he’s got one hell of a manly chin, and that whole chainsaw/shotgun, reload only for dramatic effect thing, so I think he might be a good contender to at least cameo…
Glad to see you’re keeping the cake tradition alive!!
(Everyone collaborated on making me cupcakes with haikus on top of them, it was awesome.)
Oh god, this is sooo awesome
While this is hilarious, shouldn’t he be riding Mr. Toots instead?
Please ignore me, I tend to not think very well in the morning.
D’awww! Oh man, now I really want to eat cake. O: maybe I’ll get some at lunch today…
Squid, long time lurker, first time commenter.
Please, pleeaase make Garrus a regular.
I’m pretty sure this is the most amazing cake I have ever seen in my life.
Had no idea Coelasquid was such a deft hand with icing. Good job!
Wrex+Fluttershy=Greatest Fanfiction ever
*sigh* There goes the fourth wall, again.
Goddammit. Ponies collided with the current storyline in my head, and now I can’t stop wondering what bishonen Big Macintosh would look like.
the Brony herd calls to you.
Oh, I’m already a full member of the Herd.
Damn it. Way to get your thoughts all over my brain. It’s going to take weeks to get this gunk out.
I considered positing the idea of bishie Braeburn, but… well, there’s really not much that would change for him, is there?
Also: Be glad it’s not a yaoi virus. (Although I hear some strains of bacteria are capable of morphing unexpectedly…)
It’s been done (depending on your classification of bishounen).
Don’t… consume… the frosting…
I love that Garrus looks like he’s saying/thinking ” I don’t even know what’s going on right now”
What an awesome cake! :D As a fan of colourful and silly cakes, I commend you for your cake decorating skills.
With recent episode in mind, I can only breathe a sigh of relief that this cake did not accidentally end up in the confetti cannon.
I think Garrus ate some of the cake from the inside out and is now extremely bloated.
You can bake on top of all your mad art skillz?
You are OVER NINE THOUSAND awesomes.
this is beautiful
I think it is an awesome cake and a nice gesture towards friend. Ignore the haters coela you’re great.
I watch My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I watch it because my niece asks me to watch it when she’s over and it’s on. And as this comic has shown us, a real man is a good caretaker of children and does stuff to show they love them.
Therefore in the very logic of the comic the argument of My Little Pony being unmanly is invalid.
You can trust me, even my name says manly.
Yes. This. ^ real man
Manly men do what needs to be done, and don’t whine about it. Sometimes that involves hotboxing cigars. Sometimes that involves flexing muscles. Sometimes that involves watching a show about ponies with a little girl.
Rock on, manly man. Rock on.
Okay, that IS a pretty awesome cake. I would say it is even sufficiently awesome to warrant the label “epic”.
You know the rules. Put a dollar in the jar.
awesome cake!!
Holy crap! With the Mass Effect saga drawing to a close, I think there may be a Krogan, Turian, and a certain commander looking for work. I smell a storyline here…Better yet, what if “Fem-Shep” and “Bro-Shep” were not the same person but rather twins and both looking for work/fighting over who ACTUALLY saved Earth?
The two worst kind of fandoms combined
and Ponyfags
How absolutely revolting
You just wish you had some of that fine cake.
Oh Pinkie Pie, always invading other franchises…. When I saw this picture I laughed so hard my cat thought I was dying.
I love the fact that his hands look like he’s going ‘WHY U DO THIS TO ME’.
Oh my goodness gracious that is a marvel. At first glance I thought it was Ookla from the Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon…I have no idea who Garrus is, but he looks like he needed a pony. <3
I think it’s sad that ponies have cause controversy everywhere. It’s so silly what peole get upset about on the internet. Anyway, that cake is awesome as fuck.
The cake is manly. Don’t let anyone say otherwise.
My initial reaction was “Dafuq?” But upon further observation, it was “Cake.”
My god. It’s quite literally full of stars.
Seriously. Watching ponies is just as manly or unmanly like playing with your daughter… And you can ask Commander if there’s anything wrong with playing with a daughter.
I’m kind of saddened for humanity reading some of these comments. I grew out of most weekly animes especially the shonen bishi type and hey I’m one of those guys who just happens to watch MLP and think it’s great. That aside, I think the most important point you pro bishi guys are overlooking is that, Coela can post WHATEVER SHE WANTS on HER WEBSITE. Just my opinion.
Oh man, that looks delicious!
Though I doubt I could eat it, because Pinkie Pie and Garrus D: They are too adorable to die.
Why can’t we commentors all just get along? We’re making Pinkie sad!
C’mon everybody, smile smile smile! Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine!
Seriously, you don’t wanna mess with Pinkamena.
I must admit, anyone who has been bashing on this cake must have forgotten the cardinal rule about being manly. REAL MEN WEAR PINK. In other words being manly has nothing to do with what you do, it has to do with what you are. As long as you know that what you still have control while the morons are screaming the lungs off in rage then you are manly, if not, if instead you’re the morons then look in the mirror and ask your self, AM I MANLY? and if the answer isn’t no then try the **** again.
^ this
All of my yes to this. Rule 34P is the best thing to come out of the internet in my lifetime :D
Isn’t the title also the name of one of Perry Como’s songs? Wondering if it was on purpose.
I do hope you have enough slices for the rest of us! :D
I can’t be the only one who sees the irony in the fact that someone who hates so hard on bishonen twerps, happily bastardizing with the “bronies”.
I don’t think it’s ironic at all, since the comic creator’s personal taste doesn’t necessarily have to coincide with what is “macho” enough for her comic…since this isn’t appearing canonically in the comic, it really has no bearing on that…
That’s just too awesome.
This made my day. Who is Commander’s favorite pony?
*Reading comments* EVERYONE’S GETTING MAD 8D
Haha. I just started getting into MLP too. Surprisingly good show. It far out did the harsh expectations I had for it when I watched the first episode. And by the way…love that song!
well this added to a crappy day, was looking forward to a new comic
That cake reminds me of the birthday, where a friend brought me a chocolate cake with a picture of taokaka from Blazbkue drawn on it. Geeze, why is everybody getting their panties in a twist over a cake? What, are you guys mad because you never had a friend nice enough to do something like that for you?
:( Where did the cake go?
It’s back now, yay!
Ahaha, sorry, it disappeared for a minute when I took this page out of the comic section and put it in the blog.
I want to learn how to decorate cakes now. I Can bake pretty good but am horrible at decorating.
All you gotta do is take a cup of flour…
Making a cake for your friends is awesome.
On MLP I don’t have a problem with adult males watching a cartoon for little girls, I watched a few episodes and I dislike it for numerous reasons but I know I like things which others don’t.
The venomous reaction however is bred from those MLP “fans” (probably people who just like it for a joke or cause the internet told them to) who bring it up and force it on people when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand or generally just take things way too far.
I really hope you read Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure…
That cake is frickin’ amazing. :0
Anyone who has the balls to whine about this cake obviously has not had any experience trying to make art with icing. That’s tricky stuff, and I applaud your incredible talent in such a difficult medium!! I’m not a fan of either of those things (from lack of exposure rather than dislike) but I could stare in awe at that cake for hours…
Jared actually looks pretty badass in panel four, if you blank out the text. >.<
Awww look how happy Jared is!