We have successfully obtained the url http://manlyguys.com/
The Punchline URL will still be the default, while Manlyguys redirects to it.
The changes will mostly be a childtheme that will allow us to finally update the site and get those much needed server bugs gone. The childtheme should look the same as before, if not, I can do some alterations to make sure it is, or at least close enough. This should allow everything to work fine, we will finally be able to update the site without causing the theme to disrupt or break.
As we all know, changes can bring in new problems, so keep an eye out for problems, and if you find any, email me at vorked@gmail.com or contact me via Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/vorked
I check my twitter more than my email, and twitters with my name mentioned are directed to my phone so I can immediately get back to those in need.
The changes will be coming soon, not right away, mind you, just be patient and lets see how everything turns out!
I pushed out some updates without breaking the site, some things should load much faster for you all, now. Not sure when the child theme will be done, I haven’t heard anything about it lately
But hey part one is finished!
Best of luck in this endeavor!
Good Luck!
We fear change…
change is good!
Is it just me, or does the url http://manlyguys.com/ seem like it would lead to a gay porn site?
That was the reason I didn’t buy the url originally and the whole comment discussion that lead to someone getting it as a donation to the site.
That was the only thing playing in my mind for the entiarty of the post. I had to re-read it…
Yeah, I wanted to test it out, but couldn’t remember what it was, so I typed in manlymen.com, which luckily was just an unused site. I shudder to think where else it could lead.
Though manlyguys,com is easier to remember and type in the thepunchlineismachismo,com, at least for me when I try to show friends the comic when I’m away from my own computer.
While you’re at it, could you please fix the RSS feed?
At least for me it’s pretty annoying that I always get an update everytime someone posts a new comment.
I assume it’s caused by the fact that the comment count is displayed in the RSS headline, so everytime that changes it’s displayed as a new post.
Well bro I don’t know what to say. I think I can fix this fairly easily.
Appreciated, thank you.
Hmm… I’m gonna miss the punchline URL. It’s just so much more interesting. Once it’s gone, the only thing that will remind me it ever existed is the Kratos comic. :/
thepunchlineismachismo.com is still the url for the site, manlyguys.com just redirects here too now.
Now the comic right before/right after the final transfer to the new one HAS to have obama in it :3
i still find it hard to believe a gay pron site didnt get that url first. Really dropped the ball there.
Think of it this way. In a few years, when the traffic to the new site is fairly high. they can sell that url to a gay pron site and make a ton of money!
Hey guys, server admin here.
We’re not moving, just adding a new URL. The old URLs will stay working forever and TPIM is still the “main” (primary) domain. You don’t have to update your bookmarks, I promise.
~ C.
Thanks for the hard work put into this! The update seems to work fine, too. Haven’t encountered any problems at all so far.
How dare Jared shoots the Commander! Although it may be the only gunfight Jared could win.
Will there ever be a bath of guns in this comic? Any gun ‘d be awesome.
I came here and lol’d seeing M.Bison mounted, w/out understanding the joke. Now that I came back I understand the image at the top isn’t a pic for explanation about the comic, it’s part of the comic itself.
so glad mr.fish escaped the portal…. only to be trapped by ramsay!
i remember those, one time we got the circus one and on the ringmaster all off the capsule had dissolved except for a goopy blob on his upraised fist. >o>