We have successfully obtained the url http://manlyguys.com/
The Punchline URL will still be the default, while Manlyguys redirects to it.

The changes will mostly be a childtheme that will allow us to finally update the site and get those much needed server bugs gone. The childtheme should look the same as before, if not, I can do some alterations to make sure it is, or at least close enough. This should allow everything to work fine, we will finally be able to update the site without causing the theme to disrupt or break.

As we all know, changes can bring in new problems, so keep an eye out for problems, and if you find any, email me at vorked@gmail.com or contact me via Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/vorked
I check my twitter more than my email, and twitters with my name mentioned are directed to my phone so I can immediately get back to those in need.

The changes will be coming soon, not right away, mind you, just be patient and lets see how everything turns out!

I pushed out some updates without breaking the site, some things should load much faster for you all, now. Not sure when the child theme will be done, I haven’t heard anything about it lately
But hey part one is finished!