I think the artist actually meant for it to be Chirs, if you played Resident Evil 5, this would make a bit more sense, as Chris’s muscles in RE 5 is absolutely rediculous, you would think he used some alien steroids or something.
I think the artist actually meant for it to be Krauser, if you played Resident Evil 4, this would make a bit more sense, as Krauser’s muscles in RE 4 is absolutely rediculous, you would think RE5 Chris was really him in disguise or something.
Yeah, but Krauser was infected with an advanced form of Las Plagas (and yes, I have played RE 4), even compared to that, Chris’s triceps are just grossly over done.
Krauser had a nice death though, especially in Ada’s scenario. LoL at the innuendo.
Pshh, artists are myths like the chupacabra or well-intentioned bureaucrats. Every comic in the world was made by Winsor McCay in one sleepless cocaine-fueled summer in 1915.
Yeah, Sorry Krauser. While you’re pining your homo-love for Albert Wesker. He’s busy tapping Jill. Hey, she’s got that mindcontroll device on her. All he has to do is say “on your knees” and she’ll have to. >_>
Which, I gotta say. I don’t blame him. I’d tap that too…. And I’m a girl!
I’ll ask one of my CSS people if there’s any word on how to fix it yet. I didn’t want to dick with the CSS the last couple weeks because we were moving and chances of the page breaking were up.
Protip: Make a subpage somewhere unrelated and paste the lay-out. Then you can tinker with it. The fuzziness is most likely caused by compression, though. You’re saving these as a JPEG?
Yeah, JPEG. It’s probably a compression thing. Try saving at a higher resolution or in PNG format. Will cause them to load slower though.
It’s not the compression, if you right click>view the comics on their own or save them the fuzziness is gone. The comic is 650 pixels wide, but the CSS was accidentally set to 640, so it resizes the strips on the fly. Unfortunately all efforts to resize the CSS thus far have resulted in the page exploding.
Hahaha, lovin’ it!
I saw someone post the intro to Jared on 4chan… they requested sauce :P
Not sure if that was the crowd Coelasquid was after, but readers are still readers, right?
Coleasquid; Sorry to hear you didn’t win the Escapist Webcomic Comp, btw :-s
Ahahaha, s’all good, I got my Ugly Americans job back directly after the contest ended, so I wouldn’t be able to keep up with a twice-a-week update schedule anyway.
… and I’m like six years into being a 4chan veteran, I can’t hate on the crowd there because I’m a part of it. :P
Great how the one dude in charge always has a great character that stays in character for him.
Any other characters due to show up soon? (Like maybe Captain Qwark, Lazarevich (Uncharted 2 villian), Snow (I’d love to see a Final Fantasy character in this, if just to receive the same reaction as with the pokemon thing), or even E-123 Omega?)
Poor Krauser. Seems behind the big bulky muscular exterior is a frail little man. :<
Also, what character is the boss exactly? I can't say I've seen him before. Is he an official character of something, or is he just one of your characters?
Actually that could be cool. The Men would be all “hurr, you’re tiny” and then Lance is all “Yo I got like three thousand terminal cancers at the same time and still bounced back and won Tour De France seven freaking times”. I mean, when you look at Lance Armstrong, he’s possibly the manliest man alive.
For some reason when I first read this in passing I thought it said “stretch Armstrong” and that his stretchy body was due to three thousand terminal cancers he contracted at the same time.
I suggest… the Armstrong special page. With all the Armstrongs… well, those that fit the criteria of being fictional and manly that is. Just because there seems to be a whole lotta Armstrongs I mean. Yeah.
I have to say, I just stumbled upon the comic, and you have made my life significantly better… my exploding magikarp and I must bow down in respect, to the mighty Mr. Fish
I like how Jared’s all like “FUCK THAT.” And the disturbed look on Krauser’s face in panel 3 is brilliant.
I think the artist actually meant for it to be Chirs, if you played Resident Evil 5, this would make a bit more sense, as Chris’s muscles in RE 5 is absolutely rediculous, you would think he used some alien steroids or something.
I think the artist actually meant for it to be Krauser, if you played Resident Evil 4, this would make a bit more sense, as Krauser’s muscles in RE 4 is absolutely rediculous, you would think RE5 Chris was really him in disguise or something.
Yeah, but Krauser was infected with an advanced form of Las Plagas (and yes, I have played RE 4), even compared to that, Chris’s triceps are just grossly over done.
Krauser had a nice death though, especially in Ada’s scenario. LoL at the innuendo.
It a joooooooooooke.
I think that the artist meant to be Krauser, since the comic practically SAYS it is.
though very clearly is is a joke regarding the change between RE4 and RE5
(psst… the person you’re replying to IS the artist…)
Pshh, artists are myths like the chupacabra or well-intentioned bureaucrats. Every comic in the world was made by Winsor McCay in one sleepless cocaine-fueled summer in 1915.
I think the artist is secretly Krauser.
You’re certainly a genius, aren’t you?
Very manly way to handle the situation – make sure you’re not the one doing the hugging 8)
Ah, and panel 7, love it.
Poor Krauser…he’s never gonna get that Wesker/Krauser/Leon threesome he wants.
Explains his disinterest in Ada though. I wouldn’t of ignored me such a fine woman, woof.
Yeah, Sorry Krauser. While you’re pining your homo-love for Albert Wesker. He’s busy tapping Jill. Hey, she’s got that mindcontroll device on her. All he has to do is say “on your knees” and she’ll have to. >_>
Which, I gotta say. I don’t blame him. I’d tap that too…. And I’m a girl!
Just waiting to see Duke Nukem show up. He’s been off the shelves for a while. He must be this company’s leading success example…or not.
I think he’s in… three weeks?
Nah, don’t think so. He’s never going to show up, for obvious reasons :P
He’s too busy working on Duke Nukem Forever… :P
Could Jared even survive a hug from Krauser? I mean, Krausers got big big biceps and Jared looks awfully… snappable…
And Krauser has that sword-arm thing going on.
You need to tell your website to stop squeezing your comics into fuzzyness. :(
I’ll ask one of my CSS people if there’s any word on how to fix it yet. I didn’t want to dick with the CSS the last couple weeks because we were moving and chances of the page breaking were up.
Protip: Make a subpage somewhere unrelated and paste the lay-out. Then you can tinker with it. The fuzziness is most likely caused by compression, though. You’re saving these as a JPEG?
Yeah, JPEG. It’s probably a compression thing. Try saving at a higher resolution or in PNG format. Will cause them to load slower though.
Also, love the comic. Keeping on the RSS.
It’s not the compression, if you right click>view the comics on their own or save them the fuzziness is gone. The comic is 650 pixels wide, but the CSS was accidentally set to 640, so it resizes the strips on the fly. Unfortunately all efforts to resize the CSS thus far have resulted in the page exploding.
Jared is the official spokesperson of the :< now.
Jared is officially my favorite character.
Hahaha, lovin’ it!
I saw someone post the intro to Jared on 4chan… they requested sauce :P
Not sure if that was the crowd Coelasquid was after, but readers are still readers, right?
Coleasquid; Sorry to hear you didn’t win the Escapist Webcomic Comp, btw :-s
Ahahaha, s’all good, I got my Ugly Americans job back directly after the contest ended, so I wouldn’t be able to keep up with a twice-a-week update schedule anyway.
… and I’m like six years into being a 4chan veteran, I can’t hate on the crowd there because I’m a part of it. :P
Gooble Gobble! Gooble Gobble!
We accept you! We accept you!
4chan introduced me to this webcomic. It’s freakin’ awesome.
Yes. Yes it is.
Isn’t Zevrhan flouncing around over there too? he’d be more the person for manly get better hugs
Naw, Sten just brought him along to wrangle dragons for a metal concert. He’s probably off prostituting himself to old rich ladies by now.
Coelasquid, you win FOREVER for that very obscure Zevran reference! I love you.
Looooveee this one, especially the last panel where commander asks Krauser if he needs a Jared hug XD and Jared is creeped out by the thought of it!
Man I wonder if the real Chris will ever show up going all “JILL?!!!!!”
Jared face omg
Great how the one dude in charge always has a great character that stays in character for him.
Any other characters due to show up soon? (Like maybe Captain Qwark, Lazarevich (Uncharted 2 villian), Snow (I’d love to see a Final Fantasy character in this, if just to receive the same reaction as with the pokemon thing), or even E-123 Omega?)
Snow’s not NEARLY manly enough for this place. He’s such a whiner….
I’d love to see Barret make an appearance, tho.
Poor Krauser. Seems behind the big bulky muscular exterior is a frail little man. :<
Also, what character is the boss exactly? I can't say I've seen him before. Is he an official character of something, or is he just one of your characters?
One of mine, I wanted the main character/straight-man type to be neutral.
You did a good job on that.
I’d love to see Alex Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist appear in this at some point.
i would love to see Jean Armstrong from Phoenix Wright in this…
i would love to see Stretch Armstrong from Hasbro in this… :p
I’d love to see Lance Armstrong in the strip.
Actually that could be cool. The Men would be all “hurr, you’re tiny” and then Lance is all “Yo I got like three thousand terminal cancers at the same time and still bounced back and won Tour De France seven freaking times”. I mean, when you look at Lance Armstrong, he’s possibly the manliest man alive.
For some reason when I first read this in passing I thought it said “stretch Armstrong” and that his stretchy body was due to three thousand terminal cancers he contracted at the same time.
… Maybe I should draw that.
I suggest… the Armstrong special page. With all the Armstrongs… well, those that fit the criteria of being fictional and manly that is. Just because there seems to be a whole lotta Armstrongs I mean. Yeah.
You might appreciate this: http://sm-exery.deviantart.com/art/RE-DSC-Scenerio-prediction-136162797
Ah hah beauty, eh.
Haha. Wesker, that handsome devil.
Coleasquid, you make my day sparkle and shine with 110% Testosterone.
i have no idea who cris or Krauser are…
From the Resident Evil franchise
I didn’t know you’d continued with this! Bookmarked!
I love how Jared always looks like he belongs in Metal Slug.
Frame seven is pure gold. I keep coming back to look at it.
@Draconi, they are from the Resident Evil games, 1 and 5 if im not mistaken.
Man, Jared is going to be the butt of every joke over there for a while.
I just found your comic. very good stuff, but…. after reading through the archives I somehow grew a beard. is this permanent?
Feh. You’ve got it easy. This chest-hair’s been growing for a good week…and it’s seems to be getting thicker…O_O
I have to say, I just stumbled upon the comic, and you have made my life significantly better… my exploding magikarp and I must bow down in respect, to the mighty Mr. Fish
stumbledupon it, pretty good comic! Goin to bookmarks.
Nice save in the last panel for the commander.
Maybe it’s just because of the “space marine” thing, but I always hear the Commander’s voice as the voice of the marines from Starcraft.
I know I’ve already commented on this, but I just gotta say it’s nice how Krauser just proved that it takes more than nice musculature to be manly.
Poorly disguised troll?
Okay, I’m hooked. Good job.
(not this comic in particular)
((not saying this comic is bad))
Is the firearm on the wall in panel 6 a reference to Resident Evil 1?
Poor Krauser needs a hug
Hey Chris got the same hair as the guy on the RE 1 Psx cover!
This page seriously made my day as a HUGE Resident Evil fan :) My goodness somebody finally understands how stupid Chris is XD
Just cause it reminds me of it and I have to be THAT guy…