Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.
June 5, 2017
2:47 am
This isn’t really funny, I just had it on good authority you guys were gonna have my head on a platter if I didn’t draw Tychus in a speedo this week.
This isn’t really funny, I just had it on good authority you guys were gonna have my head on a platter if I didn’t draw Tychus in a speedo this week.
What you talkin’ about this is super funny to me…
Seconded – I chuckled politely
Start the reactor…
I love how good Jared appears to be at throwing small, round ball-shaped things, even when they’re water balloons. He’s a natural Pokemon trainer, isn’t he?
Jared used WATER BALLOON against Tychus
Though what type Tychus(M) is is rather unknown.
He clearly has a Water-type attack right now, but might naturally be Steel/Rock (Steel for the cybernetics, Rock for the muscles and Water weakness).
Should he be electric like that electric magnet pokemon?
Oddly, thinking of porygon as an example, cybernetics might fall in the category of “Normal type”, but he has a special that gives a weakness to water but gives him a megaevolution into space marine when holding “battle armor”
Well, he’s strong against Bug type. So you might be on the right path.
Always nice to see Jared looking badass.
But the cigar! Eh.. doesn’t bother me either way. You’d think he’d be waterproof though.
LOL Human super soldiers – defeated by a patch of light rain… XD
Apparently water is a weakness of all space faring races.
I don’t understand why anyone would make a cyborg without making the ports water resist at least
Failsafe. Your super soldiers starting a mutiny? Trigger the fire/mutiny suppression system.
Which essentially, is just the sprinkler system
why are there marines ever gunna be out of there armor and considering how quickly they die it isn’t like it matters
Errrrr… From what can tell via looking at last weeks comments, no one wanted Tychus, much less him in a speedo. In fact, more of wanted Savitar from “The Flash, season 3” to appear.
Welp I guess we can only conclude that Coelasquid can’t read. Just a total illiterate. WHo kNeW?!
Really? People wanted Savitar?
Weird, to me it actually looked more like you rallying the readers because you seem to believe that way Coela would make you a custom comic with your favorite character.
I suggested it in the comments, other people took interest
She does not take well to people telling her what character she “should make a comic of” and listing proof of how that character is “totally badass enough”.
There’s a reason there are no polls for this weeks most requested characters.
Did not know that. Thanks for telling me :) But wait… Coelasquid is a woman!!!
Both of you are making too many assumptions and are acting like jerkwads.
Stop it.
Coela raised you better than this.
Ummm…. What?
Timey wimey. Don’t think about it, last time there was a spill and it just got everywhere.
Err, is what the voices tell me at least.
I am genuinely curious. What am I assuming?
The “scrap metal on a stick” bit is legitimately one of my favourite parts of the comic.
Yes, mine too! :D
“Other people took interest”
Looks more like other people started an unrelated conversation on the linguistics of the name in the replies to your comment.
Like the only direct response literally starts with “on an unrelated note.”
I think you are projecting, dude.
That still counts as taking interest, I never said they also asked for Savitar. And so it’s clear I’m not contradicting myself, there were ZERO comments about Tychus, one or two is still more than zero
Binary speaking, is really one more than zero? And twice zero? is it more than less than nothing? Other problem is that to compare you have to quantify, and to count from zero to one, you have to count everything between them, unles you go by round numbers and have nothing betwwen them, what make them the same number in fine. I find your lack of faith in the force of logic disturbing.
Now you’re just going into mathematical philosophy
You’re kinda being a dick man, it’s her webcomic and she can draw who she pleases, if you want to see more of Savitar then draw your own webcomic, instead of complaining about free content
I honestly have no idea who that character even is.
Huh, so you don’t watch the CW Arrowverse. Kinda figured you’d be all over it since its original show ‘Arrow’ was all about a macho guy who puts on a Deep, Gravelly voice while shoot bad guys with arrows. Relax the word “arrow” isn’t said this much in-show
She interacts with people on twitter and other platforms, and is probably referring to conversations on those platforms with her friends/family, not internet randos. She’s been pretty clear that randos like us have less than no power to make demands of her. So nobody should take this comic as permission to start telling her what to draw, because none of us have that privilege. Just enjoy :D
Or, more in brand with the comic, thatisthepunchline.jpg
If you are so desirous of your character showing up and interacting with these characters, perhaps try creating fan-art or fan-fiction?
Generally, the more people tell her to draw something, the less she wants to do it. The Tychus in a Speedo thing is from her own Twitter post from a couple days ago, and the Heroes skin it’s based on wasn’t even announced yet last week.
I checked those links you posted, and maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t really feel like your guy fits the comic all that well. He’s not a big guy trying too hard to be macho; he’s a skinny kid trying too hard to be a monster.
And yes, she may be more macho than 90% of the men on the planet, but she’s definitely a woman. And she’s in Heroes of the Storm! Kind of.
I agree with on most of that, but I think Savitar could fit into the comic; Insane power levels, deep voice, Giant Wrist-Blades. Sure he’s not incredibly ripped, but Reaper’s had multiple appearances in the comics and he’s not much bigger, plus tey have somewhat similar personalities
But “insane power levels” aren’t what the comic is about though
But many of the characters are very powerful, so yeah, it’s not about their insane power, but it is about guys who are very powerful and sometimes overly macho living everyday life, which make this comic sooo damn funny :)
…I think you’ve got things reversed, there. This comic is mostly about guys who are overly macho and sometimes very powerful. If you can name me 5 characters (excluding original characters) who are part of the agency that aren’t overly macho, I will be impressed.
I for one definitly wanted some speedo Tychus! (so buying that skin when it comes out.)
I mean, I’d be happy with some Tychus OUT of the speed too, but that would make the comic all kinds of inapropriate.
Also just realised his tattoos are missing. Guess they got washed off by the water, must have been fake drawen on tattoos.
Obviously this is a case of not understanding sarcasm in written form because of the missing inflection and body language. Also, the comments aren’t the only place she gets suggestions, and it’s ENTIRELY HER CHOICE which ones she takes. As a general rule, she also doesn’t like to be pestered about doing things other people want.
A handful of people responding to your comment isn’t also an indication that “more people wanted” it. That thread was 7 comments, half of which were yours. Some of us don’t actually care about Flash.
Yeah, if you read this thread you’d know that we already agree on that
I just like that Tychus colour-coordinated his speedo and his water cannon.
In my headcanon his off-screen pedicure is also in matching shades of alternating hot pink and yellow.
I’m not sure if anyone actually wanted Tychus in budgie smugglers.
I wanted it, I just didn’t *know* I wanted it. I might have to start practicing as Tychus now.
Type “zelolee bara tychus raynor” into google and you’ll see they want him in much less than that.
I won’t type any male character name combined with yaoi or bara into any search engine. I’m out of brain bleach.
That’s the joke
Huh, I thought that was Tank.
Tank is designed for maximum Generic Action Guy mileage, it probably makes for some uncomfortably weird situations for Rock, considering the number of seven+ foot crew cut dudes he needs to deal with.
I completely thought this was Tank as well. Taking your comment on how you designed Tank into consideration, this now makes much more sense.
Also, I will never tire of you responding to requests by trolling the requester. Mostly because you haven’t actually done it that many times ;)
I also saw “Huh, Tank got a redesign… oh, the blurb says it’s not Tank. I’ll call it Tank’s alternate videogame clone, then.”.
T’ be fair Tank’s cobbled together out of a combination of the T-800 and John Cena to be the most generic possible crew cut action dude.
Just thinking something to myself, but if you wanted to, say, publish a book listing all the characters, of MGDMT plus some select strips, I would definitely buy it. Just a thought.
Oh dang like an almanac of the comic? With all the backstory and character points that haven’t made it into actual strips- the stuff she keeps referencing but you gotta dig through the comments and para-content to find? A collation of all that?
…… That’d be so cool….
Publishing a book is a pretty big (and expensive!) undertaking. A lot of webcomic authors get taken by surprise when trying to do this. Shipping alone can destroy a person’s will to live.
I mean, I’d love to have one, but I can’t bring myself to ask because I’ve seen the kind of problems it can turn into.
Oh shit I thought this was tank too!!!
… Who’s this guy?
I can totally see Tank’s origin story being ‘Someone in the Non-Descript Spacefuture Navy tried StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty for the first time and said “Dude we should make our own Tychus Findlay, except instead of being the ‘bad influence friend’ guy, let’s make him a roid-raging loose cannon berserker with a permanent murder-boner!” and at no point did anyone question this.’
Same. I didn’t know it wasn’t until I got down to the artist’s comments.
Can we address the fact that ponytailed shirtless Jared is kind of hot?
He’s also athletically optimized for throwing pokeballs, which should make him pretty good in a water balloon fight!
Indeed. This is an important topic that has been ignored for too long.
That freaking out Tychus just brings a smile to my face (as do most of your comics). That’s all I can say, this one definitely made me smile/laugh (but it was a quiet laugh, as it’s almost 2 am & I don’t want to wake anyone)
Wait wait wait wait… they’re not waterproof on a being that is made up of about 70% water, exposed to the elements, and sweats?! Someone get R&D on the phone, we need one of their heads on a platter stat!
You can rub your smartphone all over your sweaty body and it will still work fine, but don’t throw it into actual water. Also the inside-the-body parts of the ports are probably sealed, but the ports themselves were designed to let stuff through, obviously.
Gotta ask how he’s taking showers though. Maybe he just forgot the sealing caps?
He uses a sponge on a stick.
Got an odd vision of Jeff Dunham meets SpongeBob Squarepants….
As I recall, in Star Craft 2 (not sure about books) he literally spent the entire time in his armor. It was a minor (and poorly resolved) plot point. No clue if all Terran Marines have those ports or not. Anyone that read the books want to chime in?
Mengsk had him rigged to explode if he ever tried to get out of the armor, or betray him. It was fairly common for the prison conscripts to have the “kill switch”. The Non-convicts could afford to get suits that didn’t have those ports
Maybe he doesn’t shower, but just uses a bristly brush every morning?
Clones himself a new body when the old one gets dirty?
He dry bathes himself with sand.
Omg, SAND in ports….*shudder* – Cause I’M water resistant, and I don’t want sand in any of MY ports.
Like a chinchilla!
He ought to keep up the work in his mid section like rock lobster there. :p
It’s not a bad thing to carry a little pooch.
Do you mean “pooch” or “pouch”? o.O
Probably “pooch”, which according to Urban Dictionary and HSN at 4 in the morning means “An outward rounding of the belly area”.
Which means someone clearly misspelled pouch and they just stuck to it. :) since pooch is a dog.
Words can have more than one definition
And that’s how Jared bested a Space-Future Super Soldier Cyborg without having to resort to “Mr. Fish eat him!”
Now I’m laughing at the thought of this dude putting on big rubber opera gloves before every shower.
The inspiration for this comic for any who are interested:
Starting at 0:27
They finally let him out of that armor and what a sight XD
She probably started work on the comic before that video was released.
The part with the solar cream was hot as hell.
Why would he want to partake in a water fight if he’s not waterproof? =P
His Machoism didn’t let him walk away.
Wouldn’t the word be machismo or are you cleverly portmanteauing macho and masochism?
I wasn’t but I like your interpretation XD
Looks like he expected to intimidate and dominate through superior firepower, banking on that to ensure no one would return fire.
He thought the glass cannon was half-full.
He didn’t expect Jared to be more than used to dealing with people like him – both physically and emotionally. He can’t stand the heat, so he should just get out of the kitchen.
Honestly I thought he was a Warhammer 40,000 Space marine when I first saw him, like the ones from the Dawn of War games. Looks like I was wrong so…but I found it funny. So looks like Dawn of War find this comic funny so you know it hits with at least one demographic.
He kind of is. As I recall, way back when Blizzard was having trouble getting the rights to make a Warhammer 40k rts, thought, “How bout we do anyway?” and then Starcraft happened.
The funny thing is, I think Starcraft is actually more popular than its inspiration. It’s basically the national sport of South Korea.
Well hey remember Starcraft was based on Warhammer 40k so you could be excused for mixing up the 2.
Isn’t Warcraft also sort of based off Warhammer Fantasy also?
Yes. “Blizzard. Cheaper than Games Workshop. We were surprised, too.”
That should be their actual motto.
Jared has the bravery of a pokemon trainer, he can probably tank spray from a fire hose.
Awesome! Everyone is better in a speedo.
Okay yeah I love this.
I’ll see myself out.
At least we have Jared there to represent us.
Love the fact you used the summer skin for Tychus!
But it’s not. The skin has orange and blue trunks, not a pink and yellow banana hammock.
We’ve seen it before, but it bears repeating: I love how Jared can hold his own among the gigantic, buff, super macho dudes.
Jared’s character kind of serves as a perfect foil to machismo – his willingness to do what he loves no matter what anyone else thinks and desire to just have fun stand in stark contrast to insecure, image-obsessed dudes who need other people to think they’re cool to survive.
This, right here, is why MGDMT is great and essential reading.
You nailed it. Jared’s the “underdog” we all aspire to be.
He really isn’t afraid of anything
… That’s not a bazooka, that’s a minigun.
Bazookas are a type of RPG launcher.
Would Jared know that though?
Wait, so all the roleplaying games I play has been produced by bazookas?
…yes, that was an awful joke, but sadly I am easily amused.
amusing :3
Who spilled the secret head chopping plans?
Guns are always phallic, but this one, with its two tanks on the side and its little meatus, goes above and beyond the norm.
Yes! I’m glad someone else saw that too!
Three shirtless guys… three sexy body types… can’t… handle… *swoon*
I’ve only got one thing that doesn’t seem quite right with The Commander (Yes, I think capitalizing the ‘T’ is a sign of deserved respect for him): As a future space super-soldier, I would hvae thought that he would know by now that there’s no such thing as “overkill” simply because there *is* such a thing as underkill.
I can imagine how an executive production meeting would’ve gone for this strip:
“It’s gonna be a beach scene.”
“Is Jonesy gonna be on the beach?”
“Well yeah, it’s a family thing, so it’ll be…”
“Ooooookay, if you insist.”
Sakurai: *laughs*
Looking at Kelly’s edited version of Tychus on Twitter, hers definitely looks more like an actual human being, though I think the original Tychus may have been genetically engineered to look like a ham golem.
Tychus’ speedo is so Goddamn FABULOUS. <3
Heh getting a real Guybrush Threepwood feel from Jared here.
Reading the comments, a few ppl are remarking on Jared’s waterballoon/pokeball form.
But does he ever actually pokeball? Mr. Fish doesn’t spend much if any(?) time in a pokeball, wasn’t caught with a pokeball in the first place, and I don’t recall Jared obtaining any other pokemon. Has he actually *ever* thrown a pokeball??? God please advise.
The only time we see him given a pokeball (I think) he immediately breaks it.
He’s right, though, it wasn’t very well trained.
I wonder what happened to it.
That water gun. I want it :o
You say this isn’t funny, but I remember those kids from my neighborhood. The ones that would say “cool! You guys are having a water balloon fight? Can I play?”
Then we were like “sure, here you go.” And gave them some balloons.
But as soon as anyone tried to hit them, they would shout “Nooo! My mom said I can’t get wet!!”
There were always at least two of those little brats in every single water balloon/squirts gun fight.
Every. Single. Time.
I just noticed. Of all the people already involved in that water balloon fight, Jared seems totally DRY (not to mention Jones looks kinda pathetic as a wet hen). Way to stand up to the challenge though.
I thought that was Tank at first. (You know, the commander’s old war buddy.)
old war buddy/ex
I am just WAITING for a “Magikarp Jump!” comic.
This reminds me of those old super soakers and nerf guns that just kept getting ridiculously big. Bigger than I was and I swear one contributed to my back problems.
Hanging with all these macho dudes has made Jared a total badass in his own right
Mr. Shark is noticeably absent. He’s biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike…
you were good to me for a long time eyes but im sorry i must rip you out of my face now.
I’ve always wondered why you never did anything 40K related, tons of sexy overkill men in that series.
then again, a single ultrasmurf might outshine the commander…or even Grandpapa Smurf himself Roboute Guilliman could outshine them all.
Actually, forget all of that, stick with Titus from the Space Marine game.
Man, those ports are enormous.
I love the way you’ve drawn Tychus, he looks awesome!! You should do more fanart of him!
(Also wishing you luck on getting the speedo skin, I hope I’ll get it too <3 ´v`)
Did he match his speedo to his water bazooka or did he match his bazooka to his speedo? Is one or both of them custom-made? Tychus put a lot into this.
Yeah, Coelasquid, if this is one of your less funny cartoons, I’d love to see what one of the ones you consider funny looks like. Because this one’s hilarious and I’ve never played Heroes of the Storm in my life.
I dunno at this time Tychus should know that using deflated and streched baloons over his ports is ghetto but effective way of splashproof his dataports.
Now that I think it, does he has Bluetooth?, because I see Tychus like a muscular boom box.
Oi just a heads up, MediaMath is pushing some pretty annoying autoplay videos for advertising, at least for peeps in my country.
I’m surprised the Doom Marine hasn’t Cameo’ed in this webcomic yet. He’s practically the Superman of Video Games.
Though I guess he can be a bit… Intense.
Only Jared could look badass while wearing swim trunks and throwing a water balloon. The expression helps.
Blizzard has officially made this a thing, I’d like to think as a direct result of this comic.