Tears in Rain
January 9, 2017
2:54 am
January 8th is Roy Batty’s birthday so I was trying to figure out some kinda “robots and birds” joke then I realized I could really only think of two robots with birds.
So, submitted for your approval, the C-Beams Monologue as delivered by Bastion.
My first thought was that Manly Guys is making a DADES/Blade Runner reference on the same day as Questionable Content.
Probably because of the aforementioned Roy Batty birthday.
which i knew what bastion said
Sonic adventures Gama is both a robot and a bird.
Just saying.
Android 16 is a robot who likes birds. And he’s manly.
But this is funnier.
More obscure and questionable, but Roswell from The Adventure Zone is both an earth elemental (kind of like a robot) and a bird.
GLaDOS is a robot and hates birds. Not sure if Portal would fit into the MGDMT universe though…
Actually, Jared has run a Portal course before.
I stand corrected. And had a good laugh at said Portal comics. Thanks
And Mr Fish can think in portals now.
this is the part where people tell me to go watch blade runner, because i haven’t seen it and therefore don’t get the joke
Make sure you see the final cut. It’s a great film.
It’s ok, man. I don’t get it because I didn’t see it either.
All you really need to see is these three minutes and pretend all the Rutger Hauer dialogue is beep-boops and that Harrison Ford has no idea what’s going on.
Ahahaha wow, someone was apparently inspired enough to actually Make it.
I’m so glad you linked this
Oh my God, that is amazing.
Well now I’ll just wait for the Source Filmmaker edition.
That was beautiful, man.
The joke doesn’t require watching the movie so much as it’s “what if one of the most famous monologues in cinematic history was delivered with beep-boops and none of the characters in the scene understood it.”
People don’t understand the language of robot? That was perfect northern robot dialect there. 😋
What I really need is a droid who understands the binary language of moisture vaporators.
for some reason i read that as vapor-raptors….
this needs to be a thing
Perfect explanation.
For me, somehow after watching the actual monologue I still was like “… what?”, so I feel the joke is -in a way- funnier and more easily to relate.
But that’s just me.
Pretty much.
android 16 as well.
Hello bird. What is your name?
I would love to see your dinosaur.
It does what?!
16 – “you are the pluckiest duck
We shall be the bird and the B
and the B stands for…”
K – “Brobot”
16 – “Yeees”
Well everyone knows that the bird is the word!
I am glad that the TFS references inevitably came
you are way out of your league tiny duck
MAN. I CAN HEAR THE WING FLUTTER FROM THE SCENE. so good. just so good. a testament both to the source and your skills, comicking in general and homaging in particular.
All those POTG’s… lost… like Neopet accounts in the rain… Time to die… *Logs out*
Oh god, Neopets. There’s a blast from the past.
Yay, Blade Runner !
It’s too bad she won’t push the payload. But then again, who does?
The idea of Bastion gently saying “Time… to die…” Makes me really sad
Android 16 would have worked for the bird angle, and his aesthetic totally fits in with Many Guys!
I don’t think it would be quite as funny since 16 can talk.
I like how Many Guys is pretty much as accurate a name as Manly Guys for this comic.
And now I feel silly leaving in a typo… Sigh… XD
This lifted my spirits on a morning when I really needed it. Thanks.
This is great.
Are you suggesting that Mr 76 wouldn’t get the reference? Honestly though, the last panel makes this hilarious.
I’m thinking more that he doesn’t have enough context, since Bastion is already enough of a reference without going into the actual speech. Plus, you know, the whole “not speaking English” thing.
I imagine Bastion’s version of the speech would mostly be about the nice trees he saw, and that nice field.
I’d think 76 already knows all about the birds and the “B”s…
But how did you forget E-102 with its bird?
Gamma had a bird inside him. He didn’t really have any particular love for birds, as far as I can tell. The E-series were all powered by Flickies, but it never seemed like he had any kind of attachment or whatever.
Except he basically had this exact scene. He died, and a bird flew away. The only difference is that the bird came from inside him.
I don’t play Overwatch, but I was familiar with it, so I looked up everything I needed to. I will say that this is a long damn way to go for a joke – Roy Batty’s birthday form the movie, finding a good equivalent in current Pop Culture, etc.
Love it! My hat is off to you – this is awesomely poignant.
I’m glad for the author’s notes on this one, I thought it was a riff on the Beast v. Gaston fight, and I was very confused.
Huh, so I wasn’t the only one that immediately thought Beauty and the beast at first. Never saw blade runner and probably won’t so this joke will likely be forever lost to me.
Android 16 is my second favorite robot to like birds
The colors really sell the reference, I caught the black and white version last night and was like: “Huh?” Until I read the mouseover of the image.
I sympathize with Jack so thoroughly here that this was actually funny.
Oh my poor heart
and on a side note, with all the actors dying, how is Rutger Hauer still alive?
Because it’s time for the quickening and Rutgar Hauer is better with a sword?
Considering I know two people who fucking adore Blade Runner, I thought of them immediately when I saw this.
I’m thinking Real Steel :I
Deet deet doot deet deet doot… *Opens umbrella*
Doot deet doot deet deet doot… *Grabs onto lamp post*
Doot deet deet deet deet doot doot deet deet deet deet doot… *Twirls and swings on lamp post*
Cookie for whoever gets it.
I will now claim my cookie.
Although I do prefer Caleb’s rendition of the song. That (literally) drinking acid, sarcastically venomous voice.. mm…
Half a cookie to whoever knows about Caleb.
My wife wouldn’t get it cause she doesn’t keep up with Overwatch.
My kids won’t get cause they’ve never seen Blade Runner.
I’m alone in my glee.
It’s even funnier considering Soldier looks a little like a rundown Roy Batty.
If you were goin for robots with birds another good idea would’ve been 16 from Dbz but that’s just my thoughts still great comic as always
I thought this was one of the Gunnerkrig Court robots for a while. They like birds too.
Got it immediately, loved it.
Wow, this is the foulest, most vulgar one yet…you had to bleep half the comic. At least it wasn’t a killbot.
Found this webcomic today while searching for Dragon Age comics. Read all of it. It’s FANTASTIC. :D
This would look good silk screened on the back of a black t-shirt.
M’y favorite (sort of) robot who likes birds is Calibretto, the war golem from Battle Chasers.
I started snorting I laughed so hard.