Archive for comic
I think we’re in the homestretch of this arc, there’s more I could do but I’m gonna wrap it up soon so I can draw other things.
Pretty crazy weekend so not time for much beyond dancing Pumpkaboos. Hope you all had a great Halloween!
I’ve got Bull on the brain 24/7 because I’m using every scrap of free time I have to work on this Iron Bull costume for Comickaze (and eventually SDCC) so here’s a real life conversation some friends and I had […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sometimes I don’t know if things I write are funny or just kind of weird.
Coelasquid October 19, 2015 2:53 amI have to say I feel a lot of sympathy for the person tasked with managing the people they’ve been friends with since they were kids. In other news this Iron Bull helmetĀ for Comickaze is starting to come together.
Commander doesn’t really know exactly how old he is thanks to this kinda thing
Coelasquid October 12, 2015 2:50 amIt’s always tough on a relationship when one person goes off and has some kinda new personal growth or gets stuck in an intergalactic prison camp for some unknown stretch of time and the other stays where they are.
When the game makes everyone freak out about Wendigo bites we were just all like “WHAT??? WHEN HAS THAT EVER BEEN A PART OF WENDIGO STORIES? HOW CAN THESE PEOPLE NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WENDIGO?”
Today was my birthday so I celebrated with Dragon Age DLC I’ve been putting off forever and then I cooked food for like 30 of my friendsĀ and then I drew this. Kudos to Jaws of Hakkon for making a temple […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…