All right, as I was mentioning before about moving in the near future, in about two weeks I’m leaving Canada to adventure down to Southern California for a new job contract. As such, I’m probably gonna be kinda busy with moving my everything to the other side of the continent and won’t likely have a chance to get with the comicking right away. So if you can come up with a fun guest strip between today and midnight on the 5th of November feel free to send it along! (to )

OH ALSO! I suppose I should also mention that comics need to be 650 pixels wide to fit on the site. Height is up to you as long as it’s not… you know… completely ridiculous. Thanks! sorry if that’s causing anyone any problems!

Depending on how many I get, I’d like to get some small prizes together for my top couple picks of the lot (buttons, prints, that kind of thing), if that’s any kind of motivation!

Thanks guys! Here’s hoping this move goes as smoothly as possible…