I love this comic, and the Commander and even Canada man, but I kinda want to punch him. Mostly because the ridiculous way he speaks is sadly acurate and it embarrasses me to no end.
Actually, the way he talks isn’t very accurate to general Canadian speak. Then again, I might be desensitized because I was RAISED by Newfies, and have actually said the following in all seriousness: “Stay where you’re at and I’ll come to where yer too!”
Don’t beat yourself up over it. This may have been a last minute gag to get a comic up but it’s brilliant and despite some hearts being about as broken as those noses, the majority of the comment base seems to enjoy it.
Apparently, your ability under short time constraints has not suffered, even after recovering from your broken arm earlier…That didn’t even seem to slow you down any then.
Your endurance has been consistently amazing all of this time.
… orrrrr… alternatively, it could form the basis for an upcoming comic? Some dimensional cross-over and/or time-travel that nobody noticed at the time…?
Given that Canada Guy is slightly behind Commander, I’m guessing he’s feeling a bit squirrelly today. Or whatever the canadian equivalent of squirrelly is.
I’m wondering. Is there maybe some flaw in their nose structure put there by designers so their noses would break nice and clean and look in a cool way afterwards? Is that why Canada’s nose is broken in the same spot?
And here I thought The Commander came out of the tube that way…You know, to make him look tougher for marketability purposes.
Hey, don’t give me that…There’s been a few arcs already that have already established that marketability is a how the Space Military stays so well-funded.
I don’t recall ANY pic of him without a broken nose, even during flashbacks & I’m too lazy to dive the archive right now to confirm it.
Hey Coelasquid, I know you are not one for requests but now that winter is coming to an end you could show us how some of these guys shave. I was thinking Marcus Fenix from Gears of War using the chainsaw bayonet for it. Maybe even teaching his son JD how to do it. Just a morning thought.
Anyone else love how 95% of the updates are some variation of “sorry was busy, this is all I could do.” And the page is still better than 99.9% of the other webcomics.
I’m not being sarcastic. Who else but me loves that?!
MGDMT is better than several of my other favorite webcomics. I don’t read very many any more because some were falling too far behind on schedule and others were just plain stagnant. This one? Consistently awesome, even on off days.
Honestly the ones yo do when your tired/busy/ect. are kind of awesome. You still manage to keep everything in character and it usually gives a little insight on the characters you’ve created.
So essentially , Canadá Guy is the not so little little brother , or clone, or whatwever, that wants to impresa its badass big brother? (Is there a x-23 of those two?) Oh mysterious mysterious of the mysterious kind…
You’re joking right? They already went through a thing and it didn’t work out. It’s like… narcissistic masturbation. More narcissistic than usual, at least.
Not necicarily. They often are as they are made to be sold on the cheap but the essetial part of a bootleg is that it’s a blatant ripoff of an original idea. Guess when the Canadian Space Future Government decides to rip off the “badass space soldier programm” they go for quality copies that can hold their own in a frontyard deathmatch :D
I think of him as being from Northern central Canada. Newfies are full of themselves and think they’re the only one with accents. He probably sounds like he belongs in North of 60.
I’ve only been in newfoundland my whole life and don’t hear much about other provinces with accents so pardon my ignorance of other accents.
And thanks for clearing that up for me!! :D
A clone is an artificially created living being made with the exact same DNA strand as the original, as far as I know. Canada guy is not a clone. He has too many different genetic features for that. The Canadian space future government simply copied the idea of the US “badass space soldier” program and made their own I asume! He’s not a clone he’s just a rippoff :D
Tank alone probably broke it like like 20 times while Rock and spider were together. The closest thing I’ve seen to how I envision his nose on a real person is the boxer George Chuvalo.
As someone intending to one day move to Vancouver, I should probably seek a good example of this somewhere, so I know what I’m getting into when I travel elsewhere (or am encountered by a traveler ). O.o I’m often pretty good at putting together how an accent might sound, in my head, but after all this time I’m not confident I’m getting it right. I shall have to investigate when I have time.
His face is wonderfully punchable, in a friendly freeze-sportable manner of course.
That’s no excuse for making something this good! You need to get your rest!
I love this comic, and the Commander and even Canada man, but I kinda want to punch him. Mostly because the ridiculous way he speaks is sadly acurate and it embarrasses me to no end.
That’s accurate Future Canada speak, b’hay!
Apparently that’s also accurate Present Canada speak. XD
Oh to have a Newfie show up.
Actually, the way he talks isn’t very accurate to general Canadian speak. Then again, I might be desensitized because I was RAISED by Newfies, and have actually said the following in all seriousness: “Stay where you’re at and I’ll come to where yer too!”
Well, we’re gonna take over the rest of Canada, b’hay. Fort MacMurray was the beginning. lol
Even a Caper would do, b’ye.
Accurate future authentic retro speak, b’hay?
At least he’s not from Quebec, he’d be a french mime.
Someone got all their intel about Québec from a South Park episode…
An incredibly accurate and well-researched South Park episode….
Why did they switch sides when the perspective changed?
Something something mirror images something inverted
They shuffled past each other between the panels just to mess with you.
ugh, apparently, that’s what happens when I make these in an hour I guess.
Hey, at least it’s easy to fix since they’re clones.
Don’t beat yourself up over it. This may have been a last minute gag to get a comic up but it’s brilliant and despite some hearts being about as broken as those noses, the majority of the comment base seems to enjoy it.
Just 1 hour? It looks way better than what I thought someone could do in an hour. I’m not an artist.
Eh, they were wrestling.
But if Canada guy is just a pallet swap, clearly you can just switch their hair colors and draw plad lines on Rock’s jacket.
Wow 1 hour to make that…
A Witch!
In all seriousness that is seriously impressive.
Apparently, your ability under short time constraints has not suffered, even after recovering from your broken arm earlier…That didn’t even seem to slow you down any then.
Your endurance has been consistently amazing all of this time.
Just invert the image and reinsert the text. easy fix.
The room would be flipped then.
… orrrrr… alternatively, it could form the basis for an upcoming comic? Some dimensional cross-over and/or time-travel that nobody noticed at the time…?
Just say that Canadian Guy walked to Rock’s other side and leave it at that.
You’re forgetting. A wizard did it.
Canadian MAGIC.
Spacefuture Canadian Magic.
Given that Canada Guy is slightly behind Commander, I’m guessing he’s feeling a bit squirrelly today. Or whatever the canadian equivalent of squirrelly is.
No, there are plenty of squirrels in Canada. And moose just don’t care enough to act strange, for the most part.
Canada have Moose and Squirrel? Fearess Leader will not be happy about this.
Same goes for you, Commander.
I’m wondering. Is there maybe some flaw in their nose structure put there by designers so their noses would break nice and clean and look in a cool way afterwards? Is that why Canada’s nose is broken in the same spot?
It is the spacefuture. Anything is possible.
And here I thought The Commander came out of the tube that way…You know, to make him look tougher for marketability purposes.
Hey, don’t give me that…There’s been a few arcs already that have already established that marketability is a how the Space Military stays so well-funded.
I don’t recall ANY pic of him without a broken nose, even during flashbacks & I’m too lazy to dive the archive right now to confirm it.
Would break all the bones in my arm all the way up to the shoulder, but I totally want to punch Canada.
Are we to understand that Jared’s logic is perfectly fine with the Commander having the same broken nose if HE were Canada’s upgraded clone?
I DO appreciate you making these even though you have no time. :)
Hey, I second that last statement…Heck, I’ll even add maple syrup for emphasis.
Will we be seeing the Canadian Regional Form of Jonsey too or did she get a Mega-Evo last gen?
She’s not from the spacefuture, so she’s not designed.
Hey Coelasquid, I know you are not one for requests but now that winter is coming to an end you could show us how some of these guys shave. I was thinking Marcus Fenix from Gears of War using the chainsaw bayonet for it. Maybe even teaching his son JD how to do it. Just a morning thought.
Oh shit i second this!!! Please! I need it.
Anyone else love how 95% of the updates are some variation of “sorry was busy, this is all I could do.” And the page is still better than 99.9% of the other webcomics.
I’m not being sarcastic. Who else but me loves that?!
MGDMT is better than several of my other favorite webcomics. I don’t read very many any more because some were falling too far behind on schedule and others were just plain stagnant. This one? Consistently awesome, even on off days.
A passion project from a professional usually ends up pretty cool.
Honestly the ones yo do when your tired/busy/ect. are kind of awesome. You still manage to keep everything in character and it usually gives a little insight on the characters you’ve created.
Ah hockey, the bane of noses and teeth everywhere, antic assume responsible for a fair amount of dentist and plastic surgeon business.
Shortest, and possibly funniest comic I’ve seen out of MGDMT!
*cue action man theme music
Canada Guy the greatest guy of them all!
Woohooo! He’s here to stay!!
I found Canada Guy’s speech a little hard to read. it’s not the accent though, it’s just the font/font size made me need to squint
Still made me laugh :)
So essentially , Canadá Guy is the not so little little brother , or clone, or whatwever, that wants to impresa its badass big brother? (Is there a x-23 of those two?) Oh mysterious mysterious of the mysterious kind…
Not impress so much as just hang out with. Besides, CG AGREED to those front-yard death matches.
I thought he was gonna say they were both genetically engineered to have broken noses to look more badass.
I wish my rushed efforts were this delightful.
And then they kissed.
You’re joking right? They already went through a thing and it didn’t work out. It’s like… narcissistic masturbation. More narcissistic than usual, at least.
Wait, when did they have a thing? I don’t remember this.
Only guy Commander really “had a thing” with was Tank.
This was clearly done by park officials after the eighth time they were called in at 3 a.m. to stop his red eyed buttonbox concertina float.
Bootlegs usually have something that makes them inferior to the original. What’s Canada Guy’s?
And don’t say the accent. That’s a feature.
I dunno, we live in an era where bootlegs can be pretty darn good. Maybe it’s that he’s less ethnically ambiguous and more day-worker tanned.
Not necicarily. They often are as they are made to be sold on the cheap but the essetial part of a bootleg is that it’s a blatant ripoff of an original idea. Guess when the Canadian Space Future Government decides to rip off the “badass space soldier programm” they go for quality copies that can hold their own in a frontyard deathmatch :D
Is Canadian Guy kinda a Newfoundlander? Or at least from the maritime provinces??
I think of him as being from Northern central Canada. Newfies are full of themselves and think they’re the only one with accents. He probably sounds like he belongs in North of 60.
I’ve only been in newfoundland my whole life and don’t hear much about other provinces with accents so pardon my ignorance of other accents.
And thanks for clearing that up for me!! :D
Soo… that means there are yellow CB, Black CB, does that would mean blue CB, pink CB… no wait, those are the power rangers. Forget it.
I kinda want to see what animals would be on their Power Coins. XD
Their Zords are Beer, Steak, Gun, Sports, and Chest Hair.
How does one pronounce “b’hay”?
Like “boy”, but with a strong Nova Scotian accent. So kind of Scottish-ish?
A question I’ve had since CG’s first or second appearance, and have been too embarrassed to ask… >.>
He’s saying “B-A”, as in the shorthand of “Badass”.
So it’s quite literally bih hay.
But wait, if he’s a clone, wouldn’t that make him the Commander’s brother?
Or is it son?
… How do family terminologies work when you involve clones?
Clones are all individual people. Brothers more than anything. Identical twins are clones, and brothers and/or sisters.
A clone is an artificially created living being made with the exact same DNA strand as the original, as far as I know. Canada guy is not a clone. He has too many different genetic features for that. The Canadian space future government simply copied the idea of the US “badass space soldier” program and made their own I asume! He’s not a clone he’s just a rippoff :D
I mean ‘unsanctioned regional variant’ of course! :P
One of my favourites to date. I love you and everything you do.
I always wondered why the commander had that oddly shaped nose.
Plot idea: Canada Guy starts dating Commander’s Ex. ^^
I have to say I’m really enjoying this sort of incidental arc.
I actually have the real life version of that nose. Takes more than one break to get to this point.
Tank alone probably broke it like like 20 times while Rock and spider were together. The closest thing I’ve seen to how I envision his nose on a real person is the boxer George Chuvalo.
No! No! No!
I’ve caught up to the recent comics!
This isn’t fair!
Well no wonder those two are Drift Compatible.
…..now I want to punch him
I like how Canadian Guy is so eager to help explain stuff.
I have to admit he does seem to have a very punchable face
With the cigar smoking and the broken nose, do you think Commander has issues breathing through his nose?
Is the commander blue and black, or white and gold?????
As someone intending to one day move to Vancouver, I should probably seek a good example of this somewhere, so I know what I’m getting into when I travel elsewhere (or am encountered by a traveler ). O.o I’m often pretty good at putting together how an accent might sound, in my head, but after all this time I’m not confident I’m getting it right. I shall have to investigate when I have time.