Mars Needs Moms: Who’s Your Daddy Edition
Moms have a longstanding history of not being overly fond of Duke Nukem, but maybe that would change if he was saving them from alien abductors trying to get them to raise their bratty children.
Okay, so, I try to make it a rule not to make fun of things I haven’t seen (because there’s nothing I hate more than someone who gets word of someone else’s opinion and decides to adopt it as the gospel truth without actually knowing anything about what they’re talking about) but… well… frankly, I go to the movies a lot. I’m at the theatre nearly every week and for some reason they play this HORRIBLE GODDAMNED TRAILER BEFORE EVERY IMAX OR REMOTELY FAMILY-FRIENDLY MOVIE. Since I’ve seen it nearing on something like four hundred billion times, it’s getting to the point where I feel personally offended every time AMC forces me to sit through it again.
This comic totally could have ended two panels earlier, what is Commander even doing on Mars? Besides coming up with the politest possible way to call someone a MILF?
I am so happy that you included Duke in this spoof. So very happy.
Well, he HAS made his stance on aliens stealing human women painstakingly clear.
True that. And more than once so, as well.
I like it.
Hail to the king baby.
And the trailer is pretty damn terrible.
I would have expected duke to be of the ” Of course, you KNOW family girls put out!” persuasion :)
I think adding Duke would make that trailer/movie 1000x times better.
That does look sorta goofy as a movie concept. I like your parody way better c:
Duke Kicked those aliens right in the Bojangles…
But yeah I think Mars Needs moms, wont do well sadly.
I don’t either, but, uh, if it does I’m going to be laughing my ass off.
Maybe we should all be knocking on wood?
“coming up with the politest possible way to call someone a MILF”
You’ve definitely achieved something here today, congratulations.
am I the only getting a Jessie and James vibe from the martians?
Nah. The guy looks WAY too menacing to be James and the woman looks too nice to be Jessie.
All the aliens are so femenine looking with the wide hips and slender limbs, I can’t tell which of them are supposed to be males.
So if they need moms, do their moms leave their children or all died or all the dads kicked them out because they look like big hulking black guys?
Actually, I think those are both females…The commercial I keep seeing has the scary wrinkly one voiced by a woman.
Not necessarily a solid identifier; apparently their voice direction was… careless.
Excuse that. Not nice. Level headed.
They are all females all the males have been kicked out
Maybe they’re crossdressing, as Jessie and James are prone to do.
That kid’s eyes are RIDICULOUS.
I just can’t take him seriously.
From what I’ve seen in the previews, I’d say everyone looks freaking strange. The martians actually seem less repulsive to me than the humans.
Look up the “uncanny valley” for the reason why (if you know this already… opps)
They use a special filming and motion capturing device where many scenes are actually filmed and textured over as 3D models. It always comes out weird.
See Polar Express and the new Christmas Carol.
It’s not that they’re filmed and textured, it’s that when they move, points of reference on them corrolate with parts of the rig on the character model. So a person acts it out, the model follows their motion, then the animation team goes in to smooth out the curves and make the animation work, it’s the 3D equivalent of Rotoscoping and has the same limitations. It doesn’t “always come out weird” because if your animation team has the time/budget/skill to really finesse it, you get something that looks like Lord of the Rings or Avatar. If not, you get something that looks like a video game cut scene.
Yes. But this is done by the guys who did Polar Express, and I watched a behind the scenes of that. In it, they actually also film the movement and texture over it. That is where the facial features and other details that come in. It all adds to the uncanny movement. The smoothing is a big part of it, but there is a lot more behind it. It made it out to be a LOT more work than it needs to be, and I wonder why they just don’t animate it like Dreamworks or Pixar.
I don’t know what behind the scenes thing you watched, but this is how the animation team of the Polar Express explains their motion capture process. It looks weird because it’s characters that look almost but not quite human moving in an almost but not quite human way. It works with Gollum and the Na’vi because they’re not supposed to look like humans and because the animation team was doing a ton of work to massage the motion capture footage and make it look right. It doesn’t work so well in things like Beowulf, because when they try to make it look like photorealistic human beings, it has the cadence of watching animated corpses. The less familiar people are with the way something is supposed to look, the less they notice that it might look wrong.
Polar Express and Christmas Carol are far from the only things that use this technology, they’ve been using it to animate video games since 1995, pretty much every studio but Pixar is using it in animated films, and it seems to be the way live action movies with cartoon characters subbed in are going. How much it stands out depends completely on how heavily they lean on it and how much they let the animators mess with it afterwards. The reason it’s so unpleasant in movies like this is because they’re trying to make it realistic and as the whole uncanny valley hypothesis (which you seem to have claimed to enjoy earlier) states “when robots and other facsimiles of humans look and act almost like actual humans, it causes a response of revulsion among human observers”.
Also, check out a game coming out called LA Noir. It uses the technology I was talking about that uses cameras to map out movements and sends more information to the mocap suit. LA Noir does it nicely, in my opinion. The facial movements are amazing.
It looks good for a video game, but a movie that looked like that probably wouldn’t impress anybody.
You wouldn’t be implying The Lord of the Rings wasn’t a documentary filmed by a very brave journalist in real time?
Bullshit, ma’am, that stuff was entirely real.
When I realized that Mars Needs Moms was gonna be played straight, I immediately lost interest. I thought it was gonna be some parody.
I love Monster House, though.
This is all pretty damn relevant, considering that “Duke Nukem: Forever” will FINALLY be released within 60 days! :p
My body is ready.
I hope MY body can take it!
I don’t think I’ll ever get used to hearing that.
Thank you for adding Duke Nukem into this…
Maybe now the trailers will end?…
this just reminds me that the steely-est of balls are still two months away D:
Maybe the Commander’s ex-wife was kidnapped, so he came to get her back with his bare hands! They may not be together, but that’s HIS kids’ Mom! Only to find that Duke was already on the job!
Meganecro, but… That’s one of the best explanations I can see. It also reminds us that no matter how much of a chauvinistic, over-testosteroned goon the Duke can be, he is legitimately the hero the world needs when alien motherfuckers show up to raise hell and steal women, every inch and pound of the great big, one-liner spewing, pop-culture referencing lummox. (Yes, I am replaying DNF at the moment.)
I have seen that horrible trailer so often, I’ve started to hate the movie in advance. Seeing this gorefest happening to it pretty much made my day.
Agreed. I see this stupid commercial so much I’ve got the song it plays stuck in my head.
Someone had to do this. And it is only right and just that it was you.
Might need a volunteer to sit through that “film” and make a “plot” outline. Why not make a fan-created Duke homebrew based on it! Maybe use the engine from DOOM 3 if you wanted a graphical update from Duke 3D, though it may be easier to do a TC of 3D.
MIGHTY FOOT ENGAGED. I miss that stuff.
I lol’d hard. Hate seeing previews for this movie everywhere.
Ehhh… not so comfortable having the cartoony martians reduced to piles of mush
It’s funny, because when they’re CG they look horrible and you want them to be removed from your sight, but when you draw them they’re kinda cute like muppets and you start feeling bad for them.
…Is it ironic that I find real life muppets cute but get freaked out the instant they are in illustration form?
The hellish, staring eyes, the unholy, fixed smiles… Yeah. Made it real hard to read Sesame Street books to my kids.
I assumed the Commander was on Mars because Duke called him and asked for a ride home. From Mars. I also assumed the Commander could easily do that.
It’s only 8am and I’ve already made an ass out of you and me several times. :(
If he can go back in time surely that gizmo of his means he can teleport to other planets. Also provide some Doctor Who style oxygen without needing a mask / helmet which apparently neither he, duke nor the mother need.
Everyone in the movie seems cool with just hanging out in the atmosphere.
This pleases me greatly.
Why don’t they take dads? I mean really if it weren’t for my dad I wouldn’t have lived passed 3.
Thanks to D*sney and ST:TNG, the Community has a rather conflicted attitude towards moms. Dads will heroically leap into the fray, even if they just learned that they have a child. Moms… They got issues with moms.
That’s how I feel too! I was raised by a stay at home dad myself.
And I can’t help but think, if Mars needed parents they should have tried kidnapping the Commander-he’s a great parent, after all. Of course, they would have never succeeded, but it would have been hilarious to see them try.
Pretty much the usual double standards. If a Hollywood movie involves someone being kidnapped, most of the time it’s going to be a female, and when it’s not, you can often expect the person kidnapped to somehow escape rather than be rescued.
The theory is that people don’t accept helpless male characters as well as they accept helpless female characters. Can’t say I subscribe to it, but Hollywood’s been making money that way for a long time. Go figure.
Loved this comic, btw. Knew I should have put that five grand down on Duke…
All the gore in this comic from panel four on would be fantastic to see in a Disney movie. Unfortunately, they have a reputation to uphold and would never do something like that…
…Excellent. I can always bet on Duke.
Duke nukem will pwn you all
I would see this movie, just not the original one. Because every alien-themed movie needs more Duke.
It’s a cryin’ shame Mr Wayne never made an alien-themed movie.
I don’t know if Bruce Wayne would be such a good director.
He’d be more of a producer, I think. “Here, Mr/Ms brilliant director, make me a movie. With aliens. And true love. And stuff blowing up. And morals.”
“Stephen Spielberg, I requested you because I want you to make a movie. I want it to be about fear, fear that brings justice. I want criminals that are a suspicious lot. I want them to come to know how it feels to be one of the victims they prey on. The woman they steal the pearl necklace of. The man they steal the wallet of. The parents they shoot outside the Zorro screening. The little boy they leave an orphan so that later in life he can become vengence! He can become the night! He can become!…….Where was I?”
“Showing me personality issues?”
“And throw some romance in. People love a romantic scene.”
You, sir, win. I hereby nominate Nick Manly as the next writer for the Batman comic.
The absolute best part of this is the mom’s expression in the last panel, as Duke drapes his alien-blood-and-gore-soaked arm around her shoulder. It’s not even a reaction to their dialogue so much as a “that stain is NEVER going to come out in the wash”.
Duke’s got his mojo back now that his game is actually coming out.
We may live to regret it…
Honestly, it just looks bad in every aspect. Personally, I can’t stand movies that are animated using motion capture (LotR is the exception to the rule), and the whole plot line just looks stupid. This is just the opinion of a lowly animation student though, and should be taken with a grain of salt, lol.
Every time I hear or see the “Mars Needs Moms” title, I keep hearing “Mars Needs Women” by Rob Zombie playing in my head. Adding Duke to the whole mix makes me wanna play my Duke Nukem N64 game listening to that song. So… Pardon me while I go steal my brother’s game.
I bet the reason the commander is there is he heard Duke is Finally getting back in to action after such a long break, and was curious to see if he could still hack it.
“So. Duke. I heard you’d gone’n walked out on a job.” “It was time to kick ass and ch–” “Yeah, yeah, I hear ya. But this is kinda… creepy, innit?” “I gotta get me some of –” “NO DUKE. Okay, look, you did good work, but just go home.” “This sucks!”
(Well someone had to give Duke a lift, right?)
Haha! I love the expression you gave the mom!
Oh god. Did he have to kill the babies?
No dead babies in there, just tweens+ I guess. just that hallway scene in the trailer except with a Duke Nukem running through it.
So what did he do with the babies?
Heh…That tween+ has dread locks…:)
Which seems to be a common hairstyle for the aliens.
He may have, but if he did the Martions may and extermanate earth.
Oh, it was made by the people that made the Polar Express. That explains the astonishingly creepy models. Uncanny Valley much?
Oh, and Commander doesn’t need an excuse to be anywhere, except ladies’ restroom.
Didn’t even understand the movie until a car commercial…even the wii joke in it can’t save it now.
This looks as good of a solution as any. Don’t send a kid who only knows martial arts on the wii to do a MAN’S job.
Umm… Eurythmics anyone? Talking about that alien in second panel on the right
I dunno man, those are just the designs I dug up.
It looks like they’re playing the Sims in that screenshot.
… That thought actually entertains me very much.
GAH. They ARE hideous monstrosities that need to be removed from my sight in CG.
….why did you need to show me that? I was slightly happier being unaware of this film.
I concur.
It was a warning. Forewarned is forearmed.
I’m wondering where J’onn Jones is.
Earth, where he belongs.
XD That’s almost what I was thinking.
“Hmm… I wonder what J’onn has to say about this crap reel…”
Oh, he can’t stand it.
But he eats Oreo cookies and milk every day. He can withstand anything.
The first time I saw that trailer, I thought, “Hey! They ripped off ‘Santa Claus Conquers the Martians!'”
If you get that reference, you get a cookie.
Holy hell! I thought I was the only one who’s ever even HEARD of that!
Not so much of a mystery now that Linkara has reviewed the comic book.
I knew and loved it before Linkara.
Actually, I saw it on Mystery Science Theater 3000…
That was one of the greatest tv show ideas ever. Shame they don’t have it anymore.
You can still find quite a bit on Youtube. Here’s the episode in question.
It’s more likely “Mars Needs Moms” is a reference to the 1967 made-for-TV movie, “Mars Needs Women.” If you get that reference, you get ten cookies.
Nope, it based off a novel written by the same person who wrote the Opus comics.
Which was likely named after Mars Needs Women.
Actually, Mars Needs Moms was a picture book first.
Who here actually HAS cookies?
I don’t and I wan’t MAH COOKIES!
Its based on a book Mars Needs Moms.
One, Two, Three eyeballs popping out of heads. Haah, haah, haah.
Bloody massacre.
I thought the movie was dumb until I heard it based off the book by the same person who wrote Opus. Now…I want to read the book. Not so much the movie though.
Anyway, that was awesome. I love the look on the mom’s face as Duke is trying to hit on her.
Haha wow, this movie looks like stupid shit, in addition to just being sexist >__>
In no way, is this being sexist.
They’re implying that moms are the only ones with good parenting skills, and that dads aren’t worth taking. It’s like all those ads for cleaning supplies that show a woman leaving her house for the day only to come back to a mess left by her apparently incompetent husband who doesn’t know how to clean or keep the kids in check.
Well, the aliens are being sexist. The movie may well reference that sexism and demonize the aliens for it by including a heroic dad and throwing in a line or two to that effect.
Because this movie sure looks like they’ll have put thought into that sort of thing.
Throwing in a heroic dad just cements the whole “women are useless for everything but mothering and need men to protect them” thing even more (than I guess having all the moms saved by a ten year old and a fat neckbeard already does). I mean, I’m sure the picture book was a cute little romp with a succinct “you should respect your mom” moral at the end, but they want to kill the joke and make an hour and a half feature film out of it, they’re opening the floodgates for that kind of scrutiny.
IIRC, the book ends with the kid’s helmet being broken, and the mother removing hers in a no-oxygen atmosphere so that her kid doesn’t suffocate. She’s saved, of course, because it’s a picture book, but I thought it was appropriately horrifying.
…That is scary for a picture book, although kind of sweet, and I’m sure a very satisfying ending to what was probably a five-minute story.
The title “Mars Needs Moms” was a warning, although it could (possibly) be redeemed, but the part where the kid tries to explain what his mom is like to the aliens and says “she brings me food… does the vaccuming” or something was quite painfully 1950’s housewife stereotype. I mean, maybe if he follows it up with “but she’s also an individual person with thoughts and aspirations who has probably been pressured into a life of domestic drudgery by various expectations that will never be placed on me” I’d be interested, but it seems unlikely that this movie will bust that out.
I meant the more domestic sort of heroism, like raising three kids and holding down two jobs by himself, and doing it well.
Don’t forget one of the aliens. Who was both female, and an alien.
And the squad of faceless mooks (all female and power-armored) who turned coat when Kii (the alien who sided with the ten-year-old, his mom, and the neckbeard,) informed them of exactly what sort of horrors they had been perpetrating in utter ignorance.
Those power-armored mooks could have executed all the protagonists anyway, but instead they decided to arrest their once-leader for making them all the unknowing bad guys thanks to a relentless and evidently decades-long campaign of utter social control. They’re heroes, too.
Really, if anything, the moral of the story is “moms are awesome, but don’t take everything the authority tells you without using your brain to critically analyze it.”
Never thought I would ever say this in my life time but… Thank you, Duke. You truly are a blessing to mankind.
…I’m going to take a shower now…
Seriously though, there’s nothing wrong with hating a movie before you’ve even seen it. Hell, that’s how I begin most of my ‘cinema adventures’ and when the previews are enough to make you to hate it, chances are, you’re going to.
Honestly, the whole idea is totally 90’s and it hasn’t realized that it’s now 2011. Let’s just take it as another sign of the apocalypse and move on…
No no no. If there is something I have learned on my time at /co/ and other 4Chan boards and sites…
You may think you will hate that movie, you think you will hate it so bad.
AND THEN YOU LIKED IT. Because that is what happens. People jump to conclusions.
This happened with Tangled and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs to many people. Those turned out to be great movies, especially Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
I… kinda liked the trailer, actually.
Maybe it’s because I haven’t seen it a bajillion times and noticed all the imperfections?
I dunno, it looks pretty inane and uncanny valley to me.
I’ve learned to tolerate and enjoy uncanny valley. Sure it looks weird, but a lot of animation does.
Then you are the reason animated features are becoming increasingly piss poor. “I like shit, people just keep feeding it to me so I may as well get used to it.”
I don’t even buy them, so technically I support nothing.
Mainly because I hate the director that makes these. Everything he does is SO STALE
Uncanny valley is a function of our expectations, once we’re used to seeing something it gets a lot less uncanny. I remember when the Simpsons came out first, the designs were extremely weird and offputting to many (Aside from the lower quality of the original episodes, I mean intentional design decisions such as the pupils being in the center without contact with the edges, or the electric yellow skin) but nowadays we’re so used to the look people even make unironic porn based on it.
Enough uncanny valley movies and the valley can’t help but shrink as we get used to the wrongness.
I don’t think you completely understand Uncanny Valley. It’s not that “things that don’t look like humans” are creepy, it’s that things that look almost but not quite like humans look creepy. If you want to use the Simpsons as an example, it’s why they look appealing as exaggerated yellow people with goofy proportions, but not when you try to translate that into something realistic.
The idea behind uncanny valley is that we like things that look like obvious abstractions of people, and we like things that look like real people, but we hate things that look almost like people but aren’t quite there. Think of a movie like The Lion King, cartoon animals with big expressive people eyes. Now imagine they filmed the same movie with real lions and pasted eyes from human actors on their heads, probably wouldn’t see the same positive reception with that.
This is the uncanny valley, right here:
Take a look at Dreamworks and Pixar. They make their characters out of the ordinary enough they’re not creepy. I certainly don’t find Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon or Carl from Up! creepy in the least.
Beowulf. Just sayin’.
Sucktacular. Let’s take the source material and violate it. Really hard. And dub over the soundtrack so viewers can pretend it’s enjoying it.
I feel that the violation of the source material is really the point of the film — it’s a criticism of Beowulf disguised as an adaptation.
Life on Mars?
I remember when Mars Needs Women…
Mars City is hella of town.
Is the commander their for a visit with duke?
To stop a gateway from hell?
I heard some crazy stuff at their and amazing too, you just wait…
i dunno coela, i think the last two panels are worth it just to see the extremely uncomfortable mother there.
shes like ‘thanks, but did you have to murder them?’
No he don’t have to instead he could have undo the system and a more democratic system.
Holy hand grenades
Ugh, tell me about it Coela, but at least you didn’t have to preview and edit the local cinema logo onto all three trailers. Especially this one, with the goddamned singing.
Now it’s in the lobby, looping every 30 mins or so.
(P.s. send help)
I always enjoyed playing Duke Nukem. It made Boot To The Head a lot funnier afterwards. <—- Boot to the head!
If Mars needs Moms, where the Hell do the kids come from?
(cough)I believe they are attempting to differentiate between “mothers” and “moms”, that Mars needs “tender, nurturing caregivers”, rather than simply “female bearers of life”. Like saying “a house is not a home”, sort of bullshit.
Actually yeah. They do seem to be more of a Military run planet, where everyone is either crazy, in the line of work/duty, or some sort of native Neanderthal.
So, basically, “Mars Needs Duke” IS a more accurate portrayal of the situation…
lol I admit that the trailer is annoying and it’s damned awesome to see Duke finally committing to his original reason for killing things.
But I really don’t see where all the negativity towards the movie is coming from. The plot is no less insane or confusing then say, raining food or a house flying on thousands of balloons. If anything, the more crazy the plod the better told and entertaining the resulting movies tend to be.
People DID think cloudy with a chance of Meatballs was going to be terrible before it came out, that’s what I don’t like to hate on movies before I see them. But Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs did have a great distinct design sensibility where this movie looks like a video game cut scene. If the movie did any kind of justice to the picture book it was based on, which WAS drawn by a talented cartoonist with a distinct style, I don’t think it would see nearly as much contempt as it does. Like With Polar Express, great Christmas story that gives me the warm fuzzies and makes me misty-eyed every time I read it, make it “hip” for the movie going kids and animate it like a pseudorealistic videogame cutscene and the magic is lost. Or Christmas Carol, The story’s been done a million times in a million styles, but when it looks that ugly, people stop enjoying it.
Wasn’t aliens stealing moms the plot of some B movie from a few decades ago? I could have sworn there was a movie like that before. And then they stole Santa Claus instead. … Or I could be confusing two movies.
Yeah, I haven’t been to the theaters lately and I haven’t watched TV in about a year so I have no idea what this new movie that’s apparently coming out is.
i have to say, I have no desire whatsoever to see this movie
how do I leave comment
Just like that.
… This is lolworthy
What I wonder is why they decided a 3OH!3 song was at all appropriate for the trailer. That one in particular is about a man going to many different countries to nail as much ass as he can. They cut out those particular lyrics, of course, but still.
Comic is excellent as usual though!
The fangirl in me is always happy to see Duke. <3
Are they aboard a covenant ship perhaps?
I love you Duke. Don’t ever change.
I adore the combination of your specific art style combined with the way Duke looks to begin with. It just makes me laugh to see Commander Badass, your amazing distilation of like…EVERY glorious game protagonist combined with Duke, who’s like…one of the first shooty-protagonists with his own swaggery personality, now that Duke has his shooty grove back.
I get that that’s quite possibly the WORST sentence ever written, but the point still stands. Duke+Commander=Just as funny as Kratos+Commander, or Sven+Commander
and to branch off from that, I now REALLY want to see an Incredibles/Dark Knight Returns movie, featuring some sort of generic, aged “kill the aliens/mutants” hero.
Like…the general Manly guy is old, and a faded shell of his former self, and he does the Rambo thing, and comes out of quiet retirement to commit ridiculous slaughter upon a huge pile of aliens.
…furthermore, Duke’s lips are up there with the Commander’s super-broken nose+giant sideburns(are those muttonchops? I thought muttonchops were cut to an even length…what’s the word for the swoopy sideburns that change the line of the face) that start so high up on the cheek combo. There are just some pieces of your characters that are goddamn amazing.
Ahahahaha, I just call them mutton chops.
My line of thinking is that if you shave a character and strip them naked, you should still be able to tell them apart from the other characters in the cast. It’s a little harder when all the characters are basically the same chest-pounding macho trope, but you can still mess with things like face shape, jaw line, eyebrows, nose, eyes, all that kind of stuff, even body type has wiggle room, like Commander has a stout barrel torso with a high waist, long legs, and a solid-but-thick abdomen without defined six-pack abs. Sten gets a similarly think torso, put he’s super-cut (as his in-game model is), Kratos has a classic bodybuilder itty bitty wast with the big bulky upper body.
how do you tell the difference between a naked, hairless commander and the naked, hairless canada guy? lol
The missing tooth.
And probably an irritated scowl on commander’s face while the goofy grin remains on canada guy will remain so long as the two are within proximity of one-another.
Finally, someone decided to spoof the newest trailer for Duke Nukem Forever.
Honestly, I am looking forward to the game, and all of its comedy and spoofs of other games. Anyone else?
the DNF must end with him watching Oprah. I can’t see no other way to close shut this long develop game.
haha, nice!
I have been skeptical about seeing this film, but I think if they added Duke and the Commander, I’d definitely see it!
Also, I stumbled across some fan art some one did depicting if the Commander had gone through with his Tywin Lannister costume, and was pretty funny ^_^
((seeing as you obviously read the books, are you excited for the show too? I am <3 ))
I’d see the movie if Commander was in it. Her expression looking at Duke’s hand is priceless. Poor dear….
Also,I was thinking something…
Is the comic name from the song Soccer Practice? (Sorry if this has been answered. XD) “Just manly guys doing manly things, you know?”
Dear Kelly T.,
I do believe you are a genius.
That is all :)
Her face in those last two panels just makes it. So hilariously funny.
Well, I guess at this point mocking it is justified, what with the massive box office flop.
I share your pain on the trailer! Made my eyes bleed. So, thank you. And since this technically had very little to do with the actual plot of the movie (I mean, I haven’t seen it but…) I doubt anyone would misinterpret your intentions. And the last two panels were golden. Love it!
Lol, this movie tanked at the box office. xD It needed moar Duke.
Oh god, this needs to be DLC for the new game.
Your anchor tag has a malformed attribute. You wrote ‘hre’ as opposed to ‘href’.
You really have to make this into it’s own arc before Robot Chicken beats you to it.