This could be us but you playin’
November 24, 2014
2:45 am
I should have gone to CTN this weekend but instead I spent it getting like a million gold medals in Hyrule Warriors with my boyfriend and laughing at Link folded up in his little Mario Kart buggies with his knees around his shoulders.
Discussion (83) ¬
On the contrary, Link…I found that to be quite funny.
My reaction is exactly:
This is a wonderful way to start the week.
Agrecian :D
Ohhh ,this came right when I needed it.
(also typo, freelance is spelled freelace in panel 1)
Typo: though/thought in panel 1
not a typo, my friend, it says tough.
wow i was looking at the wrong part.
Durn punk kids.
Punk kid better keep that toy car off my lawn…
this, kept me laughing out loud. I mean that just fit so perfectly with the whole team what these macho characters do outside of their respective game.
I’ve scrolled up about 10 times and it’s still freaking hilarious!!! You just gave Bowser an idea.
BTW sorry to be an ass but it’s still November, where’s captain’s beard?
The Commander probably wasn’t participating in the no shave thing, sometimes he misses an afternoon shave and grows a full beard in an afternoon.
Which Captain?
Commander Badass up there? He has a beard…and chest hair…wonderful curly chest hair.
I really like the implication that Ganon just casually pushed the car over, like it wasn’t a big deal. It made me think of a scene from the Invader Zim Christmas episode: one of the little kids asks this long, rambling, conspiracy-fueled question. The robo-snowman just carefully picks the kid up (by his head), pushes him under the bed, and resumes telling his story.
thats my favourite part of that special
The Commander’s beard is gone again. Sad, it will be missed. Link is a little bastard. He is a douche… like nearly all short men (not counting dwarves).
Am I missing something or imaging things?
*checks picture again* Nope, there is a beard…
Before it was colored the beard was gone. I am glad she put it back in.
Can’t… laugh… my fiancée is sleeping near me… *pfffffffff*
Great comic. And since no-one else pointed it out, it should be “thought” in panel 1 rather than “though” ;)
no, it should indeed be tough
they have tough history together not they have thought history together
It says “tough.”
Damn Ganon be looking good in that overcoat.
Oh god, I can’t stop laughing xD
I like the idea that Ganondorf doesn’t try to take over Hyrule because he’s an evil dude, but because some punk dressed in green busted up all his flower pots and that’s the best form of revenge he can think of.
What’s that saying..? Ah, “There’s no kill like overkill!”
Overkill is more highly effective than underkill any day.
This is actually just so perfect xD I love your Ganondorf so much <3
I’ve never played any Zelda game (or Mario, for that matter, except maybe for arcade Donkey Kong, once), and even I thought this was funny.
The only way this could be any more perfect is if panel 3 were an animated GIF.
I laughed so hard when I read this. So. Damn. Hard. XD This is awesome.
Honestly I just don’t even know what’s even going on with Nintendo anymore.
This kinda makes me wonder, how is Mario’s reputation with the guys here? Maybe since he has so much work ahead for him he’s “above” the workforce. I just wonder how much “manly” he’s considered since he’s ok with dirty jobs (crawling in tunnels and fighting giant dragons), but still a forty something, fat, and shorty.
I dunno, he can toss a giant dragon-turtle by his tail, I’d think that would earn manlyness points off the bat XD
He’s stout of build, incredibly strong, has some of the most spectacular facial hair in all of gaming, takes down everything from alien invasions to xenobiological horrors using only a simple workman’s hammer and good old facestomping, is utterly undeterrable from his heroics, and his two most famous powerups are the ability to conjure fire and taking on the properties of a mythological creature known for its gargantuan cojones.
I don’t think even allegations of helium abuse can get him off the top tier of manliness… That said, I don’t see Mario hitting up the agency as it’s pretty clear the guy does not need help finding work.
Maybe he’s one of the people they try getting to hire guys instead? I say this because I want to see him trying to teach some of these guys to be plumbers.
He might actually be running an agency branch of his own, seeing how good he is at getting his friends and enemies together to play sports and party games.
Oh god now I have the headcanon that Mario’s secret original degree was in Psychology, but he couldn’t make any money so he turned to plumbing. Now he gets to use his psych degree as a therapist to get all the aforementioned enemies to play nice. XD
don’t forget that he’s also a licences physician.
between his physical prowess, elite plumbing skills, medical degree, insane social skills, can do attitude and his reputation as a one man army, he’s probably one of the most employable people in the world.
it’s a wonder the UN doesn’t send him into war torn regions of the world as a one man volunteer relief effort.
The guys are actually trying to get rid of their most negative manly men tendencies; the agency is set up to help manly men try to fit in society in a normal way. Kratos is one of the most difficult ones.
Mario doesn’t have this problem, he’s not overly macho and certainly not testosterone fueled in a ny way AND HE ALREADY HAS A JOB AS A PLUMBER. He does the heroics in his spare time. The guys at the agency are guys who just CANNOT FUNCTION WITHOUT BEING OVERLY MACHO AND CANT SEE WHY THIS IS A PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.
*squints eyes* Is that a cat kart?
Yup. It’s one of the new karts introduced in the same DLC as Link, it goes with Cat Peach.
Of course Link has the Master Cycle, the Triforce Tires, and the Hyrule Glider, and the whole setup works very well for my brother.
The cat car was in the base game.
I’m guessing he will be a playable character as an Amiigo figurine at some point.
I just notice. Are Ganondorf’s eyebrows and beard combined into one?
Yes. He always does.
Oh god I can’t unsee it.
This is the best thing that has happened to me this week
Link-“Dammit Ganon. I guess we have no choice but to…Settle it in SMASH!” (CSI Miami sting)
Headcanon: (or possibly HeadGanon?) The Commander and Ganon are drinking pumpkin spice lattes.
And my new go-to insult will now be “disrespectful little vandal bigot”, but I will have to learn how to look that awesome in a trench first. Step 1, acquire an immaculately fitted trench…
Good luck with that, it’s pretty difficult if you’re a tall man (my father has that problem).
I can’t tell if Link & Jared would get along or not. Or the warden.
I’m really digging Commander’s beard. Wish He’d keep it! ^_^ Oh and Link SO had that coming to ‘im. I like him well enough, but I like to root for the bad boys too.
I love how you spun Ganon for the comic. He’s so dignified and has this businessman charm, but still has this hint of fabulousness that most good japanese villains have.
I kinda wish for a whole arc with him. So he could really stick it to Link. Zelda has to be in that too, can’t have only two pieces of the Triforce.
And then come Sub-Zero and Scorpion from MK Armageddon’s Motor Kombat to make things even less funny for Link
Let this be a lesson to you, Link. Do not taunt people who are bigger than your vehicle. Especially if you are bigger than your vehicle.
Does he have the Ocarina? He could Song of Soaring back to his grandma’s basement.
As soon as I read “freelance security work on the side,” I immediately pictured a buddy cop movie featuring the two.
Ehhh… I was thinking more of a classic point-and-click adventure game myself. “Gan & Link” doesn’t have the same ring as “Sam & Max,” unfortunately.
A shame, because it would be hilarious.
I can totally see WHY Link is the way he is though. Just about anyone would go crazy if they had to put up with the shit he has to go through for absolutely no reward.
Tch. A hero needs no reward, especially if he gets the keep all the sweet dungeon loot…
You mean… the loot that has about no value pretty quick because you already have everything ? Or the weapons, which are not THAT useful since he already has the previous models…
Holy Molly, Link is a fashion victim/hoarder that can’t find his stuff…
Linky Dinky.
You know, I just realized we haven’t seen any Mario characters make appearances in the comic yet! I’d think Wario would make a good client for Commander’s agency…being slightly macho and VERY mentally unstable.
Things we can have around Kratos:
Mario Charactersi would like to see luigi…i’m sure it would be amusing
I guess Ganondorf was wrong about being wrong…
Commander also stole Link’s swimming boots.
Well, Ganon DID cause the whole Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, (ect) fiascos with his lust for dominion of the world…
This is so funny that I have literally shat myself, and this was my third time reading it. Hats off to you.
It omitted the word laughing for some reason…
I wonder if the different incarnations of link treat Ganondorf in a different way, i think that Wind Waker link would be one of the more friendly since Ganondorf was more simpatetic in those games.
I really like this comic…I’ve been coming back here every couple of days since it was posted, just to see what else people comment about. I even have to admit that I’ve never played anything Mario past the original Donkey King & nothing of the Legend of Zelda series.
But if I merely glance at the last 2 panels as I scroll down to the comments section, it still makes me (at least) chuckle audibly. Yea verily, this comic is the benchmark standard for the gift that keeps on giving.
I feel you with that getting gold medals on hyrule warriors, forgot how good a character Zant was.
Ganandorf is actually so handsome here, especially with this coat on. I think I’m developing a crush here…
Omg… I’m dying so much right now at work!