Trick or Treat, have a comic no one will get
Sometimes people tell me that I shouldn’t draw comics that reference things they don’t get. I think instead of complaining, they should go seek out the things I reference and then thank me for turning them onto awesome stuff that they can now enjoy.
Besides, Song of Ice and Fire is getting it’s own HBO series soon. Being the greatest fantasy series this side of the Conanverse aside, now you guys really have no excuse not to be consuming it. My only regret is that Peter Steele didn’t live long enough to claim his rightful place as the greatest Sandor Clegane anyone has ever seen.
Same guy playing Conan in the upcoming movie is cast as Khal Drogo, though, so that’s exciting.
EDIT: Apparently I’m in the running for the Sunday Comics Deathmatch over at Kotaku. I dunno if I deserve it because admittedly the comic is only really about video games every now and then, but I’m terribly flattered nonetheless! If you guys think it belongs there, feel free to vote!
Freeman Formal is having an epic sale at their warehouse.
Which means $50 top hats in Ajax.
Which means I am going as The Phantom of the Opera.
Also, I just noticed a distinct lack of Neil Patrick Harris/Barney Stinson to up the awesomeness and manliness.
Just a subtle suggestion, is all.
I think the only Neil Patrick Harris role that I could really use in this comic is Carl Jenkins in Starship Troopers.
I’ll take what I can get, but now I must seek out the movie and further increase my manliness points.
How awesome would it be for this community to split into four factions like Hogwarts, and earn manliness points based on movies watched, books read and feats accomplished…what a wonderful world.
Can we please? I like this idea. We’d need what? A Forum, a method for determining point values, a way to award them? Are they like video game achievements? Could they be used for some sort of manly reward? THERE ARE THINGS WE MUST THINK OF! And get that Canadian off of that deer, he should be on a MOOOOOSE!
Not if we’re making a reference to Robert Baratheon.
He must be a character in that Song of Ice and Fire people keep telling me to read… Hmmah…
Neil’s manly awesomeness comes out more in his voice acting roles imo.
I’m not gonna deny that Neil Patrick Harris is great and all, but he isn’t exactly the gruff action hero FPS leading man type character this comic is about poking fun at.
Perhaps Neil as one of the few successful “reformed” badasses in society?
-T, {Just an idea…}
I really don’t understand why there are so many fanboys who are literally “in love” with Neil Patrick Harris.
It’s because he’s SO manly that his homosexuality goes all the way around from scary to comforting; it feels safe to love him. And it’s easy to believe he’d love you back. I think.
As for me, I just want to have his babies. But I’d settle for a comic appearance by Psy-Colonel Carl Jenkins. :3
That *would* be a somewhat suitable role, if small.
Also, A Song of Fire and Ice is awesome. Too bad it always takes so long for a new book to get out though. And I’m kinda hoping that while it will be on HBO it won’t have sex dominate it as with other could-have-been-awesome series it has.
Somebody get the jar.
How did I let it slip?!?!?!
For not thinking you deserved a spot in the deathmatch, you’re currently in first place!
No offence dud,e but NPH isn’t manly at all. I mean seriously, could he tear out someone’s limbs in a fight? Could he destroy a building using only his elbows? I don’t care if they’re desirable traits or not, he’s just not a man. Also, and this IS opinion, but that show is just terrible.
My question is how can you not love the canadian?
He has his reasons.
Like beating all his Robot Unicorn records.
Man, what a douche.
Nobody likes Canada! Stupid America’s hat…
Nobody like America, stupid crazy neighbour.
Stupid America with their ugly tourists.
Stupid Canada with their impossible amount of trees.
We are all friends in our sparkly circle of hate! Yaaay!
You’re our underwear.
Wait, when did we lose our east leg?
Go away Other Canada. Nobody likes you.
Hold on, why do we still have that little america-hat on our country?
Y’know, Alaska? Why isn’t that ours?
You want Sarah Palin? You can have her.
So what’s South America then? The sock?
I think if Canada is our hat, and Mexico is our beard, then South America would likely be our misshapen torso.
Back when Canada was still very tied to Britain, there was a meeting to decide how to divide the relatively unoccupied north-western portion of Canada. A representative from the states, and two people to represent Canada decided how the boundary lines would be drawn. Since Canada wasn’t exactly an independent nation at that point, Canada’s representatives were made up of one person from Canada, and one person from Britain.
Britain, seeing that America was going to be the next superpower, decided to give away large portions of Canada (because why should they care? It’s not like they were actually living there… bastards…) so that America would like Britain more. This is how Alaska and, consequentially, half of B.C.’s coastline ended up in american hands.
This is one of the bits I remember from way back in grade ten, so I probably have some of the specific details wrong, but I’m pretty sure this is how the big picture worked out.
That’s completely wrong. The United States purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire in 1867,
That is also completely wrong. In a dark future, the combined powers of Alaska and Canada gave rise to a new Super Ice Age that lasted basically forever… Time travellers came back to separate the two and give Alaska unto america’s care for the sake of keeping parts of the world moderately warm.
Uh… hi?
This made me laugh heartily. It’s like that awkward guy with one eyebrow that wants to spontaneously jump into a conversation but doesn’t know how.
Is it because he has a unibrow or because the other one got shaved off?
Hehe. Mythbusters. “Am I missing an eyebrow?”
It may not be worth shaving your head for something no one will get, but two brawny, hairy guys dressed in fantasy garb riding deer is worth it no matter what the price. Is the Commander just worried that Canada’s awesome nipples will upstage his own? ;_;
Also, I am schadenfreudely awaiting the day that Jared’s metabolism slows down. :D
“Also, I am schadenfreudely awaiting the day that Jared’s metabolism slows down.”
Standing next to the ‘Manly Men’ I’m sure Jared cold make a passable Tyrion Lanister.
Holy********, I would have never thought to cast Peter Steele as the hound, but that’s pretty visually spot on (or at least half… the rest is kinda barbecue…)
I still convince myself that Sandor is stuck recuperating in some obscure farm house, where the family keeps insisting on feeding him, and the most traumatic thing he has to deal with is Pa n’ Ma not letting him wallow in the emo.
Man, Sandor is totally still kicking, he has to have his final showdown with zombie!Gregor after all.
So, not only did you manage to make a reference to one of my favorite book series, but you also managed to replace a Robbie Coltrane with a beard as my mental image for Robert Baratheon. Neat.
I always thought of him as Brian Blessed.
Without even knowing this series of books I have to (as a loyal englishman) say: Brian Blessed for the win. “Ride my hawkmen! RIDE!”.
(You do know about the campaign to get into Tom-Tom GPS… and other related videos).
Why exactly is the Commander loading a revolver? Is that part of his “discipline” he mentioned when Jared was talking about Chuck Norris? Or his new substitute for the Epic Jar?
Not loading, cleaning. Gotta keep the tools in order.
I LOVE the song of Ice and Fire.
And I think that joke’s hilarious
Today is my birthday and it was way cool I got to see this before going to sleep. Thankyou for being awesome. :)
Why does the Canadian guy talk/sound Irish? This keeps bugging me.
He sounds Canadian. I am Canadian. I just took the thickest Bushman accent I’ve ever experienced and pushed it to the limit. If you’ve never experienced an accent like that in Canada, you gotta put in more time in the Northern Canadian Wilderness. Or the East cost, I hear they sound like that out there too. Newfies sound like Irish Gypsies.
I’ve lived in small towns in Northern Ontario for a good 15 years and I hear this accent all the time. The miners, the hunters, the ATVers, the Newfies (people from the province of Newfoundland) all have that accent or similar accents. Coelasquid is dead-on with the accent.
I just imagine he talks somewhat like my wife’s Uncle. He’s Scottish-Canadian, and he spends more time in the bush with a rifle than most people spend sleeping.
So I’m an Irish gypsy? ROFL
Just talk like one :P
Sounds Scottish to me… :/
how can you hear it when you read it?:p
If you read the dialogue out loud you should hear a certain dialect that comes natural with the spelling/grammar. I can’t hear any of it in this comic since I’m not used to English dialects (me speak Swedish) but given that the dialogues are properly written the dialects should shine through.
I have a little voice in my head that likes to read to me. Might just be the scottish midget that crawled in my ear a while back though.. :/
I see it as Scottish too.
Here’s a comic about Newfie dialect:
Truthfully, I keep going from thinking commander might be a little light-hearted and silly, but then he gets hard as a rock and does something really tough like fixin’ up a revolver…
I never expected a webcomic to reference George R.R.MArtin so kudos to you. The Commander would make an awesome Tywin Lannister. Also Brian Blessed as Robert Baratheon gave me the most awesome mental image ever.
(cough) BRIAN BLESSED!!!!
Canadian Guy is the Hercules to Commander’s Ares.
That was EXACTLY what I thought when I first saw it! “Why is canadian guy dressed as marvel’s Herc on a moose/stag?’
Stag, it’s the symbol of House Baratheon.
Once I got to the last panel, it TOTALLY made sense, but before that moment, it all I could think of Herc… on a moose. Because that’s CANADIAN! (
My fault really – I should have been tipped off the moment I saw he was wearing pants that he couldn’t be Herc! (Even if I hadn’t blanked on the stag. It totally error!)
Have to admit, I never really thought of Robert as a shirtless guy, despite being such a Bro. Makes sense though.
I’ll admit, My mental image of young Robert Baratheon is just this incarnation of Brian Blessed Any resemblance to Hercules is totally coincidental, I promise :P
The triumphant Canadian Guy has returned! You can see the jealousy in that little wimp Commander.
YAY! I love that series! When I read the name Tywin Lannister, my mouth dropped open for a second and then I was so happy I exploded.
I had exactly the same reaction.
This seems to be a common reaction.
Mr. Fish as Stannis.
Oh God, I lol’d.
I know my girlish whining sounds bad in this temple of macho but characters i like dying all the damn time is a good reason to _stop_ reading this thing, however muchly awesome it is.
Couldn’t take so much suffering.
Never read Robin Hobb’s Assassin’s apprentice series. All the death, with almost Zero evil villain comeuppance.
I remember back in highschool people talking with pride about how they’d think of the worst thing they could do to their characters, and then actually writing that. Reading Robin Hobb makes you realize what an INCREDIBLE downer that is. At least with GRRM, everyone’s getting screwed (and sometimes even as a result of a bad decision that really SHOULD have gotten them killed, instead of getting saved by writer fiat), and its not just the good guys until the last few pages when the villain is mildly inconvenienced.
After reading both ends of the spectrum; you know the character is going to live/succeed because the writer needs them to; or you know the character will experience crushing failure at every turn until the end of the book… well, it makes you realize that Martin is an nice middle ground when your tired of either :P
The great thing about Martin, is the unpredictable lifespan of main characters. With many authors, things get predictable because you know the main character will survive against all odds. Martin was the first author who ever made me put down a book for weeks because I was so upset about the death of one of the characters, but this just proves how capable he is in drawing the reader into the story.
On Hobb; I read them all, but the amount of time her protagonists spend feeling sorry for themselves gets really annoying, really fast.
I have to wonder which death made you put it down.
I’m going to assume a certain one at the end of the first book, since that was the first really shocking one.
Yeah. It was shocking, but the one that made me actually feel ill involved a wedding.
I figured that one was coming because they spent like half the book foreshadowing STORMS A-BREWIN’…
Yeah, knew something bad was going to happen, but to that extent.. and what they did with the bodies…
That was the one I was talking about. I got over it though. :)
Yeah, I didn’t want to read for awhile after that bit. :|
The thing about Robin Hobb is that any decision her protagonist makes will be the wrong decision. I have the third book of the Soldier Son trilogy looking at me reproachfully as I type this, because I don’t have the motivation to finish it >_>
I read through all the comics and I would like more.
Also: how on earth did you know that’s what I name my Gyarados? :D
Conan shakes his head, weary of fools that do not understand the true meaning of a man’s measure. IT IS TO KNOW THE NAMES WITH WHICH YOU CHOOSE TO BATTLE
Does the title mean nothing to you, barbarian? But you’ve only ever killed men, never ridden with them into that glorious dawn of victory. There are spoils for us both. Ours are merely different means to the same crimson end.
(Conan was occasionally commissioned by kingdoms as a commander or in some cases even war general for his reputation as a competent and intimidating leader)
And thus I am intimidated.
I truly cannot wait to see Conan in this comic. I think just about every person in that agency would have to bow to the sheer ballsout manliness that is the Cimmerian. On a side note, Coelasquid, you have just topped your previously-insurmountable awesome record by being a Conan fan.
Man, didn’t you see the labour-of-love Conan parody I made for my final film at Sheridan?
*GASP* NO! But now I must! Links please?
There you go. It was my final film at Sheridan, I kinda cringe when I watch it now, though.
Dear god that was awesome. I was laughing my ass off the whole way through. You rock so hard.
ASOIAF REFERENCE. Marry me. :| <– srs face
Hey hey hey! I get Game of Thrones references quite nicely thank you!
God, I can’t wait for A Dance With Dragons to come out. It’s been so long since I’ve read the series I’ll have to re-read the entire thing again. It’s gonna be EPIC.
Again, somebody get the jar.
No, this time the word is quite suitable for usage. The book is going to be a rather large, grandiose tale spanning many characters and a great many events, all of which will be very notable. So yes, epic works.
Yeah, I’d allow it.
Not only is do the Song books cover a great deal of time and space, they also narrate events that are obviously going to change the face of at least two continents forever. Epic definitely applies here.
no one eats tootsie rolls like that. it;s physically impossible, even for a bad ass which Jared is not.
They’re some kind of imaginary tootsie candy that’s like a tootsie pop with no stick that does not actually exist.
There is something similar to that description that we’re selling at Blockbuster. Fits right in with our chocolate covered gummy bears and Pop Rock candy bars.
If I could still tolerate the amount of sugar in candy, that would be life-changing.
I imagine that pop rocks candy bars are like nerds rope but with pop rocks. and that may be the most mouthwatering idea ever.
Huh, when I first saw that bag I thought it said “Tots”, and that he was eating candy covered tater tots. And Canadian Guy must be banished!
Chocolate covered tater tots would be fucking incredible.
but oh…so much grease.
Hey, I’ve been alerted to all kinds of interesting, manly things since I started reading this comic that I now seek out. I’m especially happy to have a new book series recommended.
I just realized I’ve been reading the Commanders voice as a slightly gruffer Engineer from TF2.
That is awesome.
Great comic!!! To bad the commander won’t roll with it. I think Jared would have made a great Daenerys Targaryen with mr. Fish dressed up like a dragon.
Keep up the good work. :)
Or Jared as Brienne of Tarth, with the awkward mannishness.. but then, she might be too manly for Jared to pull off.
Who gets to be Drogo?
I REALLY want to say Sten, just because, but Ganon might work better. Then again, my mental image does not really reflect the realities that are the books!
I would have to go with Sten on this one. He already has the braids, making it hard to see anyone else fill the part of Drogo.
And Zevram might make a convincing Sansa. ;)
And so does everybody else, god I love this comic and its followers. <3
I think I got my Halloween costume now.
OMFG. I thought I loved this comic as much as I could already but then you go and reference A Song of Fire and Ice. SO AWESOME.
A friend of mine finally bugged me into reading it this year, and it’s just incredible. I am concerned about whether or not George R.R. Martin’s going to finish the series before he dies at the rate he’s going, though. :|
Hopefully once he gets the series cast he’ll be able to get down to business.
Come on, let’s not kid ourselves. If it’s not “casting for the TV show”, it’s “editing more Wild Cards collections” or “travelling and meeting up with nerds” or even just “getting crazy drunk and rolling in my pile of money” (I hope he does that, that would be AWESOME).
He’s been delaying the book for 5 years, I’m just glad I only started reading a year ago and didn’t have to wait half a decade like some of his other fans. :( Apparently he only has 5 chapters left though, so optimistically he should have the book out within a year, right?
Pfff, tell me about it. The upcoming TV-series got me rereading the series again which is a good thing, ’cause if I started reading the hypothetical part 5 right now, I would have no idea who was who, doing what, where and why anymore.
But after that there’s still two more books! If you assume it’ll be another five for each, that’s an additional ten years! :/
I’m hoping this one just got caught in his gullet because it ended up being so awkward to write.
Imma join you in your hooooooooooooooooooopiiiiiiing.
Four did seem to be like “hoshit are these popular, lets extend my series by adding a bunch of new characters and fucking things up even more.” and now he’s trying to match his original plans with the new expanded fuckover. Once he gets everything straightened it will hopefully go faster.
I’m not impatient, one ever 2-3 years wouldn’t annoy me.
From his note at the end of A Feast For Crows, it sounds to me like he’s writing the whole rest of the series at one go. Remember how he said that book four ended up being books four and five?
I thought that it was he had to divide 4 into two parts because he added so many new characters.
I can’t reply directly to the person this is for since the tree got too long, but sort of. His publisher wanted to release a book so they pushed him into releasing it when he wasn’t done with it. If they hadn’t have done that, who knows what would have happened!
I really think George dug himself into a hole with this series…
The real explanation for that long delay in George R.R. Martin’s next book?
Of course, I also hear he is almost done. Please don’t let this series become another Wheel of Time. =(
The second last WoT book is coming out in few days, and the final within two years. I’d say this is worse, at least with the WoT gave us a book every two ish years, and we were always certain we’d get an end. I’m wondering if GRRM is going to finish at ALL =(
If he dies before the series completion, and he’s been stuck for five years, how much hope does another author have at finishing it?
That sounds fairly accurate. I do think the amount of procrastinating he’s doing isn’t helping, nor is the jumping from everything except for it.
I am so excited for the TV series!
I love those books so much. I’m very grateful to my dad for getting me interested in them.
…I’m almost too ashamed to post because I had no idea what this was all about. However, my interest is peaked. :D
BTW, does the Commander hate all Canadians or just Mr.Canada?
Only feel shame if you do not take steps to educate yourself.
Just this Canadian guy.
Canadian Guy is awesome lol I want to be like him when I’m older.
You just asked a bunch of /b/rothers if we’d like to vote in a pole. What are trying to get the results to spell out?
“Mr Fish. Also, the game.”
Naive as it may be, I’d like to trust the good graces of the people who hang around here.
I hadn’t even seen much of the other ones. I started reading Another Video Game Comic when it came out as I used to read Joe Dunn’s other comics. It tries too hard for jokes and I wasn’t invested in it at all.
I voted for you and Awkward Zombie. \m/
Holy SHIT. I believe this is what folks mean when they say “My life is complete”.
(Hear me roarrrrr)
If the Mayans had heard you say that, they would have gotten you drunk, dragged you off, and ceremoniously killed you…
…just a thought. :)
Just so long as I was good and hammered first.
Ah it is nuce to be one of the peoples whi does get it… although I am not sure what that says about my geek level :S
s’all good, more people seem to be getting the reference than I anticipated :P
I think it’d be pretty hilarious if you did a comic where Jared takes Mr. Fish to a Pokemon contest and dresses him up in stupid little clothing.
Hogdamnit, I love the Canadian.
Sidenote, how many new doors does that place need in, letssay, a week?
Awesome Canadian Guy is back. I’ll be honest in saying I have no idea what the fuck that comic was about, but the fact that Canadian guy was back makes me happy
Also, I completely spaced this off, but are we talking about Type O Negative Peter Steele as Sandor or someone else named Peter Steele?
I’m talking about Type O Negative Steele, he totally looked the part to be Sandor, just barbecue half his face and you’re ready to go.
Now that I know which peter Steele we are talking about I heartily agree.
Oh, how I wish I got this comic, but I haven’t read Song of Ice and Fire *cries*
Canadian Guy sounds like a Scotsman in my head O_O
I hadn’t gotten it until they mentioned Robert.
You are officially the best person ever now.
This was already my favorite webcomic around, and then you had to go and pull a stunt like that. GRR Martin is my hero. Been following his blog for three years, in anticipation for the final book. And the HBO series looks to be shaping up quite nicely.
As soon as I read “Tywin Lannister” I was like AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA YESSSSSS
anyway the point is i love you (and also your comics i guess)
Dude, no, Canadian Guy is clearly dressed as the Incredible Hercules.
Somebody already beat you to the punch on that one.
I really wish the Commander had accepted Canadian Guy’s invitation, just because those two would look so cool riding about slaying dragons. Also, I know what to do with my Barnes and Noble gift cards now, since people seem to love this Song of Ice and Fire you speak of. Thanks, Coelasquid!
I don’t think The Commander would enjoy riding in the “bitch seat”… Though the picture of it makes me almost piss myself. XD
I got this comic. :3
Song of Ice and Fire <3
Its not about how many people get the reference. The right people will get the reference.
Awww.. Poor Canada guy. Why is Commander so mean to him? We all know America loves Canada…
It could be a representation of how Americans love to be dicks to Canadians for no real reason other than they inwardly feel threatened by them.
Does Canada guy have any relation to Johnny Canuck?
SOAIF is a pretty bad book series though. Tweests, mary sues, and medieval anachronisms (despite being fantasy) galore!
I really think most accusations of “Mary Sue” these days are completely misplaced.
And if you think all “twists” are inherently bad just because it’s popular to hate on the works of M. Night Shamawhatever these days, I’m sorry you live such an utterly joyless life but I’m sure I could find some instruction manuals or phone directories you may enjoy reading for their straightforwardness.
Yeah, I highly doubt Mary Sues get fucked over so throughly* as pretty much every character in Martin’s books.
*Figuratively, literally, and sometimes both.
I’m not sure how you can say there are anachronisms when it’s not your world to decide what belongs or not. Seemed to me like everything fit, and that you really didn’t comprehend anything if you are seeing Mary Sues. That or you only read partway into the first book and stopped.
I am so stoked on this week’s comic. I am so obsessed with George Martin
While I agree that Song is one of the best series written in recent decades, Martin’s complete ambivalence towards his fanbase (and indeed, actually FINISHING Dance With Dragons) has really turned me off to him. it’s been a HALF DECADE. He’s written other books, done other projects, but basically just doesn’t seem to care. Then, to top it off, his website and blog basically say “I’m sick of people asking about it. Shut up.” No date, nothing. I’ve pre-ordered it 3 times now.
The show is supposed to be one book per season, and at the rate he writes, there’s no possible way they’ll be able to finish it. Personally, I give up. Sanderson’ s new epic is incredible, and at the rate HE writes, the whole 7-book series (each at 1000+ pages) will be done before Martin’s next book comes out.
Everyone should read the Song of Ice and Fire books if they are into fantasy novels. Definitely my favorite series even ahead of Lord of the Rings.
So the Commander was going to like…plate himself in gold?
A Song of Ice and Fire is a pretty popular series. I’m always surprised by the amount of people who’ve actually read it.
Also, Canada totally looks like Marvel’s Hercules.
Commander’s design is suppose to be the most generic action hero possible, and Canadian Guy is just a pallett swap of the Commander so I dunno what that says about Hercules. Besides, Canada guy just looks like my dad.
Hahaha, I can see it. Awesome.
Wow, that is THE cliché mental picture of a Canadian.
S’just my dad in our back yard, they still live in that place, too.
Is it a log cabin on a mountain that has avalanches daily for 9 months of the year?
I love your comic it’s funny and the art is fucking awesome. Keep up the good work!
but…but i get the joke
I tip my hat to you madam. The Lannister reference made me double take.
For the philistines that have not read a Song of Fire and Ice, shame you. Go read A Game of Thrones and sin no more.
Yay referencing one of my favorite book series. Too bad some of my other faves don’t really have straight up badasses in them. Commader Vimes and Harry Dresden are probably too big of smartasses to fit into the theme. Hmmm…. though Jared as Rincewind could work.
This is such an awesome book series, though I did have to look up who those characters were since I read all 4 in 2003-2004.
Does anyone know when the fifth book is going to come out? If ever? My hope is that Martin’s going to use the show to fuel the book sales and finally put it out. Though with HBO’s penchant for shutting down popular series after a few seasons despite their popularity, (Deadwood, Rome, Carnéval, etc.) he probably will not have to worry about book 6 being done in 5 years.
Heh, I don’t think he’s going to even manage to get book 5 out before it’s time for them to start on it for the series.
I don’t know, Carrot and especially Detritus could definitely qualify for this comic. If nothing else, the Piecemaker needs to at least get a reference.
Always looking for a great fantasy book or series to read, so I’ma check this Song of Ice and Fire out. Thanks, Squid!
Ah, Coelasquid, do you ever stop making epicness? Also, it’s about time Canadian Guy get’s more facetime. And I just pictured Jared in a Xena outfit, though I’m not sure why.
Seeing a Song of Ice and Fire reference has officially made my night. Thank you good sir.
It was revealed at New York Comic Con that Martin will have the last 5 chapters of Dance of Dragons finished by Christmas/early January. After that its goes into final productions and pressing, so hopefully 2011 will be the year of the dragon.
Ya know what even sadder than the fact that we’re all waiting for book five to come out? The fact that we’ll all finish the book within a week and have to wait another five years for the next book to come out. That or Martin pulls a Robert Jordan and keels over. I really hope we don’t encounter the latter.
It’s occurred to me that we should be proud of Jared for putting down his controller long enough to read, let alone a series that long.
No way, I just can’t picture Jared reading anything without pictures. To me, he’s more the audiobook-type. He could have been listening to ASOIAF while he was ‘training’ mr. Fish, just to get in the mood.
Maybe he read it out loud to Mr. Fish. He does seem to dote on his fishy.
lol, very true. Thank you for this mental image!
So aside from Canadian guy, does anyone in this agency celebrate Halloween by showing up to work in costume? …Er I mean in costumes different from their usual ones.
I found this comic a couple of weeks ago and fell in love. My love for it just doubled <3
I definately think that this comic needs some Bruce campbell.
ASOIAF. I just put down A Storm of Swords to read this :D
I never pictured Tywin Lannister as being that huge. Thing is, I can’t think of anyone that would be a better fit for the Commander. Unless Shagga had blond hair, that is. I can’t remember.
Canada would totally fit as a young Robert, though. Awesome job with that.
S’all about the chops.
i feel as though one of the clegans may suffice, if he dyed his hair/ had a great makeup crew
Canadian guy, you’re my best friend!
Hey bro, VOTED FOR YOU. Also, nice comic, I lost internet so I had no way of anything anywhere to do whatever and such, if you understand. You shouldn’t.
Anywho, awesome comic, thought he was going as Hercules.
Oh silly Canadian Guy.
As a Canadian, I approve of this comic.
Points to you for managing to do a comic referencing A Song of Ice and Fire. For this, you have my undying loyalty ^_^
I read Manly Guys Doing Manly Things all the time and never comment.
I’m really, truly surprised that Jared has read A Song of Ice and Fire, because he seems the type to call a stack of Halo and Gears of War novels his “library.”
Whoever decided he probably listened to it on audiobook while he was riding around on Mr.Fish probably got it close to the mark.
Whoohoo!!! *Does a little dance*
Awww. Well that’s still cool too, haha. Grats.
I took your advice on looking up your reference, and now I have a new series to read. Thanks for that and all the manliness.
Pffft, maybe not everybody will get the reference, but I know I did.
Haha, awesome!
I think Canadian Guy looks more like Renly than Robert, but I guess it depends what point in time you’re looking at, since Renly is said to look like Robert when he was young.
Yeah, but Renly didn’t have the beard, and he wasn’t totally ripped enough to use a warhammer. I think it’s safest to say that Canadian Guy looks more like pre-king Robert.
How’d commander make himself crap gold?
His action figures shoot tiny guns and beer out of their guns. This shouldn’t be that much more of a stretch.
But but Robert Baratheon’s fat! And if we’re going pre-king version, he uses a warhammer!
And I mean I’ve never heard of him using an axe too.
He has a hammer and he’s holding the axe out to the Commander.
I get the references. This comic makes me smile.
Some of you guys might be interested in this, it started off based on this comic :D
have you done a comic involving tyler durden yet?
do it. you know you have to.
… if you don’t know who tyler durden is, you don’t know machismo
PS: i love the moose’s expression
PPS: how do you turn a moose around in a doorway?!
It’s a stag. I gotta say, I’m kind of offended that you would even suggest I not know who Tyler Durden is…
Did you know that I got you over a WFC World Gift Event a couple of weeks ago?
Do not sully coelasquid’s good name, heathen!
… I’ve met George R.R. Martin. He’s like a big, old teddy bear… or a really fun and clever Santa Claus: he’s got the beard and tummy down.
He’s a pretty cool guy. He writes the best books evar and doesn’t afraid of anything.
Okay out of everything I’ve seen from this comic I NEVER expected a Game of Thrones Refference!!! Thank you so much for that and besides I honestly think that if you’re going to do a real costume from the series then you can go no further then John Snow he is the most manly dude in the whole damn thing!!!
Commander and Canadian are best friends, aren’t they? They are just like “Go to hell, i don’t know you” when other people are around.
Holy shit, you referenced SoIaF. I didn’t realize this comic could get even more amazing, but then it does.
Pretty much exactly what Ishmael said.
“Kayyyy, buddy.”
You hear that from a Newfie, and it’s pretty much the greatest of their off-hand insults. Great comic, I love the play on the American-Canadian relationship. We’re dicks to each other, but only because we’re close enough friends to be able to get away with it.
Awwwe, we all know who your REAL self insert mouthpiece Gary Stu is!
(dis a joke plz know it’s a joke)
Mr. Fish, clearly.
Bitch what.
I was just re-reading the whole series in the vain hope that Martin will RELEASE THE NEXT BOOK SOMETIME FUCKING SOON and had just arrived at the scene where Tyrion shoots Tywin on the dunny.
Then I come read this.
Get out of my head, Charles.
Hey creepy stalker question – I was at the Ottawa Animation Festival last weekend and I overheard some people say “a girl that works on Ugly Americans” was at the festival. Was that you? If it was then pretend I told you in person how awesome your comic is instead of just leaving weird messages on your site. Either way I love your comic, Dragon Age is much more fun to play now.
Naw, I wasn’t, but a few other people from the studio and I think some people from Augenblick were there. I’ve had terrible experiences at the festival that made me just hate Ottawa and never want to go back.
The Ottawa festival or the city itself? Because I really loved the city when I visited.
I just started reading a game of thrones i ask my library for it at the begaining of the school year but the just got them this week
Something has struck me as noticeable…. Does Jared ever eat anything remotely “healthy”? > . > It’s amazing he’s still thin.
like shaggy, scooby do and jughead they have a tapeworm that’s what i always say!
I think you underestimated your fan base, Coelasquid . Well, at least in regards to the SoIaF reference.
I had people complain when I referenced Resident Evil and Dragon Age that my joke were too obscure, I don’t take any chances.
Wait… who would win in a arm wrestling match commander of canada?
Canada would be more likely to use some dirty silly tricks as a joke.
Thus pissing off Commander.
It would probably be a seventeen hour deadlock until Commander had to go get his kids.
HEEEY. I loved that series! Though… I totally stopped reading on the third book, on a Samwell part. GAWD, was I the only one that was so anxious to get to certain characters, then realized the boring ones were getting to good parts… blah blah. Sorry, this isn’t an Ice and Fire schpeal, for srs.
Uh yeah, great comic, Canadian Guy is so weird.
If by getting me into awesome things via obscure references you mean causing me to buy a talking Mameshiba keychain and hanging it on my backpack,then yes,thank you Miss coaelasquid. ^_^
I should try that effect with the smoke whenever I draw a character with a cigar…
I think I stole it from how Simon Bisley draws Lobo.
QUESTION: Does Jared have a “Gary Oak”? :I
You know, the douche that shows up outside the door to the Pokecenter when all but one of your pokemon have fainted and the last one is poisoned.
That tard.
Also, which is more manly:
A) Cigarette
B) Pipe.
C) Cigar, since that’s the only thing I’ve seen Commander smoke with.
This comic has officially made the rest of my year better.
I linked this comic on the ASoIaF forums, but no one cared ;-(.
Just came across this comic, holy crap it’s awesome.
Also, I suggest Jayne Cobb from Firefly for a new character. Possibly with an obligatory “in my bunk” quote.
This comic needs more Ganondorf in a suit!!!
Still a very awesome series :D
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Wait. Did the Commander just load that gun, and then polish it, whilst pointing it in Jared’s general direction? o.O (or is he doing something else in panel 2? Looked like he loaded it to me.)
This was already asked and answered. He’s just cleaning it.
He’s pushing a brush through the chambers to clean them out, and then polishing it.
I did not know what the A Song of Ice and Fire series was until I searched it after reading this comic. I now own all the books. I just want to thank you for introducing me to this wonderfully badass series.
Holy mixed references, Batman. I’m going to geek it up here, with an extra dose of pedantry, and point out that King Robert never dressed like that, it was Shagga who dual-wielded axes, and Coldhands that rides a giant elk.
I still like it, though.
He’s offerring the axe to the Commander, He’s got Robert’s war hammer in the other hand. And it isn’t an elk, it’s a stag. I know Robert didn’t ride one, but it’s the symbol of House Baratheon so it’s there to cement the imagery, and I’ve already mentioned to a couple other people here that the outfit was based on a character a young Brian Blessed played. Because in my head Brian Blessed is Robert Baratheon.
“Go away Canada. Nobody likes you.” is now second on my list of favorite internet quotes. #1 is “Screw the rules! I have money!”
I love this comic even more now. You are my hero.
Yes! A song of Ice and Fire reference! Awesome!
Of all the references in all the webcomics I’ve ever read, this one mades me laugh the most.
Also, I can totally see Pete Steele as the Hound.
I got the reference. I thought it was pretty good ^^,
I’d just like you to know that I love you for referencing ASoIaF
Now see that depresses me, he should have tried Eddard Stark. Their both from a nearly frozen land in the north.
There’s no way he could buckle down enough to be Eddard.
ahahhhhhh I love this comic all the more now. Canada. Song of Ice and Fire. What more can you ask for in a comic?
I get it. I like the series, but it was SUCH a slog… I finally got stuck halfway into book 4 after a year of on-and-off page-here-page-there and dropped it. Maybe I’ll read it later, when I rotate back to Hard Fantasy, along with the Wheel of Time set. I’m currently on Space Opera – David Weber, David Drake, John Ringo, etc. Also, Oh John Ringo No – it may be awful, but it’s entertaining as all hell. XD
Hah! Wow,wouldn’t have expected that reference. nice one. for god knows what reason i always confuse tywin with jamie.
and if you ask me,this dude should play khal drogo:
that’s how i pictured him while reading the book. he’s even got the braids and everything. just put a little leather vest onto his chest,and done.
Yeah, I could see it.
I always imagined Drogo looking like Marton Csokas did when he was playing Borias in Xena.
:D I just started reading ‘Game of Thrones’ yesterday… it pleases me that two days ago, when I was originally going to catch up on all of the MGDMT pages I’d missed, I wouldn’t have gotten this. DELAYING. I’m glad I did it. :D
I just realized… that elk/stag/random cervidae that Canada Guy is riding. It would look epic hung on my wall. Or the Commander’s :D
We Canadians ride polar bears too school, we drink slurpies in the snow while wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Do americans’ ride fat kids?
I feel your pain. I actually DID shave my head (well, half of it) for a costume. And of course, ONE PERSON got who I was.
damn! i wish i had no life. maybe i would get some of your jokes then…
I dig the Song of Fire and Ice reference. Also, Canada lol.
For that Song of Ice and Fire reference, you get my undying, eternal and forever manly love.
I read a game of thrones an i am reading a clash of kings! im soo surprised/excited about this reference that i nerdgasimed on my laptop. thank you ser
i absolutely love this series! i heard about the hbo series and decided to reread last week. i just finished book 4 again, so when i read “tywin Lannister” i was certain my eyes were playing tricks. oh, and wouldnt having to remove ones hand be slightly more troublesome than shaving ones head?
now i feel stupid. i was reading some more comments and i realized i made the same mistake someone else did. JAIME gets his hand cut off. ignore me its late and im tired.
Dude. I get it. How long will we have to wait for Dragons to come out???
The release date is set for July 12th this year, I’m assuming that means it’s written and the editing/publishing is what they’re working on now.
Just started reading this today (Hipster Arishok is all over the place, decided to start from the beginning) and had to express the love for ASOIAF-jokes before it actually aired. Also, lamenting about where this comic has been all my life, because I don’t know if there is a single one I haven’t giggled at. Thank you for doing this!
I understand the reference.
It is fucking awesome.
What makes me so sad is that out of most of the comics, this is the only I really get. /sobsob
so i just started re-reading and omigod, i get the reference now. Not because i read the books, Half Price was out of stock, but the series is just sooo goood. I just thought that it was imperative that you know this
I just reread this comic for the first time in ages, and was shocked to realized that the first time I’d read it I’d missed the joke completely. I’d forgotten there was a time in my life when I hadn’t read A Song of Ice and Fire. More importantly, it made me realize how long I’ve been ckeeping up with Manly Guys. Still my favorite webcomic out there =]
Your extraordinarily racist, ay.
If you think that, you obviously came from the wrong part of Canada.
This comic made my day. My fiance and I are avid Song of Ice and Fire fans.
I am so going to make my next skyrim character look like Canadian Guy.
Canadian Guy is now Dovahkin
I feel like it should have said soar-y or something rather than sarry.
Actually, I’m quite glad you inserted a Song of Ice and Fire reference in there! It brings up a warm feeling in my heart that only a George R. R. Martin fan could comprehend. And because I’m from Canada, I laughed my ass off when the Kid thought that Canadian Guy was dressing up as Robert Baratheon! Good one, you made my day :)
Admittedly, I did not start reading the ASoIaF series until watching GoT on HBO… but I finished the books as they are so far and loved the reference. Especially that Tywin is supposed to be a bald guy, even though I was ultimately very happy with the casting job they did for the show.
*generic comment stating the current relevance of this comic*
Also, a a canadian who idolizes robert baratheon, this is the greatest thing ever, of all time.
Peter Steele’s dead??????
Holy crap! qq
Reading this from the future two seasons of Game of Thrones later (yesIknowthebookseriesiscalledASOIAFdon’tstartthatnow), it really is sad. It really used to be something nobody would get. Used to. :(
Every time Canada-guy appears, I end up giving him a scottish accent in my head, since I can imagine scottish better than canadian-english apparently …
As a Canadian, I am very happy over how you portray Canadian Guy. My friends grandfather, who is native, once attacked a bear with a frying pan while out camping. He missed and broke his leg but hey, the bear was too embarresed to eat him so there’s that.
“I’m so special I know a very heavily read fantasy novel series” a song of fire and ice is probably one of the only books people could name before 2010 that wasn’t Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
The overwhelming majority of people don’t read big bricks of fantasy literature, and before GoT was a big popular TV series whenever the handful of us who were listening to the audiobooks at work talked about them our friends would razz us for talking about shit that none of them understood. You must just be special enough to have yourself cloistered in a bigger nerd fort than most people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This comic raises an interesting question, and if it’s been asked and answered, link me to the thing.
How does fiction work in this universe? Have all the games and stories actually take place for realses? Or do the characters originate from the books and games? For now, given the nature of time travel, I’m going to assume it works “because Coelasquid says so.”
Roger Rabbit Toon Town Rules.
Hahah oh look! I am reading this from the future, and I do get (because of the series). Mwhaha :p
XD wow rereading, this almost seems meta now that it’s 2017 almost 18…. If only there was some terrible reference to the president.
Going back through the old comics as I was just showing a friend of mine this pure awesomeness. I feel bad that I had to look up Peter Steele, but god damn you are right, he would have been a perfect Hound!