March 8, 2010
12:00 am
Were I a little old lady, I would not object to being placed in a home with strapping Italian men teaching arts and crafts.
Were I a little old lady, I would not object to being placed in a home with strapping Italian men teaching arts and crafts.
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Discussion (31) ¬
This beats tatoos any day
Quit bitchin’, Mabel.
The manliest teddybear cross stitch ever.
That first guy’s name is Guile, right?
I think Guile is a Captain of the US Marines. So, he’s the Commander’s second in command? They work with military hierarchy in the agency? Innteresting. :3
Whoops, turns out he’s an Air Force Major. I don’t even know if that’s below or above Commander. Now I’m all confused.
The only branch that has the rank Commander is the Navy. Thats an O-5 position, the same as a Lieutenant Colonel in every other branch. Major in the Air Force is an O-4 rank, the equivalent of Lieutenant Commander in the Navy. Basically, the Navy blows for having such eff’d up ranks and the Commander outranks Guile.
the navy was around for centuries b4 the army airforce and marines techically the rest are the messed up ones most other countries use the same ranks as the US Navy
Actually, the Marines were founded on November 10th, 1775, a month after the navy and WAY before the Army. Air Force broke off from the Army, and was originally named Army Air Corps.
Actually, most other countries use the ranks of the British Royal Navy. The uniforms are practically the same for officers and only really differ when it comes to the lower ranks.
Denmark and Russia, however, have uniforms entirely different to everybody else and look rather “special”
I’d like to see some more of guile in other comics. He is by far my favorite street fighter and i would love to see how you interpret his personality
What, 6 comments only? I foresee the soon-to-come day when each post is flooded with so many comments, we’re just gonna be needles in a hay stack. This is still one of my favorite.
Don’t worry, it snowballed pretty quick, the most recent strip has early 160 on it :P
Yeah, you got popular on reddit.com, lucky you.
As a HUGE Nerd I belive it is my Duty… nay, my Privelage to point out that Guile shouldn’t have eyebrows!
Perhaps it was part of his reintegration with society that allowed him to learn that he can’t simply have muscles where his eyebrows should be.
Oh my god I only JUST got that “Cross Stitch” joke.
I didn’t get it until just now, when I read your comment.
Kind of like how I didn’t get the “It’s called a zoo!” joke from Meet the Soldier until just a couple of months ago.
I still don’t get that one…
Zoo = Tzu. The reason they’re called zoos is because they were invented by Tzu.
Wait, there was a joke there? /facepalm at my slowass self
Referring to the Meet The Soldier joke, that is.
One of my most favorite strip ever. I’ve read this many a-countless times.
hahaahah great!! Mabel learn that!!
do you sell this in a book? if not you should, it’s funny :)
I am actually hearing this in Killbane’s voice for some reason, and not his real voice.
YOU want to SHOW yoooour CONVIIIIICTION…to crossstitch… DON’T you, Mabel?
Bit surprised no one has mentioned that Guile bears an uncanny resemblence to John Travolta…
Guile has eyebrows. XD
You can’t tell me that all those women object to spending the day around a fine piece of shirtless beefcake like Dante!