March 22, 2010
12:00 am
I’m actually disappointed there wasn’t a Carrie costume for Kratos. I mean, he had a fish suit, a chef getup, a cow costume, and a three piece business suit, why not?
I’m actually disappointed there wasn’t a Carrie costume for Kratos. I mean, he had a fish suit, a chef getup, a cow costume, and a three piece business suit, why not?
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Discussion (42) ¬
OMG he’s wearing high heels xD. I didn’t noticed it before.
Zeus i am disapoint
that isnt zeus. if you played the game you would know it is ares, the original god of war in greece history, takign revenge. stil cleverly found XD
that isnt ares. if you played the second game you would know it is Zeus, the original father of Kratos in sony history, beign a dick.
Yeah Ares had a fire beard! The second best beard in the gaming universe!
What’s the first?
that would be abe linkions goatte my freind
Don’t forget about demon Lechuck’s fire beard.
Zeus is pretty much an epic troll.
I love how Kratos actually is loving being prom QUEEN. I lulled when I saw this. I believe this comic is made of 100% win.
It’s all he ever wanted after all…
Oh god…the look on his face in panel 9…
Your Kratos is amazing Kelly! So bang on! I love it.
Oh my gosh. Is Kratos SMILING? That’s…. horrifying. But it’s balanced nicely with the hilarity I am feeling.
Your Kratos is amazing Kelly! So bang on! I love it.
He’s smiling and crying. If it wasn’t for the fact that a few panels later he’d be shredding the room, I’d have died laughing. Hell, cut out those panels and it’d be funnier. “Thats EXACTLY what happened. You became a prom queen, and then you became a drama queen.”
Just wanted to say thank you for making such incredible webcomics. They’re really REALLY funny. Your art is just wonderful and jumps from the screen and your use of angles give the panels vivid motion.
GREAT STUFF! I’m sharing with everyone I know.
Nice Carrie Reference there. ^.^
Lol, it’s noticeable Kratos wanted to be the Prom Queen more than being the God of War XD
This one gets me every time! Fantastic job!
Yup. . . .that is pretty much EXACTLY how it happened. Perfect.
That last frame totally reminds me of my brother and I. My brother being Kratos since he usually has very short hair or is bald and has a goatee, I myself have stubble for the most part and longer hair. He’s also usually grumpy while I say “That’s the way it happened”. :B Very funny comic, though. :D
Omg. Panel 9 gets me EVERY DAMN TIME. I love his expression. Kratos dun gonna cut a bitch.
is it bad that i laughed because it i read carrie and not because i played god of war
because that’s why i laughed :c
me too, actually >>;;
also, because zeus being a dick is so mythologically accurate it would be scary if it wasn’t (sort of) funny.
I mean, ok, it’s funny. But Kratos looks so sad! D:
Oh my god, YES 8D
So that second to last panel? The one where he’s just laying waste to the whole everybody? Am I the only one who thinks his legs look FABULOUS? :D :D :D
Oh Christ your right. It’s those damn high heels they just add so much his legs.
He should’ve keept the heels in later comics IMO, since he got the legs to pull it off I mean ;)
Zeus’ coolface. Too awesome to pass over.
Is that a .MOV reference?
No, it’s from Carrie. The .MOV video was a reference to that.
Not to mention this strip predates the show, let alone that particular fan parody.
So this is not my first time seeing this comic, or this strip. It is not my second time, or third time. I’ve honestly lost count of how many times I’ve gone through the archives of this comic, and seen this strip, and EVERY SINGLE TIME I fuckin’ lose it. The situation, the expressions, just…everything. Now, on my umpteenth time through here, I figure I’d finally leave a comment and say this is probably my favorite webcomic strip, ever. Thank you so, so much for your amazing work. :P
I never noticed this before, but I love how stunning Kratos’s leg looks in the second to last panel.
lookie here