May 17, 2010
12:00 am
After seeing what Marvel did to Frank Castle recently, I can’t help but think he might get along a little better with his old antagonist the Russian these days.
After seeing what Marvel did to Frank Castle recently, I can’t help but think he might get along a little better with his old antagonist the Russian these days.
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Liking the idea of riding a Gyarados around on the sidewalk.
But even though Gyarados just radiates awesomeness, the Commander still seems more manly in panel 4.
i think you spelled Russian wrong in the last box. Russain holds a certain character, though, if nothing else.
I’ve been doing that a lot the past couple weeks for some reason. It’s like aliens beamed a selective dyslexia ray into my head, I have to double check just THAT ONE WORD every time I write it.
The Gyarados’s facial expression is hilarious!
That last panel was…. pretty scary.
Hahaha. But Frank Castle is kicking ass at an all time high! He’s killing Nazi Zombies! And ripping people apart with his bare hands!
That’s all par for the course with Frank, tho’.
My eeeeeeeyyyyyeeeesss!
I’m pretty sure i’m the only one who hasn’t figured out who the Commander is D: GREA comic though
He’s an original character.
The Commander’s look kinda reminds me of Simon Belmont from the Captain N cartoon… with more manly and less silly, of course.
…Why does that man have boobs? And why are they so big?!
And what on earth have they done to the Punisher? I half expect him to transform into an autobot now.
Punisher cut his head off, science rebuilt him better harder faster stronger. All the hormones they gave him to keep the weird foreign organs they’d grafted into his body going ended up making him grow a mighty pair of knockers, which he thought were great and promptly put on display.
Isn’t it “harder better faster stronger”?
Yeah, but that’s what happens when you reply to things after you’ve been awake all weekend doing stuff for your real job.
Do you really think that this qualifies as science making “better”?
Must confess when I first looked at the last panel I thought it was a transsexual Duke Nukem. Then I read the blog entry and felt stupid.
No need to feel stupid, he’s kind of an obscure character. But I draw what I want, general public knowledge be damned.
So, when do Mr. Fish T-shirts start going on sale?
I need me one of those
I question the legality of selling pokemon shirts, but the VG Cats guy seems to get away with it…
It’s parody/satire, so we tend to look the other way at those sorts of things. Like Batman XXX.
Satire and parody are completely legal.
we need many of your comic panels as shirts
especially one of when Mr. fish evolves
The fuckkkkk??? What the hell happend to the punisher? And to that russian guy? What were they thinking D:?
there is no other punisher than the bible of MAX.
everything else is either old or… just not the true frank castle.
I’m as much of a red-blooded MAX fan as the next guy, but Ennis’s Marvel Knights stuff is pretty good too. The Russian is totally hilarious in any incarnation, tits or no.
Ack ! My eyes !
This is so hilarous XD
The last panel is…interesting, and sexy in a very sick way.
Have I told you I love your Gyarados? There’s something about ugly pokemons that is insanely amazing…
This webcomic has just exploded with all kinds of extra potential.
What a spicy undercurrent of homoeroticism you have running here. Don’t mind if i join in, *Strips*
I know, man, this has been Gay Jokes: The Webcomic the past couple weeks. Gonna get away from that soon, it feels like such a crutch. Especially with this cast of characters.
There’s only so many rippling pecs you can draw before SOMEBODY wants to ride a one-eyed python. Lucky for the internet, this is not new. Good job anyway tho!
If Mr. Fish gets any unhappier, parts of his mouth will touch the ground even when the rest of his head is up in the air. Someone should feed him a rat…
As for the zombie couple (?!) well… they do indeed have an aura of “married for +15 years” over them. Even manly men (and slightly less manly men with boobs) need love in some form or another D:
Wonder what the kids would look like…
They’d look like they had eaten nothing but protein shakes, falcon eggs, and rocks since the grew out of drinking the testosterone saturated mommy-milk.
Then were read nothing but “Manly Guys doing Manly Things” every night without fail, as a bedtime story.
That… sounds like a pretty *expletive* good childhood to me.
Hah! Because his name is Frank. And now he’s all reanimated and pale and stitches. I get it, Marvel!
Glad to see the squashiness of the comics has been fixed, nice and crisp now.
Cannot unsee! CANNOT UNSEE!!
This is the webcomic I’ve waited for my WHOLE LIFE.
Also, the Russian has the best man boobs ever. \o/
I don’t even think they qualify, cuz they’re really… :struggles to find right word: Look, just cause they’re on a man doesn’t make them man-boobs, not when they look like that…
Dear god, The Punisher was my all-time favourite Marvel character, how could they do this?
Will John Marston visit the Commander next?
John Marston is not manly, he is a chicken-legged Pretty Flower Princess. And before anyone attempts to contradict me on this, I DEFY you to honestly say you have not collected more flowers than can physically fit in a shirt pocket in that game.
This webcomic pretty much wins at everything. I can’t get enough of the idea of a guy just riding a gyrados down the sidewalk, not to mention all the other awesome shit.
Oh my god. I want to know the person who made this comic. I’d fuck ’em….C:
Excellent. My brain hadn’t yet caved in today. The last panel took care of that nicely.
It’s a nice look for you.
damn i love this comic :D
Made of pure win! I love that Gyarados too, but the last panel was the icing on the cake. Lovin’ it.
I really laughed at “…How did you fight in Vietnam?”
Is this some foreshadowing of a future flashback involving the Commander?
I was waiting for someone to catch that.
Mr. Burns came into my mind the minute I read your comment.
Excuse me sir, but your comic is made from excellent win. Incidentally, and I realise this is not the case, but I keep mentally attaching the name Shepard after Commander(Mass Effect for those who don’t know). Does he not have a name or have I just blindly missed it?
His name is Commander Badass. And the writer of this comic is feminine.
*looks back at the past pages* This is totally irrelevant, but has anyone else wondered what Lion-o has been up to? I can only imagine what Snarff has been doing…
I’m crossing my fingers for an appearance of Hulk. Maybe he could work in the day care with Mr. Bubbles. :D
i really hope for an appearance of torque from the suffering games :D *crosses fingers*
I am strangely aroused.
Oh, Mr. Fish…
Now that I can never look at Frank the same again, I congratulate you.
I think Mr. Fish is a sexy manbiscuit. Just sayin’.
Maybe get an appearence from Venom from the Spiderman series?
I also demand doomguy
I give it six months.
The comic?
The relationship. Vive la comic!
ahahaha!! Amazing. Just found this.
Great comic so far! Keep up the good work! I had no idea it was just starting. GLHF
*twitches* dude, *seriously*!?
:holds out a bottle of brain bleach: Use it enough and you just won’t care any more.
Gotta admit I’m loving the Frankencastle arc and your comics!
Keep up the great work.
It’s all fun and games until you’re in bed with a zombie.
Then it’s necrophilia.
Is it necrophilia if you’re both zombies?
Yeah, I guess it’d be “counter-necrophilia”. Frank is a necrophile ’cause he’s sexing the Russian, regardless of whether he is dead or not. And Vice-versa. So yeah.
PS: This is the best comic I’ve seen in a loong time. The Mr. Bubbles one was HILARIOUS. I want Master Chief to come out. Especially after the little “Space Marine” mention in the first comic. Keep on keepin’ on
Are sentient zombies exempt from the law?
If sexing a Russian is necrophilia whether they’re dead or not, and they’re both zombies, and assuming a negative x a negative = a positive…Factor in the cyborg halves…And the correct term would be “Cybering” as a verb, then “Ununundead” as the resulting baby.
Huh. Algebra and English turned out to be useful after all.
Just curious, but was it you who made this, or did someone off /b/ just use your Gyrados? It’s awesome either way.
Yeah, I did that like a year ago.
I love the last bit most of all.
So, erm.. what exactly did happen to frank castle?
Also loving the comic so far! The Pokemon arc was brilliant.
Dark Wolverine hacked him apart, somebody put him back together and now he’s a Frankenthing. I wish I had more to tell you, but I’m waiting for the TPB before I read it.
The Gyarados’ face just brings to mind the line ‘Son, I am disappoint.”
it reminds me more of ‘fuck yeah, i’m a gyarados’
Nah, I’d say he’s like this because of his own awesomeness overpowering every other awesomeness in the world. It’s sad that someone can be so awesome everything else bores him, but if somebody can it’s gyarados.
The braindamage suffered from Jareds leveling technique can also explain it. Either way Gyarados is made of 100% awesome and 100% manly testosterone. and Coelaquid this comic is the very best, why? Because I would choke on the awesome if this was any better. Oh the facial expressions <3
Very funny. I guess we can call him FrankCastle-enstein now.
Sorry for the lame joke, I had to say it.
Overall, good work on these comic strips… Mondays are now not to be dreaded
Well, Marvel calls him Frankencastle, so….
Haha wow… I was close.
“Frank? Yeah, we fought together in ‘Nam” had me crying. I’m not sure why, but that’s one of the funniest things I’ve read.
It’s been quite some time since this strip was posted, but the general consenssus seems that Franken-Castle was a good change for the characters while it lasted. Did Coaelsquid ever change her mind?
Man, I thought Frankencastle was great, just because I make fun of something doesn’t mean I don’t like it.
On one side Riding Gyarados On Street=Win, on the other hand now I am blind.
Ohh, Russian you never disappoint. GRIN!
I miss Rag face.
My brain does not understand what is going one in last panel D,’;
Will someone pass the brain bleach?
Not sure if just me, but I’ll just report that this page has a massive viagra ad just in case.
Aaaand it’s gone after the post.
Does anyone else hear the Russian’s dialogue in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s voice? Or am I just crazy?
Ah, I was wondering when I’d get my daily scarring today. And to top it all off, Lii made me imagine it in Schwarzennegger’s voice. I think this is my cue to get come some sleep.