Celebrating a life well lived
April 9, 2012
12:00 am
Rest in peace, Axi, you were a good friend these fourteen years.
There will be other birds but there will never be another Axi bird.
Rest in peace, Axi, you were a good friend these fourteen years.
There will be other birds but there will never be another Axi bird.
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I’m gonna have to agree with the comic here, that is more of a ending theme song. I was expecting an “Eye of the Tiger” type song, but Journey works too.
Second to last panel, he says ‘life well’ twice. Might wanna fix that before anyone that doesn’t have my weird hours sees it.
Sorry about the bird bro. I know it sucks to lose a pet after that long. I just lost a dog after 20 long years. I totally feel for ya.
Journey always works~
I don’t really see “Eye of the Tiger” for this scene. If that’s playing, I expect to see a montage of someone doing situps and pushups and laps on a track and such. Not combat, and definitely not shooting at blobs. But that’s just me. **shrug**
Mayhap “Danger Zone” would be a more appropriate track.
I was thinking something more along the lines of We Are the Champions for the victory lap and Kickstart My Heart for the fighting.
Don’t forget “Symphony of Destruction” by Megadeath. That could work too.
Or this song :D
Rick Roll seems perfectly acceptable for this
Hey Xeno!
You hear that?
Yeah, I went there.
Random battles are sort of the adventure game version of sit ups and working out.
Well, that seems reasonable.
Wish it worked the other way… I know I’d be a whole lot more into working out if I got chocobos, loot, & limit breaks.
Just sayin’.
Nothing can stop the smooze!
Guess if the captain’s not gonna play by the rules then the slimes aren’t going to either. Full assault mode!
There doesn’t have to be another Axi bird. Loved ones don’t need replacements, merely fond memories and new loved ones.
so this is why guns are so weak in rpgs…they piss off the monsters, causing their goo to reform and multiply…
Nope just the rule of RPGs, Swords>Barehands>Axes>Maces>Staff/Rods>Guns.
Except in cutscenes then you damn well better dodge. It’s not a cutscene is it?
It is for the slime
We recently added “Not a Cutscene” to our online survey under the ‘ethnicity’ question. I think it’s important to know.
Anonymously, of course.
Slimes do not care for guns. All the rules of combat are meaningless to them.
Sorry for your loss Miss Squid, thank you for the comic in your time of sadness.
RIP Axi…alas, I hardly knew ye…
Rest in peace little feathery dude.
accurate random encounter rate.
Accurate random encounter rate for Zubat, maybe.
certainly appropriate considering he is one shot killing them…
Perhaps the rpg aspect of the bishonen virus was paying attention, and when he killed it instantly it went “OH F*#&” and increased the difficulty appropriately…
Also appropriated as one of then is a Pokémon trainer.
*bursts out with boisterous laughter.*
Losing a pet can be horrible. I actually shed a manly tear or two into my whiskey when I had to have ol’ Gus put down. That was a great dog. Lazy as hell.
Good song for that moment in time? Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now. I don’t really think that there’s a bad time for that song, though.
What about “Fun It” from the same album, then “Assistants Cry” by Yello for the end credits? Yes, It’s nuts, but fun.
I dread the day I’ll have to put Fifi down. He’s still young and healthy.
Basically This.
“Don’t Stop me Now” would fit so well with this scene. Totally agree.
And… I never had a pet. Ever. Can’t empathyze, but… oh my God I’m so sorry for your loss, Coela. RIP Axi.
As someone who’s lost a lot of pets… there is no way I can fully sympathise.
Good luck.
You’d think Mr. Fish would just start eating those things so that commander didn’t have to waste the bullets. Heck shouldn’t he know dragon breath or something.
I am sorry about your bird. Sometimes small pets can have big hearts and it can be sad to see them go.
I was under the impression that Mr Fish only knows “Eat”
Repeated traumatic head injuries will do that.
Its a feast.
Can you imagine the mess he’d leave a few hours later? Blue going in, blue going out. Poor invisible janitor man
There outside and I imagine that would be awesome fertilizer.
Slime is terrible for digestion, mr. Fish will go through bowel movement hell if he eats them
Maybe you are unaware of what fish eat in the ocean. Tiny microscopic organisms make up slime and are part of Mr. Fish’s balance diet. We can’t eat a lot of the foods our pets can’t eat. A college student had to go to the hospital after his fraternity had him eat canned dog food. Canned dog food has bone in it that our stomachs can not handle but a dogs can.
I am an encyclopedia of weirdness.
Its kinda hot
Jared: Mr. Fish use Hyper Beam!
Mr. Fish is loafing around.
Yeah… If Mr. Fish goes where Mr. Fish wants I’d wager he attacks when he feels like it too.
He aloud himself to be tide to a car and he loves Jared. So much so he hasn’t tried to eat Jared. besides I’ll bet those blue things taste better then any electric or fire Pokemon. Anything that goes down your throat, and Mr. Fish is all throat, with a burn or a shock probably isn’t that great.
He hasn’t tried to eat Jared… while he was awake.
Cooling gel is great for a burnt throat, I’d bet. COME ON, MR. FISH! EAT! IT’LL BE GOOD FOR YA!
I come from a big pet-friendly family, so I know how much it sucks to lose a pet. They may not be human, but they’re still part of the family. Rest in peace, Axi.
I think the commander must be close to leveling up
He walked away from what appeared to be a nuke, he took the leveling up system and beat it to death with its own life bar… that was the worst analogy in history… is that an analogy
No, that’s a metaphor. Also not the worst I’ve read.
G’damn, that was one hell of an adorable bird. :(
As for this week’s comic, it’s kind of begging more and more to be animated. Not that I expect that to happen, but it would work wonderfully.
I’m so sorry you lost your sweet bird. I’m glad you had so long with him/her. Peace.
oohhh nooooo poor birdie :'( i love lil birdies
Sympathies for your loss. Fourteen years is a long time to have a feathered friend. You must have been a good bird mommy.
Animating today’s comic. Oh no, now I see Manly Men and Ugly Americans together. Mark talking to Jared…
I was alone, I never knew, what good love could do…
Sorry for your loss, CS.
Aww…poor bird. :( He was beautiful, though. What kind was he?
And I think Another One Bite the Dust is fairly appropriate for this fight. lol!
I think he’s a lovebird?
Needs something by Billy Idol. A beat you can move to, and vocals you can match explosions to time.
Maybe Dancing with Myself?
Sorry about your bird Coel.
I would suggest a harder song like This Day We Fight by Megadeth, but that’s more climactic battle music best saved for Gackt and his minions. And You’re The Inspiration is straight up a tear jerker (Thanks Elite Beat Agents! Damn you!)
Set on You by George Harrison.
No no, clearly the climatic battle with the Gackt would be Superman (It’s Not Easy) by Five for Fighting. This situation calls for Dream On by Aerosmith. With the comment about the babes at the end. Oh yeah.
To Coelasquid: I too once lost a precious little birdie called Kokopeli, and I was sad for days. If possible, you should try to keep one of your bird’s feathers, or his/her favorite toy. It helps to have something tangible for your grief.
I still tear up when I look at the ceramic paw print… Poor Copper (“top”). :(
And Space Doggity, by Jonathan Coultan, while not appropriate for the comic, might be appropriate for the bird. It made me think of all my pets, and it’s good to get that much grief out.
As to appropriate music for fighting massive hoards of enemies, Re: Your Brains, by Jonathan Coultan again, is appropriate. Kinda. Maybe The Big Boom would be more appropriate (Same guy again).
Obviously for the battle against Gackt the music must be One Winged Angel.
…oh, god. Considering the amount of prettyboys in FF7, that would be scarily appropriate.
I don’t know why, but I was thinking “Take on me” by A-ha. Would be…interesting to fight to that.
For final boss music, you should also consider Dart’s Theme from the Legend of Dragoon OST. Good stuff there
Take On Me is only appropriate if you use a pipe wrench as a weapon.
Dear god someone actually remembers that awesome video
I vaguely remember the original; probably would have forgotten all about the pipe wrench if not for the Literal Music Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HE9OQ4FnkQ
The last thing you want to do when battling a yaoi man is to play J-Pop. It merely gives them strength. Must play a tune that’s a polar opposite, and metal is pretty much that opposite.
One winged angel is j-pop? …what? It’s orchestrated and in latin. It was just composed by a japanese guy.
I agree with Laughing target about the J-Pop, but like Shade pointed out, One Winged Angel isn’t J-Pop.
But if we’re talking power up music, for the commander, Johnny Cash. That seems to be something to indicate that he is about to destroy someone. I know when he finally got prepared to kick some arse a few strips back I had God’s Gonna Cut You Down playing in my head. And it was Glorious!
I have this to say, Let it be the METAL version of one-winged angel. It does exist.
What about the main theme from For A Few Dollars More by Ennio Morricone, freaking Clint Eastwood! >:3
Oh man, if we are talking metal, then “Time Stands Still (At The Iron Hill)” by Blind Guardian is my choice.
What, no “Welcome to the Jungle”?
Journey is a fitting farewell to a beloved pet.
I’m rather fond of “Don’t Stop Believing” and “Only the Young”, m’self. Grew up singing to a Greatest Hits cassette for a good ten years. Lost two awesome hamsters in that time… Link (Sandy-blond longhair Syrian) and Dark Link (shorthair Syrian, black with little white feetses).
Both of ’em had the same habit of burrowing into my shirt and poking their nose out of the collar, then just napping there on my shoulder.
Fly on, you adorable Axi bird, fly on.
Oh, right. Comic. Um… Hey, wait, Commander is implying he’ll outlive Jared. …unless he’s just gonna pop into the future at some indeterminate point in time, attend Jared’s funeral, and blast Journey over the eulogy. Seems like the proper kind of tribute for Jared: a well-meaning mess that confuses anyone who doesn’t have pre-existing knowledge of the situation.
I wonder how many others are going to be victims of this being stuck in their heads all day
S’cuse me. ._.
I will sing any 80’s song with anyone anytime.
Even “Sugar Walls” by Sheena Easton?
ESPECIALLY that one. Because I love gingerbread houses!
…huh? It’s…what’s “metaphor” mean?
If something is a metaphor of something else, it means it represents the something else in a way that is supposed to be intuited, but never taken literally.
I’ll even sing …
I Need A Hero! >:3
Sorry. Put on a performance of Footloose recently.
They’re driving through a wave of slimes? There is only one appropriate song to be playing at this point :
This actually goes pretty well with the scene strangely enough. NIce choice. :D
Also Sorry for your loss, Fourteen years is a long time for a bird, my family is pet oriented so I’ve been through a couple of pet funerals. I know it is rough but think of it this way, Axi is probably in a better place now. :D
So sorry for your loss. It’s hard losing a pet.
Hyper beam, Mr. Fish!!!
Sorry to hear about your bird. They’re so easy to get close to.
Dude, sorry about your loss, I’ve never had a pet but I can guess it hurts
to loose one.
Bout the music, I would have chosen more something like Fuel or maybe La Grange for the fighting, and one song that’s really awesome for final credits is Slide away, by Oasis: hero says goodbye to kid/rookie/someone that looks up to him says something like “don’t matter where you go, remember your a man” (I’m not that good for epic stuff like this) and starts walking down the highway while he leaves a burning building behind him.
My Bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
My bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
Splishy Spashy
My bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
Splishy Spashy
Ickxy Axi
My bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
Splishy Spashy
Ickxy Axi
Flipsy Flapsy
My bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
Splishy Spashy
Ickxy Axy
Flipsy Flapsy
Tipsy Tapsy
My bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
Splishy Splashy
Ickxi Axi
Flipsy Flapsy
Tipsy Tapsy
Ripsy Rapsy
My Bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
Splishy Splashy
Ickxi Axi
Flipsy Flapsy
Tipsy Tapsy
Ripsy Rapsy
Fixy Faxy
My Bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
Splishy Splashy
Ickxi Axi
Flipsy Flapsy
Tipsy Tapsy
Ripsy Rapsy
Fixy Faxy
Trashy Axi
My Bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
Splishy Splashy
Ickxi Axi
Flipsy Flapsy
Tipsy Tapsy
Ripsy Rapsy
Fixy Faxy
Trashy Axi
Axter Raptor
My bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
Splishy Splashy
Ickxi Axi
Flipsy Flapsy
Tipsy Tapsy
Ripsy Rapsy
Fixy Faxy
Axi Trashy
Axter Raptor
Attackxi Axi
My Bird Axi
Rixi Raxi
Splishy Splashy
Ickxi Axi
Flipsy Flapsy
Tipsy Tapsy
Ripsy Rapsy
Fixy Faxy
Axi Trashy
Axter Raptor
Attackxi Axi
Bad Bird Axi!
Trapsi the Axi.
Trapsi the Axi
My bird Axi
Trapsi the Axi
Kissy Catchy
My bird Axi
Trapsi the Axi
Kissy Catchy
Scritchy Scratchy
My bird Axi
Trapsi the Axi
Kissy Catchy
Scritchy Scratchy
Lovebird Paxi
My bird Axi
Trapsi the Axi
Kissy Catchy
Scritchy Scratchy
Lovebird Paxi
Pudding and Pie
My Bird Axi.
RIP Axi. Love, Aximom
Cool poem, aximom.
it’s worth reading it.
My condolences for your loss.
Clubbed to Death would be my suggestion for an action-y combat scene such as this.
Personally, I’m having “Don’t You Forget About Me” by Simple Minds.
Will recognize me? Call my name or walk on by? Rain keeps fallin, rain keeps fallin down down down.
Axi was a beautiful bird. May it rest in peace.
What kind of lovebird was it, if you don’t mind me asking?
Looks like one of the peachfaced color mutations, though I’m not sure which one. Fourteen years is a ripe old age for a lovebird, though.
Sorry for your loss, Coela. I’ve lost a few birds but it never gets easier.
Poor bird. :( You have my sympathies, condolences, thoughts and prayers. *hug*
Axi looks like such a pretty bird. That’s a good send-off song for such an awesome creature. I should listen to that song now… Good memories of riding in the truck on road trips listening to classic rock with our chihuahua Squeaker in my lap. Thirteen good years. She left us about a month ago now. She will be sorely missed.
I think that ‘Highway to the Dangerzone’ from TopGun would be a rather fitting montage song <3<3 :3
And sorry about your bird squid :< I remember when I lost my pet cat to cancer. Am still pissed at the animal hospital for screwing up something so simple as a check up.
Ah man, it never is fun when you lose a pet, I remember my old dog Jasper who died when I was fairly young. Best dog I have ever seen. He used to run off musk ox and other animals from my house in the country, which is pretty impressive with like a 1:10 body weight ratio
Oh, wow. Your lovebird looks exactly like mine and he’s been on his way out for a year now. Pretty sure he has a brain tumor but he’s hanging on with all the evil in his little heart. I love him.
So sorry for your loss. :(
Sorry for your loss, I too just lost a pet :(
Axi bird may you rest in peace
Sad day! Just from that picture I miss your bird too! :(
So does the commander get experience points in some form? He is not a video game character, he does however live in a universe containing them. He is fighting an unusually large number of slimes, so is he going to level up or something? Or will Mr. Fish benefit from being around this?
Mr. Fish only benefits if he’s holding the EXP Share.
So the question is really whether or not Jared thought that far ahead.
Mr. Fish is clearly using Mean Look to keep the enemy from escaping.
Can Gyarados even use Mean Look?
It can’t! :U
Then it’s using Bide. The Commander’s just not letting anything hit it.
Mr. Fish learns whatever move Mr. Fish feels like learning.
Regardless of whether or not the Commander gains exp, the slimes are obviously far too weak to give significant gains to someone of his level. I doubt he’ll have even gained a tenth of the necessary experience by the time he reaches his goal, provided something bigger doesn’t show up.
Like a few Slime Stacks or King Slimes?
Fun fact: Let the “multiplying” slimes multiply, but not combine, and keep killing most, but letting 1 or 2 survive, is the easiest way to gain levels at low levels. Trying to convince them to multiply but not combine at “critical mass” is harder, but better.
…Commander let them multiply. And they [i]have[/i] no critical mass at which they combine. I am gel-ous. >:(
Enemy Gumdrops have been defeated!
Commander Badass has earned 1295 EXP!
Commander Badass grew to Lvl 90!
HP – +3
Atk – +5
Defense – +5
SpA – +2
SpD – +2
Speed – +5
Commander Badass is trying to learn Falcon Punch!
But Commander Badass can only learn four moves!
Delete older move to make room for Falcon Punch?
Which move should be forgotten?
– Kick Ass
– Chew Bubblegum
– Suppressive Fire
– Educate Jared
One, two, three and….poof!
Commander Badass forgot Chew Bubblegum!
Commander Badass learned Falcon Punch!
So sorry to hear about your lovebird. I still miss mine after all these years. They are true individuals and little buddies.
Meanwhile, I now have two earworms duking it out in my head. Here’s another for you and possibly comic fight scenes: http://youtu.be/_s7vgTvurvs
I’m very sorry for your loss; I can total sympathize. I had a budgie named Sunny, and we went together like burgers and fries. However, after I had her for about a year, my dad accidentally killed her when he cleaned the room she was in with bleach (Ironically, he was trying to kill a fungus that had claimed the lives of our dog and our cat earlier that year).
It was altogether a very bad year for me.
as always, awesome comic
sorry about tour pet me heartie, im sure he/she will wait for you in heaven
For the opening wave of enemies, I would suggest “Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends” by Emerson, Lake and Palmer.
Journey – “Livin’ on a Prayer”
I’m not a huge Journey fan, but somehow there music is so… fitting for camaraderie. In my case usually the drunken kind, but I bet this would work too haha.
“Livin’ on a Prayer” was by Bon Jovi.
Anyone who played Rock Band would know that.
I’m 40. I lived it.
Oops, put the wrong song title. Meant to put “Don’t Stop Believing.” Eh, either or.
Sorry for your loss Coelasquid.
And my battle music of choice is Battlefield by Blind Guardian. No, this has nothing to do with Robot Unicorn Attack Metal Version, why would you think that? >>
Oh man… lots of sympathy for the loss of such a pretty bird.
It’s always hard when a pet dies, especially the longer you spend with them. Lots of hugs your way ^^
I’d have to go with AC/DC “Shoot to Thrill”.
Sorry to hear that your little buddy is gone. :-/
My condolences for your loss. I’m sure Axi was happy to have been your pet.
I don’t get why the Commander doesn’t just run them over…
Same reason you don’t just run over a goomba: You gotta kill them properly, or they hurt ya.
I’m very sorry about your beloved bird, m’dear! Play some Boston for ‘im!
RIP bird.
Oh man… I know what its like to lose a long time friend like that, my cat Oreo, who I have had since I was 2, passed this year. My condolences.
; ____ ;7
You should bring him back from the dead by making it part mech
it’ll be like the opening of Robot Chicken.
Another one bites the dust would be a perfect montage song for that
Condolences on your loss Coela.
As for you, Commander–What?! No “A-Team” theme??
Maybe you could put some Kid Icarus:Uprising characters in the comic (It would explain how Pit, the main character, was turned from an adult in the best ending of the first game into a teen in the latest. That, and I think that he and a few other characters could fit into the comic as a whole. Magnus, Dark Pit, Dark Lord Gaol, Pyrron, The Chariot Master, Hades; there are quite a few badass and hammy characters to choose from.
I also forgot to mention Pandora, Thanatos, Hewdraw, and Medusa.
dude I know that feel bro, Ive lost a love bird, best friend I’ve ever had. you know they always look like they are smiling, so hopeful Axi is smiling down on you right now.
Mr. Fish needs to hyper beam from the back of the car. He’d wipe the whole encounter.
Hey Kelly. I’m so sorry about your bird <3 That was the soft side of me. Now time for my own version of Commander Badass to come out.
JOURNEY!? COME ON! It has to at least be a "Final Countdown"/ACDC Mix!
“Any Way You Want It” is a song by Kansas, not Journey.
I’m not sure what version of the song you’re talking about, but it’s not this one.
You’re thinking of “Carry on my wayward son”.
Ooooh. My bad.
I second both Brandon and Reprimand
How about Twilight Zone by Golden Earring for the music?
And hey, sorry about Axi, Coela.
I had my pet parrot die recently as well. A really great red-headed amazon who was pretty much attached to me. Crushed me for a while. :<
Sorry for your loss. Im sure Axi was a totally radical, too cool for school bird :(
We just lost our lovebird yesterday. T_T It’s so sad.
Am I the only one wondering how he can hear the music over what must be full-auto gunfire?
Not that I have a problem with it.
Not really.
The shockwave from the gun is traveling mostly in the same direction as he’s firing and the music is coming toward him from the side. Also I’m assuming that the radio is cranked up real high and that he didn’t skimp on the speaker system.
Oh shoot! I’m such a bumhole, I forgot to say-
I’m really sorry for the loss of your little bird. you see I have owned a lot of pets so I all too well know how you feel about it. Sorry I didn’t say anything earlier <= (
apologetic face ^
rest in piece axi, its good to know you had a friend all these years.
Through The fire and Flames!….. actually methinks thats best saved for a faster paced battle.
Wait, I have to ask, why isn’t Mr Fish doing something? A good watergun right now could be useful.
This just sent me hunting through my old music chest…
I now have Journey’s Greatest Hits on LP sitting in front of me.
Such a shame it’s been a decade since I had a functional record player…
Still some goddam awesome cover art though.
Sorry for your loss. My oldest bird died back in October.
Motorhead – ‘Killed By Death’.
The best scrub-cutting / water-blasting song to keep in yer head for a long shift.
Sorry for your loss, fellow animal lover.
I like how Jared looks like now without the whiskers – it makes him a lot more innocent. Here’s my personal hope he stays that way.
I’m thinking “watching the wheels go round” by John Lennon for this scene. Quite suggestive of someone kinda sort retired from frontline service like the Commander. And the monotony of grinding through the lowlevel npcs. Anf it’s Lennon, so suitably surreal
I like how even in the midst of mowing down a swarm of random slimes the Commander still listens to Jared’s opinions and assures him that he will make his wish come true.
Commander is the best substitute father ever. EVER!
RIP Axi :( Sorry to hear about your loss. It’s not fun at all losing someone really close to you
I believe this is not the Any Way You Want it that I know?
So sorry to hear about your loss. RIP, little Axi-bird.
What do you mean deadhart?
This be the only song called “Any Way You Want It” I know.
Judging by the lyrics, it is not the on e Jared’s blasting on the stereo, amirite?
That’s what’s playing.
Ah. Not my genre exactly but it’s a nice chill-out song.
I believe, while mowing down a swarm of blue anthropomorphic gumdrops in a blaze of full-auto fire, a rousing rendition of “Father Abraham” is in order.
Poor Axi, my condolences.
Aww! Axi was so adorable! D:
I’m so sorry. :'(
Sooooo…is the commander going to see jareds funeral soon? cuz that last panal shouts FORESHADOWING! of course ive prolly just read too many mangas and im just imagining things. My condolences on your loss
(Save us from) The Man With The Hex
Say what you want about the scooby foo movie but that song was catchy
In memoriam Axi:
Looking back at this, I’m actually pretty impressed by Jared’s flexibility in panels 2 & 3. Is he half-snake?
Led Zeppelin. Immigrant Song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBmueYJ0VhA This should always be your travellin’ music.
Sorry to hear about your little feathered friend. I know how they can make such a huge impact on a life
I’m surprised Nomura Syndrome hasn’t effected weapons and stuff as well, made some big ass crazy unnecessary swords and stuff.
I want to do to Journey what he does to the blobs.
I know this is old, but this one hit me where it hurt. This song actually did play at my cousin’s funeral, he used to play it on guitar and sing it to my mother a lot.
if you were actually willing to kill off jared (which no one would want, which i assume includes you because jared is hilariously awesome) it would be really heartwarming to see commander making sure this song is played at his funeral