Don’t breed don’t buy
May 22, 2017
2:53 am
I know I keep saying I’m going to have time to do an actual decent comic soon and then keep coming right down to the wire. I’ve basically been drowning for months, choking to keep my head above the water.
At least the quality of your drawings remains on point
You can switch to every other week if its getting that bad. We love the comic, but getting a bit less of it to prevent you killing yourself with stress is a more then fair trade!
As much as that would suck for us, I agree. Better less comics than the artist having a breakdown and getting no comics.
Fully agreed here. Either switch schedule or perhaps a hiatus, until you can get your head above water again. Your health is more important.
Fourthed. If you’re in a bad place to be doing creative work of your own there’s eventually going to come a burn out.
I believe this is the general sentiment. We love you, and love your comics, but the vast majority will understand a shift in postings for your continued health and the prospect that someday we will get more of your wonderful imagination and world.
Fifth. This comic is incredible and you shouldn’t suffer just to please us.
5thed. you gotta take ur time ya need, ya know? rest and a break are always a good idea when you’re drowning. don’t wanna be caught without ur floaties one of these days and go down a creek without a paddle (too many water jokes, i know. i’ll stop if you get ur chill on, k?)
6th car on the agreement-train. You’ve brought us a lot of happiness, Coela, and you’ve asked nothing in return. You broke bones and fought off cancer and *still* kept the comics coming. You have been very, very good to us.
If you feel a need for some time off to rest up, get your situation in line, or just have some personal days–take ’em! The only people who would be offended by that are jerks, ungrateful ones. You take care of you, we’re not going anywhere.
7th. I’ve enjoyed many of the comics over the past few months, but you’re an artist; you have to be happy with your work too. A biweekly schedule or even a hiatus might be just the ticket.
8th-ed? I think bi-weekly would be more than reasonable if you’re struggling, you’re awesome and more than deserve a little slack. *hugs*
9th-ed from me. Remember when you uploaded fan art or drawings of friends for a few weeks (Well iirc anyway)? Maybe you could do that again for a bit and get some much meeded rest. You’ll have time to do your other works too. I know some content creators are so proud of their schedule that they wouldn’t take a break but although it’s commendable, it’s also unhealthy and health is more important than work.
10th-ed. Basically what I was already going to say has been stated. But none the less, take a break if you aren’t feeling mentally well for drawing more comics. We can and will wait. :)
The twisted part of me wants you to have a breakdown so we end up experiencing mind-breaking art that tries to come to life and kill us.
The rest of me recommends that you take a break, hopes you feel better soon and begs that you don’t start an artpocalypse.
I follow your comics on an RSS feed. You publish when you are ready. I’ll get them when they happen. Love your work, so for god sake take care of ya damn self
Verily, truth hast been spake this night. Take what time you need.
I absolutely agree on this, personal health should be the main priority.
Take a break now while you can and don’t wait untill you must.
Yep. Far better to take a break when you have a choice before a break*down* leaves you with NO choice.
Playing devil’s advocate to say that your comics bring me great joy when I see them, and I’ll be forever devastated and betrayed if I have less of them in my life.
Kidding. This is your joy that you share with us, you are under no obligation to create if you cannot. Those who appreciate your art and humor will appreciate if you need to step back, don’t let any of us make you think this is some chore you need to churn out.
he’s right you know take some time off and relax, your health is more important than a webcomic.
Do what you can, when you can.
If nothing else the single panels still manage to be amusing.
If you need to go on haitus, then do it. (All I ask is that you let us know first.) If you’re stressed out, you’re gonna get sick and I don’t think anyone wants that… } XP
Totally agree, take a break if you need one, as long as you need it to be, just tell us when you do it so we don’t panic not knowing where you went.
I know you receive complaints every time you’re even late to post, but your health (mentally and physically), as always, is more important. Take a break, Most of your readers will still be here when you’re back.
Well you still managed to come up with something far more interesting than Alien Covenant. But don’t stress yourself out. Take the time you need. You’re providing these updates for free so you don’t owe people. We’re just gratefull for whatever you put out whenever you feel like it =)
Heh! Jared certainly is a responsible pet owner. I notice that he’s even complying with leash laws.
These are perfectly decent.
To be honest, I expected the problem would’ve been “taken care of” by Mr. Fish, but this works too.
Now I’m just wondering if you can spay/neuter a facehugger.
Well they did that in half-life once…
Nah, the headcrab just got debeaked, like declawing a cat.
I like how easily he accepts Easter Crabs as a thing. A hundred years from now, egg hunts will include scuttling horrors from deep space.
Well, he DOES come from a world where there are things that would make even a Xenomorph stop and think “dude, that’s FUCKED UP.”
Such as Diglett x Wailord. One is about 80 times the size of the other heightwise, not to mention the other two dimensions…
At least with Diglett we can pretend there’s actually a massive body beneath the surface or something. But freaking Skitty, man.
Mm. Good point. I imagine a lot of ‘mons would look seriously freaky in a realistic setting, like Paras, or Golisopod.
Not to mention the Ghost types.
Phantump are straight up tree stumps possessed by the souls of children, Gourgeist sings cheerfully as its prey suffers, Banette are thrown-away childrens toys trying to get revenge on their former owners through voodoo curses…
And Cubone wears the skull of its mother on its head.
The Pokemon world is terrifying.
Don’t forget Yveltal. Literally kills everything at the end of it’s lifecycle, if the Pokedex is telling the truth.
Well, that thing is a god of death or something. What worries me are kids with man-made portable holders get to control gods.
How on earth would anybody even know that? In that situation, everybody has already died. Who would be left to take notes for the Pokedex?
It’s Pokemon we don’t have to explain shit
Well… there is this…
Come to think of it, Kabutops seems sort of similar to a basic human type Xenomorph.
Sleek chitinous form, razor sharp limbs, aquatically adaptable, sucks the fluids out of it’s prey. Not sure if the damn things spit acid, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
I mean look at this thing.
They can learn toxic, so…
The best thing is that he will not be in the least surprised that Easter Crabs “evolve”…presumably into pokémon/stray urban animal hybrids. Good grief.
I don’t want this enough to sacrifice in-fiction Mr Fish for it, but DANG do I want this.
We could always have him attempting to take the easter crabs into pokemon park because they’re “cute”
well, to be fair… if anyone in the manly office is to handle a dussin facehuggers without causing any casualties, Jared isn’t a bad choice.
I appear to be some form of were-grammarnazi, I feel compelled to inform you that you spelled “dozen” wrong. I know that’s not a nice thing to do, but it’s bothering me.
Don’t worry about bending over backwards for comics. If you need to take a break, go for it. We can’t blame you, especially since it’s free entertainment for us. The sooner you’re back to 100%, the sooner we get more awesome shenanigans, possibly some that involves Jared taming some xenomorphs.
Oh my god, take a break!!! I love your comic, but you’re way more important than a bunch of panels!
So that sounds exactly like my relationship with assignments atm. ‘This time I’ll produce something I’m proud of. oh wait, the rest of my life happened and now I’m clicking submit on something that’s probably complete? but agh get it away from me’
You’ll do you like you always do, but that sounds like a sub-optimal relationship to have with a funtime comic to provide for freesies.
Yes, indeed. Chiming in to add to the general consensus that your wellness is much, much more important to us, your fans, than a weekly comic. Take some time. Do some costuming. Hang out with your viking husband. Go hiking. Or to the beach. Play more vidya garmse. Lay about on the divan being fed grapes and nougat, presumably by said viking husband in a nice slave loin cloth. ;)
David would not approve f his creations being abused like this, theyre SUPPOSED to jump up at people.
Question, will Jared get a true pet Xenomorph, and who will the lucky parent be?
Wolverine, he has 10hp/sec regen
Wait… but how would the xenomorph get out of Wolverine? He has an adamantium skeleton including the ribs
Thhe same way everything else wolverine eats leaves him. THE LONG WAY AROUND.
Yeah, it’ll just have to chew it’s way around the rib cage.
Alien: Resurrection had a chestburster go out a man’s sternum, into the skull of another man. Skullburster. In the event of wolverine, I’m pretty sure if it wanted to go just a BIT higher, we’d have a “Throatburster”. A bit lower and you got yourself a “Gutburster”.
Even if the sternum has Adamantium, it’s joined to the rest of the ribcage by cartilage – and THAT doesn’t have any Adamantium. So it could just force the sternum out, and pop it off, like a lid off a jar.
That brings to mind unsettling images… I probably need a new graphics card
You know, that would be a terrible idea. Perhaps even more terrible than using Deadpool as a parent.
Because Xenomorphs adapt their parents genes. You’d literally get an unkillable Xenomorph that infinitely regenerates. Not to mention that in case of Wolvering, it would probably have adamantium exoskeleton.
The adamantium skeleton was an adon by the government in Wolverine’s case. It isn’t genetic, so no worries about that passing on to the xenomorph. Now if you wanted to install an adamantium skeleton in the Wolverine xenomorph, that would be another story.
How about Jimmy Hudson? Wolverine’s biological, *traditionally conceived* son (not present in all universes)?
Not only did he get the healing factor, and the claws, he also got a Colossus-like ability to turn parts of his body into metal, so the first thing he did upon learning his heritage was turning his own skeleton into organic metal, because it “felt right”.
Or how about Raze? An alternate reality son of Wolverine and Mystique, who’s shapeshifting powers are more advanced than his Mother’s? Though his claws are bone, never metal.
Most of his other descendants in the comics and the movies either stick with the bone claws or have adamantium bonded to their skeletons like Dad Wolverine; though at least one wears adamantium sheaths instead.
Can’t speak for the rest of this lot but I made the mistake of taking a sip of coffee waiting for the page to load. Lost a few ounces all over my monitor. Excellent conclusion to the “easter” eggs.
… Now I want to see him tame Headcrabs all the sudden.
So Jared ends up being the most feared and respected of all the Manly Guys?
I knew the [Beast-Master] perk was useful but not THAT useful
PLEASE, if taking a break of MGDMT makes it a little easier for you, DO it. Also, if there was a way to give a hand, just tell. Just for reciprocation, and because of simple human interest. Not cool to burn yourself
Hey, don’t sweat it, it’s still cool :) I still enjoy it at the very least ;)
Take care of yourself first, that’s most important. <3 If you need a break or something, we can wait.
No worries — your health is more important than a weekly comic. It’s okay to find a way to give yourself the time you need, whether that’s a break, a different update schedule, whatever works best for you.
Providing for yourself is more important than providing for your audience. :)
Your work is fantastic and we’ll still be here when you’re feeling better.
I love MGDM, and even your one panel strips are better than many other webcomics’ full pages. Don’t stress yourself out too much on our account!
Normally I don’t make suggestions to the writer, while feed back is good suggesting ideas can come off as demanding, rude, and disrespectful if not properly. This is especially troublesome when leaving a comment as tone can be very hard to express that said, please continue the trend of Jared taming giant monsters and give him a horde of Xenomorphes who view him as the Queen. If only for the occasional joke.
Take a break, imo.
Recharge your batteries, step back from the comic for a couple weeks.
Your work is amazing, and everyone will keep reading when you’re able to return.
One of the comics that I frequent often has breaks of months to over a year at times due to real life obligations of the author. But I don’t pay for it and the updates are always quality so I don’t complain.
Take a breather and delay an update if you need to. Speaking for myself, I prefer an author that does not snap due to stress resulting in no more updates ever.
Your single panel comics still make me crack up — please, don’t worry! You’re still doing awesome work. Hang in there, and take a break if you need to. (Guest artist time?)
You have talent and an amazing work ethic. I’ve never seen such a consistent artist. Your work is always appreciated, so take care of yourself and know that even these ‘down to the wire’ comics are genuinely enjoyable!
Hell you could keep doing This storyline ad infinitum and it would still turn out great.
For relaxing:
I expected some form of Jared vs Facehugger hug-match, with Commander having to intervene. This works too though. Jones needs to believe more in the ability of some people to warp reality around them, the evidence is right there in front of her.
This is hard to judge. I would think that maybe since they are being raised in captivity and being fed without having to hunt, they might not end up being murder machines.
However, this is Jared we’re talking about, and Mr Fish has a record of eating other pokemon. So this could get ugly… of Mr Fish will end up eating them as well.
It’s also likely that Jared will sell them to the pokemon association or something of that sort. They’ll give him a medal for discovering a new “race of pokemon”, then they’ll get murdered.
But they don’t eat. They are like eggs with legs, they need new hosts!
The mature xenomorphs, though, have quite a bit of personality! Riley cried over the death of one, and I think they are part human? Like, over half.
Even the comics which you think of as “filler” are absolutely top quality. I laughed my arse off at this one.
However, if you are struggling to fit the comic in on top of all your other commitments, please consider taking a brief hiatus. You’ve already proven that you’re badass as hell by continuing to draw during cancer treatment and with a strapped-up arm/shoulder after the motorbike accident. Of course, some people will complain if you take a break because they are idiots with poor social skills who forget that artists are actual human beings, but fuck those people, y’know? And you could always ask artist friends to provide guest week comics.
Do what you’ve got to ma’am. I like these one panel comics though. I came to love this comic for the juxtaposition of high-octane concept with down-to-earth slice-of-life hijinks, so these single pages exploring a concept are great for me. So, basically, no pressure!
Dude, the single panel things you draw are awesome. They give us a look into YOUR Characters more, and their great!
Also, when this thing gets colors I want to buy a print. Because the Easter eggs and Jarrod apply my girly thing to my brother’s movies. Messing with him is SOOOO worth it!
We’ll take comics when we get ’em from an artist who is NOT going crazy. Do what’s good for you!
Just take a break a bit. Give yourself some time and make a buffer for it. Have plenty of panels ready, you don’t need to color em since they are fantastic either way. Just give your self some time to get a bunch of em ready but keep on break for a bit and once you feel your ready post em one at a time week by week. We get it if your overwhelmed no one of going to lose there mind if the comic is on break for awhile. Your fans will stick with ya no matter what.
You’re awesome.
Your comics are awesome.
Take the time you need for you, we will all still be here when you get back.
Welcome to the deep end, where everyone looks a little flushed!
You are great and don’t worry about it!!!!
Not meaning to echo the rest but I must agree take a break from this if you need to.
If someone complains and acts entitled to an update just about everyone here will put ’em in check. If updates are needed a month of guest strips wouldn’t be bad, tbh I sorta like seeing the head cannons of others in relation to this.
Well, if one of Commander’s siblings have fluffy adorable velociraptors, then why Jared can’t have murderously cute xenomorphs?
It’s official. Jared is The Ultimate Beast Master.
I just love how Jared is our little monster whisperer idiot savant. He’s not really an idiot, but he’s got some growing up to do. Meanwhile, he has an unnatural gift for wrangling things that SHOULD just try to kill him. It’s like he’s carrying a strain of communicable adorkablility and all the monsters catch it from him.
Thanks for taking the time to make the comic! Like other people have said here, you should take a break if you feel you need to, but single panel comics like this are also awesome if you have the time/drive to do them.
And I side with Jones on this.
Your single panel stuff is absolutely fantastic, and you’ve got a ton of support for a break.
Bet people would love to make guest comics for you too.
Don’t push yourself too hard, girl. We are your fans and we’d rather have you well than a full comic arc every week.
Jared should add that to his resume: alien wrangler.
Sorry for the double post, but I hope everything eases up for you soon!
Are you saying that this isn’t an actually decent comic? Because it looks like an actually decent comic to me.
This is the most beautiful corner of the internet I’ve been to in a long time. Everyone is so damn supportive! Even when the artist herself says this is less than her best it is still great :)
Do whatever you need to do to catch up. Take a break, do one-panels for a few weeks while also working part-time on a multi-panel, or maybe update less often. Your work is awesome even when it’s “filler” (a term which I use loosely since the comic sort of rolls at its own pace regardless). Yours is one of my favorite webcomics ever and one of only a handful I’m reading currently. Just take care of yourself first.
I think you said in the past that people can/have acted like entitled douches when they don’t get their weekly fix of comic and so you don’t really want to break schedule. So I know telling you to take a break to try sort your life out will likely fall on deaf ears, so I’ll just say I’ve been enjoying the comics even if they’re short, black and white and only single panels some weeks. We’re very lucky to get your content at all, so don’t go beating yourself up if it’s not always as good as you want it to be (heck point me at an artist who is genuinely 100% satisfied with the content they create)
I’ve said it before but I want to say it again. A rushed-out single panel comic from you is better than a full and complete update from 99% of other comics on the web. I really hope you get some breathing room soon, but until that time, please know that your work is still absolute quality and we’re all grateful for the chance to enjoy it.
Frankly, I’m enjoying the whole Alien thing. I kind of want to see how Mr. Fish would react to a Xenomorph. Don’t sweat being busy, you gotta do what you gotta do! Thanks for putting in the work to get something up this week yet again!
But the comics are still awesome!! <3
Oh my god I absolutely adore Jared x10 now.
You don’t have to keep the weekly update schedule. Just make sure to give the fans forewarning if you change anything. That way, only a third will want your head on a pike, instead of most if you just stop updating for a year or something.
“don’t breed, don’t buy,
adopt a facehugger today”
As you can see from the comments, we all love YOU way more than your comic. Change your schedule, or just move away from having one…let people get an RSS and we’ll know when you update. Take some time, do what brings you less stress, not more.
As an aside? I like having these panels to print and color. Heh. Yeah, I’m a total juvenile, but coloring is a good stress release for me.
Your one-off about Easter crabs provided me with far more entertainment than Alien: Covenant did. So kudos from me!
Step 1: Don’t Die
Step 2: Take a Break (Your adoring fangirls and fanboys understand)
Step 3: Get Healthy (The break will help. Exhaustion will not help and make it worse)
Step 4: Come back to the embrace of your Loving fandom.
Step 5: Profit ????
Jared in this comic strip instantly made my brain think Junkrat before realizing it was Jared.
So with Overwatch being future based it is now my head cannon Jared at some point of his life moves to Australia blows himself up somehow and renames himself Junkrat.
I’m fine with hiatuses. For reference, One of my favorite podcasts has been on semi-permanent hiatus since I was in highschool….. in 2011
Did Jarred just succeed where entire battalions of hardened space marines and mad scientists failed?
He may not be good at much, but he’s good at what he does.
And he turns monsters into pets.
I agree with all of the above. You do what you need to, we’ll be waiting. Also would like to point out that a good follow up to this would be Jared teaching David the Android from the Alien movies how to ACTUALLY tame Xenomorphs. It would also be interesting if Wolverine was the host, because he can probably survive that so no permanent damage to the cast.
You do this for fun, not as a job. If you need some downtime, take some downtime.
Also… why don’t you have a patreon?
She does.
When I first saw I thought it was a silly joke. Now, I’m starting to think the commander is on to something.
Please don’t take this as an admonition of the black and white comic (Health and sanity come first! Easier comics or even hiatuses are fine, as others have said!) but I need to know whether Jared has painted the “Easter Crabs” to match their eggs. Unless he hasn’t, in which case I prefer to live in willful ignorance forever.
Take as long as you need to, we’ll be just fine!
I also can’t help but think Jared’s going to get /way/ too into Magikarp Jump.
I kind of want to see this now…
I’d rather have one good panel than 15 shit ones. You focus on quality, and that’s what we get every time. Don’t feel bad at all about what you release here.
Don’t worry about it, this stuff is GOLD
Don’t worry about it. Your work is awesome, and I’m happy with whatever you can manage to give us. I’d rather you go light on MGDMT for a while than overwhelm yourself.
Also, Jared with “Easter Crabs” is one of the best things ever.
I also think you should take break, any time you need one. A heads up would be helpful, just so we know what’s going on, and maybe updates when you can, but it’s not necessary. Good things come to those who wait and I can be patient. You create such wonderful comics, even when you’re rushed and unable to color them, but don’t burn yourself out for those ungrateful few. I’m pretty sure most of your fans will understand, even if they don’t mention it.
i just choose to think of this as jared is actually the best pokemon trainer.
Can Savitar from the 3rd season of The Flash appear in this comic, I think he qualifies as enough of a Badass:
I was just going to say we appreciate the comics you can give us whenever you manage to give them to us, and you don’t actually owe us a damn thing, and you should take your break, but I’m also suddenly completely distracted by the cigar-smoking Commander that is right next to this box that I’ve never seen before because I usually look at the comments on my iPad.
Man, coconut crabs freak me out.
Plus one to “take a break or slow down the schedule if you need to” with an additional “fuck the few loud, rude people who will complain, they will complain regardless.”
I hope the Huggers somehow kept the colours and patterns that Jared painted on their eggs.
Could you make one in which the Commander shares advice on how to be a good father with Uzumaki Naruto?
I am rather enjoying the line art. Gives me something to practice digital painting with. Got a grasp on solid colors, really need to practice shading. Thanks for all the work you put into these despite being swamped Coelasquid.
Hey if you need a break take one, I don’t claim to speak for everyone but taking a break is a lot better than having a mental breakdown. Trust me on that.
Hey, no problems here. You rock as usual.
Heh, Easter crabs.