Have you ever worn a cowl neck thing they’re like crumb gondolas
March 29, 2015
7:53 am
Colour to follow, I’m just gonna be in airports all day and don’t want to update late.
Colour to follow, I’m just gonna be in airports all day and don’t want to update late.
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I did, when i went to an ice sculpting exhibition in Indonesia (FYI, Indonesia is TROPICAL, so there are no winter season). I ate a spicy garlic bread to warm me up. ^^;;
I always figured that chestplate thing Hawke wears is pretty much just for hiding food in.
Have beard, can confirm. Unrequested food retention is a daily struggle.
Never really worn a cowl and I don’t keep scarfs on indoors. Still, though, I have been known to grow rather luxurious beards in the winter, so I can seriously vouch for the difficulties of beard-crumbs. Beard combs are a godsend.
I just realized that the protagonists of the BoF games never travel with any human or kemonomimi bearded companions. Closest would be Ox from Breath of Fire, Rei from Breath of Fire III, or Scias from Breath of Fire IV. Since this seems to be the original BoF Ryu, I gotta ask – where’s Ox? C’mon Ox, you’re pretty beardy, you should be watching out for your boy here – you’re slippin’ man.
There was that cat girl from Breath of Fire 2, actually. c: She’s in a comic during the Gackt disease thing, where Breath of Fire 2 Ryu got transformed into a big beefy angry guy. :D
She had a beard??
Yes, Katt legit had a beard. a… furry beard
been there, lived that….its one of the reasons i avoid having a beard
The simple solution is to always be rubbing and fondling your beard, making you look more thoughtful and dislodging crumbs in the process!
“But my beard is scratchy!” Fool! Do you not condition? Seriously… condition that beast. Tame the wild animal – make it fluffy and soft. Then it’s like you’ve got a small fluffy dog strapped to your chin that you can pet all the time!
My wife loves the fact that I use conditioner on my beard. She won’t have my chin any other way.
And no one can resist cute fluffy animals, so having one on your face naturally makes you attractive to everyone.
Glad to see at least one of the characters from Breath of Fire managed to finally beat Steve Reeves in hand-to-hand combat.
I could see Ryu getting a decent amount of respect from the Commander. I mean, dude turns into a dragon and all that, so…
Ryu is kind of a badass. He looks kinda scrawny, but again, turns into a dragon. And that part about him turning into a dragon gets crazier with each game.
Well yeah, you’re not a proper dragon if you don’t get more ridiculous with age.
The fun thing? The first Ryu is actually buff as hell. But since there are even more ripped characters in the other BoF games, they slimmed him down.
Plus they both have the shared experience of someone altering their appearance and having to defeat an End Boss to be restored back as common ground.
As a bearded guy myself, I approve of this strip.
Bearded guy here: I know exactly what it’s like to deal with crumbs. It doesn’t matter how tidily you eat; you’re going to get crumbs. Bring a comb, ye men who’ve never tried by always wondered about your beards, and be willing to wash your face after a particularly saucy meal (pizzas and pastas come to mind).
I friend of mine jokes about not ever cleaning his beard, says he lets the food built up a little and then dips his chin in a bowl of hot water and bam, he has a nice hot bowl of beard soup.
Old guys know all about crumbs, you get to a point where you just don’t care. Little birds hang around me waiting for the crumbs, I got a whole ecosystem thing going.
That face in the first panel, though…that must be some seriously good bread.
That or that loaf is hiding the cutest thing ever inside it.
Nice to see that Ryu got cured of his curse. I’ll bet Steve Reeves put up one hell of a fight.
true, but Ryu is a sodding Dragon.
…..no, literally, he’s a dragon, that’s the thing about the Breath of Fire Games, the protagonist always turn into dragons (3 goes insane with it via the Dragon Gene system.)
BoF III still remains my favorite with IV in a close second. I refuse to even acknowledge any games past that. The gene system while crazy and sometimes broken was still an amazing amount of fun. I enjoyed the ever living crap out of it.
you mean you don’t want to talk about BoF6 which is an iOS game?
……..cause i don’t, Capcom clearly enjoyed destroying one of the coolest JRPG series of all time (like Square Enix did with Star Ocean………….well Konami really didn’t do it Suikoden they just ignore it……….hopefully Kojima leaving will cause them to lose money and as a result Nintendo buys them out and hands the Suikoden IP to the Xenoblade guys.)
Don’t forget about MediaVision and Wild Arms!
But to be fair, they probably didn’t have many fans left after WA5. I hear it and 4 were pretty darn bad (I wouldn’t know, I stopped after 3 and AC:F).
But losing all those series just makes me sad. All I can look forward to now is Final Fantasy and Tales Of stuff.
WA5 was a good game. Too bad it couldn’t sell worth a damn after 4 torpedoed them. What is it with fourth games usually ruining franchises?
I have that problem with vnecks and cleavage.
I was just about to post that! Seriously, somedays it’s like you go into a meal with a B-Cup and you come out with a C.
Same Here! I swear popcorn is magnetically forced into my cleavage if I get to close.
I can totally relate. Wearing a cowl neck sweater and having DD boobs, it’s like the many layers of trying to get the crumbs off of me. And then half of them flip into my shirt when I’m trying to brush them off. It sucks.
That would make the cowl neck an advantage though, it catches the crumbs, you lean over toward a garbage can a bit and flip the cowl out and dump all the crumbs into the garbage, ensuring you’ve got the crumb situation cleared out in one swoop.
Oh, so THAT is why Nina is always hanging with Ryu. She’s hoping to grab some of those tasty bread crumbs.
If I could draw, this would be something that I would open a DeviantArt account for.
+1 to you.
Nina: “I’m a Windian, and I have to keep up my bird bloodline. It’ll never work.”
Ryu: “I have cowl crumbs.”
Nina: “…ok, then.”
Or women with enough cleavage. Ahhh, the “crumb shelf” problem…
Had to check the tags to make sure it was John Marston. He doesn’t seem the same without his distinctive scars. Other than that, I have a strong desire to play BOFIII out of pure nostalgia.
Huh, wouldn’t have expected Ryu to show up here. Well, Breath of Fire Ryu – Street Fighter Ryu has muscles enough to keep up with any of MGDMT’s regulars. Still, Breath of Fire is my favorite jRPG series, so that’s in no way a complaint.
You don’t have to be a beefy muscle head to be Manly (or even, technically, a man)
Yeah, but Ryu always struck me as closer to a Link type than most of the cast and guests, and look at how he’s handled.
Ryu turns into a dragon. Sure he may be a weedy guy in his human state, but who’s going to argue with someone who can turn into a monster out of legend pretty much at-will?
Because if we can’t count on Beard Solidarity, what CAN we count on?
Now I’m wondering just how old some of that pile up is…
This is the reason i subscribed to “The Lemmy” with my beard. By removing the center “food drainage” area on my chin and leaving luxurious sideburns and mustache, i have cut my crumb and soup containment by 70%.
The other 30% hates the very corners of my mouth.
Is that Ryu from Breath of Fire? If so, that’ awesome!
Beard-latte or beard-creme are the worst and then combine this with red-white pommes frites, it starts to look like an abandoned miniature battlefield. No comb can undo that. Though my cat is happy to assist with cleaning up.
god i really like how you draw john marston.
Oh hey, he got better!
It’s a different Ryu. The ancestor of the guy who got cursed with Boxart face back in the Bishounen arc. Sadly, Boxart Ryu’s fate is as of yet unresolved.
He is so adorable in that 1st panel. Like there ain’t nothing better or important than munching on that bread right at this moment.
I’m sorry Coela, but I laughed harder at ‘crumb gondolas’ than the actual strip…
f you’ve ever had a bird on your shoulder eating something, preening or cleaning there are crumbs and fluff and dandruff in places you would not expect
This dude looks like a pigeon and it is great. I love how in love he is with that piece of bread.
I will always love seeing John Marston show up in this, or any other, comic. And a fun punchline to boot! Thank yoooooou…!
Large-busted ladies also have this problem. It’s very difficult to sneak one of those deliciously crumbly cookies off the office kitchen table.
I don’t normally have as much trouble with crumbs as I do with waking up to find random bits of lint and fluff stuck in my beard. Curse you insanely comfortable blanket and your tendency to shed more than my dog.
That is an awesome John Marston! Seems a bit scrawnier then I remember him in the game, and in the 4th panel he doesn’t look like him too much, but I actually prefer the way you drew him. Maybe it’s just the fact that you almost never see him actually smile in the game. Now that I think about it, I think you only ever saw him smile once or twice. Must be that awesome smile that’s throwin me for a loop.
Yup, definitely a manly guy, he doesn’t look down.
I actually read this the first day I ever wore a cowl neck sweater, it is absolutely true.
I think John has more problems dealing with all the blood from the fauna he have butchered
I could see Hyrule Warriors Link having the same cowl/scarf issue. Crumby Link!
Totally been there on the “all day in airports” front. Just don’t come back with a busted collarbone like I did. ;P
I’ve been looking forward to the color version of this comic since you posted the original; thanks for coloring!
As a bearded guy, I always pass along these helpful little bits of info, hoping that the next time I have an entire sandwich’s worth of bread in my beard, somebody will tell me. Also, love it when John Marston shows up.
Cowl necks, bras, they’re all the same.
Also, chestplate is not suitable for storing food. I can speak from experience. Unless you want your sandwich to be all sweaty, and you getting blue spots in those places.
Oh hey Ryu got better from the severe case of ‘adult angry face’ he had back when Commander had the Nomura Syndrome.
Then there’s also the women who happen to…well, be well-endowed…having the same problem. For excessively rotund people, their “crumb shelves” just happen to be a bit lower.
Hey, we all gotta watch out for each other.