How ’bout that Soldier 24 skin?
April 16, 2018
2:39 pm
I mean, with a look like that who can blame him for holding onto the photo.
I mean, with a look like that who can blame him for holding onto the photo.
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lol nice joke
A bit more extreme than when I let my beard grow out, but still…
bear aside let’s take a momento to apreciate Gabriel, even thought he is one of the leaders of an international terrorist group, is an organ donor.
Biggest problem is that, as a leader of an international terrorist group, he’s more likely to donate the organs of other people…
Dang, when I started re-reading today this page wasn’t out yet. Good stuff.
For real tho that’s a great skin, I want more pre-Reaper Gabriel skins.
Ditto. I was *so happy* when it not only appeared but I got it almost immediately, since I didn’t buy the edition that comes with the other Gabe skin.
and reaper then just says that he has glasses built into the lenses of his helmet
Naw, he’s he can say he’s wearing contacts, and was in that old photo, too. That’s the easy claim, even if it’s not true. Whoops, uh, no poetry intended.
You have to take your glasses off when you get the photo taken regardless, so it’s clear exactly what your face looks like.
Is that a new rule? I didn’t have to remove my glasses for any of my license pictures over the years, and the last one was with contacts, so if the rules did change I wasn’t aware (could be a state thing too)
Could be a state thing – or an employee training issue. I always had to take mine off.
I think it’s a state thing. Or maybe even a county one. I had to renew my state ID a few months ago and I didn’t have to remove my glasses. A friend of mine who lives in the same state, different county said that he was told to take his off though.
I think that is part of the new TSA screening that will be required for flying next year. You will also need to bring 2 forms of ID to renew your license.
The system was implemented a few years ago so people could get it done when they were up for renewal. If you have not renewed recently, you won’t be able to fly.
When I got my photo taken at the DMV, they said I had to take my glasses off. When I renewed at a AAA, they took a new photo and said I could leave ’em on. Depends on where you go, I guess.
I got mine taken in mid December, and the DMV told me to keep my glasses on. That’s probably because my license says I legally can’t drive without them on, though, so… presumably it would be worse if a cop caught me WITHOUT them on.
Well. At least the seat belt is properly fastened.
They are built into the mask!
Also damn, curse anyone who has deprived the world Reyes and gave us Reaper… probably Moira’s fault.
‘Twas something of a group effort from Moira, Jack, and Mercy
@Enlong: No, it was Moira’s fault. Blizzard retconned the whole “Mercy saved Reyes from death but in the p rocess he accidentally became Reaper, whoops” vague lore bit away.
New canon lore from Moira’s origin story comic is that back in their Blackwatch days, Moira experimented on Gabriel Reyes with nanites and “DNA alteration”, giving him wraith powers long before the fight with Morrison that turned him into “the Reaper”. Blizzard probably had to retcon it for the Retribution Event, so that they could explain why Reyes already had Reaper-powers in his Blackwatch days. Even though OW devs had previously openly stated that in-game Hero abilities and game mode are not “canonical” and can divert from the abilities that the characters have in the Overwatch universe (best example is Sombra).
But yeah, Moira made Reaper, and I suspect Blizzard will soon retcon the “Mercy made Genji into a cyborg” backstory and make Moira responsible for Genji. Or maybe Moira installed the first rough batch of cybernetics (as seen in the “Blackwatch Genji” skin), which, to judge by Genji’s Retribution Event voicelines, cause him to be in constant pain. And then Mercy later treated him properly and gave him a full cyborg body with no cables hanging out, and referred him to Zenyatta for psychological treatment? Well, that’s my headcanon for why Genji still writes letters to Mercy, as we have seen in the Christmas comic.
I think they’ll keep the Mercy/Genji thing. It works both in the story and games.
The only thing that didn’t quite work with the old Mercy/Reaper thing is that when Gabriel was considered KIA, how did Mercy found him to try the procedure? And he then escaped and she didn’t tell anyone what happened? Having it be a sorta side-effect from an older treatment makes more sense, and it fits Moira’s abilities better.
Genji reminds me of one character from GaoGaiGar who was kidnapped by an evil organization and turned into a cyborg who was in constant pain because of heat her body produced until she was saved and the good guy’s scientist fixed her body to some extent.
Still fits the story, he was experimented on, giving him wraith abilities, but when he apparently died and Mercy revived him, he got stuck as an actual wraith. No retcon required.
Running theory is SEP laid the roots of the wraith thing, Moira tinkered with it, and Mercy tried to revive him after Zurich and messed him up because she didn’t know Moira jailbroke him.
Interesting side note, in the initial in-universe article about Jack Morrison, Mercy is they one who started the rumour that Reyes was jealous of Jack’s promotion and hated him for 20 years, which has since been confirmed false both in the comics and by the devs, so it’s possible they might use that as foreshadowing that Mercy has some reason to lie about Reyes motivations and relationship with Jack.
Are you aware the mobile version of the site doesn’t have a “random” button?
Corrective lenses, built in to the mask.
I like the fact that he’s an organ donor as well. Dunno how I’d feel about getting a deteriorating/regenerating lung or something…
I like how he just pulled over and cooperated.
He’s not going to mess with the comps. He is a psychopathic mercenary, not a madman.
Glory days man, glory days.
Am I the only one who read the part of the licence under 1583 as ‘watch porn’??
It’s probably Watchpoint Gibraltar
…I love this comic.
Born in the spookiest month, and if that 13th he was born was a friday, the spookiest day. Perfect for his aesthetic.
they made him hot and I’m upset
They made him hot and I’m 100% okay with this :D
Hah. You gave him my birthday! Makes sense, because October 13th is the second spookiest day of the year. Even better, the timeline might line up to put his birth in 2017… An October Friday the 13th, also like me.
It’s southern California. This is not the weirdest thing that cop has ever seen. It’s probably not even the weirdest thing he has seen today.
can’t wait for omadon to tackle this one
I can tell this isn’t canon because Gabrielito is smiling in that picture.
He smiles in a couple of his emotes hahaha there are plenty of screenshots of in-game happy Gabes.
Dat shrug emote tho
He’s a donor. Some kid may get a sweet mask transplant if he wrecks.
That car interior looks awfully mundane and commuter for this guy, just saying
Civillian Reaper’s Honda Accord.
I bet he has a sunday car/pet project in the form of a black hot rod built from an old hearse.
But why not a Gabby dad van
Excuse me! HE’S 6’1″!!!
With three inch platform heels that I made fun of in a comic last year.
Haha. The bit I like the most is that his License lists his height as 5′ 10″ after all. :P Nice callback.
Did he sped up?
“They’re, uh, a part of the mask.”
Hmm am getting a lot of bi vibes from those two
Cursed Phrase: Soldier Twenty-Foreskin
I’m probably not going to be allowed to comment anymore…
I both love the fact that you did the research to see what a California drivers license and made the mistake of using a design from like 2009.
They brought it back in 2048.
Yeah they did! We complained so much about how stupid the vertical oriented licenses were.
So he re-thought his costume change?
Somehow, this made me think of Papers please.