I like to think Pikmin are like Sea Monkeys for them
April 11, 2011
12:00 am
I couldn’t beat Pikmin, it was just too emotionally traumatizing every time something killed them.
I couldn’t beat Pikmin, it was just too emotionally traumatizing every time something killed them.
Discussion (174) ¬
I couldn’t beat Pikmin cause eventually one of the levels stumped me and I dropped it, I should’ve went and looked up an faq. But man, last panel totally killed me, fantastic. “PEC-MIN!” pfffft.
I never played Pikmin, but learned to hate them through smash bros brawl. God damn Olimar…
fuggen olimarrrrr he was the new ice climbers of the smash bros. soooo annoying and useless
I don’t think so I kick butt as olimar
In Brawl as it was in Melee… I’m a Pikachu player.
I ain’t proud of it… and it isn’t because I have any special liking for the yellow rodent… but I’m orders of magnitude better in control of that electric mouse than I am with any other character.
I have psychologically conditioned at least two people against ascending to the top platforms of any stage.
Pit for the win. I have psychologically conditioned multiple people against maps with one long platform.
Well, one more thing I can check off on the “Seen everything” list.
An alternative to “the punchline is machismo” is “Pikmin on steroids”
May your loins be full of fruit… so to speak.
Okay, this is pretty much the best thing.
Of all time.
Not my fault, someone put a wall in my way.
This is definitely the most awesome thing I have seen all day.
I gotta say, staring at them…They’re kinda freaking me out…
Haha, lol! Great way to start my day. But…those things look creepy.
Wasn’t that on Gamecube? I want a Gamecube.
Yeah Gamecube game though they did New Player Control for the Wii for them both albeit 2 only came out in Europe. Pikmin 2 particualrly is rather pricey to track down, Pikmin usually isn’t too bad but can be high demand.
I think my copy was $40.
There is a Wii remake of it.
there only like 12$ now…
Aww, Jared’s getting into the spirit of the agency. <3
I’m more amused by the fact that someone gave him steroids (probably a hint, considering he’s maybe, an inch thick?) and he used them on his pikmin instead.
I imagine around that place steroids are like candy.
Probably more like your secret stash of candy that your mom’d throw out if she found it. The Commander seems like the kind of guy who values working for your muscles.
This makes me wonder how everyone gets their muscles.
Also, now I’m curious where he got the steroids.
Chris Redfield, of course.
Anon: Be pretty terrible candy. Steroids taste awful. (Cortico-Steroids do any way just finished two courses thanks to a respiratory infection.)
Rambochu: I got them through a buttload of pain, a diet that makes you want to cry at times, and a trainer yelling at you to “DRIVE!!!!” It’s kind of like going to prison; you just have to do your time. :D
Hopefully with less incidents of ending up walking funny too. Zing?
Nope. I walk pretty funny after leg day. 850 on the leg press hurts. No trouble sitting down though : D
I never said steriods tasted like candy :I
Refer to Nestor’s comment, right above mine.
Maybe Duke passed them out to celebrate his new game possibly maybe almost theoretically creeping slightly closer to being released.
No no, it is coming out soon.
the denial is strong with this one.
That’s awesome. Probably one of my favorite strips recently. Haha. Awesome work. I’ll likely never see them as they lift very heavy things the same way ever again.
That was just…wrong on so many levels….
Gosh, this is awesome!
The game does make it upsetting, what with the ghosts and all…it’s a hard game to clear 100% as well, with that final boss. I did it somehow, but my mom couldn’t.
But Pecman. Nothing can defeat Pecman.
I WISH you could juice up the pikmen. Then I’d be able to ever get anythind done instead of them just dying constantly. Never beat that game T_T
You can! in Pikmen 2 there’s this stuff called a red spray that makes them go crazy for a bit… tho’ it could just be crack….
This is probably my favorite comic since Mr. Fish was introduced. I have to find a way to do this in-game. Maybe combining some of the sprays…
No, see, Pikmin never really die. When you go back to places where you’ve lost Pikmin in the past, you’ll often find little sprouts. Yes, they’ve gone through the trauma of being consumed and passed along or otherwise obliterated, but they’re back before you know it.
So, though you lose your Pikmin in one moment, take comfort that, like Virginia creeper, they will certainly grow right back.
….Are you serious? Ew…That’s so much bad imagery.
See, how different berry bushes get spread through the woods is through animals eating the fruit, walking to a different spot, and…Disposing of the contents of their stomachs. So…If Pikmin sprouts happen where they were once killed, then… Ew.
Don’t you mean pik-MEN?
Split the difference: Pecmen.
That would make them confusing to differentiate from Pecman, the ‘roided out Pacman.
Which would be awesome, Pacman punching ghosts. But then Ms Pacman looks even more like Pacman with a bow.
Coelasquid, ever play Overlord?
Nope. Was that the one written by Terry Prachett’s daughter?
Yeah, that was it.
I don’t know about this daughter’s business, but do know that it’s certainly a “Pikmin Game”, ‘cept with as an Overlord with mischievous goblins as minions. With a side of Fable, able to chose to be Evil or… Eviler.
Should check it out, you might be able to finish it because you won’t get sad when those little jerkwads die.
By the way, I can’t believe you macho’d Pikmins. I guess that means there’s nothing that can’t be macho’d. ‘Cept Jared. The nay-saying chair was right after all.
Says you…I was quite fond of my minions and hated seeing them die. They were cute, but I have a distorted sense of cute so…YMMV.
But, as ever, this comic makes my day. It may be the best one I read ( and I probably read around a hundred), not to mention Coelasquid’s blog is the only blog I read, ever.
I can understand you, The vitality I spent to save them all… -__-
I loved these little guys, even if their gimmicks can be a bit tiring in the long run. But just a little, and only after 89 hours.
I’d love to see a new game with them…
On the other side, I never played at Pikmin. Never will, after what I read in these comments. I already suck at Lemmings, and this one seems harder. It would be pure
A new game with the Overlord’s gremlins? There’s four Overlord games, one of them a DS game based entirely on the minions (Overlord: Minions). If you already knew this, then you are a trooper and a fan. And I respect this.
Pikmin is nothing like Lemmings though, at all. It IS Overlord with a different coating. Exact same “control” and philosophy, on a different setting, ambient and without the dark humor. I haven’t read the comments, but if you are reading on them killing themselves, it’s probably the exact same as when you are strutting like a champ and your fire minions decide “that lake DOES look deliciously– GRGRGGRGRLLL!!”, not really a “Lemmings” situation. If you got a kick for gameplay on Overlord, you’ll get it there.
*purely masochistic. That’s what I wanted to say. Could be cool to be able to edit oneself’s text -__-
I’ve only played Overlord 2, but that one is pretty fun. And it had the great bonus of letting you sacrifice blank “souls” to resurrect your favourite minions! Plus, when I finally got mounts (giant spiders) for my greens, I was giggling. “Nice spidey, good spidey.”
I literally picked this up like, an hour ago. Then all my guys got obliterated in ten mintues. I proceded to flip a table.
I’m terrible at micro-managing.
Oh, so THAAAAAAAAAAAATS what the nectar really was.
That’s the same reasons I couldn’t finish Pikmin. Those little guys would do anything for me and didn’t ask for anything in return. Every time I let one of them die for me, it seemed like such a big deal. And the screams. I still hear them when I close my eyes at night.
Same story for me. Actually, I ended up drowning them ’cause I didn’t know they couldn’t swim. So I just stood on the shore and helplessly watched a dozen little piksouls float into the heavens. The fact that it was my fault made it even more traumatizing. The guilt will never go away.
That was almost exactly what happened to me, I didn’t realize I was running towards a cliff, so when I turned around they overshot and fell into the water, something like that. Either way, I just remember frantically trying to find a shallow end to herd them towards while they were all screaming and dying, to no avail. I think that was about where I turned the game off and never returned. It’s weighed heavy on my conscience ever since.
Hahahahahaa… oh those comments made me laugh more than the comic did. I’m a horrible person.
my brother and I had to buy Pikmen 2 after not being all that awed by the 1st. We tried the coop out at a shopko and it was just so hilariously frantic…
Cpt. Olimar is the manliest man. Teaching the Pikmin to fight while battling to get back to his family… My favorite video game series.
Super-ripped Pikmin are very disturbing.
I fully completed Pikmin 1 and 2 about 10 times each at least. They are both easy, but MAN is it traumatizing when you are idling carrying things back and suddenly a boulder shooting tank-bug kills about 50, and as their spirits fly away you die a little inside…
This was a great game, for the strongest of consoles. Just TRY and destroy a Gamecube. It is very difficult. The shit mine has been through, and what I have seen them tested with… MAN.
Not to mention the specs on the GC were surprisingly great.
Also I could not play Pikmin for very much the same reason.
The first time one of my little plant-men died and I heard that sound I felt like so much shit.
Of course GCs are tough. They’re one of the last Nintendo consoles from the era of unlimited Nintendium. :)
Mine actually just stopped working by sitting on a table with nothing happening to it. I came back from college for Christmas one year and was informed that it just went belly up for no discernible reason when my brother turned it on one day.
Death from boredom?
You know, sometimes I think they are rather temperamental. Most of my video games are on the gamecube and I play them often, but I didn’t play my black one for about a year and it wouldn’t recognize the disk until I opened up the disk slot and closed it again. I had to do this nearly every room for like five minutes every time I wanted to play, then it slowly stopped going to the “Disk not recognized” screen or whatever it was as I played it more. We had gotten another gamecube (purple) in the meantime and that one played fine, but the black one still is able to play. I don’t know how long we’ve had either, but they still play as well as our N64.
Speaking of which, finished LoZ: TP for like the third time yesterday.
About once a month mine just refuses to turn on. If i unplug it and let it sit there for a day, it would turn back on. Weirdest thing ever…
This is exactly why my sister is never allowed to touch my things. She’s like, walking embodiment of Technodeath. (And I wish I was just exaggerating… She’s wasted about 15MP3 players/iPods, three cell phones, 2 laptops and busted I don’t know how many comp chairs.)
Wait, her technodeath syndrome extended to the chairs? That’s messed up.
…You SURE that’s how it really went down? Because my sister accidentally dropped my GBA in a toilet once and she and my mom dried it off and just hoped for the best. I turned it on and it wasn’t working for a bit and when I was complaining that it was broken, Mom claimed she didn’t know why. Grrr… Miraculously, it managed to fix itself somehow (though the sound was never the same), but I didn’t hear about its foray into the toilet until years down the line, after I had already given the GBA away to charity because I got me an NDS.
And my sister is my OLDER sister! She’s supposed to be setting a good example for me! It doesn’t help that she also dropped my NDS once and broke its hinge. Not that it affected its functionality, but still…
This reminds me of something I saw on G4. They actually took a Xbox, a Playstation 2, and a Gamecube, and after dropping it, smashing it with a baseball bat, and more, the Gamecube’s the only one that still worked. The Playstation went down in the first round of trauma. The Xbox’s body survived, but the hardware was damaged and couldn’t play games.
@dctalk1181 Maybe your gamecube has a monthly period or something.
This is wonderful! Out of curiosity, is there any way you could make the top panel a wallpaper?
I second the wallpaper suggestion.
Fourth it!
Fifth it
The people have spoken
HA! I never beat that game, (actually, I never tried or even owned the game, but my cousin did!) but this is STILL amazing. Oh pec-min, why don’t you exist for us so we can beat that game a little easier.
So what would it take to turn them into pac-min?
*gets pelted by used tissues* Aaaaggghhh!
Why do none of them work out their legs?
Jared hasn’t finished building the itty-bitty leg presses for them.
They should do squats.
Purple pikimin on steroids… god help us all…
I always had a soft spot for the poor pikmin. Those ghost trails kill me everytime something destroys a herd of them. The beginning of this clip from SSB Brawl left me on poor speaking terms with the Captain for a while.
Hmm, thy can compete with flea circuses as a flea strongman competition.
Or Atom Ant! At the least the purples could.
Pec-min! now maybe they can stop getting eaten by just about everything in the damn planet. ;_;
I’m assuming you had a very fun time drawing abs on Pikmin…
I’m not trying to come off as an asshole, but I just wanna say; I find it tough to read what Commander says most of the time.
I want to thank you, for turning one of my favorite games manly xD But that is great, Pec-min, so amazing. I cant breathe from laughing so hard xD You’re the best
I never played this game, but I appreciate the pun immensely.
Jared has the best ideas!
Hey Coelasquid,
When you introduced Jared, did you plan on him having such a major role or was he supposed to be a temporary character in a story arc which you decided to keep since everyone loves him so much?
I was actually planning on making a webcomic about five years ago that was only about Jared, but it halted because there wasn’t much story to tell after Mr. Fish turned into a Gyarados. I added him to this comic because I liked the idea of him too much to give up on, and it gave him some other characters to act off of. Technically, Jared’s been in my roster longer than Commander has.
I started playing Pokemon red a short while ago on a game boy emulator just because I thought it was one of those games I should play before I die and to appreciate a lot of Pokemon inside jokes more.
Unsurprisingly I bought the Magikarp from the old man and called it Mr.Fish, I hope I don’t owe you any royalties.
You might not wanna admit you downloaded the rom and play it on an emu, unless you own the cartridge.
Who doesn’t own a cartridge of Red?
Those who own a cartridge of blue.
…Or at least I used to… No clue what happened to it. Maybe Yellow murdered it while I was sleeping… That freaking deadweight pikachu…
This is the greatest.
I totally want the Pec-min as a desktop background!
I met Pikmin thru brawl on the Wii. Very bad game but those pikmin are cute and I do feel the same when they die. It’s horrible :<
Can you make a Pec-min desktop background? Please?
Just download the picture, crop the bottom off and keep the top. Make it a desktop background. It’s not hard to do at all. Only thing, don’t steal this :P Give credit
I don’t think a picture 1/8th the size of my screen would look very good stretched across my desktop.
typo in the last panel. You only need one of these guys to beat the entire game.
Hell, you only need one of these guys to throw Olimar back home
ghat damn, someday I’ll put up a comic without typos. It’ll probably be the same day I don’t finish and post the comic at 5AM
My older sister couldn’t beat it for the exact same reason.
I love that there is even a Pikmin tank in this place to begin with, and that it was probably acknowledged to be good for the spirit in some way or another. It’s like the video game equivalent of keeping mice. I am imagining all the other residents poking at them and cooing delightedly when the others aren’t around, and leaving contented the same way petting a cute puppy does.
In a semi-related way, it makes me want to see The Commander fiddling with a tiny zen garden.
Where the Hell is Jones?
Man, she has a life besides hanging around her bf’s workplace.
Yeah, but she’s a likeable character, and I’m curious about the character development since the Valentine Day’s strip.
Doing assistant butchery things at her assistant butcher place. Where else?
Is it bad that I laughed or felt indifferent when those little seed-brains died? ^^; *prepares to be smited*
In my defense, I only ever played the game in the store when it was new and I had a hard time getting them to do what I say when I said it so I was pissed with them at the time.
Don’t feel bad. I only felt bad when I wiped out a ton of them, and still didn’t accomplish my goal! Its like running out of bullets!
Is it wrong i still find the pec-men super cute?
(don’t kill me oh god)
ahahahahahahaha amazing.
Rejoice! With arms that size, you’ll never have to worry about your pikmin again!
im not going to lie, ive liked pretty much every comic youve done, but this is probably my favorite.. i know what you mean about the pikmin dying, i always get too attatched to my underlings in video games.. i cant play fire emblem either, because i absolutely refuse to let a single character die :c
Ooo, alt text. I need to get my hands on Pikmin for Wii.
anyone else?…. Anyone?!
First his Pokemon training and battles are something the Commander would like to watch…
Then his Pikmin turns into Pecmin.
What next Ninten-ViciousGuardDogs?
I second this idea.
Am I the only one who finds the pecmin kind of cute?
I highly doubt it.
Just think, if the pikmin looked more like that, you could have beaten the game with just that handful in the first panel.
I knew it! They did have steroids at the agency!! lol!
I LOVE this comic, huge fan of pikmin, so this comic is pretty awesome.
They’ll burst through the aquarium and attempt to take over the agency. The Commander will walk in Monday morning and find Chris Redfield and Duke taking cover behind the couch and shooting at colorful moving dots.
lol, epic.
!!!!!! Dollar for the jar my friend.
Coel, where did you get the idea for this? lol!
I remember making a joke about them having steroids in the water supply at the agency!
Anyways, Pec-min would be an awesome game, cept it would be rated M
Or “P” for PUNCHES
I guess with Jared’s experience as a pokemon trainer… oh who am I kidding,
Steroids + Pikmin = LOL!
It’s kind of funny. You and the guy who does Brawl in the Family both did a Pikmin comic this week. What a random chance of happenstance. :)
Man… with all this talk of a new beefy nintendo console, I think this is the way forward.
the pikmin should be like Marcus Fenix and a pikmin had a baby.
I can only imagine controlling a Pec-min…
I wanna beat monsters senseless using punching motions!
I was just wondering….any chance you’ll make that first panel a wallpaper?
One purple. That’s all you’d need to beat the game. One purple pec-min.
That Yellow pink Pikmin, oh god what. But seriously, the pikmin where there to be used. I would crouch and talk to my white pikmin and say “You have been chosen for something beyond carrying and punching. You are special. Unique. Don’t fail me.” Then I promptly tossed them into the open maw of a waiting beast, who died from the poisonous effect.
The HMV near me is gonna have the NPC Pikmin transferred. I get to relive the game in glorious 16:9 widescreen. Beauty.
And this is gold. I second the motion for first panel as a wallpaper, but with the title font spelling out PEC-MIN in a corner, aha.
This game traumatized me too ><
This seems like the kind of thing the Commander would support
I tried to make absolutely sure my Piks didn’t die. I felt the same way.
The day the pikemen gave their braves lives for the safety of the captain is a day to live on in my memory. NEVER FORGET THEIR SACRIFICE.
*goes to build a war memorial*
it is probably for the best to not touch the purple one
Whoa, whoa whoa… I just had to read half of the comments because that last exclamation mark looked like an “i” to me. I just didn’t get what a pec-mini was, and how that made a good punchline.
pec men – muscular men
Pec-Min lols X’D
nice work
You made a comic with Pikmin. i love you now.
I love those games.
Word-birthingly excellent (as in new words must be created in order to properly describe this comic).
Also, aren’t normal, unaltered Pikmin able to lift several times their own weight, like ants? These guys probably won’t stay in that flimsy glass tank for long.
Hi, I just started reading this comic today :D
Anyway, I agree; the worst is when a bunch of Pikmin get killed at the same time and there’s just a billion little ghosts. TT~TT
Two words: Mass Casualties
pretty sure that all the time I would of played pikmin I never lost more than 10 at one time and not die beacuse I would rather die than let all of my group die.
I find it horrifying just how cute they are.
The fact that I just got back into Pikmin makes me love this strip.