Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Having “run” into a problem with stockings (stockings? run? Get it?) must have been a big disappointment. They picked a good theme & had built up a high level of antici…
Well it’s not so much a crew as it is their profession. Scavengers who pick through the junk of the irradiated mad max world that is central Australia.
Although that does bring up a question, we’ve had Mad Max here before, haven’t we? Does that mean they’re from the same Australia? How’s that work?
I like the idea that Mad Max is just what’s going on in real life in the modern day Australian Outback. They’re just unaware the rest of the world isn’t also in an apocalypse.
Nuclear winter in most countries does not meet the level of inhospitably of the Aussie Outback. Massive hole in the ozone, temperatures extremely high, and who can forget about the wildlife with many colorful ways to kill you?
Even the quote on quote “nice” or “cute” wildlife can and will try to kill you if you mess with them. Kangaroos: can actually kick hard enough to break spines, or shatter ribs and sternum depending on the direction they come at you from. Koalas: if you value your face don’t wake them up or piss them off because they will tear it off. Ostriches: bigger and meaner turkeys who are already mean and dangerous to start put with. I swear I think the wolverines accidentally ended up on the wrong continent because they are way too dangerous to not be in Australia but they somehow ended up in North America, probably because whatever higher being decided that Australia was dangerous enough, and North America needed more predators aside from wolves, bears, mountain lions, and jaguars.
Even our legitemately nice animals are kinda crazy: kookaburras eat large snakes and goannas up to 3ft long; any large reptile too big to carry off and eat gets pre-emptively killed for threatening their nest. Despite their beautiful appearance and jolly ‘laugh’, I dare you to find a picture of one whose eyes aren’t burning with pure murder.
Wombats literally have an armour-plated ass made of a huge mass of cartilage and have caused catastrophic damage to cars that hit them. They can also kick hard enough to fracture the skull of any predator stupid enough to try and follow them into their burrow.
Emus are relatively benevolent, but the more we learn about their behaviour and social interaction, the more we realize they’re completely fucking nuts. We also once lost a war with them (mostly because the army could never find them) so, there’s that.
Hahaha, I laughed harder at this idea than I did at the comic. And I liked the comic! Gotta love a sweet transvestite reference. I’m half excited about the special Fox is putting on this week… I’m also half prepared to vomit in disappointment though. I mean, I was never that great at accepting remakes but the Dr. being played by a woman really just turns the previously shocking premise into a whitewashed/vanilla ice creamy one. Where is Ru Paul, that’s what I wanna know!?! Probably turning over in his grave… or wherever he is.
My theory has always been that society fell, but the reason there’s no aboriginal people in those movies is that they managed to stay sane and founded a utopia society far away from the white fellas.
Well, most of them have SFM models people are using pretty well for animations. That one would take a while, but I’m sure someone is willing to give it a shot.
I feel like he was really disappointed when they went with plan b. Then he realized he didn’t have a plan be and they had to quickly make him a Thriller Zombie outfit complete with Michael Jackson jacket.
Seriously though, the costumes are of 3 characters from said movie, with 76 being the titular (hmm…double, if not triple entendre there) Rocky. If you haven’t seen it before, and are okay with campy weird awesome crazy 70’s musicals (to throw a few adjectives out there) then you should give it a watch (only speaking on the original, I haven’t seen the recent remake)
All I can see here are an engineering problem and a possible solution. Cap the leg, possibly with a mannequin foot, and *then* put the stocking on however.
Why do I suddenly feel like I need to listen to Hot Patootie?
Because you are sane.
Having “run” into a problem with stockings (stockings? run? Get it?) must have been a big disappointment. They picked a good theme & had built up a high level of antici…
I love you.
I second this wholeheartedly.
Instantly thirded. 76 needs that Rocky getup.
I move for this motion to pass!!! All in favor??
I would buy loot boxes for that.
so whatever happened to their saturday nights?
When you dressed up sharp and you felt alright?
rocky horror overwatch woulda been dang fantastic XD
Imagine for a moment, that at the end of Roadhog’s chain was not a hook, but a switchblade knife.
Makes you cry.
Good way to start a day
And can’t laught out loud – my fiancée is sleeping near me X-D
Umm why did Mercy call Road Hog, Junkers?
Oh nevermind! Forgot that is what the crew that Junkrat and Road Hog ran with were called.
Well it’s not so much a crew as it is their profession. Scavengers who pick through the junk of the irradiated mad max world that is central Australia.
Although that does bring up a question, we’ve had Mad Max here before, haven’t we? Does that mean they’re from the same Australia? How’s that work?
I like the idea that Mad Max is just what’s going on in real life in the modern day Australian Outback. They’re just unaware the rest of the world isn’t also in an apocalypse.
Nuclear winter in most countries does not meet the level of inhospitably of the Aussie Outback. Massive hole in the ozone, temperatures extremely high, and who can forget about the wildlife with many colorful ways to kill you?
Even the quote on quote “nice” or “cute” wildlife can and will try to kill you if you mess with them. Kangaroos: can actually kick hard enough to break spines, or shatter ribs and sternum depending on the direction they come at you from. Koalas: if you value your face don’t wake them up or piss them off because they will tear it off. Ostriches: bigger and meaner turkeys who are already mean and dangerous to start put with. I swear I think the wolverines accidentally ended up on the wrong continent because they are way too dangerous to not be in Australia but they somehow ended up in North America, probably because whatever higher being decided that Australia was dangerous enough, and North America needed more predators aside from wolves, bears, mountain lions, and jaguars.
Even our legitemately nice animals are kinda crazy: kookaburras eat large snakes and goannas up to 3ft long; any large reptile too big to carry off and eat gets pre-emptively killed for threatening their nest. Despite their beautiful appearance and jolly ‘laugh’, I dare you to find a picture of one whose eyes aren’t burning with pure murder.
Wombats literally have an armour-plated ass made of a huge mass of cartilage and have caused catastrophic damage to cars that hit them. They can also kick hard enough to fracture the skull of any predator stupid enough to try and follow them into their burrow.
Emus are relatively benevolent, but the more we learn about their behaviour and social interaction, the more we realize they’re completely fucking nuts. We also once lost a war with them (mostly because the army could never find them) so, there’s that.
Hahaha, I laughed harder at this idea than I did at the comic. And I liked the comic! Gotta love a sweet transvestite reference. I’m half excited about the special Fox is putting on this week… I’m also half prepared to vomit in disappointment though. I mean, I was never that great at accepting remakes but the Dr. being played by a woman really just turns the previously shocking premise into a whitewashed/vanilla ice creamy one. Where is Ru Paul, that’s what I wanna know!?! Probably turning over in his grave… or wherever he is.
I’ve been seeing that idea everywhere for a while
My theory has always been that society fell, but the reason there’s no aboriginal people in those movies is that they managed to stay sane and founded a utopia society far away from the white fellas.
Isn’t that basically the premise of Tank Girl?
Now I want someone to make a video of the Overwatch heroes doing the Time Warp.
Well, most of them have SFM models people are using pretty well for animations. That one would take a while, but I’m sure someone is willing to give it a shot.
All video games need Rocky Horror costumes for the characters
@Vail, I came here to say basically the same thing haha.
I totally heard 76’s line in his gruff, angry, annoyed dad voice. If that isn’t perfection in writing, I don’t know what is.
Semi-related, what does everyone think of the upcoming RHPS for TV remake?
Not fit for Prime Time, I’d bet…Censors! Gah!
I am delighted by this premise.
I love this SO MUCH.
Oh RHPS, you gave the world Tim Curry.
BTW, I like the spooky lighting and background in the first two panels.
Lets do the time warp again.
…and again, and again, and again. Every time is the first time.
I know what I’m going to be listening to repeatedly in the foreseeable future
Seven hours old, truly beautiful to behold!
I appreciate how fanatically committed Junkrat is to nailing the Frank-N-Furter costume.
“Ugh, this stupid sock ain’t cooperatin’!”
“It’s probably not that important.”
“Of CORSET bloody well is!”
So Tracer is definitely Little Nelson, but I’m almost afraid to ask who Winston would be.
Bwahahahahaw!! Oh my God! BWAHAHAHAHAH!!Junkrat, are you cosplaying as Cher?
Okay, but if Junkrat played Riff Raff, who would play Frankenfurter?
Hmm… My bet would be on Zarya. Thorbjorn or Hanzo. But that is just me.
Mostly I’m amused at the thought of Reaper playing someone so freakin’ fabulous.
I’m honestly tickled that 76 went along with their costume theme in this.
I feel like he was really disappointed when they went with plan b. Then he realized he didn’t have a plan be and they had to quickly make him a Thriller Zombie outfit complete with Michael Jackson jacket.
And then Reyes was wearing the same thing, which was super awkward.
Unseen in the background of that final panel is Reyes complaining that Morrison didn’t use his suggestion of dressing up as Ichabod Crane.
Also, just wait until everyone gets new costumes for Christmas. Who else wants to see Santa Hog and his little helper Elfbjorn?
Ummmm… I never knew that this was everything i’ve ever wanted.
Just watched the remake yesterday or the day before. It’s just not the same without the authentic cheesy 70s film grain, costumes and acting.
Context for the non-US audience, pls?
The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
That’s all the context anyone needs for anything.
Seriously though, the costumes are of 3 characters from said movie, with 76 being the titular (hmm…double, if not triple entendre there) Rocky. If you haven’t seen it before, and are okay with campy weird awesome crazy 70’s musicals (to throw a few adjectives out there) then you should give it a watch (only speaking on the original, I haven’t seen the recent remake)
All I can see here are an engineering problem and a possible solution. Cap the leg, possibly with a mannequin foot, and *then* put the stocking on however.