Just got back from the airport
March 26, 2018
6:13 am
you can tell I’m too tired to function because I went to log into my bank account instead of my website to post this at first.
you can tell I’m too tired to function because I went to log into my bank account instead of my website to post this at first.
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I am sure the bank would apreciate this. I mean, look at it. It looks adorable.
If I was Coleasquids banker I would totaly aprove her loans after seing this.
If you were her banker, you’d know how to spell “totally.”
And there’s my MASSIVE INTERNET DICKERY Award achieved for the day.
I don’t think we have met the same bankers then.
Now if you exuse me I must go and collect my award for being too lazy to spellcheck.
Yeah uhhhh the proper grammar here would actually be “reward”, not “award”.
You forgot to correct him on the misspelling of “seeing”
Reminds me of this webcomic set in the future where you submit funny cat pictures to the bank to make deposits.
Okay, now I want to draw fanart of a pink raptor cosplaying Lucy Lawless.
I’m just picturing some confused banker telling his boss at the board meeting, “Uh, according to customer reviews, we should have… more raptors?”
And that was how Jurassic Park started.
Headcanon accepted.
I approve of this.
Cue theme song consisting entirely of “boks”
She is very scary. I am scared. And definitely do not want to cuddle her. So scared.
This should go on a T-shirt
A t-shirt with the kanji in the following link, because comments don’t seem to like Unicode.
Gah, this makes me smile so hard.
This made me laugh this morning — love it! (And the part about logging into your bank account to post this is the icing on the cake.)
I had no idea moms were a time of day
Gotta love fonts where, “r”, and “n”, together looks like, “m”.
Hello bank, I’d like to deposit a art.
Craaaaaane technique!
Sorry… I consider it more this:
She is beauty, she is grace, she will nip at your face
OMG that is so cute. I want to kiss it.
Yes, you are a very scary raptor and I am very scared of you and your cute butterfly there.
Ohh, it should be wanderfull tshirt image. Wow, i cant even think about it. Awsome.
The most Clever of Girls
This is amazing. Best warrior princess.
Don’t underestimate the butterfly, who knows if it’s not trying to cause a hurricane
Given the nondescript space future the rotors are from and the fact they have time travel I would not doubt if they had hurricane generating butterflies
Why am I thinking of Big Hero 6?
I frigging love raptor princess
Hell of a security feature for anti theft: your password is to draw this.
In a funny coincidence the ad served for me was Prosperity Bank… I thought at a glance you did that on purpose. XD
Am I the only one that imagines the Godzilla roar when I look at this?
Charge, my raptor armada!
Doesn’t an armada have to be on boats?
….fluffy raptors in pirate hats?
This I need to see
that would be pretty rad.
Or admiral’s uniforms. I’m not picky…
I hope your bank appreciated the cool picture you sent them.
princess no! think of the butterfly effect! D: you dont know what time or dimension that thing came from!
The goddess Fifrildi does not approve of the death of that butterfly… But Ktinos sure as hell does :P
With the wings up like that, I can’t help but picture the Crane Kick from Karate Kid.
Even if the feet are in the completely wrong position.
Well, as long as you don’t try to submit your bank account data to this page instead of your bank account…
[Classic Batman Starbursts] FLAP! SCRATCH! WOK-WOK!
Real warriors wear pink. LMAO
I would totally watch “magical girl fancy velociraptor”
No sane person wouldn’t.
So that raptor’s name is Xena, right? :D
Please make this a t-shirt. :’1 I want a fluffy warrior princess.
I smell a t-shirt design…
Put a stock collar and a monocle on her and submit it to The New Yorker Magazine.
I need this on a shirt now
I had a dream last night that I had two big, fluffy, pink birds. I think I dreamt about your velociraptors :D <3
I’ll add to the comments that this should be on a t-shirt. :)
T-shirt in children’s sizes too! I want two for my nieces… oh wait make that… um… SIX. (Seriously I have a lot of nieces and they all need this)
I want this on a shirt.
Okay, so to maintain his washboard abs as they are now, he has a diet that’s a lot higher in “iron,” right?
This was meant to go in the comments for the *previous* strip, not this one.
Sorry, my bad.