KXVO Pumpkaboo
November 2, 2015
2:47 am
Pretty crazy weekend so not time for much beyond dancing Pumpkaboos. Hope you all had a great Halloween!
Pretty crazy weekend so not time for much beyond dancing Pumpkaboos. Hope you all had a great Halloween!
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Awesome pics Coelasquid, happy Halloween and feliz Dia de los Muertos from México
Glad you had fun with that costume; the end result is awesome in every sense of the word.
And now I know what a Pumpkaboo is, so there’s that too.
That picture of you and the Cole cosplayer on your cruiser is awesome, it fills me with awe. Both of the costume’s are amazing and worthy of praise.
Everyone knows you can’t leave the base without the Inquisitor!
These pictures are not cannon at all, call the authorities!
Joke’s on you, we found a Lavellan
Hahaha, wow, too good.
“Exclusive nug plushies”.
I’ll take 700.
I’m sorry for being that guy, but “cannon”.
*BOOOOM* *whistling* *holes blown in the fourth wall*
“Priority Seating For Seniors And Disabled.”
I recognize those LA Metro seats. Right on the border between comfortable enough to sit on, and durable enough to be sat upon by so many, many people. But more towards the latter of the two.
That is one amazing kratos cosplay!
Where is Kratos? o.o
I see Varric, Iron Bull, Shovelknight and Cole.
Speaking of which. COLE! *hugs*
no this is fine Pumpkaboos are wonderful
Is it a Kirby dance? A Calvin & Hobbes homage? Doesn’t matter, they’re delightful.
Iron Bull pantaloons are best pantaloons.
These are definitely the Pantaloons Of Awesome.
And there is the word pantaloons. It sounds like ducks that were forced into a 5k run.
…So, I kinda find myself wondering if the Iron Bull has ever had his pantaloons stolen by a mabari. Or maybe the Iron Bull, with his taste for the finer things in life, actually prefers Dwarven-made trousers.
The ensemble brings out the full richness of awesome. While the pantaloons can work in a vacuum, it serves better as a catalyst, cumulatively then a bouquet of glorious awesome.
tldr: fuck YES those goddamn pantaloons
I hope you don’t mind that I am going to turn those pumpkaboos into an animated gif (with your copyright on it, of course)
ahahaha sure!
Now this I want to see
YES PLEASE. Show us whenever you finish it up, so that we may bask in it.
Where the hell do you live, because that looks suspiciously like Australia to me. Or maybe it’s just the trains.
It’s the trains, isn’t it?
It’s Los Angeles. I recognize those metro seats.
That, and it’s where Komikaze was.
I live in Australia and I thought the exact same thing!
The convergent evolution of train fabrics :P
It’s only a matter of time before someone makes that Pumpkaboo into a GIF.
I see the Iron Kell has found a kindred spirit in Shovel Knight.
Hey, a fellow pokefan perhaps? Got a friend code?
You have captured the awesomeness of Iron Bull!
Are there any black and white version?
Hey Coelasquid. Given how much you love Dragon Age: Inquisition, I thought you might like to see this.
wow that was good, but this gets the feeling of the game better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MVqdYcbDp8
Totes just added this site to my whitelist for Adblock. Love this comic!
Di-da-dee da-dee da-do-do, dee ba-da-de do…
Cole’s hat.
That is all.
Pumpkaboo are adorable. Shame this year’s wondertrade 5IV gift was Misdreavus, or I’d offer you a competitive Pumpkaboo as thanks for the picture, and amusing comics in general.
Who, or what, is a ‘Pumpkaboo’? o_O
Pumpkaboo is a species of Pokémon, drawing inspiration from both hanging lanterns and jack-o’-lanterns. They look exactly as Coelasquid has drawn them.
It is sometimes adopted as an unofficial mascot of Spooktober.
Thank you
Iron Bull would *so* own a motorbike. That’s just perfect.
Now, just imagine for a moment, being one of those boring people who call themselves normal. It’s late, you had a hard day (or maybe you’re coming home from a bar), you look over, and in the seat across from you… is Iron f@cking Bull, with a meat-tenderizer hammer that’s taller than you are. You begin to question whether you are on the right bus or even, possibly, the right planet.
And then, you realize, that you don’t care because such a thing is purely awesome (plenty normies enjoy bioware after all, for the nerds have inherited the societal sphere of coolness).
I was like “Oh hey did I check MGDMT this week yet?” *sees dancing Pumpkaboo* “Nope! I would have remembered that!”
You and your friends’ cosplay turned out AMAZING, too.
Was it even legal for you to be carrying around weapons on a public metro?
Can’t you, in America?
Not to my knowledge.
Long as it isn’t a firearm (outside of Texas, we allow open carry here) or “brandished in a threatening manner”, you’re fine.
Plus, it’s for cosplay. If costume weapons were illegal, we wouldn’t have Renfest.
Its forged metal, I believe, You would be in trouble if you took a sword and just started walking around town with it.
It’s made of foam.
Oh. Well Im an idiot.
So just the helmet is metal?
The helmet, i believe, is also foam or plastic.
Spray paint is a wonderful magic.
Ahahah hey now it was dry brush and acrylic with a black wash to settle into the edges and look like dirt.
Oh, my apologies.
Have you tried using EVA foam? It has similar heat-based molding abilities, and is pretty thickly padded while remaining lightweight. The Fallout: Houston guys make their armor out of it, and apparently it can stop buckshot.
The helmet is painted worbla, it’s a heat sensitive self-adhesive plastic that you can warm up with a heat gun and manipulate into shape, I’ve got a lot of the progress photos on my tumblr.
Badass arts and crafts.
What happens if a heatwave comes in? Does it sag?
The XTC-3D coating does a good job UV protecting it, but the temperature you need to blast at it to manipulate it is like 400 degrees F.
AHMAGAWD your costume came out so god damned rad!
ermahgerd dem cotumes though!!!!!!
Awesome costumes (and love Cole!) but the first thing that drew my attention was the Virago.
It is my baby.
I wonder what Canadian guy does all day.
Your costume is just too damn cool. *_*