People Kept bugging me for a Bayonetta comic
November 3, 2014
2:33 am
Hopefully this is one no one will pick a fight over.
Hopefully this is one no one will pick a fight over.
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All I can think of now is Kratos floating through the skies humming “Fly me to the Moon”.
Or “Moon River”, either is fine.
I imagine him gently floating about, drinking nectar and pollinating stuff to the God of War 3 theme. Naturally he would have his wistful “I could be killing stuff now…” look on his face.
You won’t know what hit you when I spin around, leave you in my dust, bang bang, down down~
Even if Kratos is the butt of so many jokes, his appearance in this comic is always hilarious. Or depressing.
He’s just amazing, it’s true.
Depressing for Kratos. Hilarious for everyone else. :>
But it’s good to see Kratos being all “friendly” by MGDMT standard.
Well, I imagine they would be, seeing as they literally fall apart every time he uses them.
Thanks for uploading Coelasquid, now I can hit the bed. Awesome comic by the way, there’s a new item in my father & son to-do list.
Kratos’s (missing) Icarus wings were the first thing that came to mind when you said “father & son to-do list.” I’m a terrible person, I’m so sorry.
I don’t think you should, building two pairs of wing capable of taking you and your son sky high sounds like an awesome father-son Saturday, you just might want to do it after dusk
I can only imagine how flirtatious Bayonetta was… wait… aren’t Bayonetta’s clothes and her wings too made of her hair?
Dude’s literally covered in ashes of his own family all the time. It’s not like that tiny amount of several kilograms of hair would gross him out at that point.
But maybe it makes him feel pretty? “Things we can keep around Kratos… make-up set”
For now.
I mean, he WAS prom queen.
Ya know? That explains the hair cut in her sequel!
Actually the Butterfly wings are magic, and are a callback to her Patron Demoness, Madama Butterfly.
In Bayonetta 2, she’s able to conjure wings made of her own hair by borrowing power from Malphas, one of the summonable demons in the first game.
And here I was thinking it was an MLP joke… (Considering that in that show the one character to get butterfly wings managed to almost pull a full Icarus with them when she got too close to the sun… )
Now it begs the question: How *did* Bayonetta and Kratos become friends in the first place?
Over the slaughter of heavenly entities, most likely. Either that, or Kratos needed some fashion tips.
Those beautiful swirlies Kratos has did not tattoo themselves.
(Or maybe they did. I don’t know. It’s funny to imagine though.)
Kratos used to have incredibly long, lustrous black god-charged hair. Byonetta needed extensions. The rest is history.
I am just glad that Kratos actually managed to make a friend.
My headcannon is now that she occasionally helps the agency, sub for someone sick when the commander asks. Or when someone is insufficiently badass and she isn’t. Or maybe when someone suffers a dip for a game/episode; didn’t we take a shot at Lobo for this not long ago? Or someone?
oh? I’d say she runs a separate agency that helps female badasses get acquainted with their femininity while not losing their badassness along with Samus.
I think Saamus might be binge drinking ever since Other M – I..I used to *hick* be seven feet *hick* tall! Now look at me. I need *hick* Goddamned heels to even make it to five *hick* three
Maybe its not Bayonetta but her demon friend who makes weapons out of discs… What’s his name again ?
“Rodin” father “rodin”.
He says friend. He mean “Mistress”.
Bayonetta 2 was good but its story wasn’t as good as the first.
Say what you want, but Kratos looks fabulous.
Now I wonder where the commander’s son is?
Jared and Mr. Fish are probably keeping him safe at the landing site.
He’s probably too young to be a hang gliding buddy. He’s probably chillin with Mr.Fish like Disloyal subject said
I have no idea who bayonetta is but cratos in butterfly wings is absolutely hilarious
Bayonetta is from the series Bayonetta and the second game in the series just came out (Bayonetta 2). God of War may be the most popular and well known action adventure game, but from a mechanical and gameplay standpoint Bayonetta is the best one there is.
Honestly, I enjoy the gameplay in GoW more if only because I find the combos snappier, like I feel like with GoW you can hit the buttons as fast as you want but Bayonetta you need to prescisely time the botton presses to get it to execute the correct combo without restarting the chain and it takes me out of the action. It’s still a lot of fun, they’re both good in their own way, but I personally wouldn’t put Bayonetta ahead gameplay wise for that reason. I do appreciate the ability to backtrack and redo areas whenever, though, and I’d put the boss fights on about the same scale of Grandiosity. Not as many puzzles, though, I am a fan of puzzles in my hack and slash action games. I was a fan of the Prince of Persia approach, a wave of enemies then a big empty room full of puzzles then a wave of enemies then another big room of puzzles, etc.
Thats cause GoW and Bayonetta are actually totally different genres. GoW is hack and slash, Bayonetta is Character Action. The practical difference is in a bunch of details, one of which is what you pointed out, but the key one is an overall change in the player’s mindset. You have to be THINKING, REALLY HARD, ALL THE TIME, in a CA game. Planning your moves like a strategy or fighting game. Its all about precision.
Look buddy this dude just said one game is better like it’s a known fact and I just gave my opinion for why that is not the case for me personally.
I’m a dude from the internet, expect lousy opinions. :D
It is a known fact. Bayonetta is objectively, technically better than God of War. FPS rate, a much more vast combo system, so vast they couldn’t test it in it’s entirety, leaving exploits (Kilgore/Durga Rocket Kick combo).
Hell, God Hand, which is much different from God of War, is a technical marvel that far outclasses God of War.
That said, you personally can enjoy God of War more than you can enjoy Bayonetta. Your point stands, Bayonetta combos are more complicated and hard to pull, which is the point. Platinum’s games, you need to put practice in them to become very very good. God of War is spam spam spam O, quick time event (at it’s core, you also need to dodge, I know. Also both God Hand, Bayonetta and GoW are different genre. One is a brawler, the other is nonstop climax action / character action / Devil May Cry-like, and the third is Hack and Slash.
I liked God of War, it was enjoyable. I wish I could have played 3, sometimes.
“Games are only objectively good if only obsessive people with nothing better to do can play them”
Interesting how you guys are coming out of the woodwork to tell me Bayonetta and God of War “aren’t the same genre” instead of, you know, the guy who made the comparison in the first place. Operating under the assumption that I am not a special snowflake, I assume that there are other people who share my tastes. If someone says “This is the best action game on the market” People with those similar tastes to me might try it, get frustrated, and think “This is the best the genre has to offer? No thanks.” and avoid the others. If someone says “I like that other one you mentioned better for XYZ reason” then those people are more likely to think “That sounds more like my kind of thing, maybe I’ll try that one”.
All the frames in the world per second don’t mean a lot if you’re frustrated and don’t want to keep playing.
I was only speaking technically. Beyond personal tastes. A bit like a website, you can like one better, but the other one you don’t like has better code and runs more efficiently, (of course analogies have their limits). But the difference is barely noticeable for the average person.
You are right when you talk about tastes. BUT, you are putting words in my mouth with your quote. I said “Bayonetta is objectively, *technically* (which means inner workings) better”. The keyword is technically Now if to you, overall, God of War is a better game, then by all means you can prefer it, I like it as well. But I recognize that the inner workings of Bayonetta, and what it does, is superior to God of War (technically-speaking). It is two different things (the website analogy above).
I agree wholeheartedly, as this is why I didn’t play Assassin’s Creed. I bought the first one, thinking “Omg, everyone is talking about this game! 2 just came out, I’m gonna beat 1 in like 3 days and buy 2 and be awesome.”
And it was [i]not[/i] awesome. It was horrid. I stopped playing 25 minutes in because I couldn’t figure out how to climb the wall in the very first mission. It infuriated me to the point that I will NOT buy any AC game, nor will I play games similar to it, because of that one 25 minute experience. BUT I will not dissuade anyone from enjoying their game, just leave me to mine and shut the hell up about it lol.
“A Character Action game” is still a hack and slash. This is like saying Gran Turismo and Mario Kart aren’t both racing games because one is technical and complex and requires homework and the other lets you throw turtle shells at gorillas.
Definitely agree that the timing in Bayonetta is more frustrating than just being able to load combos. I had a lot of trouble figuring it out, and the difference between immediately hitting a button in a combo and having a pause. It’s great that it shows you all the combos and what you’re doing in the loading screen, but man was it unclear how to do an XX•X instead of an XXX. It was counter-intuitive from other action games I’ve played in the past. Even when I figured out what I was supposed to do, some combos were inconsistent because the window was so tiny for a specific step.
Anyway, yeah, “objectively mechanically better” is a pretty meaningless statement since it depends entirely on subjective enjoyment, and some people like seamless flow much better than strict technical difficulty.
I can see your point, Bayonetta combos might be much more complex, but the GoW series requires less precision, and feels more powerful.
I prefer the Bayonetta Style of combat, but i can also enjoy GoW.
i don’t know much about this type of games except how to play them well, but if you want someone who knows what they are talking about see this guy:
Somehow, those wings look masculine.
It’s weird.
I think that it’s the way that they’re shaded; while the color tones aren’t quite identical to the ones on Kratos, they don’t look obviously tacked-on (which would have happened if there was a sharper contrast, or more garish colors). We’re used to things with wings where the wings are differently colored than the rest of the thing; this fits in with what we’d expect. And since we’re all people who read webcomics, we’re also people who are already familiar with the idea of fanciful or supernatural depictions of people, including obvious body transformations.
tl/dr: Coelasquid is a good artist.
♪Butterfly is the sky♪
♪I can fly twice as high♪
♪Take a look♪
♪It’s in a book♪
♪The reading Kratos!♪
I literally haven’t heard that tune for nearly a decade-and-a-half.
Second grade.
And it took me all of 3 seconds to not only recall what it was, but then to also remember the rest of the entire freaking tune.
I have no idea how — my memory is crap-poor.
Songs act as a great mnemonic for hardwiring stuff into memory. It’s how I memorized the planets of our solar system, plus Luna, the asteroid belt, and Pluto.
But… Pluto IS a planet…
He’s right. IIRC I read a bit on IO9 where pluto was probably going to be recategorized as a planet sometime this or next year.
For your nostalgic enjoyment:
Is Kratos acting as bodyguard for the Commander & Jr, or is he just doing his errands & happened to fly by?
Just doing his errands, I would expect.
I didn’t get the joke ’till I read the description. I laughed for a full minute after that! XD
Well done!
Now I really wanna know how the friendship between Bayonetta and Kratos work.
I mean, she lent him her wings…
As infamous as GoW sex minigames are, Kratos has a pretty solid track record of not treating women any differently than men. Like aside from characters that are clearly DTF, the games are full of female allies and enemies that he addresses exactly like the male allies and enemies.
So I assume he talks to her like a person without skeevy innuendo.
I would have to agree. Rage, yeah, but remember, “Kratos gets girls.” Definitely not interested in journalistic ethics.
Kratos is an equal opportunist arm/tentacle/limb/head/body part-ripper. He’s just as likely to rip a goddess to bits as he is with gods.
In fact, its usually rare to find a male character that Kratos actually respects or cares about as he does women. There’s his brother, and not a whole lot else.
Yeah. Kratos would treat her like he treats other people.
But how does she treat him?
Well, I have been avoiding info on Bayonetta 2 like the plague. So I don’t know how Bayonetta acts now.
And now I got more curious.
How do the powerfull women readjust to society after saving worlds, geeting revenge, etc, etc…?
You know, that’s a very valid question…
Let me see… April Ryan lost everything from her old life and ended up as a freedom fighter and then dead? Kate Walker…nobody knows. I hear Xena died heroically. Sydney Fox probably just kept teaching.
This is the best thing ever.
funny… but did Commander just put on his Night Vision before flying off into the sun? Maybe just a test of how b@d @$$ his ability to avoid blindness is?
I like how there’s just a shop Kratos can bring his wax wings to when they break.
Has anyone else noticed the astounding progress Kratos has made with his rehabilitation? The Kratos from page one would have killed the Commander over this. Well, tried, at least, but the point stands.
We’re proud of ya, big guy!
I kind of want to know how Kratos and Bayonetta became friends. Did they bond over dismemberment techniques?
I bet it’s something mundane, like bowling. They’re trying to form a league, but people aren’t interested or weirded out by them.
The Commander is an awesome father.
You know, I think Kratos might accidentally steal the Commander’s daughter over this. I mean, what would a girl want more, a regular old hang lider, or MAGIC BUTTERFLY WINGS?!
Actually, that could be interesting on its own. We’ve never seen Kratos acting paternal, since, y’know, his family died, but it would probably be a good experience and theraputic to see paternal!Kratos. It would be hilarious to see how “Uncle” Kratos acts with a little girl, and it woudl probably mellow him out and help him be a better person.
Until, of course, she starts dating.
Things we can have around Kratos:
RelationshipsIt’d be interesting to see if Kratos is good with kids, really. If so, then he, Bayonetta, Wolverine, and Asura could probably find work at a Daycare or something.
Most of God of War III is Kratos acting parental about Pandora. Mainly in the form of killing anything that threatens her/gets between him and her, but still.
Bayonetta and Kratos, what a couple.. I bet they met at the Godslaying convention, both of them are tough, and good at tearing gods apart in spectacularly brutal ways. Kratos is probably one of the few men who would catch Bayonetta’s interest, Bayonetta could survive a fight with Kratos.
Something tells me you either love Kratos way too much… Or you just hate him so much that you need to subject him to every joke possible. XDDD
You don’t need strong feelings about a character to realise they’re comedy gold.
Though, I would imagine that Commander’s daughter would love to take witchcraft lessons from Bayonetta, if for nothing else then for how to transform hair in to butterfly wings.
Unfortunately that requires selling your soul to a demon and being condemned to an afterlife of eternal suffering. Not to mention the grueling training just to even hone one’s Spiritual Energy to even qualify for Witch-hood.
Why do I get the feeling that, for whatever reason, Kratos took to the skies to fly wingman for C.B. and his little Junebug?
Maybe that big psychopathic murder-lug actually kinda cares for the people he sees on a daily basis without slaughtering?
He has to, it’s been an awfully long time since he’s actually killed anyone he knew for a change.
Question: Is the commander properly hang gliding? It looks to me like he’s just doing his workout in the air
Generally one is supposed to grip the bottom bar, I believe, but the Commander is also not your average man. It might have made more sense to Coela when drawing it, as it can be hard to draw the way that the Commander is carrying his daughter from land to air, but yes. Ordinarily you do hold onto the horizontal bar at the bottom.
On your metal wings, astride.
With your glistening extra parts, you glide.
It’s just you and I up here.
Santa got it wrong with his eight reindeer.
I’m butter-gliding.
No more hiding things that are wonderful.
I’m butter-crying to be heard over petty jealousy.
Let’s make love, butter-glider.
Let’s find a way to grind.
And all our hot butter babies will fly to the moon.
think someone is looking at kratos in flight, his lovely wings and musing “i’d hit that??”
He’s such a good daddy :) i love the comics where he interacts with his kids, definitely a manly guy just doin’ the manliest of things.
I won’t pick a fight, but can I axe you a question?
That sure sounds like a loaded question.
Coelasquid < — im sorry if i hit a nerve. and i never truthfully thought you would notice my comment. and hence "random". i glad you took this in a well and happy approach.
and this is really epic i can totally imagine a kratos costume on bayonetta and thinking of … both dancing,sexy killing and summoning and being sexy at the same time. "AVAVAGO" or "Sondena" and there goes the hair/beard "stupid sexy kratos" "Hot, nun(not) to holy bayonetta"
Mario, link, samus (meteoroid) and star fox will never be the same from now one. (i only played 2 of the games listed)
— and just a follow up if ever you do decide a female out night for jones from a comment of a fellow fan.
Potatohead – October 29, 2014, 10:20 pm
"does the agency have a separate branch/office for female characters? There are admittedly a lot fewer badass girls in video games than guys, but they exist and might have similar problems. Or are they generally well-adjusted enough to not need re-socialization?" <— i highly doubt this but bayonetta is the one few candidate leaders to mirror Cap'n"B" in this agency.
Just had an idea for next Halloween; Kratos as a KISS member. Also wouldn’t mind seeing a Kratos reacts to the Percy Jackson series.
that would be interesting.
Which one? KISS dress up or the Percy Jackson series?
Looks like kratos has been drinking some red bull….
red bull gives you wiiinnnggzzz!!
Hmm is this the first time Commander has used his goggles?
Commander is so adorable with his wee one in this. <3
Someone needs to animate Kratos like this, boredly flying with the wings, pretty flowers in the background, to the sound of “flight of the Valkyries” by Wagner.
I haven’t played Bayonetta (combination of being a non-console-owner and being creeped out by a character literally built to be a giant Japanese fetish object), so I didn’t get the wings reference. But it was funny anyways and June is super adoreable, so I count that as a win!
Nice comic.
Just a heads up by the way, on your link page, you’ve got the link to Oglaf misspelled as Olgaf.
Commander is the coolest dad EVER!
So Kratos borrowed Anteros’ wings? Sweet reference!
No, these are Bayonetta’s butterfly wings she got from Madama Butterfly.
did anyone ever notice how canada and commander look alike?, they both even have goggles. i’m taking a wild guess but in my opinion canada culd be future captain badass spying himself from the past or maybe a twin from another dimension
that actually makes a surprising amount of sense, considering the whole “drift compatible” thing.
Oh cool, did that conversation I took apart of last week culminate to this? Doesn’t matter in the end though, as the answer wouldn’t change the fact that panel 4 is so good it deserves to be a specialized wall paper.
The commander gets to use his goggles!!
Well, technically speaking the wings wouldn’t be Bayonetta’s… and it might make a bit more sense for Kratos to call her a ‘friend’ instead.
Those who have played both games might know what I mean.
Hate to tell you Kratos but Johnny Gat stole your wings for the next Saint’s Row 4 DLC. You might be stuck with the loner for longer than you like.
I’m not sure whats more amazing to me-Kratos with those wings, or the mental image I got of Kratos and Bayonetta hanging out as friends.
Nearly split my sides laughing!