Raptor Mom Comics
May 15, 2017
2:54 am
Too much time participating in mother’s day activities to draw a good mother’s day comic hahaha
Too much time participating in mother’s day activities to draw a good mother’s day comic hahaha
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Oooh a tactical burn. This are stealthy.
Tactical on the soldier, strategical on general morale.
That’s a good wisdom.
Damn, Angel got some hips.
Yes, seems she developed hartman hips. At least it should stop people from wondering her sex. On an unrelated note: Coleasquid, stop making me laugh at work! :D
That, or her genetics contain a dash of Gerudo (Breath of the Wild edition) to keep her tall, muscled, and with good hips.
This sounds most plausible conidering her facial features and particular shade of brown. She ever dyes her hair a vibrant red color, and a lot of people will probably mistake her for one of Ganondorf’s sisters.
She got them Garnet thighs.
It just occurred to me the mild similarity in biogrown future Super Soldiers and geogrown space Gem Soldiers.
Kinda funny, considering I think Coela worked on some of the Steven Universe comics.
Man, Jasper would fit in pretty well at the agency, come to think of it. Kinda wanna see that.
I don’t.
Stevie Wonder’s show pretty cool, but I kinda dislike Jasper. Feels like a real swing and a miss for some reason. Maybe if she had a Mario nose, I could overlook her boring attitude for a cheap visual gag.
Objection! A burn that bad can only come from a flamethrower, which are outlawed by the Geneva convention!
Also, can’t wait to see the poor thing in colour. O_O
This is the Spacefuture. Puny old rules do not apply.
Pretty sure they’re only outlawed for direct use, still allowed for indirect assault via suffocation? Something something not allowed to set people on fire but still allowed to turn their bunkers into hotboxes.
Also, although the Geneva Convention was signed by the U.S. it was not ratified by Congress so theoretically the U.S. can violate all those provisions as it damn well pleases.
A few corrections:
1. Flamethrowers are only outlawed when used against civilians, it’s perfectly legal to use them against military targets.
2. They are banned by the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and not the Geneva Convention. Technically the former was signed in Geneva and thus could be considered a Geneva Convention but the term Geneva Convention is usually used to mean the series of treaties related to treatment of POWs and non-combatants.
3. The US did ratify the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons
I’ve heard Texas allows ownership of Flamethrowers; I think it’s mostly related to measures involving helping fight the spread of various dangerous ant species (or at least that’s a major justification for it).
As best as I know, some flamethrowers are legal, simply because the cost of the weaponry and ammo is simply too costly for your average Joe or Jane to justify buying and using.
Here in the northern US, they’re legal to take down wasp’s nests with. That said, the Fire Marshall appreciates a heads up before you use one.
@Space Jawa Flamethrowers are legal in 48 states, as they are not considered weapons of war, due to their limited functions, so they do not require background checks or registration. Their primary uses are fire start, wasp nest removal, brush clearing, and entertainment.
The only two states they are illegal in are: maryland and California. You may be not surprised at California, but not for the reason you think. They are considered a fire hazard (nooooooo, REALLY?!) and California is already constantly on fire.
Pretty sure they’re legal in most locales. I know I’ve seen them used in Minnesota and Iowa by farmers to eliminate certain noxious weeds. Not the kind of flamethrowers we would think of from movies most of the time, but usually propane-powered torches.
I live in New Mexico and we have a small flamethrower (i.e. a propane torch) that’s used for burning weeds. Perfectly legal.
Roofers also use small flamethrowers to stick rolls of asphalt roofing to the tops of buildings.
This. This is why i love this comic.
Good enough for me. Also, good to know there are troops under Angel’s command beyond her siblings
I apologize for being pedantic…but its IN the field not ON the field…..well…unless he’s competing in a sporting event. Hmm and now I wanna make up a cloned velociraptor proposal for DARPA.
Skipping the Jurassic Park and going straight for Weaponized giant monsters are we?
Hey go big or go home!
Depends on what field he is on, unless you play in a football field, most sensible people play on the field
“Yes M’am, this mission you are currently sending me on. Unless you are saying it is not actually important, and I don’t need to go…”
The mission they’re being sent on may not present a tactical advantage. He’s not asking if they’re useful, but if there is a particular point to having them that gives them an edge over their opposition.
Nobody sasses back at Angel after a burn like that.
To be fair, he hasn’t actually gone on the mission yet. She didn’t ask him if he will do anything tactically useful, just if had ever done so prior.
On a related note I thought the raptor budgies were her and her husband’s pets not government property.
They have a department that grows them, Jet’s job is animal training.
Well based on what we’ve seen of the Space Future military it is entirely possible that the mission isn’t important and the brass would love for random soldier not to go so they have an excuse to put more robot parts in him.
Hahahahahaha!! Oh man, Angel shut that guy down quick!!
RIP that guy
Wow, Angel pulled a Sakurai.
The budgie-raptors are tactically advantageous. Their government is obsessed with making heroes cool… and budgie raptors boost cool factor. So yeah… much more tactically advantageous than nameless peon soldier. They can also perform tasks, as seen in the island games arc, which adds to their usefulness.
Yes. Exactly. “‘They make great plushies’ IS a tactical advantage, under these strategic conditions. Plushies, bedsheets, animated series tie-ins… the mobile phone app alone won the Battle of Spica Minor for us, Private Will Getshotintheleg. Don’t you ever forget it, soldier.”
Antibiotics? For a virus? Man, either medical technology has improved a lot in the future or some doctors keep doing silly things. Probably both.
Or she’s just using “cold” as a colloquialism for “mild respiratory illness”.
Gutsy question to ask your superior. Besides, doesn’t he know that team pets are far more likely to get s#!t done and survive than Redshirts?
Which is why an army of Team Pets is invincible. No redshirts there.
I dunno. Once you get over a certain number, the Inverse Ninja Law starts to kick in. Your best bet is a squad of around 5 or so, each with their own distinct personality. Any more than that you risk having one of them be the Sacrificial Lamb/Lion, or even Mauve Shirt.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been playing a lot of Battleborn lately…
But the helmet guys remind me of Kid Ultra.
Beware the drone who gets too curious about things beyond their pay grade.
On the contrary, I think he’s just earned a promotion to “Meat Shield.”
LOL Yeah
Right up from “Maggot”!
Raptors’ claws or talons or whatever are really good for engraving guns.
This is hilarious and I love it
I mean, fancy velociraptors seem like a much more tactical advantageous choice than most shit the government decides to do.
Clever Girl.
Don’t mess with momma bear.
Mascots boost morale.
Sniveling only impedes it.
Any other stupid questions, soldier?
Um…you shouldn’t give antibiotics for a cold. It’s a virus, antibiotics do nothing.
I’mma just mentally substitute “spacefuture medicine” for “antibiotics”.
It’s the government. They spend their money on whatever they want.
Omg look at her beautiful little face with its sad has-cold expression nuu this is the best
Holy crap that was savage.
Raptor mom comics are best mom comics.
I agree. This IS a Mother’s Day comic. It’s just that her baby isn’t human.
My thoughts exactly
Indeed. I’m fairly certain virtually any fluffy raptor comic is a good comic by itself. And then Angel adds the “mother” touch to make it a “good Mother’s day” comic.
Angel is a very good mother to her feathered Baby.
She’s probably bitched about them more than that guy ever has.
But SHE’S the only one allowed to bitch about them, soldier.
Get well soon, coldraptor.
This is a pretty darn -good- Mom Day comic. XD
Aww poor little flooffy baby looks miserable.
“Maybe if you did your job and read my reports you would know.”
I hate to be this guy, but you don’t use antibiotics for a cold. Colds are viruses, and antibiotics will at best do nothing, and at worst contribute to antibiotic resistant bacteria or create an allergy.
Maybe spacefuture colds are bacterial?
Genetically-engineered fluffraptor colds could be bacterial, too. Or maybe spacefuture antibiotics double as antivirals. Hard to say, really.
I, for one, am willing to suspend disbelief for fluffraptors.
I did think that too, but then I figured , hey it’s a fantasy :P It could be that rhinoviruses frequently predispose to potentially fatal bacterial colonisation of the respiratory tract in this species and as such prophylactic antibiotic use to prevent secondary infection might be one of the recommendations in the treatment protocol.
You know, you’re right, but–every time we’ve taken a pet to the vet because they have a cold, the vet has sent us home with antibiotics. Isn’t that odd?
Unfortunately being a vet is sometimes as much about managing the owner as the animal and some owners think that if they turn up pay for a consult and just get told to go home without anything to show for it then they’ve not go their money’s worth so to speak/that the vet doesn’t know what they’re doing. I’ve seen a vet prescribe painkillers for a cat with no sign of pain because the owner was adamant it had a (completely non-existent) limp.
Now theoretically some upper respiratory tract viral infections i.e. colds can predispose/ open up the way to a secondary bacterial infection. If it were the case that it was indeed a cold you were possibly given antibiotics primarily to appease you and secondarily as a prophylactic/preventative measure against possible bacterial infection. Or it could be that your vet wasn’t able to say for certain whether the respiratory signs in question were because of a virus or a bacteria (not all snuffs are caused by colds) and gave you antibiotics just in case there was a bacterial component.
In truth it’s hard to say what your vets precise reasoning for prescribing antibiotics was though in general, vets are being encouraged more and more not to treat things with antibiotics if they’re not strictly necessary/purely for preventative measures against minor risks as this increases the possibility of antibiotic resistance.
Do not ever diss Raptor Mom’s babies
Private Burnside forgets what time he’s in. This is the age where they tried to implant a laser cannon into a man’s chest, so he would be cooler.
“Soldier, it’s tactically advantageous for you she is here, because otherwise I’d have some stronger words to say that I don’t want her to hear.”
Alternate version: “It’s tactically advantageous for you she is here, because otherwise I’d kick your goddamn ass right now.”
I just figured the raptors were left overs from some Space-DARPA pilot program that Jet decided to adopt.
holy CRAP those thips haha. Love it. THAT’S what plastic surgery should be for, not balloon tits XD
“Have *YOU* ever done anything tactically advantageous, soldier?”
I’m going to have to say that, based on the fact that he *asked* that question: probably not.
oh god, she brought out the flamethrower for that burn XD
Their tactical advantage is that cute animal side kicks are good for marketing and velicoraptors do more damage than small dogs or rabbits.
All of a sudden Angel is voiced by Zelda Williams (as Kuvira) in my head.
The space future army seems a bit bloated, no problem finding a way to divert some of it’s cash to nature preservation.
Also raptors are adorable, but I’m curious what living thing could they catch a cold from?
And then the soldier went home crying XD
Please keep being awesome, Coelasquid!
Is that Princess? Who ever she is, she looks miserable in panel three (can just make out a pair of sad eyes above the beak)
The more I see those fancy raptorsthe more I want one.
If I one day come out with one, Coelasquid I’ll share.
I now believe that Jet and Angel are one of the great power couples that will last for eternity.
Soldier: I pulled you out of that burning car.
Raptor Mom: I meant lately.
Soldier: … I pulled your husband out of that other burning car.
Raptor Mom: My gratitude for that lasted about halfway through you dissing my birds.
And yet this IS a good Mother’s Day comic. <3
Guess who got his ass shipped to the front of the frontline with no ammo in his gun.
I’d say thats a good mother days comic! Mama Angel taking care of her baby!
Apply cold water to burned area. XD
Aawww poor baby. I love those little spikey furballs.
Shhh, they’re sleeping. Just finished a growth spurt, so if they aren’t eating they are sleeping.
I will forever treasure each and every of your comics that involves stubby raptors
The level of excitement I feel about fancy raptors being baby worn in slings is by badass sass-masters…..probably very indicative of my overall strangeness… welp.
O_O This gives me heart eyes.
Wonder if Jet and Angel have a pair of Utah Raptors sitting around someplace that are used in place of horses…
Ooooooo, even a full restore ain’t gonna cut it xD