real reason, Overwatch, collapse, etc.
March 26, 2017
4:54 pm
I had 30 minutes to write and draw a comic before I go to the airport and lose my internet connection and I spent 15 of them drawing those boots.
I had 30 minutes to write and draw a comic before I go to the airport and lose my internet connection and I spent 15 of them drawing those boots.
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The Mystery of Dissapearing Beard
Gabriel lost most of his goatee in the last frame, it seems.
Ha ha woops, I’ll fix it when I have internet and am not seconds away from missing my flight.
Looks fine to me – seems everything is just fine (except for Reaper’s attitude, which obviously leads to Overwatch, collapse, etc.).
I should have saved it, but all Gabriel had was just a mustache. It was pretty great.
More like Reaper’s altitude in this case.
Moustache Gabriel Reyes?
Moustache Gabriel Reyes!
Moustache Gabriel Reyes.
Every time I rewatch that video, I recognise more people.
I can identify. I’m five-eleven and a half.
My son is 6′ 3″. At 15.
I used to be salty about stopping at about 5’9.5″ tall, but eventually came to stop really caring about it. Besides, it’s the best of both worlds; we’re tall enough to reach shit off the top shelves but not tall enough that people give us lame height-related jokes (“How’s the weather up there!? HURF HURF HURF I’M SO CLEVER”)
People actually make tall jokes? I thought that was just something that happened on television.
Also, you’re just short enough to not constantly bump your head when getting in and out of small cars, at least around here. That’s the perfect height.
My tall SO calls this “door reverence.”
You miss lot of the advantages of being actually short: the perk of being able to ask to old ladies to reach shit on top shelves for you.
From experience it seems like people like using tall jokes as an icebreaker when just meeting someone tall. As the tallest guy in my family at 6′ 5″, I would know.
That and all the questions about whether you play basketball.
I’m 6’4″. It’s not always that good of a thing. I have to buy bigger cars, for one. Can’t drive most regular sized vehicles because my knees jam into the console and my head clonks on the ceiling. I have to special order pants because most places simply don’t carry my size. Don’t even get me started on the difficulties of finding size 15 4e shoes. I have a queen size bed and my feet tend to hang off the end while my head is almost smacking into the wall. Doors tend to feel so short and narrow. Hell…even toilets feel awkward to use sometimes. There are many times that I wish I was a few inches shorter. =/
He may be short but with those boots he can stomp the tall people down to more manageable sizes.
Now he just needs to gain a passive ability where landing on opponents damages them.
Nice work at ConBust this weekend! Did you glance down at your own boots while drawing Reyes’, haha.
Hey man my heels are only an inch hahaha
I’m amazed that with as little as 30 minutes you still manage to put something like this together :)
Hey, I’m 5 10, does that mean I can’t be a superhero?
Nothing wrong with being 5’10”, you just might project the impression you’re possibly a little sensitive about it if you wear platform shoes into battle.
Pfft, I’m 5’3” and I’m motherf*cking Wolverine
Then you’re obviously not the kind of person this comic is about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Crap, my reply was towards Old Greg
Not sure drinking Baileys from a shoe is a super power…
My understand (it may be wrong) from a former Green Beret, is that many Green Berets are 5’10”, because it’s a good medium between strength, energy conservation, etc.
Everybody talking about having issues about being 5.10? Really? Jesus people I’m 5.6 (not even, I’m 1.70 m) and I’m just fine. Is livelyhood in the US much more dependant on your ability to dunk and reach high shelves without a chair than I’m thinking?
You people heve weird issues…
Well, Americans are obsessed with height. Heck it’s even a requirement for the honor guard that greets foreign diplomats to be at LEAST 6′, on account of we want to tower over and intimidate them, just like we do on a national level. *Thumbs up*
I would say it’s probably a product of America’s toxic masculinity culture. In addition to being among the most misogynistic non-respecting of female cultures out there, men who aren’t as “manly” as others are often viewed as weak and inferior to the tough guys out there. Most Americans favor the idea of being the biggest, toughest, and loudest races out there (because it’s one of the few advantages we really have, honestly) and height often factors into that. It’s a bad scene sometimes.
To paraphrase Batman, “if I had a week I could explain everything wrong with what you just said.”
If you disagree with the concept that toxic masculinity in the United States of America contributes to numerous social, psychological and financial problems, might I suggest the book, Violence: Our Deadly Epidemic and It’s Causes by James Gilligan M.D. ? I finished it in about two days on vacation, so it would save you the week long explanation.
Didn’t say that toxic masculinity in the U.S. isn’t a problem. I just take issue with appending the title of “among the most mysogynistic non-respecting of female cultures” to the country that A: isn’t a singular monoculture but rather contains numerous subculture; B: doesn’t forbid women to vote, own property, drive their own vehicles, or give legal testimony equivalent to that of a man; C: doesn’t have quasi-legal councils of tribal elders commanding the gang rape of teenaged girls as punishment for “crimes;” D: do I really need to go on here? I’m not saying the U.S. doesn’t have problems, but at least we’re TRYING to fix them.
While I see your point on how many other cultures are significantly worse, I was mostly referring to the general attitude than the actual treatment. In general, women have a harder time commanding respect than men do by an order of magnitude. They have to work harder to convince others of their competence, they’re paid less for the same tasks, and are generally mostly rated by how attractive they are and/or who they’re married to rather than what they’re capable of. We may allow women a lot of rights here, but they’re still a LONG way from equal treatment and respect. Especially with the cabal of psychopaths we have in the White House (Seriously, charging women for miscarriages? Requiring the father’s permission for aborting a RAPE PREGNANCY? What in the actual FUCK?)
I see your point, but hyperbole doesn’t help- and you’re guilty of either hyperbole or dropping the “first world” qualifier, I think.
I ran into an interesting video by a gay man who was discussing gender inflection in the US. He said he’d often seen the “straight male voice” as more defensive. Being “more monotone” was part of that. I was food for thought, and ties into some of what you’re saying. Wish I could find the vid, but it’s been years.
…and yeah, the other stuff is insane.
Women also tend to serve less severe criminal sentences than men, and have the upper hand as far as custody/divorce proceedings go.
If only we lacked sexual dimorphism, like the majestic budgie raptor.
Not to mention being short can interfere with your ability to find a mate, if you prefer women. I know many women who won’t even consider dudes under 6 feet tall, and it’s pretty unfortunate, even if I know that mentality worked in my favor over the years.
On the other hand, there are also lots of girls that think small guys are cute.
So wait is that really a thing in the US? Women won’t date a man unde 6 feet? That’s extremly silly if you ask me. Can’t imagine that’s true! Sounds like reddit “so unfair! girls don’t like me cause I’m too short” complaigning.
SOME women. My partner’s 5’3. Admittedly he is also a kung fu badass, but I didn’t actually know that when I started dating him.
Definitely a thing I’ve seen on some womens’ profiles on dating sites (“Don’t message unless you’re 6′ or taller”). Not common to see it put that overtly, but hardly unheard of. Given correlation between height, IQ, and earnings, I can’t really blame them (even if I am not tall enough for them).
I’d always preferred less tall guys, so I’d say there is a mix. The only reason mine is tall is I met him in a darkened theatre, haha. Also, he’s just a great person.
My sister actually once told me to break up with a guy I was dating because she thought he was” too short to be worth the time”. I ended up marrying him and am glad I did. So yeah, some women have a thing about how tall a guy is, others don’t. Some people men or women, have a specific physical type they are attracted to.
And, as for me, my husband and I are the same height, 5’4. As my type that I’m attracted to has more to do with mischievous and smart, well read, nerdy guys who make me laugh. And not so much with my sister’s type of tall and rather stoic guys.
As Shakira would say hips
don’t lie.
Did Reyes grow a beard while I wasn’t looking?
People have the weirdest hangups. I’m 5’7″ and just ain’t care. Little short maybe, but so what?
Fuck that Jazz. I’m 5’7 and I’m fucking peachy (what’s that in logical measurements? 1,72 m? I’m only 1,70 so below 5’7)! Seriously do people not know how to climb a chair to reach the top shelf jam jars or why is this so important?
I never realized I was Gabe until now.
The height thing is an old masculine mainstay from back when size was an important factor in survival. It’s relatively minor in this day and age where we drive more than run, shoot more than punch and process more than lift, but our cultural group mentality hasn’t quite caught our scientific achievement and so said achievements are yoked into perpetuating the old diehard patriarchal concepts.
It’s also, I mean, we all get bigger with age and maturity. Height is still a real indicator of social power- just, as you say, less so :p
This may be wrong, but what I’d heard from an old Green Beret was that 5’10” was a more ideal height. It balanced strength with endurance, and so on.
Jack Reacher (the real one, not the guy 15 years too old and my height) is most scared of facing little, quick guys with fast hands and sharp knives. If I get myself a sharp knife I will literally be Jack Reacher’s greatest fear. Smoke it tall folk! :D
I love this. Emotionally vulnerable Gabe is best Gabe.
As a guy whose friends are mostly 6-8 inches taller than him, I can sympathise. I also want his boots….
Ah, Coelasquid, master of time management. Legit, my hero.
As a 5’3″ dude I feel so conflicted when people taller than me are whining or having an issues about being too short. Damn, if you’re short then what am I?!
You’re children of warm summers, you know nothing about being too short. High heels fix nothing when you’re two heads shorter than everyone.
They -are- nice boots.
Well, they ARE great boots.
Everything I know about overwatch I learned from this comic strip.
Well, besides the fact that it’s a computer game.
Am 5’7″ due to those same damn Mexican shortness genes, definitely can sympathize with Reyes here.
Can’t stop laughing when people say 5’7″ is short. Don’t know about USA but most average male height is around 170-180cm in Europe. Anything over 180 is really tall, esp. 6″+.
I’m sure the average in the United States of America is actually under 6’0 for men, but the general portrayal we put forward in various communication from television to video games is that of the stereotypical action hero, big and tall, either lean and mean or bulging with muscle, etc. As such, the group mentality sees someone shorter as somehow lacking.
There is no such thing as average height in the US. You are either tall or short, there’s no middle ground, and it’s legal in some states to speed vault people who are shorter than you without their consent.
The average height of an adult man worldwide if 173-ish (+/- 3) with national averages generally being within that margin of error. However, Hollywood and Nordic countries seem to have ingrained the idea that 6′ is normal. Markiplier has gotten comments on how short he is at 5’10”, or 178, which is actually average for an American.
You think rhe USA is bad, try New Zealand. I’m 5’9-ish and the vast majority of males I’ve met are at 6’0″. Average height worldwide is on the low end of average, at least among males of non-asian descent, here in NZ.
Heh. My mom’s side of the family is really tall. Nobody is under 6 feet, except her. My dad’s side is more average (and not the 6’6” height my cousins reach), but his mom is, well, she might not reach 5′. Naturally, I had to end up at about 5’9”-5’10”. It’s all Grandma’s fault.
Now that I has enough time simmer8ng this cómic in the noggin… A glowing high heel combate boots kinda , you know, defeat the definitiion or purpose of stealth? And really , I would like those boots too…
Manly Guys: *does not update while ur fantastic Reaper76 comic regularly updates*
Manly Guys: *eventually updates with arguable Reaper76 shenanigans*
:^) no complaints here tbh <3
Hey, I haven’t missed any MGDMT updates.
Also what are you talking about I don’t have a coecret comic where Jack and Gabe hug a lot and love each other.
And if I did it certainly wouldn’t be more satisfying to update than MGDMT because it’s the lowest possible quality bar I could set for myself so I can knock a page out in two hours and people don’t leave droning well actually essays on every update.
I also certainly don’t reblog every update from that coecret comic and show it to all my friends
and I know for a fact that this comic (which doesn’t exist, of course) is definitely not one of the best and most enjoyable things in the fandom right now
not at all
*FLAILS ARMS LIKE AN ANGRY PIGEON FLAILS WINGS* I had no idea you were NOT doing a reaper76 coecret comic and that it I needed it.
Im also going to tell no one about it.
If y’all haven’t found it already u can trawl the Morreyeson / Reaper76 tags on tumblr and it should come up :) or like, it’s the second result in google for me when I search Morreyeson so
Huh, I’m like six-something? I don’t remember. Which I guess betrays a privilege where I don’t really care all that much since I hit my growth spurt first amongst the boys then leveled out a place I was pretty happy with.
It happens. Humans naturally don’t pay attention much to details if they are beneficial for the human in question. Our minds focus on what we see as problems, what holds us back. Above average height is generally boon unless you go up into the seven foot range at which point you need doors and ceiling to have proper clearance.
Think a lot of people don’t know what the average height is. Considering how often I hear/read things like oh I’m so short being -…..- and similar. Usually the ones who say it are very average being around 160-180 cm. (5,2 to slightly below 6″). And that’s in Northern America and Europe.
If someone tells me they are short I expect them to be below 160 for women and 170 for men.
Self I’m around 174 which puts me slightly above average in my country for a woman which I’m happy with. If I were taller I would have an even bigger problem find clothes that fit. My brothers are not so lucky. Being around 193 and 210 cm they have a lot of problems with their height.
I am exactly 170cm (5’7″), which at the very least seems to be a common height for heroes in Japanese properties (Goku, InuYasha, Eren Yaeger, Link…) but that might have something to do with that being the average height for an adult male there. It’s also just shy of the world-wide average of 173 (5’8″) but Westerners tend to be a few inches taller at 178 (5’10”), which some people still act like is comically short.
Coelasquid just letting you know that sometimes when I try going to your website it redirects me to another site. The site it redirects me to is, and it usually happens each time I try coming to the site. I have to reload the site through my history, and cannot use my bookmark due to this.
Time well spent.