Someone figured he could use an office assistant with healing buffs
February 25, 2018
11:27 pm
A tribute to our communal stray, Bosco.
A tribute to our communal stray, Bosco.
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It’s like you’re describing my own real actual cat too…
Asshole cat owners unite!
Haha, old asshole Cats are awesome :D
My Friend has one that is having his 30th Birthday this year, he is blind on one eye, has Battledamage all over (he fought ANYTHING … and usually won) and when he sits on the sofa he looks like he is about to make you an offer you can’t refuse :)
I made my Palico look like my own cat too.
Good kitty.
I think this is quite clearly a bad kitty.
No such thing
Being old, deaf, and half-blind doesn’t make a kitty bad, and you’d be doing well if you screamed like a pterodactyl when someone picked you up by surprise (and really, deaf and half-blind, most times getting picked up is going to come as a surprise).
They’re all good cats, Ellen.
I had been ignoring this game because “not out on PC, also never played the previous ones” but I wanted to get the reference in this comic so I looked it up and after seeing what a palico is I’m now super excited for this game coming out on PC later this year. They should begin and end all advertising for this game with a screenshot of a palico and the words “customizable cat people!”
Seriously. I am anticipating this game making ALL THE MONEY because customizable cat people.
Indeed. I mean, fine, hunt giant monsters with weapons you made from other monsters. Whatever.
/You can customize a cat and give it a hat/. OMG MUST BUY! :D
Not just one hat though, BUT MULTIPLES!! You can make them look like a little vampire, or a pretty little princess, or a king, or put them in fancy pajamas, or a deep dive suit made from a bone-and-tar-sonic-the-roid-raging-lizard monster.
Moral guardians were getting angry at Nier Automata that people only played it for the booty. But it’s actually Monster Hunter which is being bought solely so you can get yourself an adorable kitty XD
So people are only playing Monster Hunter for the pussy?
Somehow I don’t imagine this case will give them much consternation… I don’t know why, but I’m sure it won’t.
Hypocrisy! Double Standards!
I sssooo want to get MHW, but I have to pretend to know how to adult and scrape by until I can get a better job to keep up with my rent increasing.
He also hates Mondays.
Terry Pratchett’s Greebo came to mind. Mondays are in trouble, other things as well, except You.
Now I want to see Commander meet the Nac Mac Feegle.
this is exactly how i pictured my second palico it’s almost uncanny
The Meowscular Chef would be an appropriate character to appear here, methinks.
wouldn’t it be an office felyne then? palicoes go on hunts
The Commander DOES go on hunts on occasion; And besides, a Palicoe fits him much better than a Felyne.
Let’s be fair. Commander is running herd on a bunch of hyper-macho guys most of whom would probably butcher the Monster hunter creatures with ease. I’d say his work is MORE violent and dangerous than that of Hunters. Only the most badass palicoe can accompany him.
I’m not usually a cat person, but Palicos really cemented MHW on my list of games-to-get.
The Chef palico is ripped. He likes to use exercise lingo, which is fun.
No, Jared, don’t worry, you will ALWAYS be “Potions Guy”!
He reminds me a lot of Rags, an ancient tom that lived at a vet clinic I used to take my animals to. He pretty much looked just like that, right down to the fact that he was a tabby and somebody stuck a little shirt on him.
*pats Jared’s head* But YOU have a giant fish monster.
That shoots lasers.
Mr. Fish vs Jyuratodus. That’s I fight I wanna see.
Gyarados wins. Jyuratodas’ armor only resists impacts and cuts. Not vaporization.
You’re right. Ceadeus would be a much fairer fight.
Now he must fight the raptor squad, Mister fish, and the parrot t-rex to truly cement his status as a monster hunter’s companion.
Wait… Aren’t those actual monsters in MHW?
Yes. Although there’s only two raptors and Anjanath is more of a vulture T-Rex than a parrot T-Rex.
So, when Commander B. says “like a pterodactyl,” that’s not just a random figure of speech, right? As a time traveling supersoldier, and a friend of Turok the Dinosaur Hunter, he’s probably heard more than a few actual pterodactyls screaming.
I’ve never played the game but I’m going to guess is similar to the monster rancher vein which had a show that I actually watch even though I never play that game either
Nah, it’s not raising monsters in a barn like Monster Rancher was. It’s wandering out in the wilds, tracking them, and murdering them for fun and profit. This one is a bit less intimidating than previous entries; the benefit of 5 games of subtle improvements. Maybe also because it’s the first I’ve been able to play with others. Very fun, and more engaging/rewarding than the typical online shooter.
Yeah the TV show was nothing like that . they were wondering around trying to get team together to find the revive a ancient master called the Phoenix to save the world.
Yeah, I remember catching the first 5-6 episodes or that back in the day. I think that was fresh on the heals of Digimon’s first or second season (before things got super damn weird) and networks were looking for the next big Japanese kids craze. Do you know if the show is streaming anywhere? I’d be curious to catch the rest of it.
For streaming I would suggest hulu. I have not watched it there by did a search and there were a couple of hits on hulu.
That’s just about the same idea I had in mind when I was doing my palico
This is why I have a parrot and not a cat.
Hahaha I thought that was a Shofixti from Star Control II there for a second.
I love the game and your particular choice of palico! Twice the awesome sauce for this week’s comic <3
Oh hey, he hired my cat
Monster Hunter Gen lets you PLAY as palicos.
That is the face of someone who’s seen so much shit they just don’t give any.
Monster Hunter is a weird series for me, it has everything I like and in theory I should enjoy it, but I don’t.
Maybe it’s the grind? Have you played World yet? It’s a huge improvement over previous titles in the series. It’s also the first game in the series I’ve gotten to the end-game on. (still haven’t beat it, but that’s because I’m doing the last-minute run to unlock as much as I can)
hey kelly. is there any chance at all in any way shape or form that you might introduce he-man into the comic?
Dammit, now I’m remembering my 18 year old cat who died the other day. Old, fat, deaf, half-blind just from cataracts, long, grey hair, and loved to cuddle up next to me in the bed because he likes to cuddle. :( I miss him so much.
I’m officially enjoying myself too much with my gunlance. I only started using it for the shield and jab, but once I got used to it, I’m hunting Azure Rath and only cart when I get blindsided. On that note, I hate Bazelgeuse.
I hear it’s great for Diablos. You can apparently BLOCK ITS BURROW ATTACK. That said, I’m a Switch Axe guy myself, though I go Light Bowgun if it’s something that I shouldn’t or can’t get too close to.
Awesome old man kitty. Kind of a twisted cross between my two boys. One is about 20 pounds and 20 years old and has bald patches on his feet and squawks at me but has a kitten-ish face and is a total cuddy bunny. The other one meanwhile is about 7 years old and a very sleek if slightly scruffy boy and was a right mean b…rat when we first got him. He’s warmed up to us but just today for example he bit me hard on the upper arm around the bicep for no reason while he stood on my stomach.
Knowing cats the half-blind old man is just scared-and-angry about being picked up when he didn’t want any upsies. A few head scratches will soothe his ire.
My boy can still see and hear just fine, he just likes to scream at people…. and has trouble shitting in the litter box.
“You know Bosco!?”
Probably giving away my age for knowing that bit.