Someone told me they think of young McCree as Jared and now I can’t unthink it.
January 16, 2017
2:29 am
I’ve always been partial to the idea that McCree is 100% fake urban aesthetic cowboy who came to Overwatch with no idea how to ride a horse or start a fire or do really anything outdoorsy much to the frustration of actual farmer Strike Commander Morrison.
I REFUSE TO SEE ANYTHING DIFFERENT. McCree as Overwatch’s Jared is beautiful.
Not helped by the fact that Soldier 76 looks like a young Commander.
He’s probably the same age, Commander’s like 32.
Seriously!? I figured he was like, 90 or something, what with the super soldier bull***t
Well 76 has to be at least in his 50s, at least at the current timeline.
I’m not 100% sure about what goes where in the Overwatch timeline, but this appears to be during the heyday of Overwatch before Reyes turned into Reaper. It’s a few years (at the very least) prior to current time.
That must be a pain to keep track of though, what with the time travel shenanigans and all.
I bet Jack is really salty about that guitar, though. Bet it’s really cool and he couldn’t get a pass in time.
I’m liking the idea that Gabe and Jack rivalry is actually over geeky comic book stuff like Batman vs Superman
Or Marvel vs DC?
That was their real last fight. It just got a little too serious. Gabe and Jack are just really serious about how much more cool the Punisher is to Spider-Man, okay?
We’ll never find out if the deadlock gang had members in the agricultural business
Will he get to befriend a calf which will later grow up to be “Mr. Cow” aka Big Badass Bull he will ride on?
BAMF actually stands for Back At My Farm
I was assumed he was much less a Cowboy, and much more a Gunslinger causin’ mischief and raising hell for fun (and coin).
See those guys still have the cowboy know-how to ride a horse, at least. I just made it about farm animals in general because I wanted to use the phrase “cow titties”.
Well, that phrase got me to grimace, so… mission accomplished?
It’s always a treat seeing Reyes and Morrison interacting. Thanks for drawing these comics every week and sharing the silly fun.
Now I am wondering if Morrison shares my Alma mater, LCCC, with the finest Cattle Collage Course Outside Texas. Maybe he Took part in our rodeo, The Daddy of ‘Em All!
No, Morrison joined the Army right out of High School when he was 18. He did, or should say, will, grow up in Bloomington, Indiana as part of a family of farmers.
Well, I bet his dad will have graduated from Perdue.
Okay, I know it’s probably a typo, and I don’t want to be mean about it, the idea of someone making art by carefully arranging groups of cows sounds just awesome to me right now.
There was the episode of dirty jobs where cattle dung was turned into flower pots.
It’s not cows, but there is a video of people making pictures by strapping LEDs to sheep and engaging in precision sheep herding.
I am now dreaming of a follow-up where Reyes and McCree are at a strip club, but with cows; and McCree is getting a lapdance from a cow stripper. Morrison comes in and is like “… *facepalm*” and McCree makes some kind of “cow titties” comment like “Commander, why didn’t you take me to see these!?”.
Waaaait, “cow titties”.
…You didn’t happen to attend Nintendo Switch release, don’t you?
Welp, this is canon now. Absolutely. No argument. Just ask Blizzard to send you the check in the mail.
Aw damn I’m going to be stupid-laughing at this every hour for days
You know when milkin’ time is.
Now I have this mental image of McCree being initially completely clueless on a farm and then just picking up all the skills really well. Like, he’s a natural and Morrison just shrugs and goes with it.
not an overwatch person, I can’t really empathize with this much, I did however notice the random metaphysical line in the second panel. I mean… can we? (is gonna bother me for days (don’t ask))
Well… either the answer is yes (as sight is a function of reflected light in non-luminous objects), or we can never really see anything that is not a light source (all things that are non-luminous cannot be seen, just their reflection). So it ultimately comes down to if you view reflected light as the “thing,” or just an image of said thing akin to a photograph.
Now… if that cow was genetically engineered to be bioluminescent, then we can answer definitively…
Live in a farm state. You will see them. Look in your local grocery. You will see their delicious, delicious muscles on sale. Mmmm….meats! *drooling*
Jared has been pulled from pokemon league right? alola doesn’t have a league …yet :) juuuuust saying
Well, at least not until the player takes the throne.
So that explains the white mariachi skin . It was a cosplay at comicon used by Reyes! (Started with the Spawn guitar and balooned from there ).
Headcanon accepted
Every time I see a rendition of Soldier and Reaper before the whole kerfuffle my heart shatters a little. Well, no more! This has destroyed every single atom that was left of it.
… And I just got the whole “Reaper is a giant joke reference to Spawn” bit…
*blinks at revelation*…wait…WHY THE HELL DID I NOT REALIZE THIS BEFORE NOW?!
Because now I see Spawn just looking at Reaper and is just “… tsk, tsk”. (Groan)
I literally never thought about that before, but McCree really is a fake cowboy through and through. Where exactly on the omnic-plagued landscape that became of the world would one breed cows?
If that’s how he thinks you milk a cow then I am not surprised he lost and arm.
an arm*
Hey, on a different topic, this webcomic has been used as an attack site for those fake firefox updates for some months now. Any chance of that getting fixed any time soon?
I’d been told it was weeks ago.
Thanks for the cow titties now I can’t stop laughing
Mcree is amazing how can you do this to him
We do have a cowboy wannabe for a bounty hunter in SWTOR, or was that a smuggler?, as a companion for your toons.
You’re thinking of Corso Riggs, the Smuggler companion character. Less so much “wannabe cowboy” and more “mysterious past wannabe everything plus weird vaguely insulting chivalry.” Sometimes Bioware designing characters just to fit into romance boxes is painful.
The difference between “typical” and “stereotypical” does not occur to most videogame characters, really.
I can only hope you send this to Matthew Mercer.
This reminds me of this comic quite a bit
I think I hurt something.
Dude’s just a big Clint Eastwood fan, is all haha.
But why do you say Morrison is an actual farmer?
Because he is. He grew up with his family, who were farmers, in Bloomington, Indiana.
How….would you know that? How can you TELL? He doesn’t have an accent or anything.
While I don’t know precisely where it says he was raised by farmers, he mentions being from Bloomington in a voice line during the Junkenstein’s Revenge map. The wiki claims it is so.
Blizzard releases lore for the game, I would assume it’s in Strike Commander Morrison’s backstory somewhere.
They need to release said lore in the damn game. I’m still mad they advertised the game solely with clips from the animated shorts that aren’t even in the game.
They link it in the client, what more do you want? You want your shooter to be interrupted with videos? How often do you even listen to the voices in-game? It’s there if you actually care about it enough to find it.
Anyone else suddenly remembering Cowboys of Moo Mesa?
Shit, now I will have that theme song stuck in my head for the remainder of the year!
You’re welcome :)
Regular McCree looking at footage of this: God damnit I hate young me.
McCree had a normal left arm back then?
Yeah, kid McCree in the old Overwatch photos has two arms.
I bet he lost his arm during the Omnic Crisis.
I bet he just lost track of it while moving house.
Lots of stuff gets lost during a move. It’s very hectic.
Sorry Cola, but you can’t change my Headcanon for McCree. Mctiddiezo version where Reyes recruited him because of a 20 dollar bet with Jack will forever be certainty in my eyes. It’s too badass not to be.
so you see MaCree as a nerd turned badass?
I don’t know, I went to high school and college with a young man whose family owned a farm. He totally rolled hard on the urban cowboy aesthetic but I think I was the only person at the college who knew that he actually had skills to pay the bills for his cowboy boots and hat.
I think he works in banking now.
t’s pretty funny to realize that McCree is basically a cowboy weeaboo. Like you say, he doesn’t even work with cattle, he’s just a gunman. But he dresses up in this ridiculous costume and talks like people from movies that went out of fashion a century ago. Basically, he couldn’t be any sillier if he dressed up like Sailor Moon, covered his gun with glitter, and shouted “IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, I’LL PUNISH YOU!” when ulting.
Come on new Legendary skin.
We at the very least need to get Matthew Mercer to do that line for McCree. Kickstarter anyone?
I really want to see a full set of them now, with Roadhog especially.
Farmer here. Can attest that getting non-farmers to do farm chores ranks high among our interests. One part education, three parts amusement value.
Don’t pee on the electric fence, folks.
Got a tale for you. Back in the day, when I had a dog, I went LARPing in some museum village. They had an actual herd of sheep roaming the premises. Unattended. My dog absolutely got into character and started to herd them. The sheep weren’t used to being herded by a dog, and the dog was completely untrained. It was hilarious, but worked somehow.
Ha! I’m less surprised than you might think. Some friends of ours have a pair of corgis and they came to visit. One of them sat and gave confused dog looks of ‘…I, I, I’m really not sure what you want from me…’
The other went right to work. Herded the flock to under a tree, then sat down and looked at us as if to say, ‘I’ve done my bit. All your job now.’
And thus we learn that liquid is an excellent electrical conductor, kids! And flesh isn’t half-bad either!
(This did not happen. But someone did pick up a line of electric fence which was turned on, got zapped, went ‘OW!’, dropped it … and then picked it up again, somehow expecting different results. The results were … not different.)
They know how to use cow. But not the ones you’re thinking of:
everyone is playing overwatch now:/
I kind of always assumed it was a big part just a look, especially since they recruited Jesse off a gang of gunrunners (Deadlock, I think, or something like that). Hell maybe the cowboy persona was him reinventing himself. And then he just went all in with it since that’s just a Jesse thing to do.
I like how the Retribution event does nothing to contradict this.