Summer Slam Edition
August 24, 2015
2:55 am
aaaaaaa gotta post before midnight I was barbecuing all day for a big summer slam party and I only had an hour and a half to make this.
aaaaaaa gotta post before midnight I was barbecuing all day for a big summer slam party and I only had an hour and a half to make this.
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A friggin coconut TV! I do not know why I like it so much but I just find that badass and hilarious.
Now all I will be able to think about today is ‘how on Earth did he get that thing to work’? It’s immensely distracting, but in a good way.
I’ve been doing the same, imagining sort of lizard-squirrel intestine antennae, etc.
What, you haven’t read the latest edition of MAKEFuture? Coconut TV’s are easy – now, making a CAT scanner out of a marmoset…
Silly random girl, don’t you know that a watched cheetah never bevels
(don’t think about time travel)
What’s the point of being a time traveler if you can’t benefit from the obvious perks?
No, that rule only applies while time travelling
By the way, do you know the main difference between a cheetah and a leopard? (apart from the fact one is a cat and the other is a dog)
What? Both of those are cats.
No, no, Cheetas are dogs.
Used for hunting by people- check.
Claws don’t retract- check.
Man’s Best Friend- Check.
I find that your math checks out, this must be legit…
Legal to own without a permit in some US states- check.
Yes, cheetah are canines, but that wasn’t the main difference (think ‘visual’)
What exactly are you basing the canine claim on? Last I checked, cheetahs were firmly established as a member of the Felidae family, while dogs/wolves/etc are all Canidae. For that matter, Felidae and Canidae are each a part of two separate suborders (Feliformia and Caniformia, respectively), and only share a common classification in both being in the order Carnivora.
Not to mention, things like “lacking retractable claws” and so on are nowadays wholly unacceptable means for classifying species; more commonly it’s done genetically, which is why over the past several decades so many species have been reclassified.
The canine claim was a harmless joke that you took way too seriously
A leopard never changes his spots.
Yeah no They aren’t. They are lesser cats.
Let’s play this by the rules of biological classification…Cheetahs never prosper, ya’ know.
When the rule applies is irrelevant, because it’s time travel.
I can appreciate her thinking out loud, a lot of writers do time travel and don’t realize that including it means, effectively, your story all takes place at once. Not chronologically, the way storytelling (and human speech/cognition) does.
Eh, time travel runs on bullshit anyway. Besides, the tournament is full of time travelers so they probably have rules to prevent people from turning the whole thing into the movie “Primer”.
Man that movie fucked me up. Human minds are not built to handle time travel.
The idea of Ace yelling ‘OH SHIT!’ in his James Bond accent amuses me for some reason.
I’m imagining Sir Sean Connery here…
Not as radical as velociraptors in armor but still kinda retro-rad.
This is great! Ace’s friend must be from a time before Time Travel, or she’d be more familiar with the “don’t think about time travel” rule.
It sickens me how much people have gotten that so wrong :(
Er, is that calling out me or someone else?
And here I thought Ace felt he was too cool for that kind of thing! Or didn’t want to get a tear in his hydrophobic suit! Or hanging out with the Charlie Angels doing secret agent detective things!
This is one of the cutest ones without the Comanders kids or Jared
We found Ace! Rejoice!
Can’t wait to see the color version. Very anxious to see what color Ace’s boxers are for some reason.
They don’t look like boxers to me, but more like board (or ‘surf’) shorts
Ace seems like a no pants in the house kind of guy. A sophisticated no pants guy.
Boxers don’t normally have a hem like that, unless they are actual boxing shorts and not underwear, but will have to wait until the colour version (and Coala’s say so)
Like Burt Reynolds.
So we find out Ace can lazer, look disheveled, be forgetfull, watch sports and feel lonely.
And suddenly he is way more relatable.
I think one of the themes is that in spite of being synthetic super soldiers, they are very much human with their own desires, and no amount of SpaceFutureNavy reprogramming will remove that.
Also, I kind of want to see who their main enemy is in the SpaceFuture. SpaceCommies?
No, it is Space Commies. CB has referred to them in the past.
But that was at a point in time where he was making stuff up to mess with people before he had actually revealed the truth.
So SpaceCommies is the best clue we’ve got, but it might not actually be true.
For all we know “Space Commies” could be just a trumped-up front organization arranged by the various World Bureaucracies to provide jobbers for their individual badasses to squash for ratings.
I mean, we have pretty much established that in CB’s future, the military is a slave to public opinion, and that a subordinate can legitimately punch their superior in the face if marketing says it would be cool.
Sounds like televised wrestling. If the Space Future Military are the designated “Faces”, then the Space Future Commies are the designated “Heels”.
IDK, i would have a hard time not siding with them.
MGDMT Time Travel is one of my favorite time travel setups. Very internally consistent.
I giggle whenever I think back to the arc that explained it.
I am a fan of any time travel fiction that states that time travel is confusing/runs on bullshit/doesn’t make sense. So far that’s this comic and Looper.
Dr Who seems to embrace a similar take on it, considering that no humans seem to really grasp how it works.
Bah. Dr. Who makes this big fuss about time travel being ‘beyond human comprehension’ and that only Time Lords possess the wherewithal to handle it. I hate anything that constantly reinforces how pitiful humans are, without giving them any chance to redeem themselves.
Saying that it’s “beyond your ken” is a cop-out compared to admitting, “yeah, it runs on BS.” The latter is much more humanly relatable – not to mention much more funny.
To be fair, there was a bit near the end of David Tennant’s reign as The Doctor where Donna was fused with a bit of the Doctor’s Time Lord essence and it almost killed her by overloading her brain. The Doctor had to wipe out all of her memories of him and their adventures otherwise she would’ve died.
It’s not so much that time travel is beyond humans. Captain Jack was a member of the time agency, a human force of time travelers. It’s just that present day humans don’t have the capacity to understand it. Think going back and showing early cavemen a space probe.
Also timelords see time differently. In one episode the Doctor mentions how he not only sees what is happening, but also what can happen, what might’ve happened, and so on.
Starting to notice a trend of normal, cynical women hanging around these time-traveling super-soldiers.
I figure anyone who dates outside their little community of super soldiers has to deal with that.
You mean you weren’t grown from steak?
Too true. Someone’s got to have the tremendous aplomb and piercing common sense necessary to offset the crazy-awesome of your average time-hopping genemod.
Voices of reason are rare and precious beings, and you should cherish yours. Goes double if you’re a super soldier and she happens to be your wife/girlfriend/close personal friend.
I love Old Spice commercials. The girlfriend and I spent an hour or two watching every last one last weekend. It was a good time.
The problem I always had about commercials like that is; if a man wants to smell like a man, why are there so many products to cure him of it?
Because a woman does not want to smell a man. >.>
Is that ace’s wife or just his girl of the day (like bond)?
Also it kinda looks like Gannon has boobs. It might be because it hasn’t been colored yet though.
Maybe because it’s not Gannon, since he wasn’t invited (I guess hair braiding is not rad enough), but Brunhilde, Angel’s sister ?
That chart from earlier is so useful :)
Don’t feel bad, first thing I thought of was “Wait, when did Sten show up to the party?”
I thought the same for a couple seconds.
… Now I want to see Sten, Gannon, and Brunhilde having a little hair-braiding party.
I was wondering that myself. Perhaps it’s just how relaxed those two look but I was figuring wife or, at the very least, serious “living together” relationship.
People get together for barbecues to watch wrestling?
I have trouble finding someone to talk about wrestling, let alone enough to throw a barbecue.
My friend had one yesterday, he does one every major wrestling event, there are like 10-16 of us that all bbq and drink while watching/laughing/being silly.
I read that wrong the first time. I read “there are 10-16 of us that all drink bbq”.
Well I DO like bbq sauce… I wouldn’t drink it though..
I love to talk about wrestling. I see it as a soap opera after being hosed down with testosterone.
I remember how much the ads comfused me. Years ago, while waiting for Law and Order to come back from commercial break, the ad for wrestling claimed Mr. McMahon or whatever his name is died in a car bomb or something. I thought that was a weird thing to proclaim as a promotional and not as breaking news. The week after, again I waited for Law and Order and the ad said Mr. McMahon was going to be confronted by his illegitimate son! I was all like “…But didn’t he die last week?”
Man, I wouldn’t say Summer Slam was disappointing exactly because I wanted Undertaker to win and all, but it was just confusing as hell. the unnessacary controversy, fuckin John Stewart turning heel in the match for the belt of all things, the TEN MINUTE MATCH between Roman and Dean vs the Harpers. Just what the fuck even?!? The only matches that didn’t leave me just going ??? were the Divas match and Steven Amell’s match with stardust (that shit was awesome)
I like this. it makes me happy.
Tanktop and boxers. That’s not what a James Bond expy would wear.
… And then I did the research. This is what a James Bond expy would wear.
Somehow it does not surprise me that there’s an entire website dedicated to how James Bond dresses. Now all we need is a website with blueprints for some of Q’s devices…
There’s also one for all the clothes on Sherlock.
Well, there’s the nightwear when you’re out on an international spy gig and seducing/seduced by an enemy agent – and then there’s the nightwear when you’re just sitting at home with a longtime partner, watching TV and not trying to keep up the facade.
amusing, a time traveler saying “oh shit i’m late”
Usually, a time traveler arrives neither early or late, but only when he means to. They have a lot in common with wizards.
In that only about 10% of what they say is wisdom and the other 90% is pure bullshit?
Well, duh. Where else would the ambient bullshit necessary for time travel comes from?
Politicians duh
Well, that answers the earlier question about where Ace is. LATE.
The last panel made me cackle.
It’s best not to think about time travel
If we did then we’d be asking questions like “how are they watching the same show in two different timelines?
Harnessing ambient bullshit is an amazing technological achievement.
Just wanted to let you know, I’ve been getting around to whitelisting a number of sites I use regularly. Adblock is now disabled for MGDMT.
does he mean that they watch the same one every year or they watch a new one every year all this time travel is confusing me
Anyone wanna take bets on what color Ace’s underwear is?
So even Ace, the suave British secret agent-esque super soldier, watches wrestling in his underwear with a beer?
I’m amused.