That can’t be good for anyone’s back
August 30, 2010
12:00 am
This week’s comic is inspired by and dedicated to my dad.
This week’s comic is inspired by and dedicated to my dad.
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Discussion (215) ¬
This is just too adorable.
I’m not sure, maybe I’ve forgotten, but have we seen/heard of the Commander’s wife?
She was the redhead a couple comics back.
awww they just want some manly sleep
6/7/10 Aren’t They His Kids From His Ex Wife?
wait, you mean that’s why they call him “daddy” ?
I think he was debating the mom’s identity, not the dad’s.
It’s nice to see the daddy’s side of the Commander :)
I think it’s a tiger shark, the second most badass shark of all
The second most badass shark is the white shark. The most badass is the bull shark.
But I thought tiger sharks were the most dangerous, then bull sharks, then great whites.
i KNOW it’s been ages but i guess new readers can view these so I’ll post anyway. The tiger shark is considered to be one of the sharks most dangerous to humans, the attack rate is low according to researchers but is second on the list of number of recorded attacks on humans, with the great white shark being first
Bull sharks are the most dangerous. For every attack on humans there are many many more that go unrecorded because they usually happen in undeveloped areas. The reason they’re so dangerous is because bull sharks can survive in both saltwater AND freshwater (though they are not true freshwater sharks), enabling them to pop up in rivers unexpectedly where they attack people. They are very aggressive and are responsible for a lot of attacks attributed to other species.
…I need to lay off Shark Week for a while.
Seriously? Welp. I’m never going into any rivers near the sea ever again.
Cute Plushy Tiger Shark is Cute! :3
I love it! :D
I LOVE CAPITALISM! :D *Mouth-foam*
That’s wonderful and awesome. I feel for your dad, though mine would never let me stay in the parent’s room because I moved around too much. I love the lighting showing the different rooms, very nice.
I think between this and the puppy-loyal huge robot walker that this here is the best dad ever.
D’aaawwww, adorable.
Daaaaaaaaw :’D
They’re so cute :D
This is the most adorable thing ever.
…Oh crap, is that like dividing by zero on this comic?
I’m pretty sure the commander CAN divide by zero.
My heart is warmed just as the Commander’s feet must be colded.
Look at all that fur, cold can’t touch him.
But you didn’t draw ‘fur’ on his feet!
A Tiger Shark… the most deadly combination on Earth. Yep, definitely the Commander’s kid.
Where’s the commander’s wife?
she was the redhead a couple strips back, they’re divorced.
I love how this is the second time you’ve had to remind someone.
Awwwww… its so…daaww, just look at the… baawwwwwwwwwwWAAAIT, this is a comic about manly.
I think a dad not afraid to let his kids sleep with him even if he end ups suffering, is a good father and is VERY damn manly.
What could be manlier than an upstanding father?
NOTHING is manlier than a man who can be there for their children. NOTHING.
You are absolutely correct. Taking care of one’s family and loving them should be THE trait looked at when determining manliness. Not how many women you’ve banged, how big the guns in your cabinet are, or how big the tires on your truck are. *twitch* In fact, if that last one is one of your definers for manliness, you ought to be run over by those tires. Repeatedly. Then shot. But I digress. Way to show a truly manly man rather than a bunch of macho bullshit, Coelasquid. I love this comic.
What about a Tigershark father? would that be more manly or less? Or somewhere in a middleground thats odd to compare but kinda the same, like saying michael jackson did to music what michael jordon did to basketballing?
That depends Astard. Is the Tigershark father upstanding and devoted to his children?
Yes. and he teaches them how to hunt lesser creatures.
I think this a case of “Don’t Cross the Streams”. It just might be dangerous to put them in the same room as the other. People just might start sprouting beards inexplicably from the overwhelming waves of manliness.
I think the guns should have SOMETHING to do with manliness, though…
Naw. TRULY manly men don’t need guns. They make explosions happen by punching people. The guns are just for the fun of hearing machine gun fire.
Here Here!
Also this is like a photograph of my household… only without being old enough to ask for permission instead of just crying.
^ This, times a hojillion.
If I were a monster under the bed or a nightmare thingy, I know I wouldn’t want to mess with Papa Commander Badass!
If you were a monster under that bed, you’d already be squished by Papa Commander Badass.
Probably be frequenting Papa Commander Badass’s agency.
If I were a monster under the bed, I couldn’t do that. I am female.
The monster under the bed dose not check his bed for Chuck Norris, he checks it for Commander Badass!
I think it’s making people think twice because warm gooey feelings are not usually associated with manliness.
That is a factor that modern culture changes have been trying to hammer home for decades now. It kinda coincides with attempts to bridge the gender gap and make everyone a bit more androgynous…
In other words… it actually isn’t manly at all.
But we can’t be having with that sort of thing … so definitions have to be changed… and “manly” has to mean whatever society wants men to aspire to, even if it is the opposite of before.
Since watching 300, I’m convinced weak children should be thrown off a cliff… and the stronger ones forced to fight each other for survival. That is the manly way to handle kids.
okay, remind me again WHY she divorced him? no, really, he’s manly without being a douche, he’s clearly able to support himself, he loves his kids…what the heck?
she seems like kind of a b***h. perhaps that has something to do with it? or am i reading her wrong?
Probably because he didn’t “Open Up” enough or some gay shit like that. I’m thinking of I think it was chris rock who had the bit on the 98% man. So true. I bet the man she left him for is a pod.
Who knows, maybe HE divorced HER!
only your first sentence made sense to me.
Maybe it was the other way around?
Then again, I am having hard time figuring out why the Commander would divorce a woman with whom he has children.
Ahh damn it. Just gonna have to wait till we get the answer.
I can attest to the roly poly sleeping kungfu. Only difference is I go back to sleep with a foot in my face or two legs constricting my arm’s major blood vessels.
I never expected to get the warm fuzzies from reading this webcomic.
I did.
God I remember doing this as a kid. XD I have so much respect for parents. I couldn’t do it. Kids are like cats–they take up all available space. Everywhere.
…Actually, I probably shouldn’t talk. I’ve been known to occupy the full area of a king-sized bed in my sleep.
Daaaawwww~! That’s the sweetest thing!
FYI: I’ll be sending you the dental bill for all the cavities you just gave me.
Awh :3
Does Jr. Badass always hide his left eye with his shark?
This reminded me of when I was young… I’d wake up my father at crap in the morning, complaining about being hungry, because I hadn’t eaten my potatoes at dinner-time. He’d cook me porridge and let me eat, then tug me back into bed.
Thanks, dad ^ω^
he hides his eye because lost it fighting a real shark.
He’s gonna be sooo manly when he grows up.
And the sister will be….MANLIER!
He’s not in panels 5 or 6…but then again his eyes aren’t open.
This was something I frequently subjected my parents to back in my infancy (and slightly beyond that), so this strip really hits it close to home for me. ^_^
Beautiful work.
: ] This comic broungt warm feelings to my robot heart. Though it could just be overheating… I want a little stuffed shark now. ^^
Great comic (as always).
they just want to sleep with him in the same bed. :P
What were the kids having repetitive nightmares about? THE PLOT THICKENS.
Darn it. Why’d you have to make him so darn cuddly looking? Now I have an unnecessary crush on your drawings ;_;
I can say from experiance that is TOTALLY what happens…
1 AM rolls round, there is a tug of the sheets (or your arm) and then a face with puppy dog eyes saying “Mummy… can you snuggle with me please” then they crawl into your bed, take up your space, sitck thier COLD FEET on your back and then kick you outta your own bed…
But still, i love my son XD
This put a giant smile on my fac
This… adorable. Manly AND cuddly… I think I may die.
I think this comic overloaded my cute sensors. I can’t stop going “awwww.”
Why does everyone seem to talk about the ex in a negative term? It does happen that a marriage doesn’t work even when both parts are completely OK people – why all the hate? Maybe they just figured the marriage thing wasn’t their stuff, at least not with each other.
In a more related note: the commander is handling kids much better than I ever would.
Because when we were introduced tho the ex, she seemed like quite the bitch, that’s why.
No, she just complained that the kids were bringing home gross things. She could have been in a bad mood over that, or just had issues with that one thing.
One cannot measure bitchiness in four panels. Personally I think they just didn’t work otu.
Interesting point.
What we’ve seen of the two, they do seem quite amicable; they just can’t live together. Maybe after four years together, she turned out to be allergic to the SHEER WAVES OF MANLINESS pouring off of him CONSTANTLY.
Somehow I picture the final straw involving some kind of back yard BBQ with some of the more colorful guys to visit the agency….
“HONEY, that MAN is trying to MILK our MAPLE tree.”
The shark adds extra manliness.
Quick someone hand me my insulin.
That is just way too adorable.
That is the sweetest thing ever.
I used to do this to my dad as well, this is almost exactly what happened.
Oh man, memories…
I gotta go call my dad and tell him I love him. Later.
You misspelled “nightmares” in panel 3
IDK if it’s intentional, just telling
eh, it’s not intentional, I just draw these after 14 hour work days and things get messed up.
Well it works. It adds +2 to her cuteness score.
Ha, the kids kick him out of his own bed! It’s funny and cute!
Coela…..thank you for showing people that real manliness doesn’t (always) mean body counts and body hair! As a (I like to think so anyways) manly man who works his arse off in the ring, at my night job AND raising my daughter; I can attest to the fact that kids a)kick like mules and b)are the exact opposite magnetic polarity of the parent thereby creating an unavoidable attraction for the exact spot you’re sleeping in.
I got to tell you; this is the first thing I read when I got a moment to myself Monday morning. Thanks again for keeping a smile on my mug!
Aw that’s cute. They’re using that excuse to be with their super manly awesome daddy.
Adorable and awesome. I’ve got to agree with other commenters, this just makes him even more manly. =)
now that i think about it… how are these kids named?
Cammy and Charlie Badass?
shark plush ftw
…oh lord. I hadn’t even thought of that.
They must have such an interesting time at school, if their last name really is Badass… I mean, sure, there’s all the playground nonsense – but I’m sure they get in trouble the first day of Every Single Schoolyear, when the teacher takes roll for the first time.
On the plus side, little Susie Badass (or whatever her first name is) will probably never have problems being assertive.
I’m pretty sure that the girl’s name is June.
Also, “Sammy” is either the boy or their mother. Was a little difficult to tell in context.
Yeah, Sam is the boy. Mother’s name is Madeline.
ohhh right i completely forgot about that, i just made up names that started with C, like commander :P
You forgot the name Madeleine? xD
(I’m an old, old nerd.)
… That little french redhead from the books or completely unrelated?
completely unrelated, The name just seemed to click for her. The ex is probably more Irish-American than anything.
Is she a clone? Because that’s the name of Jean Grey’s clone…
Say it with me everybody: “D’awwwwwww”
I went all “Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3" myself but I guess it's all the same thing!
Qwaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuugh… :3
Oh man, this is the most adorable thing ever. It really brought a smile to my face– probably helps that I’m a big daddy’s girl. :P
Also yeah, echoing the comments on the lighting. You got a beautiful affect from the night light there.
I can’t quite put words to it, but sometimes being manly means doing things like this. . .
By the way, I just started reading this web comic, and I’m already a fan. Hi :)
That’s adorable and it makes me happy. I used to do the same thing with my dad.
Hehe, poor Commander Badass. I know what this is like, I’ve got my two nephews living with me now and they don’t like sleeping in a bed I’m not in. Littlest one likes to sleep on top of my back. xD
Aw, you are so badass, Commander.
I know everyone’s already said this but D’aaaaaaw.
tis true, a true macho man has a nice warm heart 83
Aww, this is so cute! I used to sleep on the floor next to my parents’ bed all the time when I was really little.
Even being a great parent the Commander proves himself to be a total badass.
Check it in panel 10 as he smothers himself to sleep.
This is adorable. This comic is the best! Almost made me cry since my dad just left after the divorce.
Any guy can be a dad.
Only a MAN can be a FATHER.
So true. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m stealing that for my sig on message boards from here on out.
Daww. Commander, you just get more and more adorable with every comic <3
And yes. Adorable in a manly way.
I don’t envy Jared when he inevitably makes some smart comment to a very cranky Commander in the morning.
This is so adorable, makes me miss my dad D:
Daddy, we had a typo…
yeah, It’s already been pointed out. Can’t really fix shit like that while I’m at work, sorry to say.
(Pretend it’s intentional when it works.)
I love the little boy’s stuffed shark. I have a stuffed shark, it ranks among my most favorite possessions.
This is officially, un-ironically, the manliest comic yet.
My heart grows three sizes every time I read this one.
Two things: First of all, I find an excessive amount of body hair painfully unattractive. So kudos to you for making the Commander 20x sexier than he ever has been before.
Secondly, up until this very moment, I always thought your username was “ColloquialSquid”. One of those things where your brain doesn’t get the letters so makes up a word that fits.
I’m going to go complain to my bf now that I want children. And for him to grow muscles. And a loooooooot of body hair.
There are just some guys who know how to work it :P
My day had just been feeling shitty and sad, and out of the webcomics I read that update mondays, I forgot this and Bear Nuts. Out of the two, this one made me smile.
Reminds me of my aunt’s dogs when my sister and I were house sitting one time. They came home, and we still spent the night, so my sister moved from their room to the guest bedroom, and me from the latter to the living room couch. Well her three shih tzu dogs came barreling in, and jumped on the already tiny for tall me couch, and I couldn’t get any sleep. So I went to the even tinier cot in the kitchen, and the three of them ran in and tried to sleep with me again. Back and forth, back and forth, I didn’t get any sleep at all. ._.
I remember doing this with my parents after I had projectile-vomited all over the floor. It was a reoccurring thing :)
Random, yes, but do you know about Flight of the Conchords? because commander looks like neither of them. but they’re both funny.
Dads: the cure to all nightmares.
Ok, I know everyone despises the douchebag who links away from their site, but this is important. General RAAM is somehow beating Sephiroth out in the”Greatest Villain of All Time” polls… this wll not stand! As everyone knows, it takes a real man’s man to wear woman-hair and wield a sword twice your size. We gotta go viral and knock those girly Gear-fanboys clear out of the ring!
Ganodorf is best villain of Villains, this poll is invalid.
No way. Dr. Wily’s actions brought about the end of humanity. If you keep up with the Mega Man series you’ll see.
Sephiroth is a mama’s boy.
Gear of War was fucking sick as hell, Sephiroth ain’t got a damn thing on RAAM. Let your childhood bias go.
The only ‘men’ who wield swords twice their size are ‘men’ who are trying to compensate for something.
Does Guts fall into this category?
No, due to his actions to protect Cashka, and the fact that he have to slice and dice countless monsters 2-10 times his size. Meanwhile, what Sephiroth do? backstabbing a woman that is.
Does your dad look like the commander? Coz that would be awesome.
naw, he looks like the Canadian guy though, or at least he did before his beard went all salt and pepper :P
Well. I don’t think anyone could quite prepare themselves for the almighty D’AWWWW that provokes.
The first thing that came out of my mouth was a very loud “D’AWWWWW!” that I’m sure woke up everyone in the house. Also I blame you if this makes me develop diabetes.
My rugrat does this exact same thing, except instead of a shark plush, she has an aligator plush named ‘Bubba’.
I like how the Commander, rather than sleeping in the middle of his bed (like you’d expect a single guy to do), he sleeps on one side. Dunno if that was intentional or not, but it was a nice touch.
This is my most favorite thing ever.
He hasn’t been single a terribly long time, Sam’s only two or so. Old habits die hard, I guess :P
Two? I thought he was four-ish. And June was 6-8.
Look how tiny they are :P June’s 5, he’s like 2 and a half. Admittedly I’m not great at drawing kids, but I used to babysit and I remember always being surprised by how fast toddlers grow.
just like the commander i sleep on one side of the bed, i always have and always will, idk why i just do. i dont think its an uncommen thing actually
My head just asploded from the cute.
This is totally the background for my computer now.
I remember doing that to my parents.
I remember going through that phase.
Coelasquid, you’re making me repeat myself. Seems like half the time I check this site I believe that particular strip is the best thing ever, and then the *next* strip winds up also being the best thing ever. Where will it end??
Ohhh man, I remember the first time I had a nightmare and didn’t go to my parent’s bed. I was so proud of myself that I woke them up just to tell them. C:
I wonder if the Commander had nightmares?
No, he was synthetically created to fight. He would have nightmares.
…I think.
Wouldn’t, rather.
He doesn’t have nightmares. He creates them.
Just curious: Does the Commander smoke around his children?
A real man is not measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.
…or was it a real hero?
Deltoids of compassion, abs of being kind.
it’s not enough to bash in heads, you’ve got to bash in miiiinds~
Now that’s out of the way, I need to confess my undieing love for this comic <3 It's just epic
It’s not enough to bash in heads
You’ve got to bash in minds!
the commanders abbs: hard as a rock, but soft enough to serve as a matress for children.
I heard firm mattresses are better for your back anyhow!
Fatherhood: The manliest thing.
Alright. Admit it guys. You did that as a kid. Despite the adorableness, why is it that they both had nightmares…? Do the Commander’s children have their minds in sync?
Just an excuse to sleep in their dad’s bed :P
I wouldn’t blame them; you see, while I now (at the ripe age of a teenager) appreciated sleeping in my own bed, as I child, I always wanted to sleep with my parents. Just imagine; you, alone, protected from the darkness with only a single blanket (And if you’re lucky enough, a stuff predator) and the faint light that flickers back and forth between life and death. When all hope seems lost (Especially after that nightlight dies out), you need the comfort of something that has promised to never leave you. Now, I wouldn’t be sleeping with my parents since I’m old enough to generate my own body heat when I wake up in cold sweats, but it’s understandable that kids would try to bunk with their parents after having nightmares. After all, which is better; a faint light that pretends to bring hope, or the solid mass of MANLY that would destroy the moon if it displeased his children?
This brings back such fond memories,I used to do that when I was little.My parents always got annoyed because I would play with thier earlobes when they were trying to sleep =D (with some kids its hair,with others its clothes,for me it was earlobes). Coelasquid,yours is definitely one of my favorite webcomics.I love your art stlye and your humor,never stop doing this! Oh,and also, D’aaaaaaawww :D
Awww this is scarey there is vid footage of such an occurance happening with me and my pops and the body hair! XD I am so calling my dad in the morning! Adorably manly comic and I am so glad I checked before leaving for the convention tomorrow! You are awesome!
Hm… My cat does this to me.
This… this is just so adorable it almost hurts….
Played too many spot-the-difference games as a child.
The bed grew an extra flower in the last two panels.
Now I can’t unsee it, thanks :(
I have to tell you, I just love the little toy shark The Commander’s son is always carrying around. It’s just painfully adorable!
Pretty much d’awwww in comic form, yeah. Great job.
Thank you… thank you for creating a comic about manly manliness *sheds a manly tear*
I have the beard and body hair, and i’m working on the attitude to be manly, but my chest lacks the required girth :<
This one was adorable, quite a "human" character you created, congrats.
Heyyy your DeviantArt watchers miss you! *poke*
yeah I gotta get this shit up there sometime…
I always got told off for kicking in my parents bed when I was little…
…my boyfriend shows me the bruises every morning too.
UGH my niece does this. xDD Little kids despite having little bodies take up a LOT of large beds.
That shark is beautiful and the whole thing is adorable.
Is that the Shark Attack shark, or is it just a happy coincidence?
Don’t the Shark Attack sharks look like DeviantArt furries? Or is that a different thing?
Kids take up about that much room when they sleep. It’s amazing.
I love the Commander’s philosophy of macho-hood. Forget the bragging and womanizing. Love your guns and macho things. And love the kids.
Wonderfully human element.
I think it’d be uncomfortable to sleep on top of the Commander. He’d be like a hairy mattress stuffed with Scotch-scented barbells.
d’awww :3
I love the stuffing out of that shark toy. I want one.
hahaha thats just like me and my kids allmost evry night
Assuming the kilt comic is “canon” them the Commander wears shorts to bed? Correct me if I’m wrong xD
that shark is rad.
Too cute! ♥
This is so sweet! It almost makes up for the lack of love Father’s Day gets!
Lol. This very thing used to happen all too often when my boys were young.
…So it went from “Daddy, can we sleep in your bed?” to “Daddy, can we sleep with you as our bed?” by the end of the comic.
I find this oddly heartwarming and cute. xD
I feel like The Commander looks like Braid from Gears Of War
This comic is awesome! I especially like how the main character looks like a bruiser, but is a nice guy.
Also, is Commander a boxers guy or a briefs guy? It looks like boxers here, but we saw him wear a speedo from previous comics (although I’m assuming that’s not canon).
……just like my dogs. Start out cuddled up, and sooner or later, someone is sleeping on my head.
Nailed it.
My eldest (recently 6) will take up all the room in our king sized bed when she has nightmares, and I have gone into her (significantly smaller) bed to get some rest after she falls back asleep, only to have her wake up and sleep on top of me back in her bed. It will only get more crowded when her little sister finally leaves her crib in the next few months…