That’s it that’s his whole route
August 14, 2017
2:24 am
Someone suggested this last week and it was perfect so I drew it.
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Bruh. <3
This makes me smile so much right now!
R.I.P Tex Avery.
Great comic :)
HELP, Mat! HELP, Craig!! HELP, Joseph!!!
I don’t get this on so many levels :<
This classic Chuck Jones short meets Robert’s strong feelings about the cryptid he calls the Dover Ghost.
…which just means its inexplicable no matter what I guess. XD
I’m right there with you. It makes more sense after seeing the short…but now I have to figure out what dafuq I just watched…
It seems like, a good portion of it is making fun of WB. Laura Standpipe’s lack of legs, the weird balancing bicycles, etc, are needling WB’s rejection of “limited animation” by using limited animation for sheer absurdity instead of saving time. The exaggerated depiction of drinking, the exaggerated villainy and morals, needle WB’s plot requirements.
Ah, man, growing up around classic theater and parents who loved old AMC makes me feel lonely when I instantly get a joke like this. Avery was joshing on Vaudville cliches in this cartoon and you would have to watch about a dozen silent film vaudville dramas to completely get the original cartoon to completely get THIS strip.
At 2:32 in the video must be the first recorded instance of the phenomenon we now call ‘dabbing’.
How is it that the kid makes me watch a DanTDM video featuring a weird clip from something I’ve never seen and two days later there’s a link TO THAT EXACT CLIP in a completely unrelated comic strip???
Huh. There are TWO places in the world called Dover that have ghosts. The Dover Lights (of Dover, Arkansas) aren’t very famous outside of the region, so I’d have been surprised if they were mentioned in the hot dad dating sim.
My God! I haven’t seen that for at least 3 DECADES!
Ah, the memories…
Robert: A Boston Terrier! I’LL STEAL IT! NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW!!!
Well you certainly kept your word. I love that last panel, my Monday morning is complete now.
Hahaha, it looks so much like a newspaper cartoon strip, I love it!
Would you stop making me want to play this game. You keep making it look so fun but I don’t have money to spend on the game. But it would almost be worth it just based on what you’re showing me.
Well if you are strapped for money, you could compromise and watch some playthroughs. You don’t have control of the game, but you get to see some of the content at least. I enjoyed TFS Gaming’s playthrough, particularly a sort of creepy eleventh hour subject discussion they had near the end of their series.
Markiplier has played it, too. He has three ~half hour episodes (to my knowledge) and a five hour livestream. I’ll admit, I haven’t watched the livestream yet, so I don’t know how far he got, but with that length I imagine he got at least one ending.
He’s finished Craig. Damien and Robert’s paths.
Makes me so happy to see how many people get the reference. I am not alone!! And it made my Monday Morning all the way around. lol
Oh, Pimiento University… (Kindly refer to the link most generously provided by Miss Coela…)
I’m glad that weeks of second-hand knowledge of Dream Daddy have allowed me to get this joke, because it makes me very happy.
Congrats, Dan Backslide, you now have the honor of being able to legitimately claim you inspired a MGDMT comic!
Quick, exploit that power and suggest more bishonen heroes for the Commander’s agency! :P
Robert Small, coward-bully-cad-and-thief!
Yet at the end he’ll be yelling for Tom, Dick, and Larry.
Oh, how I love her… father’s money.
I remember finally seeing that cartoon clip a few months ago! It (and your version here) is hilarious on so many levels!!
Isn’t this quite unlike your usual style? It is strongly reminiscent of Albert_Uderzo.
It’s a mashup-reference/style-homage to an old animated short. She’s got the link up above.
It’s a reference to the Chuck Jones Dover Boys of Pimento University short
I understand what it is. I’m just saying what it looks like. Talented creative people often converge on a style or mode, and here your homage to Jones combined with your own idiom has an expressive dynamic that reminds me of Uderzo’s model for, say, Cacafonix.
I’m telling you, your best work stands with the best.
I gotta say, out of all the comics I expected to remember today, Asterix the Gaul was not one of them. Not to say I’m unhappy about it though. Goscinny and Uderzo were fantastic artist and story writers. Likewise, I feel the same about coela’s mgt. I love the style of this comic, and I love the progression she’s undergone as an artist during the run of the comic thus far. Keep making people smile, Coela!
CON– *random drunk sailor walks by* –FOUND THEM!!
Almost looks like Animaniacs’ Mr. Director, himself a Jerry Lewis caricature.
Wow. Seriously not what I was expecting this week. Quite the Blast From The Distant Past. Thanks for rekindling the memory!
This is the best mashup I never knew I needed of the month.
Found this on another forum, someone made an edit to this comic. As a JoJo reference.
+1,000 internet cool points for referencing one of my favorite cartoons ever made.
P U! P U! We’re all for you! Yaaaay-boo!
I don’t leave comments. I lurk. It’s what I do. But I have to tell you:
This. Is. Awesome.
Awesome work as always. Somewhat off-topic but I found a fabolous Reaper video that you might enjoy. I certainly did, been watching it at least 3 times a day for the last week^^
This strip is adorable. The art style is just as nice as your usual one! (I like both). This reminds me of the old Obelix and Asterix ones.
Kelly, I swear on my mother’s grave, this is not me under a different nick.
I read that in Mel Blanc’s voice. This comic is perfection.
You should do a doctor who one because you mentioned it in a previous page
I was going to comment on the suuuper overt Jewish coding on Dan Backslide, but…
“The Dover Boys! I’d know those asses anywhere!”
AHAHAHAHAH, oh god, this was most unexpected and amusing.
Holy shit, what an obscure reference.
Not really “obscure,” but it certainly is an old reference. I remember being a kid sitting in front of the TV pretty much every afternoon & every Saturday morning to watch my favorite cartoons. what they got on TV nowadays is pretty much nothing compared to the old classics.
Because it’s so old as a reference, it’s become something like an inside joke among us oldsters…You just had to be there to get it.