The one in which there is plot
July 23, 2012
12:00 am
In other news, I passed my motorcycle skill test!
In other news, I passed my motorcycle skill test!
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Finally, a reason for the laser mouth! Congrats on the motorcycle license btw.
Why on EARTH would we need a reason for laserfish?
Laserfish is its own reason.
Laserfish isn’t the reason, Laserfish just IS.
Laserfish is the origin of reason
Laserfish DEFIES reason!
Laserfish is origin
needs more laserfish
Laserfish “Period”.
Woohoo! Comment staircase.
Laserfish lasers comment staircases like it does castles.
Laserfish is the Alpha & the Omega
Laserfish is fucking badass!
That would be gross.
Origin is a really stupid name for a marketplace…
But it’s a pretty good name for a systems.
Needs more laserfish
Laserfish is life.
Laserfish is Darkseid?
Damn Skippy!
Well he had to get that power some day.
I actually yelled that when I saw the last panels :D
Me too!
me three XD my mom came in my room to make sure i was okay lol
Glad I’m not the only dork around :D
when i saw the misterfish panel, i imagined the sound that dragons do in skyrim. i feel like a dork. :(
Fus Ro Lazer!!!
Only three syllables, remember? BIG LAZ-ER
Congrats on the test. I appreciate the plot :D
Considering he’s not back to normal yet, he does look pretty damn manly in the sixth panel. All squinty and bloody like a 14-year old Clint Eastwood.
Was Clint Eastwood ever younger than 25? I thought he just popped out of Zeus’ skull fully formed as a young adult.
And, there is something fishy about this plot. Specifically that laser…
So Clint Eastwood is the male version of Athena? Huh I always had him pegged as more a perseus or Hippoclates.
Nope totally a Hephaestus, except his hammer is on a gun
I figured a Posiedon.
You know… all that horse power he is packing. Able to get into relationships with Hekate and Ketos. Generally nice enough to help Demetre try to locate Persephone. Has a hot daughter that Hera just decides to be a bitch towards, because Hera is just the Greek Goddess of Trailer Trash
Actually its marriage, but I can see how you reached that conclusion.
Hephaestus was crippled and kind of a douche.
Yeah, Haphaestus was so crippled and deformed that his own mother threw him off of mount olympus…
It’s greek mythology. Everyone is “kind of a douche”
Hestia wasn’t really…
Hestia hardly did anything, like, she has three stories at best. The ‘ain’t interested in sleeping with y’all’ where Zues then declares she doesn’t has to marry anyone and has to tend fires, the part where their dad ate everyone and she was ate first and spit up last so she qualified as born last and first and then the part where she gives up her chair on Olympus to Dionysis so the other gods would quite having a hissy fit and falling in it over the idea of there being 13 chairs.
I like to imagine she actually is making snarky commentary in her head the whole time about how the rest need to take a chill pill and quit with the teen drama and maybe keep their togas/pants/swan feathers on for five freaking minutes.
He actually had some pretty good reasons to be one though, I mean his own mother crippled him, his wife cheats on him, and everyone else is kinda a douche to him for almost no reason.
And no one threw him off Mount Olympus making him a cripple.
I see what you mean, but in the seventh panel I’m getting some sort of Steve McQueen vibe…
am I the only one?
Congratulations on passing your motorcycle skills test, motorcycling keeps me moderately sane.
I get D37 and B52 but 9E is eluding me.
Grats on the bike dealy.
AIM-9E is a sidewinder missile. Going with the theme there, I’m assuming that’s what it’s supposed to allude to?
You used the word “allude” in reply to a comment using “elude.”
For some reason, that makes my brain hurt a bit.
Better yet, you both used them *correctly*
I feel tears of joy coming on.
Isn’t it beautiful?
Any more of this ‘literacy’ stuff and I might forget I’m on the Internet!
I find myself strangely sanguine from having witnessed such a wondrous phenomenon.
*Head explodes*
I… I… I… *dies of happy*
B-52 is a type of bomber.
…crap, sorry, just saw you got that one. I do find myself wondering what D37 is, though?
As am I.
D37 is a missile guidance computer. I’m assuming its the computer at least, the only other option is a British destroyer, which since the second one is a air to air missile I believe we can safely rule out.
I believe he just said something along the lines of your going down in flames you slow old man.
Ironically the old man was fast enough to get the heck away from the giant laser beam…
I was thinking it was the Commander’s serial number. The “B-52” et al is just an in joke on Coelasquid’s part (I think). I interpreted the “what did you just call me?” as surprise that Gackt knew his serial number, and what it implied.
Basically, Gact just told him that the Military from CB’s home era sponsored the creation and release of the Bishie contagion, because back in the future big macho heros have now fallen out of fashion. All the future kids want bishie hero action figures now, so the Military’s trying to force it’s personell to tun into into bishies like it was a mandated uniform change or something. He calls CB by his serial number as a taunting way of showing he’s telling the truth.
That made a LOT of sense. I applaud your genius, good sir.
Pretty much exactly what I was thinking. Although I do like how the serial number is all references to military equipment. And the destroyer isn’t too far fetched — a Sidewinder is air to air, a B-52 bomber is air to ground, and the D-37 is sea to air.
That’s exactly what I was thinking but I was sidetracked by all this talk of injokes and numbers being references.
Utterly appropriate that it’s specifically the Flying Fortress, although an A10 Warthog wouldn’t have been amiss either.
Am I the only one thinking we need a “IMMA FIRING MAH LAZER” with Mr. Fish?
Yes. Yes you are. We don’t need those unnecessary memes clogging up Manly Guys Doing Manly Things. We just need the Commander back to normal and Mr. Fish to stop the laser. A Shoop Da Woop would completely ruin the image given off by Mr. Fish. I’m actually surprised anyone would think that would be okay.
Mr. Fish does not speak, and therefore it would not make sense for him to do that anyway.
A terrified Jared yelling “HE’S FIRING HIS LAZOR!!” would make a lot of sense, though. It’s up to Coelasquid.
There’s also “Mr. Fish Uses Hyper Beam” on the picture.
Actually this comic is full of references, quotes and memes from other videogames (look the biscuits one with sten). The laser is just a more “mainstream” one.
Panel 10 T-shirt! With “Imma firin mah lazor!”
I also like the little ASKI version MNni did. I am imagining that one wrapped around a shirt under the left arm.
Dangerous levels of uncontained awesome right there.
someone actually did it (non-vid though) in reply to the first hyper-beamin’ Mr. Fish. It’s way late in the comments but it’s there.
FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for Mr. Fish to Hyper Beam Gackt.
Of course, this isn’t over. As long as there is beauty in the world, Gackt will be there to something something blah or whatever.
And I love what you chose to do plot on. Gonna assume that they decided to try some bishi space marines to win the popularity wars. Personally, I hope they future does not need fighting pretty boys.
i am afraid that it has already happened.
they are called the pretty marines, and are sworn enemies of my favourite legion, the angry marines
I prefer the marines who are pissed off when sensible.
Pretty Marines can’t be the enemies of the Angry Marines, since they both serve the glorious God-Emperor of Mankind.
I’d say Pretty Marines are more the sworn enemies of Nurgle, since Plague Marines are soooo totally unfabulous.
Then there are the oft overlooked but never disparaged Mud Marines.
They know how to fight dirty and all your anger and prettiness is squat against a full assault formation of category nines.
Panels 7 and 9 both would make for great T-shirts though 9 with a bit more surrounding detail would make an awesome door poster.
I meant Panel 10 ……. it’s still Monday right?
*looks around* No ones said it yet? Okay then.
It’s super effective!
Shade wins.
Your comment is awesome. I just thought I would say so.
I wonder if the little box in Mr. Fish’s head said the same thing.
I feel it was obligatory.
But…. but Hyper Beam is normal…. and normal isn’t good against anything. Is… Is Gackt a new pokemon type?!?
It’s Super Effective – –
Don’t bring lies here
Badass is super effective against everything.
Laser is now a type and it’s super-effective on everything.
Except maybe I-fields.
>.> hyper beam is not super effective but its too damn powerful for that to matter much
Making it effectively Super Effective.
Super effectively super effective, in fact!
mr fish is going to be in a coma when he figures out how to stop
I don’t think Mr Fish WANTS to stop. If you could shoot laser beams out of your mouth would you ever stop?
Just one thing to say why she would stop blasting away – Tasty Cakes.
Nah even the power of Mr. Fish can pierce the most powerful of I-fields. Hmmm maybe Squid should draw Mr. Bright, I’d consider a man who’s slap can turn whiny sissy boys into MEN OF DESTINY pretty manly.
Gackt is ‘Mary Sue’ type, normal beats Mary Sue any day of the week.
Two problems with that…
1) Normal attacks are never “Super Effective”
2) If Gackt is considered a Ghost-type, then hyper beam will do zero damage.
Sorry to be “that guy”
1) If you were really sorry, you wouldn’t have clicked “Post Comment.”
2) Gackt is obviously CoolTrainer
You’re both wrong.
Gackt is unnaturally beautiful, which makes him abnormal. Therefore, he is weak against normal attacks as he is the opposite of normal.
Everyone can it! Logic has no place on a comment wall!
Thank you Vulpe.
I have a few words for this occasion:
Fish paste, garbled marbles, pumpernickel.
Wry bread, rye loaf. Spatula.
Carry on.
And now for something completely different …..
The Larch.
I want that and Mr Fish lasering Gakt on a t shirt!!
At the very least, it’s a critical hit.
XD ha! Even though we saw it coming for a few pgs, I personally am a VERY happy reader right now (as I am sure many others are). Mr. Fish’s gaping mouth, tongue elegantly curled, hyperbeam set to obliterate….. It is like visual poetry. :D Totally worth that wonderful awkward “interruption” page last week. Loving this webcomic more and more every week. Delicious stuff dear! *thumbsup* Keep up the awesomeness!
Must… Have… 10th panel. Must. Have. At. All. Cost.
Yeah I bet a lot of people would like that in a wallpaper style. When you’ve got some time left that is…
Oh, and gratz on passing the motorcycle test!!
Yes. Yes I do. XD
It’s iPod-sized. Go crazy. :-|
I just gotta ask what is d37-9e-b52?
Also congrats on the Motorcycle license!
Probably the Commanders serial number
Im sure Jones will ask later and we will all find out…i cant wait :D
Satisfying start to the wrapup. And congratulations on passing your test!
Also: Wooo-hoooo! Go Mr. Fish! Serve up some super-effective hot laser DEATH!
Congratulations on the skill test, motorcycles are a whole lot of fun to zip around on. Try to be careful though, crashing hurts a lot (talking from experience).
Plot gets thicken… AWESOME!! XD
Interesting. I was expecting the plot to just kinda end after this arc, but apparently there’s more to be told. I look forward to seeing where you take this in the future Coelasquid.
There’s so many other plot-things to follow! We know so little about CB’s past – his relationship with his ex, how he got to be the director of the office, earlier than the early days we’ve heard of – and there’s his relationship with Jonesy, his kids, and other fun things that could happen to the guys. How on earth could the plot end after just this arc?
Agreed. This was a good spot to add some plot thickener.
“Gift out of the Goddess of my heart.”
I appreciate the Crisis Core reference there, nice wrapping it up with that, seeing as Genesis was modelled after Gackt himself. =P
Honestly, considering the direction Square-Enix took their main males after FF9, just about every main male (and a few females– Lightning, for example) has been modelled after Gackt. That’s half of the joke behind the reveal of his being the villain of this comic arc, the art lead at Squenix just has this massive permanent stiff for Gackt.
Frankly, it’s a bit amusing, really, considering how despite the fact that Final Fantasy was a series where every game was barely tied together by loose strings and themes, they managed to use the same protagonist for every game after X-2.
Cloud and Squall were Gackt, too. FF9 was our only reprieve from the Gackt-ness.
Still, what I think Dai is referring to is the fact that Gackt actually voiced Genesis, and played him in a live-action scene, meaning that while a lot of FF characters were basically Gackt in some form, Genesis actually was Gackt.
Oh shit is the correct response to a Mr fish pointing a hyperbeam at you.
I would seriously love some of these Mr Fish Panels as wallpapers. I will keep hoping!
And this is the part where you just spam your biggest summon again and again.
Considering that Mr. Fish hasn’t figured out how to stop yet, I think its safe to say that that is exactly what is happening here…
It looks like he figure out how to turn it on and off
Fuck yeah thats great that you passed and Mr Fishy should get another level up for that!
SURPRISE angel boy!
motorcycles are fucking awesome. Congrats on the license!
Hmm. So there are more sinister reasons for the development of this disease other the Gakt being a control freak? Plot lines within plot lines…. or something. I like it. :D
So when you graduated did you get a certificate or ceremonial leather spiked biker gloves?
Well he’s from the future where money reigns supreme and everything is hyperbolized capitalism…. An exec probably decided they’d make more money making the Commander Badasses of the world appeal to the “current” trend of girly boys.
Got a card and they’re mailing a certificate that waves the DMV test, I believe.
So does this work kind of like the CBT in the UK where you can now ride on the roads on a provisional license, but this doesn’t actually count as a license?
Also, congratulations! Getting a motorcycle was the best thing I ever did and I hope it’s the same for you!
You need spiked leather gloves. I hope someone at one of the many comic cons you get to go to gives you a pair that are as awesome as you are. I also hop you get a bike helmet with horns.
Now we’ll NEVER know, Mr. Fish!
Congratulations–turn and burn, Coela!
Oooh, plot! And it thickens! I see what you did there with his .. uh.. code number? Well, with the last part, at least. Or maybe with all of the parts. Several. I know that B52 references the band, but it also might reference the aircraft and D37 is another type of aircraft. there’s no 9e that I could find, though. Hmmm…
Not to forget, though – The laserfish payoff is wonderful.
Even if B52 was a reference to the aircraft, it didn’t stop me from yelling “ROCK LOBSTER!” when I read it…
According to a cursory web search, 9e is the IATA (International Air Transport Association) abbreviation for Pinnacle Airplanes. Dunno if related at all, though.
Actually, those sound like War Department material numbers. D37 and E9 are large guns …
Hm, that would make a lot more sense than my idea.
Provided that the other numbers aren’t really just random ones in addition to the Rock Lobster bit, of course.
Congrats on the skill test!
*now shamelessly pictures The Comedienne riding around on that bike*
I think the Gyrados song has an official singer.
It’s YOU, mister burnt-to-a-crisp Ultimate Form!
I think that Iron Maiden is the official band of the laser fish.
… Guest singer? I think my song would go well with the impossible amount of pain Ultimate Form must be feeling right now.
How many EXP did Mr. Fish just earn?
100,567,376,237,120,361. Any more questions?
Is this an all vegetarian island? Is that where you practice airbending? Do we all have to wear air nomad clothes? Do we each get our own sky bison? And finally, how many trees are on this island?
Yes, yes, no, no, 10 552.
Well, time to see is this guy is a loadbearing boss! If he doesn’t survive at least.
Mister Fish has pretty much destroyed most of that danger room himself.
So true.. all they do is walk out the massive hole in the wall to leave.
Sweet. congrats Coelasquid. Also nice Update. was that the Comander’s tag number that Gak called him by?
….Could this be considered Jared’s first true battle? Hmmmm, maybe he deserves a badge. lol
That would actually be really heartwarming if the Commander made up a ‘gym’ badge/s for Jared and Mr. Fish. Poor Jared would probably tear up – I don’t get the feeling that he and Mr. Fish managed to get any badges before they got disqualified. And a badge from the Commander would be worth more than all the League Badges, because it would be for something real.
Why can’t I hold all these feels‽
Let it out. Let it out, man.
Also, I agree with everything “Just Walking By” said. This needs to happen.
I imagine that Jared will actually need a badge to get Mr. Fish to stop the lasers… Which would mean he’d need his Pokemon Trainer License again…. Which begs the question: would he have to take a test for it?
So this was all under order of the Commander’s bosses? Well, drat.
Laserfish to the rescue.
Of the end of the arc. XD
B52, eh?
Congrats on passing the course! I remember when I took it…it’s what got me addicted to riding. Aww yeah.
Love your comic, been following it for ages, blah blah blah <3
You guys we’re taking on the future here.
Also, screw you Gackt.
Looks like not everything is what is seems. If Gackt was hired by the Commander’s superiors, then I have a feeling Commander is going to go AWOL and track down every person who betrayed him.
so will we get to see any FF characters in future arcs Coelasquid, or are most of them just Gackt?
All the male characters ARE Gackt.
What about the black stereotype?
From 7 on, maybe. You can’t seriously tell me Cyan, Edgar, Sabin, Kain, Yang, Tellah, or Strago are anything like Gackt. Hell, four of them could probably pass the Commander’s pectoral girth test. Auron is also decidedly un-Gackt, too.
I think the part about this that I like the most is that Hyper Beam is powerful enough that pretty much anything dies in its wake. I had a Nidoqueen on FireRed that used it, and she wiped the floor with Sabrina.
Chekov’s Gyarados anyone?
I see what you did there.
d37-e9-b52 sounds like CB’s service number.
Congrats on the motorcycle license, I’m still trying to pass mine, and the bike I need to use is still being kept somewhere else for fixing. :(
“D37-B52-9E”? This raises even more questions! *headdesk*
The War Department used to classify weapon types in a catalogue. There is a class of weapon for each letter of the alphabet. For example, D37 is an anti-aircraft weapon. E9 is a giant railroad gun. B52 is a bomber (or the band LOVE SHACK BAAAYBEEEE!)
With a serial number like that, no wonder he was called Commander Badass.
It just occurred to me – each of those letter-numbers is a different weapon in each of the military branches. D37 is Navy, E9 is Army and B52 is Air Force. Army Space Navy here we come.
Ahahaha, I assure you it was a complete coincidence.
Now time for the Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Really Final Form? Congrats on the license.
Nah, next ultimatetest boss would be that hidden boss that’s deep in some cave that’s stronger than the final boss and drops a sword you don’t even want because, for Christ’s sake, you’ve already beaten the most ultimatetest thing in the game without it.
Commander Badass is a clone, isn’t he? And that’s his batch number?
“In other news, I passed my motorcycle skill test!”
If your last post is any indication, seems like you can actually “do it in your sleep”. Congratulations.
But please don’t go sleep-riding, and do wear a good set of leathers and a full-face helmet. Those things saved my dad’s life on several occasions.
Hell yeah mister Fish.pwn that pretty boy.
Love the lighting in the 6th and 7th panels! And of course we all love the Mr. Fish panel. Excited to see what happens next.
Does this mean that Mr. Fish has been using multiple hyper beams, rather than a single, continuous one?
So, Gackt was only the Seemingly Final Boss you fight two thirds of the way through the game, who reveals the Secret Conspiracy (leading to angst about being on the right side or not in some cases, though obviously not this one). From there it can lead to either storming the fortress and/or leading a rebellion against former bosses, with the former leader being the True Final Boss, or some background manipulator.
Your expressions are always top-notch, but these in particular really drove the jokes (and surprising tension) home. <3
Love the “Oh, shit! look and the scramble out of the way. Hyperbeam is apparently scarier than Gackt.
Seems like hiring Jared has finally paid off for the Commander.
Oh and gratz on your bike pass!
For some reason I am just super enthused that you got the differing skeletal structures of the bat and bird wings right.
Well, looks like somebody didn’t read the Evil Overlord list.
When the good guy suddenly ducks/steps out of the way, don’t look behind you, just follow his lead!
From what it sounds like he’s not the evil overlord, or even the dragon, he’s either an elite mook or the brute.
he’s the midboss
Thank you hexidimensional, couldn’t find the right word.
I expect more motorcycles in your comic now Coela!
Oh, good. We’re going from Final Fantasy to Metal Gear Solid.
Is that an over arching plot I see?
DA plot thickens!
I guess now we know what the B stands for.
Oh great here comes the shadowy omniscient council of eternal vagueness
I really want to be proud of Mr. Fish. I really, really do.
But then he had to be the guy that killed the boss before he revealed the backstory.
Congrats on the motorcycle test!
Way to go Mr. Fish! I have to wonder though if Jared is still managing to hang on to him.
Also, congrats on passing your motorcycle test!
I totaly saw this comming.lets see pretty boy change forms after that?
I bet the future USA government is making pretty-boy soldiers. commander mentioned in the beginning that war was all about publicity in the future.
Are you saying that war is not about publicity now?
Huh, funny, D37, the american classification of the 4-4-0 steam locomotive.
9E could be for the AIM-9E and the B52 can be referring to the Boeing B-52 stratofortress, nice!
Awesome chapter….. However I think we all know it won’t be that easy to get rid of him.
It could also be a reference to the HMS Duncan, The Daring class Naval Ship designated D37. In other words that could make what Gackt said mean Daring Sidewinder Bomber….
Mister Fish will stop when he runs out of PP.
Laser fish to the rescue.
Welp, we all saw that coming.
This is amazing
As the old saying goes, “When all you have is a lazer-spitting Mr. Fish, everything looks like Gakt.”
That’s an oddly specific saying.
I read it for the plot.
Wondered when they’d get around to that. I mean if you’ve got a Gyarados uncontrollably Hyper Beaming the bg while you’ve got a boss fight in the fg, well that’s just a waste, ain’t it?
You know, I thought i’d just throw this out here. This comic is what introduced me to Gackt. Pokemon ushered in a new era of gaming for me. Final Fantasy was created the year I was born and has been with me since. So what i’m ultimately getting at is, this comic strip is by far one of the best things that will EVER exist on the internet. Therefore, this comic strip itself is a super effective form of quality entertainment no matter what type of affinity a critic may be.
Now excuse me while I bow in the most humble way conceivable.
Another great strip. Congrats on the motorcycle license!
That code name is a mouthful.
OMG I UNDERSTAND! Wait…does that mean they won’t come out with another action figure? NO! Now my collection of big guns that shoot little guns will never be complete!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!!!
OMG the plot! It thickens!
This is so awesome. Thank you!
okey tree things 1 sweet a clifhanger 2 go MR fish go annd 3 congratulations on your bike test
Ah, good times, good times were had by all….. <3
I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!! I KNEW MR. FISH WOULD BLAST HIM AT SOME POINT! OR AT LEAST THE HE WOULD BE THE CAUSE OF HIS DEFEAT!! But he’s still not done yet is he… it’s only a near-defeat… WHO KNOWS!? And I sense some major time-travel stuff happening soon.
I get the feeling that Mr. Fish brought him down to 1 point away from death, then there’s the long, half-hour unskippable cut scene that’s really just a monologue in the battle mode from the boss, which BA will interrupt after he’s heard enough and start choking the last little bit of life out of Gackt who was using this time to heal slowly. Ain’t that a kick in the head?
Wait. This whole bishie storyline was about the future Commander Badass comes from? They wanted a bishie Commander because ‘Badass’ went out of style?
Panel 10 as a wallpaper possible? I can see a Lot of uses for it.
Awww yeah we got lazerfish and you passed your skill test! Today is a great day
this inspired me to do something…*buys copy of pokemon fire red, catches six magicarp,raises all to level 100,hyper beams everything on site…*
Yay! Space Commies!
This page made me laugh out loud. The way the commander gets suddenly so shocked, and I’m all thinking it’s because he’s realized what the villain there was saying, but then I discover… nope, not today.
The same thing happened to me.
his face in the “oh shit” pannel. pricelessssss.
Please be careful with the motorcycle!
Mr.Fish used HYPER BEAM!
It’s super effective!
…wait, what?
There’s no kill quite like Overkill..
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA FINALLY! Who could honestly say that they couldn’t see that coming huh? lol, laserbeam to the face!
well…folks….that’s how the ultimate-ultimate form is destroyed, by the pew pew of a lazah fish…
Nothing like alphanumeric code names to thicken the plot like starch!
Gotta wonder how many people went and google’d D37-9E-B52 to see if they could figure out what it might be a reference to before ya reveal it xD
Hyper Beam! Totally called it!
That went well! Holy carp!
He’ll be okay:
I’m on fire, and the only thing that will put me out… Is more Laser fish. You, You are going to read this, With the voice of Christopher Walken.
That is the best “Oh shit” face ever.
Just want to say I love the lighting in panel 7. I know really weird but it is a detail most would forget. Love it- and oh yeah Mr. Fish.
I’m waiting for a spinoff comic all about Laserfish. Let me know if someone has already made one.
10th frame… Remember that Shinedown song… “And I’m starin’ down the barrel of a Hyper Beam…”
Imma firing ma Lazer
With everyone already web searching the letter number combinations and picking up the obvious I feel sort of sad.
He is from the FUTURE and operates in SPACE ……. what game system is set in future space and uses letter number combinations to ID people places and things?
Come on now … anybody? …..TRAVELER or for those who missed that one there was Mega-Traveler
Exception Strength
Dexterity not so hot
Endurance above average
Above average int
Exceptional Education [ military training + experience ]
Very High Social Level [ social class + rank + experience ]
Number of exceptional skill categories
Rank class for a Space Marine [easier to die than get promoted ]
How is that for digging into a game from 1977 ?
And now, Gackt finally learns the unavoidable truth: Pokemon will always be better than all of his franchises combined. It just took a laserfish to the face to learn it…
I only found this comic a few days ago and I’m loving ever page. I do wonder though about how much of the glow on the Commanders face is from Gackt and how much was Mr.Fish’s Hyperbeam charging for his ‘show stopping shot’?
My immediate thought (and actual speech) on the last two panels was something like, “HYPER BEA-BLRLBRLBRLBLRBLRLBRLBRLBRLBRLRLBBLRLBRLBRLBRLBRLBRLBRLBRLBRLBRLBRLBR!!!”
So yeah.
So the bad guy was hired by the future…
This isn’t 75 digits. Wonder what his full number is. o_o
i love this comic