There’s enough gruff encouragement to go around
December 5, 2016
2:56 am
Gotta call Nanu to come collect these guys or something.
Gotta call Nanu to come collect these guys or something.
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And he looks pissed!
I think he’s ready to laser.
He senses his trainer in peril(?)
He smells the mac n cheese.
naw, he just heard mac-n’-chumps was on the menu
typical Thursday fare
I remember that he actually cant eat mac and cheese…because I spent all night reading through that part of the web comic.
XD “sort-of-raised”! Love it!
I was legit giggly for, like, half an hour after reading that.
Awesome line XD
This is the Jared I was waiting to see.
Yes. There will be Fish.
How much fish?
Enough to drink your milkshake.
Commander, it looks like Krato’s and others influence is rubbing off on Jared, you need to be careful.
Nah, he’s just entering his rebellious phase.
Nooo! Save the delicious cheesy noodles!
The flying mac’n’cheese even looks a little worried, itself.
It’s the Flying Macaroni Monster!
Eh, don’t worry. It’s the Commander’s mac n cheese. Chances are he’s tamed it to land right back in the bowl.
I get the feeling that Commander ends up being EVERYONE’S surrogate dad.
He is rather good at it by now
I wonder how many of those little “World’s 1# Dad” mugs he has. I bet he could build a little fort out of them.
Actually, 40% of worldwide sales of “World’s #1 Dad” mugs in 2015, 2016 and 1921 are Commander trying to get rid of surplus (with the consent of the people he got them from of course) after they overflowed two whole storage compartments ;-)
lol and 1921… subtle but I like it!
I wonder what that would do to the society
Commander is also everyone’s surrogate Jared, except when around Jared.
He could be my daddy if he wanted to…..
I feel I must ask…what kind of daddy?
Well, that IS kinda the point of the place he runs – a halfway house for ‘manly’ characters trying to live in the civilized world.
I case that’s inevitable when you’re the only responsible adult in a room filled with testosterone addled man-children. ;p
Jared is perfectly fine with Commander being a sorta-dad figure to all those burly dudes. What he’s jelous of is other goofy teenage pokemon trainers getting Commander’s attention.
He shouldn’t be jealous, the Kid took out huanted machines of Freddy FazBears
Perhaps he’s concerned that such achievements have graduated him from the Commander’s fatherliness? It would kinda suck to go from sorta-son to friend or acquaintance, even as nice as B-52 is to acquaintances.
If you can surrogate-dad for Kratos, you can do it for anybody.
Remember not-too-many-strips-ago, when Kratos was remarkably chill about getting shot in the arm with an arrow by his son? He’s come a long way since the senior prom. Do you think Commander felt a moment of fatherly pride?
probably a little.
Holy cow! I clicked “back” and then “forward” so I could read the comments section, and the comic became color.
I’m a wizard.
A hairy wizard?
You know you can just click on the little speech bubble, right?
I love Mr. Fish’s expression here. “Is The Fish going to have to bite a bitch or bitches?”
Well, you tried Commander. At least Jared is mostly housebroken and Mr. Fish doesn’t eat anyone he’s not supposed to.
Vagrants and stray cats are fine, though.
“Commander is *my* surrogate father figure!” almost cost me my monitor this morning. I love it.
Is the commander Batman? He’s collecting kids like Bruce now.
They have a running competition on who’s collected the most strays.
I do like how, over the years, Wayne Manor has become less and less empty (well, sorta- depends on how much continuity you accept). Make use of all those rooms, ya know?
Aren’t those rooms mostly filled with memoirs of dead Robins?
No, that’s the robin pit, filled with the dead bodies of all the dead robins.
They don’t STAY dead, though!
Dick Grayson – Never died, now Nightwing and occaisionally substitute Batman
Jason Todd – Died, ressurected, now known as Red Hood
Tim Drake – Never died, now Red Robin
Stephanie Brown – died, but not really (faked). Works as Spoiler. DeRobined in new 52.
Damian Wayne – Died. Ressurected. Gained powers. Lost powers. Still Robin.
Technically Red Robin is currently “dead”. Tim Drake traveled to 2030 because a version of Terry McGinnis (not the Earth-16 one from the cartoons) died while time traveling in Futures End. Terry McGinnis is now alive again because REASONS so Tim Drake will be traveling back to his own era soon.
Well, Tim is currently “dead” again, having returned to the present, and then he was thinking about retiring.
He tried to do the whole heroic save/would be sacrifice thing and literally got zapped out of continuity for now.
Wolverine is also participating.
A battle worth fighting for!
This is everything I was hoping for and even more besides for when Jared met the grunts. :D
I would actually love it if one of the grunts continued to hang around. They’re so adorable.
Kind of likes Jared’s own personal Eddie Haskell.
Team Skull in gen 7 is probably my favorite team in the history of the series. Team glam nazi of X/Y can go die in a hole though
Would the next one be commenting on how one of the legendary look like a Voltron, and act like a Transfomer. Or how it’s possible that it have watched it own owner in the room like a stalker.
Wait, which one is that? Too many damn legendaries to casually keep up with anymore.
Zygarde. You have to collect its scattered cells to remake it, getting progressively bigger each time you collect enough to pass certain points, and its final form is humanoid and kinda robot shaped.
It goes dog -> snake -> robot. Given that the snake is the only one you could get in previous games when it didn’t have the whole “cell” thing going on, and also given the whole “limbs” thing, I really wish the first two were swapped.
On the other hand, this does mean you can get ten of the doggos (each needs 10/100 cells) instead of only two (snake needs 50/100).
Bwahah! I like how Commander looks just a bit annoyed over the rampage scene. Pokemon-animosities run deep with Jared. Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow.
Jared don’ wan’ no sibs!
Mr. Fish: *LOOM*
OMG now I want a giant heaping bowl of Mac & Cheese!!!!!!!
Hey, those two kids were snarky before because they were hungry; nobody is really themselves when they’re hungry. The Commander was all out of Snickers bars, but Mac-n-Cheese works just as well.
Better, I’d say; there’s something viscerally satisfying about savory food rather than sweet when hungry, and a bowl of noodles has a lot more volume than a candy bar for filling a stomach.
Imagine if in those commercials someone would toss someone else an entire bowl of Mac n Cheese.
There’s only enough room in this building for one pokemon trainer manchild with a skull theme.
Dang, did not realize there were so many connections between the grunts and Jared.
Ok, can’t stop laughing xD
This was better than expected xD
I’m shipping Jared and the skull-team girl and no one can stop me
Yeah, I’m kinda with you there. I mean, I wouldn’t want to see him screw up his long-distance relationship, but if they broke up, Jared and Team Skull Girl would make a very cute couple.
In a surprise twist, it turns out Team Skull Girl actually is Jared’s long-distance gamer girlfriend, and this is the first time they’ve met in real life.
Sounds good to me.
Thirded. Though presumably seeing Mr Fish will tip her off if that’s actually the case.
Wasn’t his long distance relationship a Jared-aged-girl equivalent of an 11 year old on XBOX Live?
If so… I dunno, it wouldn’t surprise me if Jared beat her in a match once and she ragequitted the relationship.
The grunts have the advantage here. If a Pokebattle breaks loose in the lunch room Mr.Fish won’t have mobility. Can’t help but feel the Commander would make them take it outside, but at the same time he’d probably be the referee to the fight.
“Rattata is unable to battle… And probably isn’t breathing.”
Nope. This is Pokemon-related, which means that Jared is like unto a god.
… Mr.Fish needs no mobility to beam them. Heck, no mobility also means he can crush pokemon AND trainer to the wall xD
“Mr.Fish used Roll Over. It’s super-effective!”
“Yer cleanin’ that up.”
Think the only trick Mr.Fish is incapable of learning is Play Dead.
Jared’s proficiency as a trainer stems from the fact that he is completely immune to Pokemon logic and instead uses common sense.
Commander has that exact same “superpower” which is how he got into his office that morning in the first place, so he wouldn’t exactly be suited to referee a match.
The grunts have the advantage because Commander can stop Jared from doing anything with a very stern look, and I don’t think Commander would approve of Jared being a knob to Commander’s guests.
I laughed so hard my coworkers had to check out the comic.
we all know if they do pull out a pokemon Mr. Fish is liable to eat them, and if not, he can always LAZAH FEEEEEESH!
but I really did enjoy this one. I saw a comment on the last page about what sort of pokemon commander would have. I feel like he would have a houndoom. or… hmmm
OH OH HE WOULD HAVE AN ARCANINE. duh. so obvious. future space marine government official. he’s basically rule 63 officer jenny. on steroids. with symbiotic cancer cells. and can time travel and is badass as hell. basically aside from his government position, he is nothing like officer jenny period. but he would still totally have an arcanine. and maybe a houndoom. I could see it. middle of winter and commander is letting his kids get pulled behind an arcanine and houndoom on a sleigh. who needs a ponyta pulled carriage when you got the big dogs mushing in front of your sleigh?
He may have an Arcanine, but he should definitely have a shiny Clawitzer and a Genesect, at least.
Hmm, Mr. Fish looks a tad munchy. Is a Pokemon battle in order over this familial dispute?
I doubt it; half the appeal to Jared and Mr Fish early on was the way they just bulldoze through Pokemon society, and Mr Fish has been known to devour other trainers’ Pokemon alive. I’d be surprised if they’ve put in the effort to get the hang of nonlethal matches, though I suppose it would make sense to pick up some Pokemon etiquette after Jared became a Professor.
Jared is now a kind of Pokemon Professor and stuff. The skull dudes should know not to step in his way :p
Pfft, what’s he gonna do? Send a buncha 10-year-olds armed with monsters after them?
… Wait, I think he actually has the authority to do that, doesn’t he? Sarcasm withdrawn.
‘course, Jared would be the Professor that gives them all Magicarp as their starting Pokes.
Most pokemon trainers are lazy hacks who stand back and let their ‘mon do all the heavy lifting. Jared was right there on the front line with Mr. Fish, dishing it out, not standing in the back and yelling crap like, “use bubble beam!” Yeah, thanks, the guy’s on fire, I kinda figured that.
I know everyone’s been saying that Commander is Jared’s surrogate father figure for forever, but seeing it actually in-comic made me fangirl a bit.
Also, I can’t help but think that, if more fathers in the Pokemon world actually stuck around their families instead of running off to train Pokemon, there would be a lot fewer Team Villain grunts running around.
I’m just waiting for a Pokemon game where the player character gets the option to JOIN the Villain Team.
Or maybe the game where you get to -be- the absentee father? A game where you play a veteran trainer who has to start from scratch because Team Villain stole all your pokemon, because your kid gave them the wifi password and they hacked your PC?
They can’t even get away with gambling anymore, becoming an actual criminal isn’t going to happen.
Yeah, I scrolled down here just to say how great it is to see Commander and Jared acknowledging that aspect of their bond.
Is the commander has started a pokemon trainer collection. Interesting. Wonder if the actual pokemon ever get jealous like this?
oh most definitely. the canine ones are going to be mad at anyone they see as coming for their position as Pack Beta
Don’t you get it Commander? Pokemon is more than just a hobby. It’s life, it’s love, it’s… turf wars.
Why can’t you all just get along? You all got skulls in your hats and everything.
They might yet. Rock could deploy the Dad Voice, or Sammy and June could show up.
I continue to love CB’s genre-savviness
I know that being able to beat up Team Skull Grunts is like being able to beat up a stupid puppy, but is anyone still a bit proud of Jared’s fighting skills here?
I dunno, I kind of assume by now that Jared is a pretty powerful trainer, all things considered. He used to beat pokemon using a Magikarp as a bat until he evolved, so his fighting skills were already well above the “pokemon trainer” level, even before meeting the Commander.
He smashed the animatronics from Freddy Fazbear’s, and considering that those easily jump and overpower applicants to the night shift… He might not be ready to go toe to toe with superhumans, but he’s quick and strong enough to be extremely effective.
I’m both impressed by how much more he fits in with the macho men of the agency, and worried about how much more he fits in with the macho men of the agency.
Hope these grunts start treating Jared like the regional pokemon professor soon. He’s got an open coat, better pokemon, and a unique training method, so that’s like 90% qualified right there.
And he’s already an honorary professor after that whole thing with Lysandre.
Not the surrogate father we deserve, but the one we need
So we gonna see UB-02 at all? ‘Cause I think a super-buff mosquito is exactly the kind of plot point this comic needs.
Wait, wait wait. I think we’re all missing something here.
Last gen Jared became a Pokemon Professor.
I’m calling it now: This generation Jared becomes the leader of an off-shoot of Team Skull!
He’s not the Pokemon professor we need right now…..he’s the Gang Leader we deserve!
What’s a bit of jealousy in front of the #1 dad.
Little did Jared know that it was he who was the evil organization leader, all along.
You know, I agree with Commander. The Team Skull grunts are quite pathetic, enough to feel sorry for them. Enough to think that “Hey, maybe these punks could do some good for society if they were showed the right way”.
I love how Mr. Fish peeks in the moment he hears Jared getting into any sort of scuffle.
Poor Jared. Jealous much. Nice cartoon as usual.
You know, I feel like there should be a short ark where Jared gets into a legitimate pokemon battle with someone. Mr. Fish deserves a real challenge. Am I alone on this?
Jared lost his trainer licence.
Huh, I forgot about that. However, that doesn’t mean that it can’t happen. He would still be able to have a battle unofficially. Or maybe there could be an ark about getting the license back. I don’t really see that happening but it could be cool.
Jared’s a professor now, I think he can just grant himself a license.
Well, given how the Skull Grunts wanted a Pokemon battle. Plus, Jared has at least one PhD, is a Pokemon Professor, AND is a Gym Leader. I’m sure he’s more than qualified to take the Skull Grunts on.
I doubt the commander could make a pot of Mac n’ cheese without Canada Guy showing up.
He really should consider getting a pokemon, like a Beware or a Beartic
Wow. This might actually call for a Pokémon battle; a real Pokémon battle.
With C.B. enforcing League rules like “no actually eating the other guy’s Pokémon,” of course. And there’s no stakes, just, you know, practicing and training and all that.
And mac n’ cheese for erryone when it’s done. (CB needs the time bought by the battle to cook enough mac n’ cheese for Mr. Fish.)
I don’t think CB is going to let Mr. Fish, a horrendously destructive force of nature, battle his guests, even if he was interested in referee-ing a Pokemon match.
I dunno, I never figured he was into Pokemon but then again he did like Pokemon Go.
Jared and Mr. Fish are the ones who made Pokémon battles sound like something he’d actually watch.
Of course, while enforcing the Leauge’s rules does reduce the fun somewhat, it also ensures everybody goes home to train another day, instead of winding up digging through the tall grass outside Pallet Town for a particularly buff Pidgey or Ratata with which to restart one’s trainer career.
But hey, he should be used to that kind of thing. I mean, training with live ammo is good for learnin’ to shoot, and training against your comrades in action scenarios is good for learnin’ to tactically operate like a tactical operator, but live-fire training against your comrades is a really bad idea.
Don’t forget about Big Sister Plumeria. A lovely friend.
Was anyone else annoyed at the fact that the Punk Girl/Punk Guy trainers look so much like Team Skull Grunts?
That’s what they’re supposed to be.
I can’t even begin to tell you the number of times I’ve wondered “Why in the world is there a Team Skull grunt just standing here?” only to realize upon battling them that they’re just a regular punk as opposed to a gang-affiliated one.
I’m the only who is annoyed by the fact that we never see Guzma and Nanu at the same but somehow they manage to appear shortly after you talk with any of them except well before entering to the UB’s dimension.
I have this theory that Guzma is actually Nanu’s kid.. it’s kinda hard to tell Guzma’s age from his character design, but I figure he’s in his late 20s/early 30s and Nanu is probably in his mid- to late-50s, so yeah… around the right age, the same hair color (because, as we all know from the storyline, whenever characters show up with the same hair color, they clearly must be related…*cough*dysfunctional platinum blond family*cough*), and I feel like a lot of Nanu’s apathy could be explained by a strained relationship with his son and feelings that he failed as a parent.
Actually, Guzma’s dad is on Route 2. There’s a house there, with a bedroom full of second and third place trophies and a bag full of bent up golf clubs. Talking to the old man there, he says that he wanted to “set that boy straight, but I was the one that get beat instead.” There’s enough evidence between what Guzma says and what’s in the house to put two and two together.
So does he mean “I Sorta raised you” better than this. or is it “I Sorta raised you better than this”
I cant tell if the implication is that the commander did not really raise him but for when he did raise him, it was better than this. Or if its that while he was raising him up recently he raised him to be sorta better than this but not really or at least not by much.
Jared’s not his kid, he only sort-of-raised him by being a positive role model in his recent life.
Jared’s looking pretty badass in that last panel. I’m getting Shinjiro from Persona 3 vibes.
Dude needs a mauve coat to go with that beanie, is what I’m saying.
I actually really love this comic! Just discovered it and read through it all twice!
Jared sees a bunch of pokemon-terrorists grunts, and what he do? Gets jealous of Commander. Classic Jared.
Team Skull is mainly just a group of gang banger losers who pick on little kids and resort to petty theft. No one takes them seriously.
I love how Mr. Fish shows up whenever Jared may be in trouble. The bond they share is beautiful.
I think they should call Nanu to come collect Jared.
Another naysaying chair falls victim to Jared’s rage.
I want to see Jared tame the Ultra beasts by accident
Oh my God, Jared went psycho-Nobita! Everybody run!
I viewed Team Skull so much differently after I worked out Guzma probably used to be abused by his dad until he fought back and ran away from home, was always runner up in everything (loads of bronze trophies and one silver in his room, no gold) and got rejected from being a captain. No wonder he wanted to make his own family, accepting other runaway kids and giving them a home, and was drawn to someone who actually recognised his strength.