Wait until they bring out the modena pigeons
November 17, 2014
12:53 am
Honestly I was strapped for ideas this week so have a fattest pigeon comic c/o the talk of pigeon ruffles we had on tumblr earlier.
Honestly I was strapped for ideas this week so have a fattest pigeon comic c/o the talk of pigeon ruffles we had on tumblr earlier.
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Coelasquid, are you getting Dragon Age Inquisition at all since it’s coming out this next week?
Me and my boyfriend are waiting to see if we can get a Black Friday deal on a PS4 before we buy it.
While normally I would never, ever promote anything Walmart-related, Walmart.com has a PS4 and a choice of any two games for $450, so that’s pretty good. You could grab Dragon Age and…I dunno…Far Cry or WWE or something with it.
Destiny? Last of Us Remastered? Infamous Second Son? Killzone? Why did you stop at WWE?
Well, to be fair, Infamous would probably be a really bad choice to get with that package unless there are absolutely no other games you want for PS4, since a bunch of places (I think even Walmart itself) are going to be selling it for $20-$30 on Black Friday. Killzone, too.
I have read on your tumblr that you have the wings of your pigeons clipped, does this mean permanent as in amputating part of the wing bones, or just cutting the feathers so they don´t fly away?
In the area where I live, clipped wings would mean instant death if they ever got out of the house and couldn´t fly properly.
Too many cats and birds of prey around…and not so nice people who dislike pets.
Oh and if both of your pigeons are guys, no worry…that is totally fine in pigeon terms.
My two guys even have made a nest and sit on no-hatchy eggs.(the bigger, more docile and less loud one is the one who takes on the more womanely duties)
And if I get orphaned squabs they adopt them…the two guys are fabolous parents.
Clipping a bird’s wings is just trimming the flight feathers shorter on the wing so that the bird can’t fly as far. They grow back.
Usually clipping is referring to the undercoat of feathers of one wing, we do it on our chickens, it keeps them looking pretty whilst stopping them being able to fly over fences or across yards and whatnot
Clipping wings is temporary – cutting the feathers necessary for flight. It means that the bird has less potential to get into trouble/cause property damage.
Unclipped birds sometimes hurt themselves flying into windows. Mine even got into a washing machine once and couldn’t get out. He didn’t get washed, thank god, but he did have several unhappy hours of birdy jail.
And yeah, letting birds outdoors without a cage unsupervised is a bad idea. Even for unclipped birds cats can become an issue.
Pigeons be all “Gender… roles? Nah, son, we dun’ swing that way. Nah.”
Yes, pigeons are cool that way. Love and family, that is important. Gender roles, not so much
Two of my guys are very vocal, the biggest one(the third and monogamous one) is very quite and has a rough bark like wooing sound and is not walking after his intended, but hopping after him, *woofing* and than makes a light bow until his mate starts the beak-kisses.
It is very interesting to see how different they are with their behaviour and personalities.
Wing Clipping just cuts the feathers. If done improperly it can cause pain, mostly if you cut a blood feather (a feather that is still developing). But otherwise the clipping is totally painless and the clipped feathers will fall out and regrow with the next molt. Some wing clippings can be done to limit, but not totally remove, a bird’s ability to fly.
There is something called Pinioning, which removes the pinion joints of a bird’s wings and prevents new feathers from growing. Pinioning is illegal or heavily restricted in most countries.
More information about Wing Clipping here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wing_clipping
*clipping* is all too often loosely used.
In austria and germany that may be prohibited, but in america you can also debark your dog, as in cutting the cords of the voice box to silence the dog and prevent problems with the neighbors, and declaw cats.
Declawing also means amputating the first bone of the toe where the claw grows from, so the claws don´t ever grow back.
Elsewhere it is seen as animal abuse but in america declawing is done by nearly all vets. It is big business.
And pet bird breeders often either amputate the first wing bone by themselves, or go to the vet for it because many people prefer birds who are unable to fly away.
But especially with parrots that leads to lung problems because birds need the flight exercise for their lungs to work properly.
And parrots are extremly vulnerable for those diseases.
Certain pigeon breeds with short beaks are also prone to lung diseases like the african owl.
Uh, pinioning is super rare and banned in several countries, when people talk about clipping wings they almost unilaterally mean impermanently clipping the flight feathers. I’ve personally never heard anyone refer to pinioning as “clipping” and I’ve never spoken to a breeder who pinioned pet birds (it still seems to be common with farmers and zoo birds like peacocks and flamingos).
Kinda dangerous to tell people clipping wings can kill their birds considering a)fully flighted birds who aren’t kept by someone experienced and knowledgeable in the field of raising flighted birds can live in a dangerous home situation and be easily hurt b) clipped birds can still flutter and get exercise just fine, my lovebird was clipped his whole life and he lived to be 14, two years older than the “8-12 year” lifespan we were told to expect. The pigeons spend their time out of the cage fluttering up from floor to chair to table and climbing up and down crates and boxes, they get plenty of opportunities for flapping and jumping and c) Some birds get really feral and aggressive when they’re flighted, if we go too long without clipping the pigeons they get extremely territorial and sometimes fight until they draw blood, but that aggression immediately evaporates when we clip their wings and they go back to being cuddly friends and minding each others’ “nests”. We were just saying today that clipping must be the bird version of being neutered or something because they went from needing to be constantly supervised and pulled apart every five minutes to being totally chill and sitting in their baskets peacefully as soon as we trimmed their feathers.
Yes, it is common with people who keep bigger birds….cranes, flamingoes and so on to permanently *clip* the wings and the people say clipping because they know if they told the people that their birds had undergone pinioning they would get problems.
It is nice to know that in your area this is not done and only the feathers are clipped.
I have seen the *darker* side of pet bird breeding.
But for now, especially in germany wing clipping is nearly never done with pet birds.
Be it lobvebirds, parakets, doves, pigeons… 14 is a good age for a lovebird, in germany the life span is said to be around 10-15 years
I guess that differs from country to country what is told to the people about clipping and birds. No one here would say you had to be an expert to keep unclipped birds.
In turn they will tell you that you have to be an expert if you want to keep bigger birds, or more delicate birds, not because of them being able to fly, but how to keep them happy and healthy.
Some people even fly-walk their parrots outside with a harness, called an aviator.
But most people who keep big parrots do keep them in an aviary or a special furnitured bird room, an indoor aviary.
Enough room to fly and less danger for the birds and your property.
Parrots are very bad for furniture…and books..and plants.
Birds still can get exercise with clipped wings, but for certain birds this exercise is not enough to properly ventilate the lung and air sacks in the body.
Every vet in the german speaking area would tell people to not clip the wings(for a short time yes, but not for molt after molt) of certain species of parrots or certain pigeon breeds because with less wing area, the bird have less resistance when using their wings and less training for their wing muscles.
Just like in a fitness studio working on the machines, less weight to pull and in the case of the birds less air to work against.
It doesn´t kill the bird per se, it makes them more prone to lung diseases because the same muscles that ventilate the lung, are moving the wings.
And swifts…swifts are a pain in the butt and especially prone to lung problems when they have damaged wings and need to get shifted or kept under human care until the feathers regrow.
They fly their whole life. They sleep, eat, drink, bath and mate during flight and when they can´t fly they easily catch aspergillosis.
The only time they don´t fly is when they sit on their nest or land to feed the chicks.
But swifts are not a pet bird species, so those things are less known.
Swifts are just a very extreme example how important the ability to fly is for specialised birds.
Birds who depend less on flight like chickens have the least problems with aspergillosis.
I have read that you have two males, so the fights are pretty normal behaviour when unclipped. Just like male dogs checking out who is more dominant.
Normally the fights should stop after some time. I guess I was lucky that my pigeons went into a threesome relationship. Without a female to ease the tension the male, hetero pigeons might go on fighting.
Clipping the wings of agressive, territorial birds really does keep them more docile. It works in most cases.
It is similiar to what happens with a roosters comb/tail…a bigger comb makes for a more agressive bird, a small comb is found on a more docile bird and if you put a fake big comb on a rooster with a small comb, the other birds will fear him and he gets a mental power boost.
If you cut off the comb(or also the tail feathers) the other chicken fear the rooster less and the rooster will keep to himself because he doesn´t understand why the others show him less respect.
Pigeons also use their wings to impress each other and when they have clipped wings they have a hard time chasing their rivals and make those air maneuvres.
So they get a bit insecure, they are not the powerfull airborne flight and fight machines they thought themselves to be and they need someone to cuddle and feel save.
I dunno how it is with pigeons, but you absolutely have to clip the wing feathers (not the bone/structure) of cockatiels and such… my friend kept 2 of them for over 10 years and they were very adorable, but when she developed allergies, she had to give them to her mother to keep, and her mother apparently thought it was mean or maybe unnecessary to clip their wings (even though my friend repeatedly asked her to do it) and after a year or so one of them flew full-speed into a wall in the house and broke its neck. :( It’s sad, but you’re really not planning to let them free outside ever, so it’s necessary because of the restricted space inside of homes/apartments. If you have the space for an indoor aviary or something it might be different.
Wait. The person making this comic that shows the epitome of manliness and what, those of us with litres of testosterone, have to deal with, is a woman? My life is a lie.
She is, though it’s interesting how you skipped out entirely on the “gay male” assumption.
It makes sense, though, doesn’t it? The one male Gerudo born every hundred years is destined to be the leader of the all-female Gerudos, meanwhile Coelasquid was born to be the true leader of the world’s macho men.
And I’m still trying to clear space for a new PC so I can dive back into Thedas and see what aftermaths follow my ol’ Wardens’ decisions…
Your username is what I named my fictional Mastiff in Dragon Age 1.
Ironically that would’ve been the best idea anyway. Fattest Pigeon deserves your respect, people!
Well, Jared already DID find the fattest pigeon around, way back in the archives somewhere. It wouldn’t surprised me much to find out that he could’ve kept it & kept it well-fed all this time.
I’m more impressed on how he keep that pigeon ALIVE while living near mr.Fish…
Especially since Mr. Fish has been banned from the Poke-Park for his eating habits…
Well…Jared already had to get his pigeon friend away from Mister Fishy once where they played and I guess Mr Fishy got the impression that the Master Pigeon was not friends but food.
Luckily pigeons are tough guys.
omg! fattest pigeon! :D
It does exist! ^_^ It’s so fluffy, too!
This reminds me of an episode from BBC show Mongrels where Kali (pigeon) gets fat.
I think the fat pigeons are the ones meant for eating.
Nope, the fat pigeons are for cuddling, just like pandas, teddy bears, mini-pigs, guinea pigs…
Ooooh Modena pigeons..and King pigeons..and especially those cuddly wuddly Hubble pigeons…hubble..doesn´t that sound cuddly?
Random piece of Trivia: Incas relied on guinea pigs as a source of meat. So… ya know…
Yep, I know..also every country had times where they ate or are still eating cats and dogs…horses..crickets, frogs, spiders…
Humans have a habit of eating everything, even each other.
Okay, suddenly I hope the fattest pigeon becomes cannon
*canon. I kan spel, onnest
Pigeon cannon… Oh my, that will be a Gore-Fest messy… ^^;;
Is the pigeon cannon anything like the chicken cannon?
An Air Farce reference, perhaps?
I have a rooster slingshot toy that crows when it’s slung across a room. The tag states it can soar through the air up to 20 feet. No room in my apartment is big enough and the hallway is too cluttered to make it. Someday I’m going to have to try it outdoors to see. :D
Pic, please ^_^ Too bad there’s no toys like that in Indonesia… ^^;;
Do it. Film it if you must.
I mean, who doesn’t want to see a rooster go flying 20ft in the air?
The fattest pigeon has been canon; that’s why it keeps showing up.
I constantly look for fat pigeons and see if I can find the fattest one. I did find one chunker but I have yet to see a gloriously fat pigeon :(
Behold…the cuddly, purring, fat pigeon!
Hugo Hernandez!
Hugo is also pansexual and has a foot fetish and tries to sexually impress them with his twirly fat pigeon dance
I read this page, then for shits and giggles I hit the random button. It immediately took me to the page that had the first appearance of ‘The Fattest Pidgeon’. Sometimes, the universe just works out.
You must be using the Infinite Improbability random button.
I hope he’s not fresh off the spaceship Heart of Gold…He might still be dragging around some of its improbability field with him.
Fattest, rufflest pigeon is best pigeon.
pigeon pageants exploit young, fat pigeons and overly sexualizes them. jared should be ashamed.
I like the Commander with beard. It is very much like my own beard, only in blond.
Then you are fortunate indeed.
I don’t let my beard get that full…Due to my age, it’d be all white & gray.
You should wear that as a mark of pride.
I shave only occasionally anyway, I just don’t let my beard get that *full*as what the Cmdr. is wearing now.
The primary reason I don’t shave often is because aged, gray hair is a lot tougher & time-consuming to shave…If I shaved every day, I’d be replacing my razor about every 3 days because it dulls that quickly.
The obvious answer is to bring Mr Fish to the contest. If The Fattest Pigeon just happens to be the only entrant…
The biggest pigeon will always be the least-digested pigeon. That’s Laws of Physics & Biology right there.
Pfffffthaaahahaa! The pigeon! It’s so huge! I think we saw him a while ago….i need to re-read the comics again.
I’m hoping it turns out he drags it to a “Fattest Pidgey” pageant not knowing it was a Pokemon pageant.
… I hope that Fattest Pidgeon gets a hilarious pokemon move, because Jared has magical trainer powers.
Belzy? Coocy?
I actually thought of Hatoful Boyfriend when I saw this comic strip. Coo!
Just WHAT exactly is Jared feeding that thing?
Also Looks like the Commander’s doing Noshavember this year. :)
I have decided that Jared is too. You just can’t tell because “stubble” is his maximum beardiness.
And what authority is that, Commander Badass?
I never got that fancy pigeon events… But this fattest, fanciest pigeon thing just sounds all kinds of awesome.
Coelasquid, I still want a Fattest Pigeon plush. And now I want a ruff for it too. ♥
Have to wonder what the other awards are? Best plumage, most diarrhea, sexiest coo….
Took me all this time to figure out commander is doing no-shave november, right on!
sweet the fattest pigeon is now officially his 2nd Pokémon because it came back to the comic
Is it my imagination, or has the pigeon gotten even fatter?
Fattest Pigeon 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pigeon of fatness is back.
Needs to be a regular character.
Fattest pigeon deserves those accolades! Don’t let anyone hold you down F.P. not even the Commander.
He has a ruff and a crown! Such a fancy, fat pigeon! A ruff! And a crown! So! Fancy!
Now I know what Fat Pidgeon reminds me of: it’s the Godpidgeon! From Goodfeathers.
I do feel kind of bad for Jared. This is the sort of “contests” he’s used to from Kanto and then Rock Lobster has to go and challenge that sense of normalcy for him. … He is from Kanto, right? I mean with Prof. Oak it’s kind of difficult to tell sometimes.
Well if On the Water Front taught me anything, it is that pigeon rearing is part of the Bran-Dao, so I think Jared is on the right path.
Bearded Commander is still SO HOT OMG TYVM. <3
And the comic is funny, too, but WOOF. <3
For some reason, I feel compelled to post this:
What is that thing Commander is pouring water into?
A coffee machine? I mean, really? You couldn’t tell?
I guess the red threw me off.
I thought he was putting coffee in a giant square mug. I didnt notice it was water in the jar.
Om my god I laughed so hard at the Fattest Pigeon! Jared’s super villain last panel was just what I needed to pick up my day!
That settles it, Jared needs to get a pidgey Pokemon, he deserves it and it makes a great first capture!
There’s an incredibly fluffy and rotund pigeon that sits on the clothesline outside my apartment. It was dubbed by me in reference to MGDMT so my father will tell me “The fattest pigeon is back again!”
YES, FATTEST PIGEON RETURNS! Oh, how I waited for this day…
Am I the only who thought about Hatoful Boyfriend here?
Made me google “fancy pidgeon contest.” Well done =P
Click my link for pics of the Nicobar Pigeon – it is the fanciest pigeon around (sorry Jared).
Obviously this comic was a couple of weeks ago but if you need any inspiration, I was wiki-walking and found this: http://youtu.be/uZd-QIbolZ8
Of course, I immediately thought of you.
Anytime you wanna do a fattest pigeon comic I am 100% okay with it.
I just wanna know who Rock is in contact with that decides these things. How would he even get into that sorta situation where he meets someone like that?