We all peacock in our own way
February 7, 2011
12:00 am
It’s really hard to make his nose look more broken than it already does.
It’s really hard to make his nose look more broken than it already does.
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HA! So he’s just showing off for her. That’s kind of adorable.
Either that or beating himself up over the slip he made earlier in the conversation. Also kind of adorable. ~X3
That’s kinda what I was figuring. He can’t go back and pre-empt the comment, because that will create a paradox, but he can totally punish himself for it.
or maybe he just wanted his coffee, I know if I came back in time, beat myself up and took my coffee, i would go back in time to get me some coffee.
Or, maybe he was about to say something REALLY stupid, and/or do something really stupid, like spill his coffee all over her. The only way to prevent that would be to go back in time, beat his mouth shut, and drink the coffee before in could be spilled. Date saved.
I’m convinced that time travel works like harry potter and he went back in time because he was attacked by future!Badass and wanted his coffee back.
…which means that if he hadn’t been attacked (attacked himself?)… he would have never gone back in time, and he could have saved himself, like, 2 minutes?
so…i wanna know wut made him lose his coffee in the first place to create the time paradox of him traveling in time to beat his own ass to get coffe and having it do that for unspecified amount of time streams….but i found it very hilarious…and i heard u work on Ugly Americans…then i say thank u for this comic and wutever u do for the show cuz i just fucking love that show….
Ahahah, I’m actually working on a different show now but thanks, I really had a good time working on that one.
ur working on a different one? aww..oh well…i guess that’s the life of an animator if u think about it….wuts the new one ur working on? (pardon my bad spelling…sometimes im too lazy to spell simple ass words…even though i use correct punctuation)
pay attention to the 7-9 panels. He goes back in time, beaks himself up, steals his own coffee, then goes back to where he started, and time duplicate Commander-Badass, now goes back in time to fight himself (on the winning side this time) and steal his own Coffee.
Noobsauce was right… and I’m more than a little disappointed that there could ever even be any confusion about it. He went back in time to beat himself up in retaliation for … the act of going back in time and beating himself up.
Or to put it another way… he did it because he had already done it, and thus it had to be done… or else it would cause a paradox… and…. I’m starting to think in terms of Homestuck temporal mechanics.
Anyway… there was absolutely no external cause nor purpose to it. The act was self-fulfilling.
Haha, that’d be awesome too. Most people in life just wish they could take back a statement…but not him, he goes back in the past and punishes himself for it!
I love it.
So Awesome! I wanna go back in time to pick fights w/ myself!
Maybe it was just really good coffee.
Nah, it’s probably Starbucks.
Their smoothies seem okay, at least.
eh, not bad, not great either…usually easier to just go to the smoothie joint further into campus
Hey there are other cafes, like Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.
Yah, but the title about ‘peacock’ makes me assume he’s showing off.
he’s going to go back in time to vent frustration on his former self!
Kinda like how I intend to build a time machine to go back in time to kidnap myself before the actual kidnapper (who I never identified) grabbed me as a child! I’m not going to reveal myself to former me though, time paradoxes are scary!
Happens every time I go to Starbucks.
What’re YEW laughin’ at?!
aw man i was expecting a “Shoot the commander!” “But which one is the real commander?” but this is just as awesome.
Holy shit, if you are that bitter about this comic just take a break for a week, seriously.
If I’m not even allowed to be bitter about people barraging me with angry letters all weekend I give up. fuckit. I’m just going to go cry and salvage a couple hours of sleep.
Ignore ’em.
Not sure what’s wrong, but know that there are people out there that really enjoy your work and hope you can continue it. My friends and I can’t wait for the update when it comes out, and get a real kick out your humor and art style. Remember that the people who scream and shout are a small minority in most situations, and the larger group that simply appreciates your work often does not take the time to tell you so. So, thank you. Hope you feel better soon.
The comment on the post was just saying next week is going to be the last week of this arc and after that I’ll go back to drawing things that people won’t send me angry emails about, and when one of the first comments was scolding me for that I figured I should change it before I woke up new another avalanche of people sending me angry letters. This is becoming a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t scenario, and this week has gotten off to a particularly frustrating start.
I don’t need people handing out asspats and telling me I’m great, I’m not fond of the whole circlejerk mentality, I just wish people didn’t have to complain at every corner that I’m not drawing original characters or drawing too many original characters or not drawing enough gyarados or making references to games they don’t know or putting ads on the site or not drawing nice enough that week or whatever.
But… I just got my new asspat glove…
I’ll just return this Sam’s Club ky then too…
keep that. you never know when an emergency situation will call for lubrication.
I rofled.
I’m a musician. I get those angry emails too. They’re always annoyed, always hyper-critical, and are always from uninformed morons who simply don’t play instruments, who have no arranging skills or harmonic knowledge, yet believe they’re the only ones who can help you fix what is ‘wrong’ with your music.
The unique combination of furious anger and rampant stupidity on display is hard to put into words, so I made one up: “Indignorant”. Learn to filter out indignorant comments from the uninformed, and only pay attention to those from mentors or peers you know you respect
And sorry, I’m going to throw in a big asspat here, as to why this is the best webcomic I’ve ever seen:
– Firstly, you can actually draw. It mind seem obvious to point it out, but it’s not a prerequisite to have a popular webcomic.
– Your characters have active lives, and you show this through the staging each week. It makes the characters realistic, and grounds them in the world. They don’t just exist in front of a couch, commenting about video games.
– Your characters are *acting*. Even when the humour is dialogue-based, your characters are cleaning guns, flipping through magazines, sipping coffee, walk-and-talk. They’re not standing there, staring into space, waiting to say their line.
– Your facial expressions are unique and funny. You take the time to make their faces act as well. ‘Family Guy’ doesn’t do this. Most modern CGI movies don’t don’t this beyond the ‘attitude’ smirk. The Warner Brothers cartoons *did* do this, which made them entertaining. Ditto ‘Calvin and Hobbes’, or ‘Ren and Stimpy’.
– Your original characters aren’t stereotypes, and aren’t Mary Sues, and actually develop over time. The Commander is patient and well-grounded, considering his job. His relationship with Jared could have been a one-dimensional masculinity vs. nerd riff, but he obviously has a fatherly affection towards him, and despite their differing outlooks, doesn’t seem to be trying to mould him into a mini-Commander.
Jonesy isn’t a ‘pretty mouthpiece’ or ‘token female’. She’s not the standard mother substitute / figure of disapproval clucking her tongues over the Boy’s outlandish behaviour you see in almost every webcomeic. She’s a sense of curiousity; seems a bit of a Tomboy and fits in easily with the guys – which is why i suspect the Commander is only just registering that “Yes, she is female”; and has a very relaxed, easy-going disposition despite the extreme behaviour going on around her. She’s not going to sprain her ankle and helplessly wait to be saved. She’s basically Doctor Who Companion material. Thank you for this.
– Your original characters can stand alone, without the video game characters.
– You’re funny. See my first point.
AGREED!!! Sorry, dat ass too nice not tah pat.
I second this, thanks for putting it in nice words for all of us.
I don’t care if Coelasquid doesn’t want some collective ass-patting. I’m throwing my two-cents in too.
While I haven’t seen these emails that put you in a bad mood, I can say quite honestly that I don’t come here every Monday to see what video game character has been thrown into the comic. I come here because this is a damn good comic, and I want to see what adventures [i]The Commander and Jared[/i] are having, not because “gay chicken” is being screamed by two well known faces from other media I enjoyed. Now, I admit, that is what drew me to this comic initially, as a friend of mine stumbled on the “pokepark” strip and shared it with me, but that’s not why I come here every week.
Let me just finish by saying that even though it’s very popular, and frequently funny when I get linked, I don’t read Penny Arcade because it just hasn’t ever hooked me. So yes, you beat PA because you draw me back here every week. I can’t be bothered to follow PA since it never hooked me.
Your story is my story, except with the Big Daddy at daycare. This thing is great and I’ve seen it evolve more than I could have hoped or predicted; I say have an asspat, take the rest, and try to feel better.
Almost — Commander runs a daycare for Big Daddies.
In my opinion, those who send angry emails about online comics deserve to be fed to the trolls.this story arc is awesome! be defiant of those über (yes that is the true spelling of the German word for super) morons. they have done nothing that deserves you capitulating to their demands! Of course.\, that is if you want to. I have no opinion on continuing the story arc one way or the other
“Indignorant” That, is a $1,000,000 word. I demand it be added to Websters right now.
Fourthed. (we shall declare that a word for the sake of this conversation.)
I love this comic. Heartfully and soulfully, also substancefully and totally.
“Your facial expressions are unique and funny. Most modern CGI movies don’t do this beyond the ‘attitude’ smirk.”
I think you just discovered the reason people are obsessing over My Little Pony. The CGI animations, they’re so smooth and mesmerizing… @_@
You got the most inappropriate, yet clever answers for everything.
I think I love you, man.
Vorked….that was awesome. I lol’d. FTW
Nothing to say that hasn’t been said already so I’ll simply reiterate some of the other comments. You do a great job, whether or not you needed to hear (read) it here. And like what Legowombat said, you can’t please everyone.
Don’t let this be “work” on you, it should be enjoyable. If it isn’t enjoyable right now take a breather, we’ll be here when you get back.
Also, I like what you are doing with this weeks arc. I’ve been waiting to see the commander in a fight and I am not disappointed in the least.
They have no right to bitch at you for YOUR comic. XD I bet they can’t even draw for most part! I love your art and comic. I’m even showing my army friend this. He reminds of your commander in a way besides the haircut. I think he will like this comic.
Question though? Has your commander ever ridden in a tank and ran someone over it? My army friend Chris, told me his dumb friends ran over a sleeping guy on accident. Luckily it was a small tank and the guy lived, only his pelvis squished looking like used up toothpaste.
People are free to have opinions, you don’t need to draw to know what you like to look at just like you don’t need to write music to know what songs you like to listen to or direct film to know what movies you like to watch. I would just prefer people come to me with their problems before they start making threats on Reddit or wherever, that doesn’t help solve anything. If Vorked has written something on the site and I haven’t responded to any comments or answered any emails about it, chances are I haven’t seen it yet.
Yes opinions but just plain bitching at you. Shouting nonsense, making no sense is not an opinion. It’s ignorance not shutting up. Something like “Commander guy looks gay! He’s such a wuss! Blah blah blah!” That is not an opinion. That is some immature dumbass. It’s called hate mail for a reason and most of it is full of BS that don’t make sense to any average person. Ignoring them works. It just sounds like they want you to update more since they are paying attention and reading the comic, they “claim” to hate. Take a break if need be, I think your comic is grand :)
Entitlement issues? I blame the internet. We really shouldn’t complain about stuff we get for free… except diseases…
Doesn’t that come with the job as a webcomic writer? You’ll always get haters no matter what you do…. I like to think that the better the comic the more haters one would receive, due to well drawn art, good script, or just many fans in general.
In a way, this is like high school bullies who just mock your art and spit out profanity that make no sense at it…
It’s your story, people have no right to complain about where it’s going. If they want to give some feedback, that’s good, but hell, spamming and mocking it is a bit to much > >
I don’t really care about people complaining about where the story is going, they’re free to read what they want. I have just had my fill of entitled bitching this week, and figured I would beat the people to the chase before they start piling angry “why is there no gyarados this week” and “I thought this was supposed to be a game comic” letters on top of all the “you’re a bitch for having ads and I’m going to host your comics somewhere else without crediting you” I’ve already waded through. All that negativity kinda piles up on you, yanno. Kind of makes it not seem worth it.
I’m just surprised that people would really spend time to complain about something ads and no gyarados. But you’re entitled to bitch for a long time… plus maybe a killing spree :’D
Either way, great strip you put out, and I’m surprised that he didn’t lose a tooth during the battle against himself!
Also, where does it say that this is a game comic?
The internet just sucks sometimes. As a blog that gets more attention then I want, and I have to deal with people who have said they’d kill me because I didn’t like a book by a particular author. The internet isn’t a blank check to say what you want.
But there does come a time where you need to step back, take a break, try not to piss off people for awhile, and pray it works.
And if it means anything, before I had to leave, the only thing I had on my door at college was one of your comics. I liked it that much.
Yeah, I had some guy once complaining on Reddit about how I deserved to die a horrible painful death for some Metwo picture I drew once or something and I guess was trying to solicit someone to draw a picture of a metwo killing me? I dunno, takes all kinds.
I appreciate it, tho’.
You could always do what Scott of VGCats does and make your hate-mailers into characters in his strips, only to have them maimed or sodomized off-screen.
Ngyeh, that’s not my style.
….That is one of the most bizarre stories I’ve ever heard. What does this guy have against mewtwo pictures?
It was a picture of Giovanni punching a Mewtwo and I guess he takes any images that show Mewtwo in a less-than-positive light as a personal insult against himself.
Well I doubt Mewtwo wouldn’t fight back. I just imagined it as a Peter Griffin chicken fight type of thing. What were they fighting over btw? My assumption is spaghetti because you don’t mess with the spaghetti of a guy named Giovanni.
We had the brilliant idea for me to reverse the characters in the thing and get all the moneys.
Thanks Coelasquid – now I can’t be sure if I am paying you a legitimate compliment, or an asspat. o.O
That said, today’s comic cracked me up. The transition from panel 7 to 8 is a thing of beauty/ugly. (Boogly!) The Commander, relieved that his stupid fucking ordeal (which was caused by his own stupid fucking self) is over, can finally pour that coffee down into his wounded mouth. So worth it!
I guess your perception of the events was a little different at the time this was all going down. But wouldn’t it be cool to have a picture of Mewtwo killing you? Wouldn’t you be curious as to what another artist would come up with?
If it were me, and (this is a big if) assuming that I wasn’t too upset by the crazy person, I might want to get the piece framed. Think of the conversations!
“Uh, what’s that on your wall?”
“Oh, it’s a pokemon bio-engineered to be a mindless weapon. He’s killing me. What should I get for lunch?”
… Okay, what? Why does anonymity and facelessness result in diminished inhibitions and restraint? …Er… Never mind…
you left out the audience part of the equation
I’d just like to say my friends and i in Ireland absolutely love your comic. We studying to be animators/game designers and we all love this website. Pls Pls Pls don’t freak out so much. We have to live with the crazy people. i suppose the problem here is ur super awesome so every1 can actually get their crazy at you. if it helps i tried to tab tetragrammaton by the mars volta by listening to it one time and the only person in the room who couldn’t play any instruments told me i got it wrong and i’m tone deaf. i usually fix it by breaking stuff
Umm…. How about this?
It’s YOUR comic. Do what you want. Keep doing it. For yourself or for those who like it.
As for those who over-analyze shit… Bitch or complain about art, storyline, etc… FUCK THEM. This shit ain’t customer service. You don’t owe them SHIT.
Oh. And this shit was fucking hilarious. LOL
I’m really sad to hear you’re getting these crazy, angry comments and mails…but it happens to anyone who gets any kind of publicity. Some people simply feel they are entitled to make requests about how someone ELSE does their things and then get mad if things don’t go their way. I’ve never understood such mentality, and there’s really nothing you can do about it except to learn to ignore it all.
That said, I haven’t written a single comment here before, this is my first one. I often don’t make a single peep about things I enjoy, I just let things roll on their own weight and enjoy the show. I just felt that it might be a good idea to pop in and do a “Me too” here: I really enjoy this comic and I want to see more. What, how and when on the other hand is all up to you, seeing what you come up with next is all part of the charm!
Long-time reader, first time poster. Despite the animosity you hold towards ass-patting and circle-jerking (which some may say you take an unfairly harsh view of) I’m posting to say that I love you and your comic, and I want you to keep doing comics of WHATEVER YOU WANT. You’re the one who knows if it’ll turn out awesome anyway. Screw the haters. And a Commander Badass story arc sounds excellent.
And apologies for the stream of consciousness rant.
When you get a comment, if it starts looking complainy, stop reading it.
If you get an e-mail and it starts looking complainy, delete it.
There will always be arseholes who think that their way is better than yours or that you’re doing everything wrong.
There’s no way to avoid them if you put your work into the public eye.
All you can really do is ignore them because as long as you’re putting your work out there they will be dicks about it.
Haters gonna hate. Commanders gonna comand. F*ck em, do your thing.
Also ban me from commenting for linking to another webcomic if you must, but I think this may make you smile.
I wouldn’t get mad at people for anything like that, I like reading other comics.
piss on people?
Don’t worry about them.
This is your comic. You decide what you put. And if they don’t like it, tough luck. Nobody is forcing them.
Here, have a cheery up music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiLNN1NhQ
I like this comic. People who find things, like them, and then complain about them and the people that create them, need to go away and fuck themselves. Fact.
sorry to hear about that. I guess people feel entitled to what they want when they want it, forgetting that you are human, and that a weekly comic (colored, no less) is work.
I love your comic, but if you need a break, take one.
Go ahead and be bitter, angry, furious, frustrated or what have you. Get it out of your system and take a deep breath.
Man, that sucks, don’t let the haters get to you. It’s not even personal, they don’t care, haters just gonna hate.
taters just gonna tate and maters just gonna mate
and raters are going to rate and caters are going to… cater…er? Now I’m just trying too hard.
It’d be better if some of them taters just totted instead of tatted…uh, sounded better in my head.
Coela, your comic is probably my favourite one out there, and all my friends agree. Keep up the good work, and ignore the haters.
*hugs* I find the amount of drama going on over this over the last two days is insane. You and Vorked work too hard to deal with shit like this. My suggestion: stop reading the hate mail and look at all the supporters you have. The more you feed the trolls, the more they multiply. This is your baby, and you are free to do what you want with it. Also, a bubblebath with a glass of wine (or hot chocolate) is also a good alternative.
And self-precipitating events are damned hilarious.
I honestly didn’t mean it like that, sorry. I was more referring to the fact you’ve been constantly mentioning on the internets that you have almost no free time and run on 4 hours of sleep a day and if people can’t stop being entitled weenies about the comic you should tell them to cram it and go take a break for a bit. I’ve met people who worked on similar schedules for a while and they’re still on medication for the various health issues they picked up, and it bums me out when you mention everything else you have to deal with and have to tell people for the 20th time that you can’t just pull t-shirts out of your butt, yet you’re still harassed by the weenies. Soo… yeah.
I’m happy my comment inspired people to encourage you though!
hey shut up she isnt bitter just wanted to let us know what was going on and shes obviously very tired
Let them talk her up. We all need to know we’re appreciated for our work from time to time. Especially since there’s so many ungrateful bastards out there.
I for one appreciate your work and look forward ever Monday to your comic Coelasquid, thank you.
Uhh… Wow. It looks like it’s all been said already, but i think i wanna say a little bit here :)
I’ve been reading MGDMT since episode 2 (No kidding), and I love it. People should only criticize what they can do better, and even then it should be constructive. Squiddy, keep up the bloody comic and shoot those who oppose you! DAMN SPACE COMMIES ARE GOING DOWN! >.<
Holy Continuity, Batman!
I didn’t know who to cheer for :(
Silly, you root for Commander Badass.
warning! contains profanity, may be offensive to some people.
Hah. Whoever made this has way too much time on their hands.
Going to have to take a step out and say some of this is retarded. The point where he reaches out and begins to criticize companies for using the word epic. So now one can use it? It automatically means companies are trying to be hip? That is pure BULLSHIT.
Epic Mickey is titled that for a reason. You are emersed in an inked, very large, very strange world, which is where the title epic comes in. Its a saga of Mickey trying to fix shit.
Same with the Samsung Epic, they used the word Epic to describe the incredible amount of shit you can do with that phone. Its a Droid phone, it can do more than anyone thinks, trust me about that one.
Best respect your Elders, Vorked, Maddox is straight-up web 1.0.
And fuck Samsung. Calling your phone and “epic” makes me not buy your phone. I don’t care what it does, we don’t call swiss army knives “epic knives”. Buy the new Samsung Teenage Buzzword! It does lots of conventient shit! Now I just wait for money to roll in.
Now someone get me a motorcycle to ride off on.
No. Use a moterized unicycle. It’s funnier to watch.
It’s a pretty good phone and I was forced not to get it purely on principle. B.F. Skinner says if you let people think shit is ok once, they do it all the time.
There is now a small cavity-prevention mint called “Epic”. I only know this because my 74-year-old Dad just purchased a great big box of them. I’m waiting for deodorants and nacho chips to become “epic”, just like they became “EXTREME!” about ten years after everyone else stopped saying it :D
My future smartphone concept for Samsung is going to be called the “Badical”.
Epic Mickey was better in concept than execution…
Maddox is still writing shit??? People are still linking to the shit Maddox writes?????
What’s next, an All Your Base joke? Regis Philbin discussing this new thing they call electronic mail?
Maddox has his own show now, so people can link to videos too.
I can see this now…he is going back in time 30 seconds to beat himself up and get his coffee.
Thank you, that was the joke.
They both have the same injuries. So yeah. Basically.
This is probably the best training regimen ever, though. Good on Commander.
Yeah, fuck em. Internet people are entitled and shitty.
Keep doing what you do, at your own pace. Your comic rocks
He got to keep the timestream stable. If he didn’t go beat himself up, the universe would implode or something.
He has to do it or coffee will stop working. And that would screw everything up.
You know, it takes a special kind of balls to go all-out on yourself, knowing that you’re going to have to be on the receiving end of it immediately afterwards.
Which variety of time-travel physics is that? Terminator or Back to the Future?
Cue Star Trek fight music:
Dun dun DAAN DAAN DAAN DAAN dan da da dan dun!
Which is shockingly similar to the Star Trek lust music…
oooh LOVE the action! It’s hard, for some reason, to get good drawn still frame action… Samurai Champloo (manga) is the only other one I’ve seen…
Aw man I love champloo! One of the few i found to be better than Trigun.
I wish I could go back in time & kick my own ass. It’d be the best fight ever. Then we’d go get drunk.
Bluto apparently did that once in the Robin Williams Popeye movie continuity… sort-of.
♪♫ Ah’m so mean Ah once had a dream Ah beat muhself up…♪♫
You couldnt get drunk together. Hello, Paradox alert? There would be 50 of you eventually! lol
Not true! As long as the one he went back in time to beat up eventually went back in time to beat himself up, it wouldn’t go wrong. The only limit I would really say is a week or two maximum between the initial fight and the going back in time.
Go Commander! Woo!
Is he going to chase himself through time OR go back and instigate the whole thing? Either way…serious issues with him.
But why did the original one (the one at the very beginning of this chain) do it? Or is this the result of the timestream balancing itself out after the Commander dropped his coffee that was meant to be drunk, or just balancing out his actions after dropping said coffee by forcing this loop into existence?
This is why time travel is something you don’t over-think.
Why kick your own ass? The same reason people climb mountains or jump canyons on motorcycles or juggle flaming sharks while balancing on a chainsaw.
Because it’s badass.
Actually, I’m pretty sure there’s a better reason. That’s his past self, right? How many times have you wished to go back in time and beat the stupid out of your past self?
It’s still badass though, as you bully yourself to improve yourself both in the past and the present, meaning you have trained twice as hard through the action, and if you cause a cycle like this, well, you’ve trained pretty damn hard.
Also, everyone knows that stuff you had in the past was much more badass than what you had now, especially when you first get it, so it makes sense that you must go back and steal it while it is still badass (nostalgia’s a myth perpetrated by without timetravel to explain why their stuff has stopped being as awesome. The truth is that the BA energy must return back to the source so that it may be used to power new things you will own).
Wait. Wait. Wait.
Then who was Commander Bad-Ass?
I was so tempted to do this.
I seriously wonder how the whole thing happened. I mean, currently the commander is just going to beat himself up to get his coffee. But why would the first commander go back in time and beat himself up to get coffee? What would his reason be? Did his coffee fall on the ground and was he too cheap to buy a new one?
And why would the current commander go back in time? The commander there wouldn’t be the one that beat him up but rather the one in the future.
It’s a tad complex but still understandable.
Tis called a parodox for a reason; he will always and forever kick his ass to get his coffee back because he tried to take it back in the first place.
And that’s how real men spend monday mornings at Starbucks.
This is my favorite page so far! I laughed almost all the way through. Awesome :)
Man. I hate it when I go to a Timmy’s, and a possibly future version of myself comes and kicks my ass. I always have to buy another coffee.
So… how did this actually start? From what I interpret it, Commander is beating himself up because he is angry that he beat himself up. Oh, and he wanted that coffee.
My understanding: He’s still mad at himself for that “setting women on fire with my mind” slip earlier, and this is his way of punishing himself for it. The coffee is just an excuse.
Oh no. Infinite loop!
Clearly this is the purpose of the midnight bullfights. He needs to keep himself prepared, even in the middle of the night.
Don’t ever &#*! with a manly man’s coffee.
i hope you don’t mind cole, but i added my own sound effects, like the classic batman comics. “FWAP” “KER-THUD” “BLAM!” “POW!” all out loud, of course.
You forgot the best of them all. Zot. Some day I will strike another human being and it will make a zot sound, then I can die happy.
No, no, no, don’t be silly. The best sound effect is, and always will be… biff.
You just blew my fucking mind.
I just finished going through this whole series the other day and I am officially hooked. I love this comic, it’s fucking awesome. I need to print out the comic with Kratos as Carrie and show it to a friend at work who is practically in love with Kratos. It’ll be awesomesauce.
I feel as though this comic needs to be accompanied by the underscore “It’s good to be men!” Ha! Ha! Ha! Watch me wrestle this BEAR. *poses in a manly pose*
Random person: You’re a girl!
Shut up!
Is it normal for Navy TAILS to carry around there time traveling gear at all times? I know I would, but you thing there would be some regulations on that so it doesn’t get stolen.
Less likely to get stolen if it’s strapped to his arm than sitting on a shelf.
I’m just sayin’ it’s sort of like wearing a tack knife or handgun ALL THE TIME, but being on the Commander’s wrist IS probably the safest place in the world.
When you say “strapped” do you mean like a cuff bracelet or like attached and wired to his very manly being?
naw, it comes off.
I don’t know about you, but I’d have to be damn desperate to try and take something off of the Commander’s arm if he didn’t want it taken off.
I expect stolen time machines are tracked down rather quickly. (and violently)
Nuuuuuuuuuu don’t stop the comics!
My friends have been trying to force me into read web comics forever, but I always thought they were too stupid. Then I stumbled on this one accidentally, and I’m totally hooked! Ignore people saying mean things, your comics are hilarious, and as far as web comics go, REALLY well done.
That last panel has oddly got to be one of the cutest scenes. ._.
But wait, if the commander is going to get back the coffee by beating himself up… the other commander ought to stay? I mean, he’s not going back in time again too is he? Oh well, timey wimey.
As for the entitled whiners, I feel you. I helped run a (now defunct) webcomic site with an artist friend, kind of like Vorked here, and the whiners and entitled unhelpful “superfans” really took all the joy out of an already uphill struggle. I wouldn’t blame you if you replaced the comic with an “ADBLOCKED” image and took a month off, let them stew on it.
Going off to reddit to start a boycott campaign over ads? How retarded can you get. But, links is links, traffic’s traffic. They may come for the drama, but some will stay for the machismo.
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey. And don’t blink.
You have made my day.
GAH! i dont know who to cheer on! commander or commander!? i will just settle and hope a giant space jellyfish ridden by skeletor attacks and they both kick his ass. then get coffee and discuss which is better: issacs new javelin bolt as opposed to the torque bow used by the gears
Ignore the screaming idiotic masses of the internet.
If they knew how to write webcomics, they’d have there own.
You are obviously doing a very well and original job.
I am currently setting aside my beloved bearded troll face because you deserve the support your ruggedly awesome comic deserves.
Screw what people think. Screw the police. It makes life funner/funnier, trust me.
I…got…lost. Who is beating who and who is going back in time to beat the other who? O_o
Future Commander beat up past commander. Watch for the broken nose.
Glad to see you’re using the time travel to it’s full potential. This is EXACTLY how I would expect the Commander to use it. Well, that and punching Hitler, but that’s a given.
I think the Commander would rather go back in time and slowly bug Hitler with rubberband guns and spitwads when he isn’t looking.
i support this theory lol
That explains his paranoia.
there must be a lineup to sucker punch Hitler or something.
oh, wait, http://www.viruscomix.com/page382.html
Took me a minute to get the punchline in the last line and that pun just now was totally unintended.
I need my daily dose of machismo, and I got it here.
I wonder if the “Daffy Duck” explosion would’ve been good at this point. At least his mouth is on right.
I read today’s strip, and immediately wondered what the hell was going on. Then I went back to the first strip and… woah. The birth of another fan. You saw it here, folks.
Technology’s greatest use is for hijinks.
this is what make the time line comander is beaten up and got his coffee stolen by himself so he goes back in time beats up himself and steals the coffee and time travles back to the time he left so for jonesy what she see’s is comander go back in time and back to the time he traviled from in like a second and the reason it started is there from the begining and end it never started and never ends
I love your webcomic Coelasquid! Don’t ever let the haters get to you. They are just losers that think the world revolves around them. Seen it happen a million times to many other wonderful artists. Don’t quit ever or change anything for their rotten sakes. Those jerks will just never be happy even if you did create the perfect manly comic.
Love your work! <3 Here each Monday waiting for the update.
What better way to explain time travel than to demonstrate it.
I can think of one! Making the person you were explaining it to go through it him/herself!
Why am I aroused? :I
I love you! But no butt pats. Just no. But if there is a person in my area you need me to go kick in the shin I am your gal!
yay for the internet. where any asshat with a connection can go online and troll and rage with a sense of free entitlement at someone else’s work. Those who cannot, critique after all right?
Keep up the awesome work Coales… no asspats for you though. I can know a bait when I see it.
It wasn’t people critiquing the comics, that would be fine, it was people morally outraged by the ads spamming profanity and making threats.
Wait, so people have a problem about the one-inch-by-five-inches ad? it’s so tiny! It doesn’t even get in the way of the comic!
(also, I actually looked up the advertisment site. it says you could choose the advertisment style. I quote from the site ” (graphical, text, animated, static) and their size (banner ads, skyscraper ads, and so on)
The itty-bitty, out of the way ad scares people? Apparantly making money for a comic (and about 2 dollars a day, if im not mistaken) is un-American … or un-Canadian? whatever. enjoy your cash.
Consider who you’re doing this comic for, Coela.
If you’re doing it for the people that hate it, then stop. It’s an exercise in frustration.
If you’re doing it for the people that love it, then stop. To have pressure from other people is tiring and oppressive.
If you’re doing it for yourself and YOU like it, then by all means, this is YOUR comic. Keep doing it.
Letting other people hijack it by making stupid comments is just going to make things worse. You shouldn’t waste your time on something that’s going to bog you down.
…I’d adopt that philosophy myself, except it would mean that I’d never get anything done. I’d start a project then get bored of it midway through.
Some people will complain about anything. The fact that you get more of them means you’re famous! Which, fortunately, also means that you can expect non-jerky people to say nice things about your awesome work. Just do what you think is best with the comic—I always find that comics are better when the author is truer to their own vision, because other people have a thousand contrasting demands. You’ve done great so far.
I think I laughed the hardest at this one. Fight scenes between someone and a copy of themselves (be it a clone or future version) are always kind of funny.
After reading some of the drama over the comic I came across a couple posts that made me want to speak up as a fan. I have been following the comic for a while now and think that it is very nicely done and the art is very high quality which is far more than most can say from a lot of the web comics I’ve seen. Without taking up too much “asspat” time lol, point being you have loyal fans that will patiently wait for you to do your thing and will respect you for any choice you make on YOUR comic. Thanks for doing this for us!
I love when you do action shots, you make them flow so well! Can’t wait for the next one. :3
So as not to be sanctimonious…. people are allowed opinions. You have one, I have one, and this whole affair, fair enough. What people are not allowed to do is harass you. That’s when it’s not on. Also, *head tilt* Looking forward to an explanation later XD
Coelasquid I’ll give you the same advice to you as someone gave to me: Follow your bliss.
The fans, the “fans” that think being able to contact you through the internet means they are entitled to tell you how to do your thing, the haters, Everyone. They’re just background noise.
Make the comic you want to make and generate revenue to support in the way you see fit. When the time comes you don’t feel like doing it anymore then quit and don’t look back.
All of the things I’ve enjoyed were created by people with passion for their art, including this comic. We’re not doing you a favor by viewing your work, you’re doing US a favor by sharing it with us.
Do what makes you happy and fuck everyone else. I don’t know if you noticed, but most people on the internet are assholes anyways. ;)
Warning: asspat!
This comic just made 2011 worth it. Love the perspective on the first panel.
perhaps a forum would help reduce the amount of asspats and keyboard enabled faceless trolling that winds up in Coelasquid’s inbox. Well, asspats at least.
… huh?! I’m confused…
… people sending you angry emails? Man, do you eve know them? That’s like random people on the street driving by suddenly calling you “FAGGOT!”, then drove off. Makes no sense either.
Incidentally, that happened to me quite frequently while waiting at bus stops. They didn’t ever yell “Faggot”, but they did yell other bad words.
…I miss the days when “faggot” simply meant “cigar”.
Right…when did people start changing vocabulary? Confused me to pieces as a kid. (Still does a bit, I admit).
By the by, I love this page. I’m a new reader, who couldn’t resist clicking on the name of this comic. Good stuff.
Everyone needs a dosage of Self-Inductive Predestination Paradoxes to properly and healthily suspend their disbelief.
I can’t believe it… the commander fought with himself… and he lost!
To be fair he also won.
With age comes experience. And greater treachery.
Long-time reader, first time poster. Had to get an account after hearing what you went through.
I’m a teacher, and I tell my kids to do what they love, especially if it’s artistic, because there are people out there who will love their work as long as they put their heart and soul into it. Nothing is quite as rewarding as having a kid realize that they’re good at something that they never thought anyone else would value, and then watching their confidence and abilities do wondrous things because of it.
So when you see someone doing art they clearly have a passion for (And yes, this is art – It evokes emotion and is wonderful to look at over and over again :) ), and getting frustrated at the inevitably mean-spirited and harsh comments by others, it twigs something in you.
I appreciate your work. I don’t want to give you fulsome praise, but I generally dislike Mondays, and your comic has changed that. The colours you use are wonderfully vibrant, and it doesn’t hurt that your comic is routinely hilarious and entertaining. Please keep doing it, and hopefully get a few t-shirts for sale to drain my bank account :)
I would like very much to be the person who gives you an inspiring quote to keep you going despite all the… unkind remarks and idiocy that I’m sure you encounter, but it seems there have been others who’ve taken that role upon themselves, so I’ll leave them to it. I will only say that there are many of us for whom your work and its cast of characters, from Canadian Guy (My personal favourite – “I’m traaained fahr this!”, and “What do you MEAN I can’t fight Canadian Guy to death on the front lawn?”) to Jonesy (“I wonder what $500 worth of gummi bears tastes like?”), stick in our heads, and we gladly make space for them :).
Please keep up your work. My Mondays thank you.
*slaps forehead*
Jared. I meant Jared. Jared with the massive amounts of gummi bears and the winkle pickers and the Austin Powers suit in a comic that made me laugh until I had to clean off my dinner table and learn again the lesson that drinking any liquid while reading your comic simply ends in something getting damaged :P
Vietnam War Commander Badass beating up Future Commander Badass in the present for going to the past and sabotaging his winning Vietnam so that Americans could have Rambo movies?
That was my first guess…
I think he did it to avoid further machismo comments lol
Commander is beating the Commander so violently.
This is the most violent jerking off ever.
that’s why i said early on to keep the lube.
Wow. This is like Heinlein with more violence and less bisexual sex. That makes it AWESOME!
Ever heard of Heinlein’s short story “By His Bootstraps”? :)
RAH’s played with time travel several times other than TEFL, and not always involving sex. Granted, not always involving violence, either.
Yeah, though I was thinking more of “-All You Zombies-” when I wrote that.
I probably would’ve caught that if I hadn’t mentally glossed over the “bisexual” bit. :(
OH shit son, bootstrap/ontological paradox.
This comic just became X100 more awesome.
This comic was pure gold. I don’t often actually laugh out loud when reading webcomics but this one is exceptional.
This comic is amazing, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a page I didn’t enjoy.
People complaining, bitching, acting anal-retentive, or whatever, is because they’re ignorant little wanks that likely can’t draw, and want to live their own little fantasies through your hands, and get cranky when the storyline doesn’t go their way.
You do some amazing work here, it’s enjoyable and entertaining and I look forward to the updates every week. Don’t let the whiny, faceless masses of the internet discourage you!
ouch, in the face with a steelcap boot.
Commander Badass apparently graduated from the Dave Strider school of time travel.
No u dumb bro dats dum
Whoa, stable time loop.
So I just spent an hour reading comments. the people here are fantastic with their comebacks.
i really like that the commander’s peacock face is a totally jacked up face.
also, whoah. i just got a close look at the brokenest nose, and it is definitely more broken looking, no worries there.
You know what’s really sad? I’m sure a lot of us sometimes wish we could do this, even other guys in the comic. But it seems the Commander is the only one who actually does (a little strange for the Prince of Persia who probably could). Makes me wonder how often he does this?
As a side note, I think this is the first fight I’ve seen drawn in the comic and it looks nice and brutal.
…instantly reminded of the Mask cartoon when the Cronos lady enters a time-loop of her constantly being smacked around before entering a time portal that sends her back to the beginning of the smacking arounds….
But then, does Commander reappear right when he disappears? Crazy time travelling things…
Yes, when future/winning commander dissapeared he was traveling a few seconds into the future, just after present/losing commander goes back in time to beat the shit out of himself and become future/winning commander.
hater while you were sleeping
coela was makin comics and shit
stop hating, haters
etc etc. :)
By some miraculous coincidence I just happened to be listening to the tail end of The Mariner’s Revenge by The Decemberists as I read this. It was fantastic.
Now I can’t unhear that either.
Oh yes, very nice comic indeed. Can’t wait to see the next one! Keep up the good work!
The idea that he did it because of her is romantic, but it seems more likely that he regularly schedules time-attacks for himself to keep him on his toes.
I love your comic and I hope you don’t let the negativity get you down. If people don’t like your creativity and style then they can GTFO and go read else where. Please don’t stop being yourself, it’s part of the reason my friend and I look forward to Mondays :D
that was the most confusing fight in a webcomic ever
So the future one that beat him up was already wounded when he arrived? Wow, so not only can he take himself in a fight, he can take himself in a fight when he’s wounded and the other him isn’t. Oooh, headache…
It’s the adrenaline. Present Commander was caught off-guard and, unlike Future Commander, didn’t have a quart or two of fightin’ sauce in his bloodstream.
Well technically that means he already knew every move that past-he was going to make, so pretty fair game all around.
Soooo…. I hear people are giving you grief about your comic apparently being not perfect enough.
I won’t say I’ve never had criticisms about your comic, but I certainly enjoy it and make the effort to show my friends the more hilarious parts of it as to get them to read it as well.
Also, this comic is fairly inspiring for someone like me who feels they aren’t satisfied with their body.
Anywho. Enough with being heartfelt and sincere.
Wait. No… Still being sincere. Oh well, I tried.
Is it just me, or does this speak of the Commander being someone who really hates himself?
Are there Tenets of the Bran-Dao?
If not I may have to write them. I am getting married soon and it would be a good way of teaching our kids the difference between Men and Loud Mouthed Dicks.
This comic is always interesting, I never even thought people would whinge (but I guess that’s the internets).
Keep drawing (as you would anyway) and has funs ^_^ b
And thanks for the interesting stuffzors.
Since you said at the beginning to avoid asspats, I’ll just point out that I agree with what everyone else is saying, all that “do your own thing” stuff and so on. But I do need to say that it’s really inspiring to read through these comments and see how many people care enough to advise you to do what you love no matter what the haters say. It takes a special kind of person to gain that kind of fanbase. Keep it up Coela.
Rofl, love this comic, read through all of the archives. Mr Fish is my favourite XD
This one in particular was rather clever, made me think about it for a few minutes…keep up the awesome work!
Reminds me of futurama episode where bender goes back in time 5 minutes age so he can go to the bathroom while his past self stands guard waiting to kill fFry
A thought just occurred to me. Who would be better suited to using the services of the agency: Guybrush or LeChuck?
LeChuck probably. I doubt Guybrush has the minimum pectoral girth required.
Not enough Gyrados!!! Gonna kill you cause you made mewtoo look bad! GWARBL GWARBLE GWARBLE!
lol jk! This comic is EPIC, even without Mr.fish.
Mr fish is awesome though. Wait….. Mr fish…. Is there gonna be a Mrs fish?
That’ll be ten dollars.
I don’t want your sympathy but I do want to whine about it in public. Weaksauce, bro.
I don’t know why you even care what retards like me think about your work, 90% of the internet doesn’t know what they are talking about or just make shit up on the spot.
I like that you equate “asspats” with “sympathy” and “explaining” with “whining”.
I can deal with ignoring people telling me how to draw my comic, I have been for the past year. But when you spend an entire night sorting through “fuck you” emails to try to figure out what happened while you were gone, maybe you’re not in the mood to get a new batch of “Draw some damned video games! This comic used to be funny! Draw me a Gyarados!” dumped on that pile right away.
you could always add “fuck” and “gyarados” to your spam filter…
The simplest spam filter I could think of would be to include the term draw.
Fuck everyone who even mentions drawing.
Yes, yes asspat, etc. but this comic is actually awesome, and anybody complaining is simply a raging asshole, who thinks that they deserve to be treated like royalty for no apparent reason.
So, he shows of by time traveling back 2 minutes into the past, and then beats his PAST self up, takes his PAST self’s coffee, and tells himself to screw?
… My brain hurts.
To be honest, I saw the MASSIVE chunk of comments and thought ‘Do I even need to bother? Obviously everyone loves this comic.’ – and the short of it is yes, I do. Thanks for the great comic. Mac, seriously. Kudos and all that jazz. I don’t even know how to put things eloquently at this point (someone else, well a lot of someone elses, has already done that for me), but I just wanted to add my appreciation to the pile! If I ever met you, I would want to shake your hand.
Also – your Newfiese is spot on. Congratulations for figuring it out well enough to translate into the common tongue.
Hi Coelasquid. Been reading the abve comments, ad I just wanted to send you a bit of Advice my dad gave me whenever I got bullshit from people.
“Don’t let the Bastards get you down.”
“Damn that coffee was good, but what if I had it AGAIN?”
He’s trying to have his cake and eat it too…
does this comic make anyone else think of the time splitters games? especially futre perfect?
I felt more amused when I thought about the implications of this event.
Since the commander was not shown interfering as a third party in his own coffee stealing affair, it is safe to assume that if he does “get it back,” it must come from another coffee drinking incident.
That could place the initial coffee stealing reasonably far into the future, and among a chain of other coffee stealing events.
:3, DRX
“Sorry, I’ll get it back in a minute”, while he assumedly enters “two minutes ago” into his gauntlet. It’s a time loop, he wouldn’t travel back in time if he didn’t need to reaquire his coffee, yet wouldn’t have a need to go back if he didn’t lose it in the first place by travelling back.
I can think of no easier, nor more plausible way to peacock infront of a lady.
Unless there’s some serious place swapping going on, the future commander is the one face slamming the other in panel 3 and 4, where he’s pretty fine, then gets an elbow up his chin in panel 5 and he gets facepalmed in panel 6, to then look about as bad as the present commander, who got face punched, face kicked, face slammed and then face punched again, in panel 7.
Also, a minute before looking fine in panel 3, he looked like present commander does in panel 10.
Am I missing something?
Yup, you’re missing the “Stop nitpicking and enjoy the comic” part.
It’s an awesome fight with himself, and you’re trying to point out minor errors that no sane human will notice. May I also point out the detail that this is all hand-drawn, so there’s no way to guarantee continuity. So stop complaining
I did enjoy the comic, and I wasn’t complaining or even criticizing it – I was merely discussing it. Guess I should have seen this coming – commenting on a webcomic without showering it with praise, what was I thinking?
Present Commander takes a massive haymaker to the face, bruising his cheek. Present Commander kicks Future Commander in the face, spraying blood from his ‘past’ injuries everywhere. FC goes for a crash-tackle, PC redirects it and smashes FC’s face into the wall, worsening his broken nose and blackening his other eye. FC elbows PC in the jaw, busting his lip/gums, then delivers another king-hit, giving the ‘original’ black eye and busted nose that FC shows up with.
Lesson learned? Commander Badass can both take and deliver one hell of a punch. Also, he’s left handed.
Just ignore the bastards… this is one of the best web-comics I’ve seen out there!
Amazing bootstrap paradox is amazing.
I miss my monday manly update, my life feels empty without it </3 OH GOD WHAT ARE THESE? FEELINGS? HELP I THINK I I'M TURNING INTO JARED OOH GOD WHY
Ok so he is beat up by his future self who steals his coffee, so he goes back in time to beat himself up and steal his own coffee.
This is the best comic ever.
I wonder how that started.
But you never get an explanation with these wacky paradoxes.
Just came by to say — this is my favorite episode of them all. I keep coming back to re-read it.
Storytellers have known for a long time that attractive protagonists help viewers identify with the character. I like Old battleaxe guy better myself but I don’t begrudge pretty-boy or find it less realistic. As far as it hurting the character. Sometimes sure.
That’s frikkin hilarious.
Made me laugh out loud.
Its kinda hard to tell which commander is which… But then again, I guess is doesn’t matter
I still come back to this one for laughs, so to all those haters years ago “Nyah nyah! Coelasquid still draws one of the coolest comics with amazing characters!”
Why is it that I keep thinking of that old trick you can play on someone else:
“Stop hitting yourself! (wap) Stop hitting yourself! (wap)…”