We are on the cutting edge of comedy here.
November 7, 2011
12:00 am
If the Shirai Ryu are so great why’d their whole clan get butchered?
If the Shirai Ryu are so great why’d their whole clan get butchered?
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Discussion (233) ¬
Looking a it that way… guess you’re right. XD
By that logic, explain the Uchiha clan. Go ahead, amuse me :)
An idiot wrote himself into another corner?
Uchiha were butchered by one of their own.
Very well played.
Does this mean Mr. Fish went as Greymon?! :D
cmon, give mr. fish respect, he was at least a metal greymon, though with jared he could have dressed it up…oddly e-e all i can think of is mr. fish in a palomon costume now
Of course, he was just Greymon after the Commander made Jared take Mr. Fish’s power armour off again :P
No no no, Mr. Fish went as Seadramon. Right after the Digidestined arrived and was attacked by Seadramon at the lake.
But if Mr. Fish was Seadramon, Matt would have to fight him, and I wouldn’t want either side to lose. Meanwhile, if Jared is going as Tai, someone should kick his ass.
I love you all
I’m surprised/horrified at how many of these names I remember… make me wonder…
Really take’s you back, huh?
I remember that there was a show called Digimon. I remember nothing about it. I think there was a monkey or ape in it at some point.
You mean Etemon.
That sounds right. Did he talk in an Elvis like fashion?
AHYES yes he did
I remember that Digimon had Japanese school kids or something like that.
Maybe Mr. Fish was Milotic.
Or, given Jared, Giratina.
That’s just too much pokemon in a digimon conversation.
Oh man, Jared as Tai from Digimon made my day.
I’m *just* a bit outside the target range for Pokemon/Digimon, but as an anime fan I have to say the first two or three seasons of Digimon totally stomped Pokemon.
Agreed. This comic made me giggle so much. X3
The digimon anime is better than the pokemon anime, but the pokemon games are better than the digimon games. That’s just my own opinion though, of course.
I concur. Pity though, it’s a series with a lot of potential for gaming. I’m shocked that they continue to screw it up.
I’d say Digimon had a better plot but Pokémon had better characters.
Aye, Pokemon’s plots were episodic, formulaic, and character-driven, but they really weren’t badly-written. Even the dub was palatable, and that’s having re-watched it over a housemate’s shoulder in the past year or so.
THE EPIC DEBATE! It’s almost as controversial as Batman vs. Spider-man!
To be entirely honest:
Pokemon your best bet is to read the Pokemon Adventures/Special comic books. Possibly also The Electric Tale of Pikachu. Further more the side games had better plot than the main games. Such as the Shadow games, the Ranger series and the Mystery Dungeon series.
Digimon your best bet is the Wonderswan Games. Also Digimon World Dusk/Dawn for the NDS are pretty good as well.
Also for the Digimon television shows: I didn’t like Tamers. Adventures and Adventures 02 annoyed me as they clearly were ended too damned quickly. Frontiers just seemed to have completely unlikable characters, but at that point they kind of figured out people were only watching it for the pornographic opportunities. I suppose (I never got the Riku and Renamon fans), which the female character with the Toque kind of allowed for or something, I dunno. Digimon X-evolution did not make sense as far as a movie went (I got bored and just turned it off, really). I did enjoy Digimon SAVERS quite a bit, seemed to be quite nice as far as the plot went. I also am enjoying Digimon Xros Wars. Digimon Anode Trainer is also a fairly nice comic as well. Though it does get old fairly quickly.
Both series are great for their own perspective ideas for how to attack the idea of monster training.
Digimon is clearly for wish fulfillment through your monsters. Hence we so many of them end up looking like hot adults (male and female) or dinosaurs or “goth/emo” wonders. There is also a Pirate digimon in amongst that stuff.
Pokemon is more about strengthening one’s own self and the friends you care about to over come all odds. Which makes sense considering every game starts off in a worn torn world, in which much of the adults able to serve military training are either dead, part of a criminal organisation or training children to battle.
You know, I kind of want to see Leondis’ react to how Kanto works. Now.
Now… should I bring up Monster Rancher, Dragon Quest Monsters, Dragon Quest Rocket Slime, Shin Megami Tensei or any of the other CTRPGs…
100 % This. Digimon season 2 and the Movie were AMAZEBALLS. I’m not ashamed to admit that I cried at the end of season 2 when Oikawa finally met his Digimon before he died. I’m getting all verklempt just thinking about it.
I STILL tear up every time I watch the the second seasons finale.
I had to explain to my siblings why it’s funny for Jared to dress up as Tai from Digimon. Once you can get to the heart of the character, he fought his way through battles by beating the crap out of other Pokemon with a Magikarp, your gold.
Oh Jared, why did you not shave before hand. That stubble does not compliment your outfit.
psh lady, can’t you see that he’s been growing a beard. That stubble represents about 7 months of trying there
Oh well, I like the moussed hair though.
I just kinda assumed that was day after stubble, but yeah, looks too long o__o
Also I am ashamed I didn’t realise who this was until after reading the comments given I was all OVER Digimon when I was younger
There is a big difference between a drawing of a character from a cartoon and a drawing of some one dressed up as some one from that cartoon.
Yah know, for some reason, the fact of Jared be dressed as a Digimon character didn’t fully impact me, until now :)
The first two seasons of Digimon were definitely better than Pokemon. The third season was still pretty good, it would certainly be a good competitor for later seasons of Pokemon, but seasons 4 and 5 of Digimon were just…why? Okay, a couple times during the first three seasons, and in the Digimon movie, the digidestined had combined with their Digimon, but having Digidestined actually become Digimon was a little different. I’d rather they be separate. Companions, not a single entity.
Now all these years of Mortal Kombat are paying off.
What does the Commander have against Sub-Zero? XD
He doesn’t. thats why he was going to go apologize to him for being drunk and possibly mouthing off. If he didn’t care or like sub zero, he would’ve just said “pfffht man fuck that guy” get it now? :)
He doesn’t have anything against Sub-Zero, it’s Rain that he doesn’t like. Sub-Zero’s one of the original and most iconic MK ninjas, and he’s a dude, while Rain’s some barely known guy who didn’t turn up until the derivative ninjas were starting to get really silly. And his name’s a terrible joke.
Oh em gee he’s dressed as Tai from Digimon?! 8D That’s awsome.
The question is how was Sarah able to tell? Did one of the ninjas tell her?
Her butcher sense was tingling.
I imagine it went like this:
Jonesy: “Hey, why aren’t you wearing a costume?”
Ninja: “I R EXPLIAN 2 U”
Jonesy: “Better than Snake’s costume I guess.”
Can’t even begin to wonder how much “drinking too much” is for the Commander. I mean, I have a giant tolerance for alcohol that borders on insanity – his had to be like that times three.
Perhaps YOU tolerate drink jjust as well as other manly men?
right there with you. I remember every night I try to get smashed. Still no black-outs, and I’ve finished a handle of vodka by myself.
I fear for your liver. :p
Ach, our livers are made of steel, lassy. I’m Scottish. Our livers are made to handle a fifth of whiskey, two kegs of beer and a few good martinis.
Shouldn’t that be stainless steel then?
Remember Marv from Sin City? The commanders tolerance for alchohol triples his.
read about andre the giant, holy shit that man could drink
Well, that didn’t ended well for him did it?
andre died to his disease acromegaly, not drinking. congestive heart failure.
although yes, drinking never helped anything.
His way isn’t very sporting.
I need to find myself some sort of dictionary for all the characters you mention in this comic, I love the comic to death and it buggers me that I dont get all the jokes since I dont know all the characters names.
Google my friend.
And Wikipedia
Is there a ManlyMenWiki? ‘Cause there should be.
Or ManlyGuysWiki, rather. HURP
Most of the ninja dudes in Mortal Kombat were pallet swaps of the same design for the sake of saving memory or disk space or something like that. Until the more recent games they were all identical save colour.
Weren’t their movesets also identical save for one or two special attacks?
I don’t know this stuff I never played MK.
Mostly, yeah. It was their way of getting as many characters as possible on a cartridge.
Technically, everyone’s move set was the same except for special moves.
When I don’t know who the comic is talking about, I just read the comments. They tend to go heavy on the names, and then if I’m still confused my google terms will be a little more precise.
Why is Jared STILL in costume? Or is this just what Jared does now
they are all still in costume. im assuming they all just crashed there.
OMG! Digimon Masters Online’s site just went down and I was sad but then I saw this :D Thank You Coela~!
well in MK mythos EVERY ninjas clan almost all got slaughtered, so they must all suck, or purposefully time all their epic clan killing battles to coincide with each other. seriously, look it up. sub zeros clan? wiped out. scorpions clan? gone. smokes clan was sort of a toss up, i think he was intertwined with cyrax and the other red robot ninja dude, in that they all decided to convert themselves to soulless robots, and whoever didn’t convert was slaughtered.
so if you think about it, some of them even did it to themselves. every ninja you see in MK is the last surviving member of their clan. thats just the way they wrote it.
back to the comic arc: jared is the only one who doesn’t look absolutely tore back. that must’ve been one LONG halloween night party :)
Sub zero, smoke, and the cyborgs are all from the same clan. The first Sub Zero and Smoke escaped the cyborg thing, but Smoke was captured and turned anyway.
In my opinion, ninja clans are just self-destructive in nature.
“In my opinion, ninja clans are just self-destructive in nature.”
Funny you should note that. There appears to be a page that comments on such things: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ConservationOfNinjutsu
METHE REST OF US“Oh what’s this..” *click*
I am never sleeping dammit
Wait… If they are all the last members of their lines, shouldn’t they be out boning and recruiting instead of engaging in a tournament where they’ll [almost certainly] die?
Uh ‘Subzero’s clan’ was kinda a small part of the Red robotic assassin(sektor)’s clan, it’s just after Sub’s group got wipe out the lin kuei just took every one and turn them into robots.
Sub zero HATES it when people call him a ninja. So if you want to know which person was which address them each by that and wait for the annoyed Sigh to come out.
Forgive me, but which Sub Zero are you referring to? The first, the second, or some mixture of the two?
both though subzero 1 is now called noob to his peers.
Okay lads and lasses, pull up a seat and Ol’ Adder will educate you on Mortal Kombat lore.
Sub-Zero (The Elder and The Younger, they’re brothers), Smoke, Cyrax, and Sektor are all from the Lin Kuei (don’t call them Ninja, they’ll kill you for it). The Lin Kuei has never been wiped out in the original continuity or the new one. In the original, SubZ Elder gets offed by Scorpion in MK1, SubZ Younger takes over the mantle. He and Sub Zero end up fleeing the Lin Kuei during the Cyber Initiative (they don’t think being turned into robots is a good idea). Smoke gets captured and turned into a cyborg, SubZ doesn’t. Flash forward a few years and Sektor is trying to take over the clan, SubZ won’t allow this, so he comes back and stomps Sektor in a tournament for leadership. He takes over the Lin Kuei and turns them into a force for good.
Scorpion is a member of the Shirai Ryu, a Ninja clan the founder of which was an ex-Lin Kuei who fled to Japan. Scorpion wore a yellow Lin Kuei uniform to mock them. At some point prior to MK1 Quan Chi hires both the Lin Kuei and the Shirai Ryu to do a job for him. The Lin Kuei send Elder SubZ, the Shirai Ryu send Scorpion. They meet, they fight, SubZ kills Scorpion and completes the mission. Quan Chi pays up by slaughtering the Shirai Ryu.
The rest of the “Ninjas” are neither Ninja, nor Lin Kuei.
… So what is the deal with Reptile?
Those Tai’s goggles make Jared look like some kind of main character’s pokemon trainer – impossibly cool clothes, I really like it :)
I also really like hangover’d Jonesey, she looks kind of… hot? I probably have weird taste.
And also, I loove this comic. I really love every single page of it.
Who HASN’T had a November 1st like this? *^_^*
Me :(
I feel your lack of pain babe.
Hell, I’ve had plain old Tuesdays like this.
Oh commander, you make me laugh. And the fact that Jared is hangover free astounds me. A drunk pokemon trainer has the comedy potential of a room full of big manly men. XD
thought jared was 20, too young to drink o.o
Not in Canada where Coela is from, or the U.K where I am. Hooray for relaxed drinking laws!
Holy shit you’re kidding me, right? Damn it America, get your act together!
I don’t think it matters to much what Jared’s age is, since a lot of drinkers are underage anyways. Maybe Mr. Fish wouldn’t let him drink on account of last time.
I think Jared’s still too innocent to want to drink. That’s most likely the reality there.
You know, it came to me as a surprise when I heard you guys need to be 21 and older to drink. Which probably why I don’t get a lot of the underage drinking jokes, and anecdotal stories. o_o
Where I live you only need to be 18 to be able to drink, smoke, drive, vote.
Culturally, you’re expected to be able to drink your first beer when you’re old enough to not mess up buying them off the local sari-sari store (very true in the boonies).
i win 16 to drink 18 to drive *and for strong liquors* vote and other crap ps also weed and prostitution are legal here O-o… vivala holland?
Japan too…
Don’t you see what he has in his hands?
Jared knows the healing power that junk food and Mountain Dew has against hangovers.
DIGIMON REFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Garurumon is so much cooler. >_>
Holy crap. Garurumon is my shit.
Aw man, now you’ve got me watching old cartoon intros from my childhood.
Man, Jared actually looks pretty badass in that last panel.
The Commander is raising him well. Eventually he will be all manly-grown up.
It’s the Mountain Dew. Best drug in the universe.
I drink dozens of 2L bottles of Dew weekly, why can’t I break pickup trucks over my knee yet?
It needs to metabolize in your body with the presence of beef jerky and spinach already there. That’s the super soldier formula they used on Captain America. All those machines you see in the movie were just used for misdirection.
The real problem would be if Mileena and Kitana switched costumes…
Note to self: Never kiss or get kissed by female ninjas at Halloween parties.
Ketchup and Mustard (+1 internets for understanding reference)
wow some people can’t hold their liquor as well as i thought they could
Or he drank way more than humanly possible.
It’s the Commander. I’m assuming he drank two bottles of vodka, an entire keg of beer, a fifth of whiskey and maybe some wine.
lol thats my wake up drinking routine the commander should drink some more!
Probably also got some Valhalla grade booze which can wipe the floor with any mere mortal.
Plus he’s getting up in years.
Hey, I’m 40. I can get throught two bottles of whiskey and a lot of beer and just suffer a minor buzz. LOL
We don’t know how old commander is what with his time travel and periodically going to a time where 50 is the new 30… or possibly 60 is the new 30.
He’s somewhere around 32, but he’s not totally sure (time travel and all that, didn’t bother counting days) His body model when I designed him was UFC heavyweight champion era Brock Lesnar.
Now I know and knowing is half the battle.
Speaking of which has The Commander ever worked with any of the Joe’s?
well, with a name like that its probably because you’re scottish or irish :p
(friendly tease, no disrespect meant)
No offense.
It’s my Internet handle. My real connection to the Scots is my mother’s side. She’s a MacArthur. But it’s true – I saw my grandfather drinking, but I never saw him drunk. God rest his soul.
Mc is generally Irish, Mac is generally Scottish.
For your United Kingdom sorting purposes.
I get that. Only MacClaud was taken. So I went with McClaud. It’s been years.
I meant for Spade who said it was probably either Irish or Scottish.
A Pokemon trainer dressed up as one of the Digidestined? Fuckin’ Genius.
His would be the Crest of Disappointment (or so his parents say).
probably not i mean its japanese and they stil have evolving…things
i still wonder what mr fish was dressed up as… maybe shenron?
Crest of Improb or adaptability.
He wings most of the situations he’s in and does fairly well.
The Commander without goggles, Jared wearing goggles, cats and dogs living together… Mass hysteria!
Real wrath of God type stuff.
We’re talking Old Testament here.
well played, youve made my day
So wait, if Jared isn’t Tofu then who was?
HUNK, the Umbrella Security service Commando.
Mind … Blown! Also: When jared wasnt austin -spidey, who was it? cause the guy didnt looked very-strong-buildt, so i supposed it had to be Jared
It was Spider-Man.
I just realized that without the jacket and horns the Commander looks like he’s wearing one of charlie sheen’s shirts.
Jared has made my year up until Skyrim comes out.
so he’s made your 4day’s?
I think he means, “Jared has made my year until Skyrim comes out, which is in 4 days, but he’s made up my year before this comic even came out, so really, he’s made up my year from the beginning of the year up until this point.”
Or something.
OMG, Jared as a Digimon character? LOL, I love this comic. But I thought he had lost his clothes, those shorts look too short.
Well damn, now I’m gonna imagine Jared with Tai’s voice from now on.
That’s okay, I was imagining him with Brock’s voice until now.. dunno why :P
hmmm so if jared wasnt spider man or….tofu man who were?
Spider-Man was 1602 Spider-Man, HUNK was tofu.
Deadpool. They were all Deadpool. He has a holographic projector you see. In fact, he’s with Jared’s parents disguised as Jared filling their little heads with nonsense. That way Jared has a lot to explain, like why their pools are filled with cottage cheese and how he scored Nurse Jenny. All because Deadpool is everywhere.
This was covered in last week’s class, young man.
Jared was Spider-man and Tofu-Man AND Tai. He just kept changing his costume. THATS how awesome he is. And one costume on halloween is lame but 7… Now that’s amazing. :D
poor Mr.fish. hopefully he doesn’t understand jareds costume.
Don’t worry jared. If you had pissed off a ninja you would already be dead.
*head explodes*
Nah there biding their time so they can pull off some sort of badass group fatality.
Is piss ninjas off all the time. I say “You are slightly less than perfect” and they get all annoyed. And stabby.
Tai from Digimon. Uhh, I am having the nostalgia equivalent of the Commander’s hangover.
I love the way a woman looks hungover. Don’t know why, but there is something about a girl the morning after that I really like.
It’s a trick. We look like that so that you don’t suspect we have the capacity to kill you if you don’t leave our apartment within a timely manner. The black widow spider uses a similar method.
And here I thought the female used that technique to lure the male into some brunch…
I couldn’t agree more. Kipling wasn’t just whistlin’ Dixie.
Okay, I give in, who is Kipling?
That saddens me so, so much.
Have you ever heard of a little thing called the Jungle Book?
I assumed Scarlett meant a different Kipling because we were talking about women killing men after a one night stand. I though he wrote about the superiority of the English man and other racist stuff. Don’t recall the black widow mixed into that.
Rudyard Kipling wrote both “The Jungle Book” and “The Female of the Species”. The quote I was referring specifically to was “The female of the species is more deadly than the male.” *^_^* That’s all.
Oh, much more informative then knowing what anvil’s happiness level was.
I learned something today! :D
I love your comic. It makes me happy in inappropriate ways.
Who was the guy in the green spandex thing?
Chuck Greene of Dead Rising 2.
This is my favorite comic, of all time.
Who’s ‘Rain’ though?
He’s the purple one.
*reads about Rain*
As a major proponent of Digimon>(Pokemon ^ (sideways 8 thingy)), I applaud Jared’s choice of costume in theme, even if I’m not the biggest Tai fan. For the record, I do like Pokemon… it’s just not Digimon.
Shirai Ryu- Total Pussies.
Then again, you might have lucked out and got Ermac, who thank’s to the reboot is an evil psychic gestalt of souls bound together by dark sorcery. Or it could have been Sub-zero dressed as Smoke and he’d get a good laugh out of it. Really, when you get down to it, Jared’s actually got pretty good odds. Oh, and reboot Rain is a badass water elemental.
They…rebooted Mortal Kombat?
Mortal Kombat had a continuity to speak of to be rebooted?
Yes, Mortal Kombat has a plot. And a continuity. Most people just didn’t give a shit. Now they’ve put a ton of effort into it.
smoke-zero has a nice ring to it. like an electronic cigarette.
Isn’t Ermac really Jared(name might be misspelled) Sindel’s husband stuck in a soul hotel, Rain had nothing change about his character other than Raiden spilled the beans about him being a son of agrus earlier, Scorpion a manservant of Quan chi, elder Sub zero is a manservant of Quan chi, and reptile a manservant to
Quan chishao khan, though I wonder what did Taven and Daegon went as? Billy and jimmy lee, Kratos and gow2 hercales?sindel WAS shao khans wife .. at least when i stopped playing after mk3.
i admit thats where my knowledge base drops off.
Don’t entirely get it, but I understand why it’s supposed to be funny!
A Pokemon trainer dressed up as a Digimon-person…-raiser? I see what you did there Coela. lol, clever.
Potato chips & Mountian Dew. The breakfast of champions.
Wait a second.
If you play Mortal Kombat as the same character for the various ninjas, how do the colors work?
Is the main reason they stop introducing new ninja characters because they’re running out of colors?
Back in the 2D days, they’d just be different shades of the same colour in mirror matches(Sub-zero wore a darker blue, Scorpion a slightly orange yellow). Once the 3D games rolled round though, they got actual different costumes, and the ninjas default gear looked different from one another anyway.
Damn, she looks rough – Shaun of the Dead rough. Was she trying to match the Commander drink for drink?
Probably not. She probably drank enough to have fun with the Commander, who drank enough to get loose, baby!
I’d love to see a comic now aboot how us canadians NEVER get hangovers.
Or maybe thats just me ;D
Because Canadian Guy was actually drinking maple syrup from a tanker trailer.
Chaos, are you unaware that true Canadian Maple Syrup is blended with Canadian Whiskey?
I don’t think the Canadian guy could get hung over. Wasn’t it established in a previous comic that he does not sleep?
It was, and it is. Also, I don`t drink, I am Canadian, and I know a guy who got drunk once, who has been drinking since he was 15(now 26). The one time he got drunk was off Colt 45, after drinking a full bottle. After recovering from his broken foot that night, the drink didn`t affect him much.
too soon. never forget the shirai ryu
Haha! Poor Rain, he’s so misunderstood, although arguably he can still can Chuck Norris roundhouse kick a dude around the world so I’m not sure why the Commander is taking him lightly, it’s probably the suit.
Only bad parts about this comic is that the ninjas themselves don’t make an appearance and the utter ignorance people have of Mortal Kombat.
Poor rain? He a giant power hungry Dick, my guess is his Dickness comes from lack of a father figure in his life. Argus is a bad father, who sticks his sons in stone of rock for eons under a guise of a solution for a power struggle of some people. Then has his wife make a flame elemental be a walking punching bag for them in the future.
omfg Jared as Tai…. /DEAD
The Commander is the only person I’ve seen who can rock a blond beard like that.
Finally Mortal Kombat found it’s way to manly guys section…
So Raiden dress up as the guy from “big trouble”
Big Trouble in Little China?
You mean Lightning?
Thanks for the clear up of the name of that character. I was originally going to go into some long driven comment on bloodsport guile and Snake and how all of them are connected but that would been too silly to post.
How to tell the ninjas apart:
Smoke: sounds like he goes through a carton a day and isn’t terribly bright. Might say/do something unwise
Scorpion: Perpetually loud and angry-sounding. Clenches his fist at odd intervals
Sub-Zero: Gloomy and tired expression. Has foggy breath and Dune blue eyes
Rain: Snobby and flamboyant. Watch for cocked hip.
Dune blue eyes, taking power over his clan and changing their ways, great powers…SUB-ZERO IS THE KWISATZ HADERACH!
How the hell do you keep track of anyone in Mortal Kombat anyway? Half the characters are palette swaps.
It takes a real man to have five o’clock shadow AND a full beard
Uh. “Lookat all the links below the comics! They MUST contain fun stuff!” *mass opens them both*
“Oh god.”
Apparently there’s some spammy thing that got on my site that only a handful of people can see. I’ve got someone working on building a new site though, so it’s being looked into.
Oh thank god, I found it. I’ve been surfing the comments trying to see if anyone else was seeing that.
I take it that they must have contained vast amounts of unspeakably horrifying pornography, no doubt laced with malware. Glad I didn’t see any such links.
Were they great? I mean, we don’t really have any proof that they were great. Heck, Hanzo died pretty easily in the series. One could argue that he wasn’t great until he died and really became Scorpion.
lol, CB’s expression in the 2nd panel is great. Jared’s is pretty funny too.
i must ask you this, colesquid: HOW do you never fail to make me giggle?
i also have a suggestion for manly characters: Samurai Goroh and Darunia. both of them are basically made out of muscles.
Darunia is like the Goron version of CB, if Ganondorf actually gotten in a fight with him, Darunia would probably gravity hammer him into the ground…with his bare fist. probably the reason why he wasn’t captured and imprisioned.
he’s so bad-ass, he can go through the boss lock WITHOUT the boss key…and lock it from the inside. plus the fact that he eats rocks is pretty sweet.
i hope this might give you some inspiration, colesquid. i’m actually a huge lover of drawing (been drawing for 6-8 years now. i actually have a full dwarer of my artwork).
mortal kombat: best fighting game ever created in the existance of the manly universe of extreme manly games of most important fighter games of manliness to the max.
I love Jared’s Digimon costume! and he took it from the ORIGINAL series! bonus points!
OH MY GOD. I nearly did a spit-take when I saw Jared as Tai Recently re-watching adventure XD
…Is that Jared’s dinner? It looks like dinner.
Breakfast I think… or munchies.
I can’t quite pin down the reason, but it pleases me greatly when the Commander uses words like “douchey”.
Also, bonus points to Jared for his awesome costume. I used to come home from school, and me and my big brother used to rush into the living room as fast as we could, so we didn’t miss Digimon or Yugioh.
It’s always a mini-shock to me when people refer to 20 as being not old enough to drink, in the UK 18 is the legal age so thats what I’m used to >.<
The official reason is that by making it 21 you guarantee that kids in high school won’t get liquor for their younger friends. Since in England you guys finish high school when your 16 (forgive me if I am mistaken) making 18 the legal drinking age is not a issue.
However, if you search “drunk on the 4th of July” into you tube you will see many visual examples as to why we wait so long to be allowed alcohol.
Oddly enough, this is one of the rare cases where an arbitrary decision in a law matches up decently with later medical studies. Brain development tends to stabilize just as people are coming out of their teenage years, and it’s pretty well documented that excessive alcohol intake is significantly worse before that point.
Longest Hangover ever, lol
See, I never watched Digimon, so the first thing that came to mind for Jared’s costume was, for some reason, the Surfer Singed character skin from League of Legends.
Oh man I love Jared’s costume XD It makes me remember the old days X3
Your not the only one Arttic. :) But then when I saw this last week the first thing to pop in my head was I need to watch them again and this time in there original format. It’s not to different from what we got but it was to see some of what the original dialog was hehe
I just now noticed the whites of Jonesy’s eyes are all pink. Nice attention to detail! I also see Jared’s hale, hearty and ready to rock, unlike the other two. I guess he stuck to Sprite!
I like the Commander’s extra beard, even if it was probably for his costume back one page. Kind of sexy. ;)
I think this is the first comic on this site that I don’t get
Most of the ninja clans in Mortal Kombat are pretty much just assassins. Making fun of an assassin or his/her clan isn’t a good idea. Added to the fact that they are from Mortal Kombat, you’re looking a pretty gruesome death.
I just found this site today,and have read each comic at least 18 times.I just wanted to thank the maker for such a great comic. Thanks
Has anyone ever noticed a few similarities between Snake Eyes vs. Storm Shadow and Sub Zero vs. Scorpion?
Digimon character names are my personal berserk button.