We’ve all been there
April 13, 2015
2:36 am
Quick little thing, gettin’ back on my feet and working on this cool Iron Bull helmet for SDCC.
Also, pages 18-20 of Platinum Black up for anyone following that.
Quick little thing, gettin’ back on my feet and working on this cool Iron Bull helmet for SDCC.
Also, pages 18-20 of Platinum Black up for anyone following that.
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Aha, good one. It makes people feel really dumb when talking over a handsfree. I love it.
True story of almost every cellphone users ^_^ But that happened if i set my phone on vibrate or silent. If my cellphone plays my ringtone, then people know that i AM using a cellphone.
Best solution, as far as I’ve found: put a hand up to your ear where the headset is and keep it there while you’re talking. It’ll direct people’s eyes to what you’re actually talking to, and distract them long enough that they don’t feel the need to reply.
Not exactly hands-free, but if you’re not driving or carrying something awkward, it shouldn’t be that big a problem.
I don’t take enough calls to make a habit out of it, and I’m not sure how good the quality on my earphone mic is anyway, but I kind of want to do this with my smartwatch.
…yeah, that threw me off for a while too.
I tend to talk to myself in public (I find it very relaxing), and I never get these kinds of reactions. Too bad. “No, I am talking to the voices in my head” would be such a great reply, too.
Or “You’re just jealous because the voices only talk to me.”
+1 internet to you.
…And +1 from me. (The voices always did like you better. It’s not faiiiiirr….)
So kind of offtopic but I’ve been wondering if Coelasquid has mentioned how Commander Badass that character from Codename Steam is.
Also I love the second panel more than I think I should.
oh yeah I’ve been there before. I love how you be at the joke though.
The new platinum black material is really cool Coela, I love the style of your creatures, just one question: Are you trying to be the George R R Martin of web comics? Because that was some heavy cliffhanger
(soto voc) hey aldo, it upadated spoiler you learn jack’s whole name.
Yes, I read that but I’m afraid the name is new to me
Fucking cellphones. Only way to tell the difference between somebody on their phone and a madman talking to the voices in their head these days is to get close enough to
1. See if they’re carrying a cellphone or not and
2. Also be close enough that if they are a madman talking to the voices in their head, they can make a shirt out of your skin
Not all madmen (or women) who talk to their head voices want to wear you as a shirt… a loincloth or a diaper for long road trips on the other foot :D
I’m happy with just a hat honestly.
I’m not interested in new clothes because it would also mean I’d have to learn how to sew all that skin together right.
But if I happen to be feeling a bit hungry at the time, though…
Not to mention tanning techniques… I want my leather supple darn it.
I like the “The voices in my head keep interfering with my to do list”
Or “I’m composing a lie to my mistress”
In fairness, back when telephones were new, it must have been jarring to hear only one side of a conversation from the next room.
It still is, why do you think phone conversations in public are more distracting than two people chatting?
I think they should just expect people to wear mouth masks when they have headphones on, so no one thinks you’re trying to talk to them.
I sometimes like to make awkward eye contact with people talking on hands-free. Like I’m REALLY excited that they’re talking to me. Maybe wave at them a bit. Drop them a wink or two. Cause let’s be honest, there is a time and place when hands-free is acceptable and many times and many places when it is awkward/rude for people around you. If you ignore common courtesies… you should be made to regret it. Also, it can be kinda funny.
Once again, my favorite MGDMT comics are the simple, dumb jokes.
That said, I assume anyone wearing headphones is tuned out from the world, and I’d probably assume they weren’t talking to me until they grabbed my attention somehow. Even when I’ve stopped my music, I always take one ear out before talking to someone so they know I’m paying attention.
“Mic” is what misleads me. Either pronunciation/spelling is acceptable, I’m sure, but I usually hear “mike” and yet usually see “mic”. I prefer the former for both, yet it doesn’t make full sense to write it “mike”.
The internal conflict on that last line drives me batty.
It’s pronounced “mike” and it’s spelled “mic” because it’s short for “microphone” not “Mikerophone” or “MikeRowePhone”, which I imagine is a special telecommunication device used exclusively to converse with actor Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame.
The joke is that no matter which way you pronouce it into most microphones, it’s going to sound wrong.
When I was reading Death Note I always thought Light should just get a bluetooth headset if he wanted to talk to Ryuk in public. He’d still need to be careful about his side of the conversation, but it’s better than trying to totally ignore the invisible chatterbox following you…
When I was reading Death Note I always thought Light should just get a bluetooth headset if he wanted to talk to Ryuk in public. He’d still need to be careful about his side of the conversation, but it’s better than trying to totally ignore the invisible chatterbox following you…
A Travis Bickle cameo? Who’s next, Tyler Durden?
When someone’s talking and you’re not sure if they’re talking to you but you think you should respond, thats when you’ve got to ask yourself… do you feel lucky, punk?
There’s a joke where if you want to rant to the voices in your head, hold up a cell phone to your ear. Everyone will just think you’re an asshole, not crazy.
The new pages for Platinum Black are awesome, just wanted to say, I am loving the feel of the world out are creating there. I also am really intrigued about why he warrants the fear they have of Sayer. Love your work in both comics!
First time I heard some person talking to herself (that was years ago, when it started) I thought she was crazy – till I saw the mic…
Felt very stupid back then ^_^;;;
Well Travis is from the 70s, no wonder he has trouble with all this crazy future tech
What’s the Commander’s accent supposed to sound like? I can never tell.
Like halfway between Nathan Explosion and Beetlejuice.
Goddamn it, I know I’ve heard that level before.
…I think thats the level of ‘Im Upstairs from The Trapdoor, just without a Cockney accent
So Travis Bickle is an icon of Masculinity now?
Frustrated, powerless maculinity, yeah. When you think about it he’s very similar to the usual cast of characters around here, just stuck in a more realistic world. Not his fault his universe didn’t include healing sprays.
Oh my God. This is freaky. My partner was watching Taxi Driver literally a couple of days ago, so seeing this strip gave me the weirdest deja vu.
Hey Coela, ever thought about cosplaying as President Funkhouser from Dr. Mcninja?
I actually do the opposite; when I’m talking to myself I put my headphones on, so people think I’m on the phone.
I actually quite like Platinum Black so far. Can’t wait to see what Blue’s story is since he scared the piss out of those leopard seals by just being there.
San fran Shishkie!?