Just wanted to pimp so absolutely radcore artists I have commissioned some fabulous Commander Badassery from. If you’re in the market to exchange your dollars for art, you should check them out too!
This one is from Jennifer/Jeff over at this fine tumblr.

Aaaand this one comes compliments of Modus Operandi’s Tish!

I worked with a TI -Thursday islander; no fear, no nerves- who opened beer bottles with his eye socket. But a real man opens his beers with some other guys teeth.
I actually did one too! Like two days ago.
I would classify it as “not as good” but still. It happened.
I love the coffee in the first one. Commander’s like, “Yeah, I drink lattes, and I can still take you down with one hand should I feel the need to. Whatcha gonna do?”
Nothing goes with coffee quite like tobacco.
Amen to that! :)
*gulp’s half a cup of coffee and goes to frantically look for is pack of cigarettes*
Cigarettes? Disgusting. Get yourself a good Havana Cigar to go with your coffee.
I love the manliness of Modus Operandi’s one! As a girl I can appreciate a man with chest hair, combat boots, and the fact that he has two bottles
I happen to know a woman from college who used to do that beer bottle opening thing.
damn, I keep forgetting to scan and send you the one I did in my sketchbook instead of doing my portfolio :V
I love the opening beer bottle with his teeth one.
okay, i threw my wallet at the screen, but i don’t think it’s working. TAKE MY MONEY DAMNIT!
I want to have his adopted babies
Nintendo will never learn. Ever!
Is Nier infectious?
… What you say strikes a chord with me. But I find that Americans tend to do the same thing with non “manly men” heroes. They turn them into some muscle head, even if it doesn’t fit who they are. It’s like if Michael Bay made Gurren Lagann, he’d make Kamina into “The Rock” or something.
True manliness is not expressed through having big tits (pecks)! It’s about having a big soul, standing up for what you believe in even if you die! It’s about feeling pain, but not letting it show, it’s about feeling fear, yet not acting upon it! That is what a true man is.
If you think I don’t call out that shit too, you obviously don’t hang around my Tumblr.
Everything I’ve heard and seen about Nier makes me really not want to play it. Aside from the superficial stuff, the videos all tell me it’s full of Square’s usual convoluted plot with at least one really annoying bad sidekick character and campy villains.
Though which is it that ticks you off more – the fact that Square made a prettyboy for their national version, or the fact they read their shallow fanbase correctly?
Anyway, love your comic, been reading for a long time now. Excellent way to start the week – I’m usually chuckling about an update for days. I really enjoy your art style as well.
Hey, Kelly, I just want to thankyou again for the autograph you gave me at Waicon on saturday of the Magikarp :D You absolutely made my day :D