Meet Regina
August 10, 2016
9:29 am
This isn’t particularly funny but look I am completely under water here still trying to compensate for the time SDCC made me miss and the fact that I’m posting this at 6AM on a Wednesday probably proves that
In case you’re not versed in six year old internet memes, here you go;
Wait, she still has to ask? o_O
She should know better. XD
As a 90s kid this is among the funniest things I’ve ever seen don’t sell yourself short.
As an 80’s kid, the only thing that would be funnier is a monster-parrot imitating Rob Halford.
If I was some enemy mook, and a giant singing t-rex came up to me screaming “Cant! Stop! The Painkilleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!”, I could probably die happy.
That would be extremely metal.
Or at least leather rebel i would die happy
I agree, I think the words being huge like that adds to the effect, I’m not sure what that is called, but it is well used.
What movie was that on the soundtrack to? Feel like maybe it was “Resident Evil” but don’t have access to the OST CD to check
“the one” with jett lee had it in the sound track. used it in there opening scene
XXX with Vin Diesel also had a remix of it on the soundtrack.
That’s possibly where heard it from (have to watch {almost} every movie with a kiwi in it :D)
Resident Evil One – zombie doberman scene
As a parrot owner, this is actually pretty funny XD
I don’t own a parrot, but since working at an exotics veterinarian – I concur!
You post when you gotta, Coela, we’ll be here for you. New job, con season, it’s gonna do things to your time. Thank you, as always, for providing a great comic.
Oh my goodness. xD
This comic is pretty sweet.
I thought it was funny. My only comment is WHOA WHAT’S WITH HER FACE. Also, Brutal.
Incredibly psyched to see Regina in colour, that’s going to be great. How big. Is this the mgdmt answer to indominus Rex? The nondescript space future big brass TOTALLY seem like the kind of reckless and morally bankrupt group who would develop something like indominus, *especially* given the branding and badass emphasis of space future warfare.
I’m visualizing Regina as a parrot-colored raptor. Blue, green, and yellow, maybe a dash of red, with white and black patches by her beak.
Jet’s expression in the fourth panel makes it, though. Someone’s sleeping on the couch tonight unless he time-travels to a different night…
She looks like a T-rex to me- though I like the idea that she is colored like a Macaw.
^ this. Though T-Rex colouration should probably be nearer Indian Jungle Fowl/Asiatic pheasants’, given that the chicken/pheasant branch of galliforms are their nearest living relatives. Preeeettty birbosaur.
Of course, with the parrot DNA and apparent cognitive abilities, it probably won’t take Regina long to figure out doors…
If she could reach the doorknobs. T-rex arms and all.
But she’s a clever girl…
There’s evidence to suggest that T. Rex used those stubby arms as battering rams to impact, tip over and pin down things like ceratopsians at speeds estimated around 15-20 mph.
Which doesn’t /sound/ like much until you apply that to around ten tons of charging animal bellowing thrash metal. They might need to train her not to Kool-Aid her way around the place.
Regina don’t need doors.
I can picture it now:
Regina (crashing through a wall): OOHHHH YEAH!!! TOOKIE TOOKIE FLOOOOORRRRR!!!!!!!!
(Enemy mook passes himself)
Future Space Military Brass: We want more. Fund it.
I’m embarrassed that it didn’t occur to me, but if Regina has parrot-like feet, she can just use her toes to open the door.
Spacefuture Co. probably thought of that after the first few times it happened. Not necessarily escape shenanigans involving Regina, but an incident with an under-secured door that led to one or two of their precious pricey supersoldiers getting damaged.
Well, that creates horrifying mental images for pheasant season. Question: is it still illegal to kill a hen if she’s 16 feet tall and just ate your labrador? And what load would you use for that? I don’t think #4 is quite going to do it.
I’m waiting for the day we find a Tyrannosaur mummy and learn it had a cock’s comb and wattle. It will be glorious.
You’re good – word of ‘Squid says she’s a T. Rex.
Somehow, that just makes it so much funnier, having a feathery T. Rex goddess of song.
Have you ever seen a photo of a Catalina Macaw? Your description sounds a lot like their coloration.
I want to work in the Department of Paleo Engineering when I grow up.
Well…grow up more
Careful, I’m pretty sure there’s a “grew up too much” threshold down at the DPE.
I didn’t know that song coming in.
I’m happy now.
Oh man thank you for this page and that video. The comments directed me to a band called Hatebeak. The vocals are an African Gray just doing its thing.
i’m conflicted, should i find this amusing? or scary? o3o
So long as we’re breaking out old memes… ¿por qué no los dos?
And let’s throw in ‘adorable’ too. That burd is more than fluffy enough to qualify, and toothiness is no disqualifier.
…oh gosh. Hagrid would love Mr Fish.
I second that, and I also wanna see Gobber from HTTYD because he was first voiced by Craig Ferguson, and I think I’d about die laughing from Coelasquid trying to transcribe that accent.
Saw the comic and immediately thought of the Great Maccao from Monster Hunter…
The tooki tooki absolutely slays me.
Oh thank goodness. I was starting to worry you’d been hit by a car again.
This is hilarious, and I’m looking forward to seeing Regina in color if you get the chance to color this strip.
omg I love her.
Man, all my Amazon does is yell at me in Simlish all day.
Saw the words and automatically went to the parrot memes you posted.
Love Jet and Angel’s fancy raptor family.
And a non-post on Monday indicates something happened so glad you are still alive and just buried under work. Cuz that means you are not dead or in the hospital. That is good.
I don’t know what would be scarier to encounter.. A Raptor or a Raptor singing that song. >_>;
Haha, Regina’s a T-rex.
That is awesome!
Friendly correct you is T.Rex. Just not use –
I don’t really care.
Your response makes it look like you interrupted ShadowBeastReaper mid-sentence.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that. Coela is hella powerful to be able to interrupt someone while posting. Strange internet magic at work, here.
I am kind of imagining her mid-whatever she is meant to do as giant toothy feathered death-bird – then stopping to pick up a oil drum to play around with the echoes when she shrieks in it.
Maybe I just loved that cockatoo and his cups too much though!
Parrot DNA? I’m pretty sure that thing has more Tookie Tookie bird in it.
So is Regina a tiny T-rex, or is that just a realllly big cage full of huge bird toys?
I’m leaning towards small, on account of she can hold her weight up with her toes — but who knows the physical limits to the critters that the future gene-smiths can forge?
Huge bird toys, you can see a goat on the rock.
Oh shit!
Funny: I had the exact same reaction.
Whoa – the bars where she’s hanging must me very good to not bend under her weight
Or else everyone there would be dino-parrot’s snack
…We have time traveling future genetically created badasses who have a pet genetically bred thrash metal singing T-Rex and… you’re… questioning the tensile strength of the metal perch bars she’s hanging off of?
Way to focus on the details, bro! *single clap!*
I got the implication that this was a huge birdosaur, but confirmation that it’s T.Rex makes me really, really want to know what kind of death roars this thing could crank out.
Looks like SCP 682.
And if I had to guess who’s been blasting that music, I’d probably guess Reaper. I bet he has that song on repeat, despite having Linkin Park in the mix, too.
Looks to me like Tank has been hanging out with Regina and playing his music around her. Maybe he took that therapy dog advice to heart, but wanted something a little more manly, like a therapy T-Rex.
This is amazing and I am now adopting it as my headcanon. Thank you.
Therapy T-Rex yes please. Just walk into the supermarket like “oh, yeah, this girl, she’s my therapy dinosaur,” while Regina is watching the meat counter and eyeing the guy in the butcher’s apron and hoping for scraps. While of course being otherwise a well-trained dino ;)
Sorry, Angel. I didn’t even know that tyrannosaurs could use Twitter. And even if I did, how was I supposed to know Regina would follow Wolf Puppy?
Love it! And somehow I missed that video thanks for posting it, it’s great
Never let a parrot hear anything you don’t want to continue hearing for the next 10 years! Somehow I don’t think a fingernail will be sufficient when that creature wants head-scritches.
Thank you for the laughs. Thanks for your comic!
>This isn’t particularly funny
Don’t sell yourself short. I laughed. But I might be biased – angry cockatoos are my spirit animal.
Housemate has a parrot. It sings “staying alive”.
I dunno how the trexes vocal ranges were… but I immediatly heard her with the exact same voice of the Drowning Pool singer… if the dna involved a grey parrot, then regina is a pretty bright burd .
Now imagine that scaled so deep you can’t exactly hear it, but powerful enough you can /feel/ it in your bones anyway.
Probably off by at least a bit…pre-avian dinosaurs didn’t have the syrinx yet (wrong lung structure), so they likely would not have had the same kind of complex vocalizations as birds or mammals, but they could have made sounds like booms, drums and coos (hadrosaurids in the lambeosaurinae family like parasaurolophus could honk like a foghorn all the way down to infrasonic with their crest, and had the potential for more complex vocalizations using that.), so one can imagine.
Obviously, Regina benefits from Parrot DNA and has a much better range and complexity than her ancestors likely did.
If Regina’s able to mimic things she hears like this, then she’s definitely got a syrinx. I wonder if that means she’s also got a high-pitched little (comparatively speaking, since she is herself HUGE) baby-doll type voice, like parrots usually do when they are mimicking people.
Now I’m imagining her sidling up to the edge of the enclosure, fluffing herself and giving Jet the side-eye, crooning and begging for fresh goat treats in the most adorable voice she can muster.
Just do not call her Gigi.
You say it’s not very funny, but this is the hardest I’ve laughed at your comic so far. Absolutely hysterical to imagine a raptor singing that song.
T. Rex.
Even funnier.
I would buy this t-shirt in a heartbeat.
My mom used to sing this as a lullaby. Brings back memories.
Aww yess!! Drowning Pool is one of my favorite band & that song is my favorite track!! XDDDDDD Thank you SO much, Squid~
I… I just can’t, I never knew you could cry from something so beautiful.
Now I know why my gran never liked keeping them in cages.
Your gran kept T.Rexes?
One of my first ever jobs at the tender age of 16 was doing housekeeping for a local bed and breakfast ranch down the street from my parents’ house. My employer had a gorgeous Amazon named Beretta who loved to whistle the Andy Griffith theme song.
Over and over…and over…and over.
Decades later, I can still remember every part of that song because of that bird.
I disagree with ya. This comic IS really funny.
You may not think it is, find the idea of a T-Rex/Parrot cross singing Nu/Thrash Metal hilarious.
Seconded! This gives me so many happy feelings it cannot be denied or ignored. And some of those happy feelings involve laughter.
Only thing that would make it better would be Canada Guy crashing into a scene RIDING the t-rex/parrot cross singing Nu/Thrash Metal.
I never knew how much I needed a parrot T-Rex in my life until now.
It’s a raptor.
Or not. My bad.
Hey, heads up, you made a slight typo in the second panel. I assume you meant to write “asked them to use”?
I love that video. A comic strip inspired by that video? I love that too.
And kudos for transcribing the video to match up if you listen to it while reading the strip!
(If canon-Regina has a voice like an Amazon parrot, that certainly makes a lot of excuses to use funny singing or laughing videos, and I approve of them all!)
I have to say it.
Saw the first panel, and I immediatly thought ‘Shit, too much parrot in that mix’
I’m glad I was right.
Ah man, I only now figured out why she’s called “Regina”, guess I’m getting older by the day.
Far as overall funniness, this is both a nice comic and a fun idea for a new recurring character in Jet’s menagerie. I know I’m enjoying it!
No, you’re wrong. This is EXTREMELY funny. I am 100% there for fluffy velociraptors belting out Drowning Pool. A++, would giggle-snort at again.
…er, raptor dinos in general, I should say–other commentors say she’s a t-rex and she does look different from the little fluffballs so I was wrong.
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, no this is the funniest thing Kelly. Space future parrot dinosaurs. This is sci-fi comedy gold.
Aaaaaaaah why is this not in colour D:
Because I work about 20 hours a day on various projects and sleep two hours a night.
Serious, the more people ask why it’s not colored the less likely it is to be colored. I fully agree with why, too – she puts out free entertainment on a roughly regular schedule and people gripe that it needs to be improved.
She asks like she doesn’t already know the answer. XD
The idea of a T-Rex just swinging around the cage by its feet like a parrot is amazing. I want one.
Just noticed that you missed the word “to” in Jet’s first speech bubble. “I might have asked them use too much parrot dna…”
This song is old already! Not to mention that it’s being played in the nondescript space future! It must be like clasical music by then!