Trying to get on making things because people are beating down my door for stuff to buy
One thing I’ve been tinkering with the idea of is an 11×17 print of Commander in his garage. SO QUESTION what do you guys think, shirt or no shirt. I’ve been having people ask for a pinup, but I’m not looking to alienate the straight-guy portion of the readership, so I figured I’d see what people think of the sketch thus far;

Other thing I was wondering if people have interest in, I have some pretty good contacts with a local business in the area that does castings, manufacturing, that sort of thing. There is a chance I could sculpt Commander’s Navy TIALS pin and have it cast (I could have a few different materials to choose from on this one, everything from plastics to actual metal). I’d have to get a quote on what it would cost, but I figured I should poll for general interest first. Since it’s hard to judge from that comic, this is my present design for the pin;

EDIT: Got a price quote! if they’re metal and three inches or so across it looks like I shooooould be able to sell them for $25-30. I would likely do a limited run of them, like 25-50.
Annnnd a couple ideas for shirts. I dunno, I know everybody wants something Mr. Fish-y but I feel awkward about using copyrighted characters in merchandise. I know everybody does it but… y’know. Personal hangup. Anyway, trying to think of things that people don’t need to be fans of the comic to get a chuckle out of.

Other Possibility, I could maybe contact a custom beanie place to make Jared’s Mushroom skull touque. That’s have to be a bulk order that would cost a few hundred dollars initially, though so that’s only if a loooot of people (like at least fifty) are interested.
So, I dunno, just some thoughts, wanted to know what folks think so I can stop going to cons without anything to sell:P
I wouldn’t buy a printout either way, but as a straight guy, I’m totally okay with a pinup.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I’d buy the last frame of the first comic (Kratos’s QTE at Best Buy) on anything you print it on. I don’t drink coffee and I’d buy a mug with that on in a heartbeat. Slap it on an ashtray and I’ll take up smoking!
Definately no shirt on the print, and if you start making those pins up, I’ll be the first to buy.
I would buy that srs bsns t-shirt SO HARD.
Also, as a straight married guy, I have no issue whatsoever with a half-naked Commander pinup. It’s not like you’re forcing me to buy it and stare at it all day.
Are you?
As a straight man, I would stare at that all day. Look at that goddamn chest. That man is awesome. I just want to hang out with him, maybe go hunting or learn how to skin a shark.
More or less my thoughts on the matter.
Straight male, and I’m gonna third this sentiment. Nothin’ wrong with the Commander living up to his name.
Also, I would buy the Commander pin. And wear the everliving bejeezus out of a Commander jacket/hoodie.
Just sayin’.
Yes as a strait male i see nothing wrong with the poster and would buy one
but i feel if hes relaxin like that he should have a cup or glass or bottle of something to drink sitting somewhere around him
YES YES YES YES to ALL of them.
I would LOVE a MGDMT Tshirt. But make something girl-friendly too? C:”
What’s girl unfriendly about Serious Bisons?
(Or Jared getting mauled by an Andrewsarchus for that matter)
No no I dont mean that these things are girl unfriendly- but-
Ehm- Something thats more girly? D: I dont know >A<
But I do admit I'd want Commander in his garage on my wall as a poster! C:
Have you read the title of the comic lately?
Not sure what’s sadder. The fact that you expected something “girly” to come from this comic or that you believe you can’t have a dude like that *points to concept* hanging on your wall/printed on your shirt, and not be girly while wearing it.
That being said, I’m sure Coel (if she’s willing) could come up with something cute, involving the commanders kids and make that a “girly” shirt for ya. I could see the commanders daughter being the poster girl for military men’s daughters the world over and she really is an adorable lil squeeker.
No idea what the girl above me meant, but I would like to put in a request for “girl friendly” as in “on a shirt cut for a girl”. I’d love me a srs bsns shirt, but I’ve found from experience that I just won’t wear a dudeshirt. I’d even be willing to pay a few bucks extra, I know they cost a bit more to make.
I’d not really be interesting in girly DESIGNS… it’s Manly Guy Doing Manly Things. But I’d hope that they T-shirts also come in a woman’s cut/pattern, because wearing guys’ shirts is inevitably uncomfortably tight across the bust, or ludicrously baggy. :< I hate that so many of the shirts I desperately want are only in men's sizes.
Agreed. Baby-doll tees FTW.
This is already girl-friendly! Look at him! That’s a man of my dreams!
Official Comander Cigars please!
Actually, what might be affordable and cool would be hoodies with the same colours and pattern as his jacket. I know I’d wear the fuck out of it.
It would be kinda cool, but I’m not sure where you’d get something like that made…
I COULD probably find a place to do Jared’s Mushroom-skull beanie, though.
I would buy Commander in the garage in A HEARTBEAT. Shirt off, of course ^.^ He’ll look amazing with Gogo and Masterchief.
I’d get an Andrewsarchus shirt, a Serious Bisons shirt, and a TIALS pin.
Just sayin.
That pin would be awesome, and looks like it would lend itself to being done as a penannular brooch, well known for being the manliest of pinning methods.
Oh boy, that pin. Can I preorder already?
Straight male, would definitely buy the shirtless commander poster (not sure if I would hang it on a wall, but I don’t really have a place for comic art in my home right now)
I totally dig your Serious Bisons idea, I’d definitely buy it. Actually, they are all good ideas. Beautiful, beautiful.
I love the Commander sketch so much as a print. I will seriously consider buying this as a poster if you print it.
Love the pin idea as well!
I love the shirt designs so far. I would think about getting a serious bison shirt. I would really love a shirt design with the Commander though.
Straight male, think the shirtless Commander poster is fine and you should totally go right ahead one that :D
I think if the pin were metal I’d buy one.
My shirt preference is for Serious Bisons, and I’d probably save up to get the “you’re not Serkis” shirt for my brother for Christmas or his birthday.
i think a steel pin would look quite snazzy, and i would the probably thirty bucks for it (im guessing you want to make a profit but also give merch thats good quality)
Definitely the bison one is a winner for me.
How about a Leonidas vs Kratos one, with their gay chicken story arc.
I agree. This would be an insanely awesome shirt. I would use the panel where they’re talking about the tea lights. Excellent. =}
I know you’re not into using the licensed characters, but maybe if you gave the companies a call and got permission? Seems logical.
It’s pokemon, they’re not gonna give permission. :c
also, im very interested in the beanie
Would totally buy the print, shirt on or off. (Though that is a chest pelt of majesty, it’s got to be said.) Tshirts also always a good idea, maybe something single-panel with Canadian Guy and Commander Badass – recognizable by fans and intriguing to the nons?
(And I’m a pinback button FIEND so pinback buttons also always a win-win sitch.)
If you ever got really creative, that Commander action figure from way back would be genius.
I think it’s a testament to your skill that straight men feel at ease with your burly half-naked man (Add my straight-guy-approval to the pile)
On the other hand, I’m a bit afraid the Andrewsarchus shirt might fall a little flat. I think at best people might think the hyena-looking creature (because how many people know what an andrewsarchus is) is yelling because the bloke in its mouth isn’t Andy Serkis. (Worst case is Global Thermonuclear War)
It’s your call though (but keep in mind the War!)
Yeah, but when you run into a fellow MGDMT fan, they’ll be all “OMG YOU READ IT TOOOOOO?” and/or get a nice laugh out of it.
I know I would.
I’m down for any military emblem that has a spork in it!
That’s not a spork, that’s a ray-gun.
oh my god when I have finished my christmas shopping I could buy these things
I am totally into the pin and the tshirts and the beanie!! <33
I don’t blame you on the copyright character thing, would be a sticking point for me, too…
Gotta say I love the print – shirt off, personally, but if you put a shirt on him I’d probably still want it. :)
SeRiouS BiSoNS bring much joy to my heart! pretty pretty pretty please?
I would totally grab a Jarod beanie. +1 beanie interest count.
+2 interest count.
I would totally buy the pinup. Wouldn’t even mind it if Commander were bigger in the frame, standing up maybe… if this first design does well, and you sell more pinups, I’d probably get those too. Juss’ sayin’. A variety of Commander all over my bedroom would be sweet.
No shirt would get my vote, naturally. However, the Commander also looks great in his uniform or just a simple mono-colored shirt.
The poster in the garage is very clever. Pinup in a pinup!
I would get the pin(if it were metal, say like an actual military pin, whole brass look) and the “YOU’RE NOT ANDY SERKIS AT ALL” shirt, since the pin looks awesome and the shirt design makes me laugh.
I’d love a Commander poster on my wall, but.. hmm, that sketch places him on the lower bottom of the picture, making the garage look like the mainpoint of it instead of the Commander himself. Besides, him sitting down like that doesn’t give the proper perception of him being a tough-as-a-shark, manly guy, it kind of “shrinks” him down.
So, I’m gonna vote “DEFFO YES!” on the general poster idea, but “no” on that sketch.
Serious Bison coffee mug would be something I would love
I love pins, and as such, I wold buy a couple TIALS pins. I would prefer the Commander pinup with the shirt on, but shirt off is cool too. I don’t mind the shirts, I would probably buy one or two
That pin would be so awesome! I’d buy it! Maybe try starting a kickstarter for some of this stuff after you get a quote? A lot of people like to show interest, but yeah…actually buying stuff is usually another matter.
I would wear that Serious Bisons shirt, for sure.
I’d be all over one of those serious bisons shirts too.
About the sketch, I’d say keep him half-naked, but have him bent over his car in the midst of working on the engine instead of sprawled out. That’d probably make me more likely to buy it, since the sexual undertones would be a bit less obvious.
Without a shirt. TAKE MY MONEY.
I know you have no reason to pay attention to my opinion, since I’ve never commented on the blog before and you probably think I’m just a drive-by (but I’m NOT! I swear I’m not! I love this comic with all my heart and have been following it religiously forEVER) — but, for what it’s worth, I love a man in uniform. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the shirtless Captain is the best thing ever, but I think his uniform is kind of what defines him for poster/t-shirt purposes.
I am buying that bisons t-shirt the minute it comes out. THE VERY MINUTE.
I like the “you’re not andy serkis!” shirt, even though I have no idea who that is lol
I also like the pin up poster (no shirt = yes pls!)
@Maggie: Andy Serkis is an actor who specializes in motion capture and digital effects. He played Gollum in the LOTR movies. He’s also done lots of other stuff but that’s probably the role most people will recognize. He’s generally an awesome dude.
Should I find myself with disposable cash whenever MADMT merch becomes available, I will more than likely buy some. Probably T-shirts, but if that pin was available for a reasonable price (no more than $20, tops, I’d say, having no knowledge of what it takes to make it), I’d strongly consider it. The pinup I would want to buy, but would only do so if I had anywhere to put it up. An image like that is too manly to stay hidden away for long.
What about The Commander shirtless, but hes wearing his leather jacket? I think everyone can appreciate a shirtless dude in a leather jacket
I’d go for the pin and bison shirt, personally. The Serkis shirt is funny, but is *too* obscure to be understood. Mayhaps a Canada Guy shirt would be an interesting idea… Just a suggestion, love your work!
lesbian female also aproves of shirtless commander!
As one of your not-straight male readers my vote can’t quite count but I’m definitely going to go with the “No Shirt” option. If our straight readers feel a little weirded out by seeing excessive manliness I’d settle for a vest. Leaves a bit more to the imagination. ;)
No Shirt please! I think he’s awesome looking!!
What about a cigar case or lighter? I’m not in a position to be buying stuff at the moment, but come Father’s Day something like that would be perfect :]
Would totes go for shirtless!pin-up and bison shirt.
I vote shirt off (I can’t help it, I think his chest hair is glorious), and I would buy the Andrewsarchus shirt in a heartbeat, because frankly, it’s the funniest thing I think I have ever seen.
I’m with you on the not using copyrighted material, and with MGDMT I don’t think you really need to. Much as we all love Mr Fish, your two designs up there are pretty fantastic and I think they would do well.
Well, a good vehicle for shirtlessness is doing an activity that would be sweaty or dirty, like fixing big machines. Lounging and smoking a ceegar is more of a “this is a pin-up” kind of scenario.
Regarding the pinup, I feel that shirtless would be good for a b&w version, while color would work better with a shirt.
Speaking of shirts, why not use the pin design as a t-shirt design(,too) ? Maybe have some writing wrapping around it – “NAVY TIALS” on top, a motto below.
And definitely go with Serious Bisons. That one’s probably gonna be a hot seller.(Might wanna add an pseudo-M. Bison cap, maybe – That’s not too copyrighted, right?)
I am all kinds of for any sort of merchandise. I would absolutely get a pin. Without question.
I would buy a printout of the commander, shirt or no shirt.
Straight man, still love the commander.
And i would wear that pin everywhere…
How much of a loser do you have to be before you misspell your screen name??
Oh well… haha
I love everything even andrewsarchusssssssss~!
Pins are a great idea and awesome for gifting too. I can’t decide which shirt is more work friendly…I want to bust it out a la:
I’d probably buy a pin if it wasn’t too expensive.
I myself probably wouldn’t buy the print, but everything else? HECK YES I WOULD. :D Especially the t-shirts. You should see if you can find a way to make a shirt with Jared and Mr. Fish. I don’t really know how copyrights work, but can’t you ask Nintendo’s permission or something?
Honestly, I think the pin idea is pretty badass, though I know I’d never buy one. However, Andy Serkis, I just might want a T of that.
I’ll take 8.
I very badly want a Srs Bsns shirt. Honestly not too sure about the other things though!
I will definitely buy both those shirts and the pin; possibly the poster.
No shirt for the commander, and yes shirts for me please :3
I want a Jared beanny
I would love the metal pin, I would wear it everywhere.
Shirtless, please! And, you know, in his kilt. For BONUS POINTS.
What we need is a print of Jared begging with his big eyes and squished up face. “For meeee??!”
I reckon the bison speaks (stoically) for itself, so I would love a t-shirt to stretch across my broad chest without the wording. What would convert these from ideas to “Add to basket”? Pre-payment? I love a good t-shirt, I would be up for that.
I think all of it is a brilliant idea, I’d definently buy the pin and the pin up (shirtless of course) and why dont you make a book of all the comics your made so far, like in a hardcover id buy that in a heartbeat
Three things
1. I would not buy a shirt with the Garage print. It’s too bulky and seems more fit for a poster to me.
2. I would totally buy a pin. I would prefer metal so I can actually pin it on my jacket without it being damaged. But the pin should not cost more than $20 (US or CN) though.
3.I would also buy a shirt with the pin-design or other shirts, for that matter.
4. I am a German and thus it would be nice to know whether it is possible to:
4.1 Pay with anything else but a credit card. (They’re anything but common here.)
4.2 Actually receive the Merchandise.
ps.: The fifth of the three things: I don’t understand the Serious Bison-thing a single bit.
SRS BSNS, like, chatspeak for “serious business”
Thanks for the explanation :) I didn’t know that either.
A Kickstarter’s a good idea.
I don’t really have room for prints. Fidgety things that go on my desk are the best. Hand grip strength exercisers, perhaps?
Oh, but how I want a “I’M THE KING OF EVERYTHING” Mr Fish print. I am ALL OVER that shirtless print though, seriously. As a Canadian I would also recommend a Canada Man Fighting Moose t-shirt. Or a Marlon Brando religious poster. And I do understand your reluctance to do stuff with copyrighted stuff… but Can’t Read My Pokéface? I think I just inadvertently reread your entire comic. Carry on.
I would buy the poster as a shirt. XD
And the Andy Sarchus shirt, so long as it came in a woman’s cut.
No shirt on the print would probably be for the best. I can dig it. Also, I would buy the ever loving hell out of one of those pins.
I would kill for official Captain Badass goggles and boots package!
Does anyone else have an urge for a SPARTANS PLAY GAY CHICKEN FOR KEEPS shirt?
Yes I am a straight man shut up.
Yes, yes I do. I would buy that shirt. Along with the Andrewsarchus shirt and the TIALS badge. Ugh, the postage costs to Australia is gonna be a bitch though…
And the best part about something like that shirt idea is that it could just be text. People would be like wtf, and you can direct them to the comic! WINNING.
I would consider wearing a Serious Bisons shirt. That’s a 4 star rating from me- I tend to strenuously avoid wearing shirts with words, for whatever reason. If the shirt is some color other than white, orange, red, or yellow, I would be likely to buy it.
I’m a straight female and I probably wouldn’t buy the poster based on that sketch. I like the idea of a poster of the Commander- shirt (jacket?) on or off- but something about that sketch is just awkward. I think it’s the look on his face and the one foot kind of hanging out there.
P.S. Your comic was recommended to me a few days ago, and I’ve read through the entire archive. I’m enjoying it greatly so far.
Yes, I would get a shirt, either one and I’d DEFINITELY get the pin. So neat. I’m also voting no shirt, just because that seems more natural. I don’t know.
I like it without the shirt, it feels natural for him in his own garage. Depending on the prices and how much I can spare from my paycheck, I would gladly buy almost all the stuff you proposed.
I would kill to get my hands on that Andrewsarchus shirt.
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH I am having so Jared-Bambi-eyes now..
I’d probably get the mushroom toque and the pin, though I also don’t have the cash currently to pre order anything. The pin up is a cool design, but not really my taste and I like the serious bison shirt design, though I’m missing any kind of reference that might be on it.
It’s just “SRS BSNS” You know. Like chatspeak for “serious business” but looks more like it says “serious bisons”
What about a TIALS shirt? I know myself and several of my friends would buy it. It looks really cool, and people who know what it’s from would get a chuckle out of it. People who don’t would probably just think it looked neat.
I love the Commander pinup!
Would we be able to get the Navy TIALS design on a shirt?
I would buy anything with Mr. Canada on it.
No shirt, definitely. I’m a straight guy, and I’m still in the no-shirt vote. Manly men don’t need chest protectors against cold, oil spills, cigar ash, dinosaurs…
I REALLY like the pin, but I admit I can’t guarantee I can buy one immediately as a newly minted graduate. Also <3 for 'You're not Andy Serkis.'
As long as you post to Europe I totally want the pin for my Turbojugend jacket! I’d by a shirt with the design, too. I’d also get any print/poster of the commander, shirt on or off – and the more pin up-y the better;)
I would buy the TIALS pin for sure! And a hell yes to pinup commander in all his shirtless glory XD I hope you’re open to posting things overseas!
Redbubble just started letting their artists do custom printed iphone cases. I’m not sure what kind of money you’d make on them, but it’s an idea.
1. As long as you make girl pin ups the straight guys shouldn’t care if you make guy pin ups.
2. I see your concern with using Mr. Fish in products, what with him being a OFFICIAL Pokemon. What if he evolved into one you made up? It’s still Mr. Fish, just not a Gyarados.
3. The people who do “I’m a Marvel and I’m a DC” parodies got around their own copyright problem… sorta. Maybe you can look into what they do and find some ideas.
4. Creating a few more unique characters to expand your universe may help in coming up with legal merchandise to sell. Who is Commander Badass’ nemeses? He’s in competition with that Canadian guy but I don’t think he’s a nemeses. Maybe he has none or his nemeses isn’t a tangible being but where ever prejudice against those who served their manly duty (in war, illegal government experimentation, fighting zombies, saving princesses, etc.) and are now just trying to live normal lives. Maybe I am way off and your about a mouse click a way from banning my commenting ass. Just food for thought.
5. I personally think selling temporary tattoos would be a hit. How to get them I don’t know. A coloring book or calender might be options to look into because those can be made as ordered instead of buying a bunch and hoping they sell.
That’s all I got. Love your work.
I’d definitely buy the pin if it was in quality metal and the size of a real cap badge or set of para/air force wings. Even if that made it expensive. Would happily pay $50 for a quality pin, wouldn’t buy a plastic one even if it was just $5.
As a completely straight guy, I would buy that shirtless commander poster, and put it up on my dorm room wall right next to a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic poster. Manly as fuck.
SRS BSNS <3 But since I live in Europe it would probably cost me a small fortune :( Alas, nobody ever seems to get it when I say "serious bisons".
I like both. I’d buy a print out, providing the “Manly Guys Doing Manly Things” logo is somewhere on the print. I’m also a big, BIG fan of the Kowalski shirt design you have going there. I’d prefer if the TIALS pin were on a t-shirt.
A commander shirt would be incredible! But would definitely grab a SRS BSNS shirt!
I would definitely buy a pin and a Commander shirt. I’d *ahem* also buy…. Blue and Dagget stuff….*mumblemumble*
And I guess I can’t spell…?
I’d definitely be up for the pin, I unno about the poster, not uncomfortable, just not my thing really (Generally Robots or things with big shootey guns) and the commander has no need for a big shootey gun.
Bisons definitely has the best crowd appeal but I’m sure you can do some others (like the commander toy on the shirt with Jared’s “where are they coming from?!?” quote (paraphrasing, don’t crucify me please :P).
I’m sure there’s a few others out there like the water sprayer “I REGRET NOTHING!” bit…
Aside from that it’s difficult to create merchandise from parody work that’s based on others when you have an ethics code that doesn’t allow you to sell items that are a trademarked likeness.
really like that andrewcarchus one
I’d be all over a metal pin, or a shirt with the pin’s design. hell, even a patch. That design is boss.
Dude, I totally emailed you a couple of shirt concepts, because I am a giant fangirl dork. Probably weren’t what you were thinking of. But YES, PLEASE, OH MY GOD, SHIRTS.
Oh man, I’m sorry, I thought I responded to that email! I have this horrible habit of checking my email at work and getting half a response typed up before I have to get back to the grind, then forgetting I didn’t actually send the letter….
Oh I’ve been on *that* highway, believe you me. It’s even more fun when it’s something with a deadline. Glad to know you got it, at least!
I come to the site to check this week’s comic again and WHAT DO I SEE? The Commander being all SHIRTLESS and MANLY. 8D If I could convince parents to get a credit card for me I would definitely buy that pinup poster (with-shirtless-manly-commander-of-course) and at least one T. Or just ask them for X-mass.
And the pin. I dunno. It would be cool to get one…
I would totally buy a pin, beanie and bison shirt.
i would so buy everything! that is what i have to say.
One comic of yours I revisit a lot is the one with Bran-dao.
About reaching the state of Nirvmano, where the whole universe is in complete recognition of one’s own masculinity.
That could be a great shirt that I’m sure even non-fans would love.
I want that pin more then I’ve ever wanted anything EVER
I would buy a print of the Commander in a second, actually any prints or posters of some iconic MGDMT scenes.
Shirts are going to be the most economical to get started with. We need shirts, not necessarily pins or posters. Go with the shirts, the designs you have are awesome. If you can afford to do it, I would recommend girl cuts as well. As a female, I would more likely buy a shirt that fits well. Save me the trouble of having to sew/adjust a guy shirt. Can’t wait to see what you offer, thanks for making my Mondays awesome :D
I would and will buy all of those.
Except the poster if the Commander is half naked my sexuality has been questioned enough -.-
straight male here, Comander should defintly be topless. It just wouldn’t be right with a shirt on.
Although on that note I’d be all for a pinup of his ex as well.
And I would buy the fuck out of the pin.
As a man, i think it would be an injustice for the manliness of the Commander to be shrouded by a shirt (though that is fairly impossible).
As a gay man, I think it would be an injustice for the sexiness of the Commander to be shrouded by a shirt(though that is also equally impossible)! I would buy that print in a heartbeat!
p.s. also a big fan of the Serious Bisons
I’d be totally up for that pin, though I’d have to find out about what the shipping costs to my country would be.
Holy mother of….
I’d buy one of those pins in a heartbeat, although they’d have to be metal.
I wanna buy all the things!!!!
At least i HAVE to own the pin!
And the poster.
And the thing with that thing and the things!!!!
I’d love to find a place for shirts with the Andy Serkis and Serious Bisons prints, right next to my sparkly Disney princess stuff. What? Don’t look at me like that. Hm. You know… Shirtless Commander on a shirt would also probably like to hang out with my Disney princesses, too.
All of the things on shirts, gimme…!
You know… Andy Serkis could be playing that Andrewsarrchus..
Also, Commander pinups and TIALS pins and everything else.
I was waiting for this! Yes!
Man…I’d love that pin design on a shirt – that’d look pretty cool :D
I would buy any and all of those things.
I would buy a Mr. Fish shirt in a heartbeat. Especially if it had anything to do with the final panel of this comic:
Commander pins would also be pretty sick.
I must have Serious Bisons!
I support both shirtless Commander and Andrewsarchus shirts.
Totally down to do a pin if that comes around.
I’d get a tails pin if it were a might bit less expensive, and i know I’d buy a serious Bisons shirt. Id maybe recommend making a shirt for the Manly rehab clinic, like something it’s actual members would wear to company events and such.
I would buy almost everything proposed, except the pin, but I would especially buy the shit out of an Andrewsarchus shirt.
Can we have a Commander vs. Canadian Guy t-shirt?
If you did the Srs Bsns Shirt. I’d buy all of them *Points to name*
(Well one and wear it proudly like the poor Art student I am ;3 )
A shirt with Jared getting mauled by an andrewsarchus would rule. It’s funny in and of itself, and a very few *really* nerdy people will find it hilarious. It’s pretty much the ultimate geek shirt.
Prints could be great, especially if you get set up with a print on demand service. I could see a nice poster of the Commander at his desk with his Brando poster in the background.
Assuming shipping to Australia doesn’t double the cost, and you do shirts in girl’s sizes, I would totally buy an Andrewsarchus shirt. Maybe even if you don’t do girl’s sizes . . .
As a gay male I’d totally go for no-shirt.
For… reasons.
Serious Bisons and Andrewsarchus shirts, please.
I think it’s a little ironic that you have no problem putting a “manly” poster of Brando on the Commanders wall, yet think that a poster of the commander with his shirt off is only speaking to the female and gay male communities.
I’ve seen men of all body types, get together and just act like brothers. There’s no underlying sexual tension or homophobia (that I’ve seen) that all us gays/girls supposedly dream of. Unlike women, men can just hang out and be men and I find the same mentality is applied to who they admire.
I once ribbed my friend who was going on and on about this wrestler he idolized: “So when’s the proposal?” and the lengthy
verbal assaultargument that ensued comprised of much of what I just said, ending with: “Men don’t care so why should you?”Kudos on erring on the side of caution though… but, if you want my advice; Just do what you want.
Judging by this crowd, you can do no wrong. :)
I just mean I don’t want to do something that makes a large number of my audience members feel left out. Like, a lot of the time you’ll see comics that are like “okay well I mostly have a male demographic so I’ll just push pictures of the female cast in their underwear”. It’s pretty obvious I don’t have the free time between work and actually making the comic to crank out a whole pile of different prints, so I just wanted to make sure that too many people weren’t going to feel left out if I focused my energy on this.
If they read a comic about Manly Guys Doing Manly Things, then I don’t think there’s much you could do to drive them off in the first place. Besides, if their reason for leaving is because you drew something that made them feel sexually awkward, then maybe it’s best if they did leave.
Yeah, but that’s no reason to judge Coela poorly for trying to gauge her audience. We want her to keep drawing the comics, yes?
I never judged her poorly nor do I hold her in contempt for double checking. I just noticed the contradiction is all. I hope you also noticed that I said nothing but nice things about this comic/the merchandise thereof.
I’d be okay with the Commander shirtless and would probably also be a buyer for the pin. One question I do have though…once you’re finished drawing the print of the Commander, would you be willing to sell a single-time permission to print? Basically I’d be paying for the high-res image the print is made from to print with my own guy that does large formating printing. I only ask because he can do 44″ wide and infinitely long posters and I like my posters BIG. (Also, he only charges me like $30 to do this so it’s far cheaper than most people charge to do their prints)
I would definitely wear the pin badge, maybe also the beanie, I like it when webcomics do more than just shirts/prints because there are so many more subtle and cool ways to show comic love.
However, I would be heartbroken if the pin badge was available only when you were at cons because being a reader from England international shipping would be awesome!
I would take a shirtless Commander if he was doing something else other than sitting on a box with his legs spread.
The Navy TALS pin isn’t really obvious at first glance.
I would definitely buy a serious bisons t-shirt, I don’t think it’d work as well as a pin.
A shirtless Commander pin-up? FUCK and YES!.
Here’s some other merch ideas:
A replica of the Commander’s red leather jacket.
A Mr. Fish plushie (good luck getting that one past Nintendo’s lawyers)
A toy shark plushie, like the one that the Commander’s son has.
I WANT AN ANDY SERKIS TSHIRT!!!! that all sounds so awesome!!! i cant wait to see real pics of the stuff, im totally interested.
Totally shirt off.
And I would absolutely buy the pin if it were metal. I’d buy it faster than Canada Guy can skin a beaver.
If I had the means, I’d so get the heck out of that Commander pin up. So good… ; c ;
And keep them shirt design ideas coming! Hoping for more of the comic’s characters to be in them (i.e. commander, commander’s kids, jared?, mr. fish….)/
As a heterosexual male, I can safely and honestly say that I have no problem with shirtless Commander.
The other merch is pretty cool, too.
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!! I would buy the ever loving shit out of all of it. specially the comander in garage shirt and the serious bison shirt. I know that you still wont make a mr fish merchandise but: please please please please make some mr fish merchandise!!!!!
the Commander’s Navy TIALS pin is very cool and in metal it would be sub-zero-cool
Firstly, I would buy the pin up right now, as a rough sketch and make it a ladies-only family heirloom. The condition for getting it would be listening to the story of how Grandma was hot for a cartoon character.
Also, I would buy forever and ever a pinup calendar. Each month, a different character in a signature pose. I’m not sure how expensive they would need to be to cover your cost.
Seriously though, I will definitely buy that print.
I would definitely go for the TIALS pin.
I would totally be interested in a beanie. Totally totally.
I’d vote without shirt for the commander, because really, not enough manly men pinups out there, and adding a shirt would make it more portrait-y, rather than pinup-y, and that would just be a shame.
I’m sad that there’d be no Mr. Fish, but the concern is valid. My first thought was to do a picture of him holding a koi or something with a “you’re not Mr. Fish” sort of line to get around the Pokemon bit, but who knows how entertaining that would end up being.
One more thing – I would buy just about anything you decided to put the Canadian on. He’s the greatest.
I’d go for the TIALS pin and the bison shirt!
Late to the party, but, maybe you could see how much it would be to get the TIALS insignia put on a flask? That would give you more opportunities to use the design, and I imagine it wouldn’t be prohibitively expensive.
Would buy a Srs Bsns T shirt and a beanie for sure. Would you post overseas?
Sign me up for a pin. Metal. Price is totally worth it.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that any man who calls himself straight would be proud that have that poster on his wall. The Commander is masculinity personified, so I don’t see what the problem would be.
I’d totally buy a commander pinup. You can always use the Maddy pinup that’s below this post for all of the guys in here. :p
Canada guy. Seriously, a t-shirt of him wrestling a moose or bear or fishing in the middle of the night or something. Pine trees…
I don’t know about getting a pin, as I’m always in a state of cashlessness, but I’d definitely invest in a poster or a t-shirt!
Oh goodness. I need this. xD Or Canada guy AND a moose fishing in the middle of the night. lul.
I would buy 2 SRS BSNS shirts. If they came in girl shirt sizes. O: One for me and one for mah sis. :) It makes me giggle oh so much x3
I hesitate only because my DBZ bara might get intimidated by all that hair.
What about Selling the Shark Stuffie that the commander’s son has? That thing is cute as heck~ And i don’t think it would break any trademarks. And i would totally buy a Jared Beanie. I love hats~
Would be awesome to order a pin!
Andy Serkis shirt would be epic. Also, anything with Canada Guy and Commander Badass would be cool, too.
I would buy the hell out of that poster, shirtless or not.
I don’t know if either of these have been suggested, but some of the t-shirt prints on tote bags would be fantastic. Also, mugs with the Commander drinking coffee on them would be brilliant.
These are also excellent suggestions. Would totally scoop up a CDR Shirtless bag. I love bags. Preferably the kinds with lots of pockets and made out of canvas that stops bullets.
A Trogdos shirt, please. Prettyprettyprettyplease.
As a officer in the Navy, I would love to buy one of those pins… Would go great during a dining out or a Crossing the Line Ceremony.
Possibly put it on a zippo?
Totally dig the Andy Serkis shirt. Just print it on something that’s not black, white or blue, for crying out loud. I will no shit by one of those if you do it on red, brown, OD green… anything but black, white or blue.
IRT the garage pic… Shirt off is good. But I think I already more or less admitted to wanting a CDR pinup. Would also take that on a shirt, just to terrorize some of my more homophobic friends.
Would also suggest a patch of the TIALS warfare pin. People like patches. And buttons. For bags and stuff. :)
Also, button packs are awesome ’cause you can make sets of them for fairly cheap, which lets folks that can’t drop $20-$30 still have something awesome.
Maybe also some wrapping paper, since Xmas is coming up soon? Especially considering the one article you had…
I’d buy ANY print out/poster that you made – Commander shirtless, Commander with shirt… Commander in a kilt… Also, I’d love to see Canadian Guy somewhere – Perhaps a poster of them glaring at each other, or is that too cliche? I’d also buy the Serious Bisons t-shirt and Jared’s beanie :D The shipping costs to the UK would be a bitch, but I’d say totally worth it ^_^
No problem at all with shirtless commander, gives us something to aspire too.
On the subject of the navy TIALS pins. I happen to be a sculptor if you’d like me to cover the prototype, wouldn’t charge or demand a cut or nothing.
I’m still voting for a PokeFace tee. I think the TIALS pin, with “TIALS” on top and the meaning on the bottom, on a tee would be great as well. I wouldn’t purchase any of the current offerings, though.
ID totally buy the poster and the bison shirt
Commander calendar. Him in 12 various sexy poses. Fireman Commander, Cop Commander, Building–Site Comanader, etc. (Also I’m a bi guy and really into bara so my opinion might be biased) Also torn jeans.
No homo, but I’d buy a pinup of Commander Badass. My dorm’s awesome level would increase exponentially.
I’d buy one of those pins. I’m not much for t-shirts, and I don’t know where I’d hang a poster of a burly man, but I’d wear the pin for sure. I need one for my winter jacket.
I a would buy the hell out of a serious bisons shirt.
I would buy a shirt with the face everyone makes when riding Mr. Fish with the text “I’m the King of EVERYTHING!” over it.
I will so seriously buy a serious bisons shirt. I am as serious as that bison. And when I wear the shirt, it will make me twice as serious.
I’d buy a serious bisons shirt, or maybe a mr fish shirt?
Honestly, I’d prefer the Commander in his uniform. The picture you have is good, and it wouldn’t make sense for him to be suited up in it, but I just think he looks really cool in uniform in a proper setting.
Also, there are a lot of Jared-face panels that could be posters, or maybe a collection of them for one.
Lastly, besides Jared’s many amusing shirts, a shirt with one of the Commander’s comments on time travel, particularly when he kicked his own ass, would be cool. Oh! Or the quote that goes something like, “What do you mean I can’t fight Canadian Guy to the death? Why else would I invite him over?”
That’s all at the moment that disregards copyrighted material and the ultimate dream: the commander figure that shoots guns that shoot cans of beer. Honestly though, this comic is a treasure trove of one-liners that would be great for merchandise.
As a final note, I’d totally buy one of the pins, the higher the quality, the better.
id be interested in the pin and the beanie, but only if there is possibility of you sending em to other countries, like colombia
dude i NEED that beanie
I think I’d buy a number of Srs Bsns shirts, one for every day of the week. I could also see myself getting a TIALS pin, too.
What I would kill for, though, would be a shirt with Commander and Canadian Guy standing back to back in their Halloween gear. Or a poster. Or a mug. Or anything you could put that picture on.
I would buy the pin in a heartbeat without second thought. Hell id prob buy one for my friend.
Probably tmi, but as a Bisexual male, not only do I want to hang out and enjoy a stogie with Commander, maybe fix a car and down a six pack, but this pic also makes me want to do other things. ;) No shirt definitely, and I would sooo buy a print.
What about coffee mugs? A run of manly coffee mugs would be amazing. I’d really like something to drink out of at work that doesn’t have pictures of my sisters and I as babies.
Whether or not I’d get the pin depends on how three-dimensional it is. If it’s just a flat piece of metal/plastic with the lines etched on, I wouldn’t be terribly interested.
What time do you think they would be ready/how would I order?
totally with shirt off, it adds to the masculinity image, or perhaps a tank top. also i sooo want those TAILS badges they would be sweet :)
I would definitely buy a beanie like the one Jared has.
I’d buy both the bision one and the one above
I would buy the metal Commander’s Navy TIALS pin in a heart beat. LOVE IT! Please do make that and make sure there is enough to go around!! Each comic has easily 200+ comments, and I’m sure many, many more readers than that!
I would get the TIALS commander pin in a heartbeat! I have a black coat that looks military-ish that it would go beautifully with *__* I already have plans to change out the belt buckle on that for the Assassins creed insignia lolz
Also, I’m not a t-shirt wearing person but if you got srs bisons on a messenger bag I would throw money at you too for it :D
Holy shit! Deadpool reference!
Hmmm. I probably couldn’t pay the pinup (I’m a Student. In Spain. And I’m depending on my family’s money.), but… those boots must be very comfy if he’s relaxing while wearin’ them.
Also, ¿how would the Commander look with a shirt?
Pin! Yes! Web store! Yes! Reading your comic in Alaska and can not come to cons!
I would like a pin please!
Shirtless. Yes please.
Everything looks cool, I’d be more likely to buy a shirt than a pin though.
I’d buy that beanie in a hearbeat.
…what happened to the good Commander’s kilt?!
this is a fantastic idea (eep I’m so excited!)
I would buy both the pin and the beanie or any jarred based thing for that matter.
That pin-up…
Oh my.
Um…no shirt.
And again…oh my.
I’d get the beanie and the pin and quick question are you going to make the goggles that the commander wears?
As a straight male, the pin-up doesn’t interest me too much.
The t-shirts, however, are a definite insta-buy!
Want a poster (shirtless, of course). NEED a TIALS pin. As a mid-life mom with teen boys, your comic is a bonding point. Sometimes I just enjoy the comic, sometimes they explain a joke and I enjoy it more, but mostly we have a good thing to look forward to sharing on Mondays. As a old comic book collector and long ago comics store employee I’m happy to continue the journey through gaming references.
I would definitely buy the pin and probably a print. :3
You could do that initial run, and then still keep them in the store, but as a much more expensive “custom order”, with the individual price of each going down as you buy more.
Hell I’d buy the serious bison shirt and a metal pin what’s not to love here?
Yes to the poster with shirt OFF. I was neither here nor there on chest hair, but the Commander has taught me to appreciate a fine ‘man pelt,’ as someone put it earlier.
The pin in metal. I would happily wear that.
Serious Bisons, preferably available in a girl shirt, although would happily attempt to tailor it if the cut was not available.Also: What are the chances of these getting to Australia?
I was going to say I don’t know how often men work on their cars or in their garage without shirts on… Not that I haven’t personally done it or seen it before but normally we wear shirts. And as far as being a guy I’d just as soon have him wearing a shirt. If I was posting shirtless men on my wall my friend would most likely make homosexual jokes about me…
On the flipside though… he’s smoking a cigar. It’s not like I’m just posting a half nude man on my wall to adore his body then…
Did you ever make that garage art? ‘Cause I’ll take 2.
Yes, yes, yes, yes PLEASE yes. I would so buy it from you…
No shirt, definitively… and well, I love the idea of the shirts. :D
I would love something with Jared or Canadian Guy on it as well…
Basically: I love your artwork and anything you’re gonna do is gonna be amazing so go ahead and I’ll buy your stuff! Plus this way I can meet fellow Manly Guys admirers if I wear the shirt. :D
Please do. Please…
And I would love a TIALS pin…
I probably missed it some where but id still like to buy that poster if it was actually made and if it wasn’t please do and do you have a shop somewhere that ive missed