March 15, 2010
12:00 am
This was actually my brothers idea, I just scripted and drew it because he’s very lazy and never would have done anything with it himself.
This was actually my brothers idea, I just scripted and drew it because he’s very lazy and never would have done anything with it himself.
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hell with him around they dont need to raise their kids
i wish i had a caretaker this epic.
while it hasn’t ben introduced yet… dollar for the epic jar plz.
It should be noted that the use of that particular word in the term “Epic Jar” shouldn’t count as a donation-required use of the word.
Or if you’re talking about a narrative poem.
HAH! :P this is seriously one of the funniest pieces of comicking I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. Completely awesome!
All Daycare people should be this fun!
No matter how many times I come back to see it, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I love the fourth panel where the guy’s feet are too big to fit in the ladder but he’s still climbing it cause Goddammit, he’s gonna slide on the slide.
On reflection, that’s got to be a hard climb with just one hand. Such dedication!
He loves his kids that much.
It helps that he is twice the size of the ladder as well…
I’ve always loved the big daddies. TBH, if I was there I’d be scared pantless at first, but I means, come On. If the man is that dedicated, why not let him do daycare? Although maybe a better position would be Daycare guard?
Win Lol!
Mr. Bubbles, Mr. Bubbles! I wish he was MY daddy!
And I wish you didn’t have the devils curly hair…
Memorable quotes for The Simpsons Movie (2007)
Todd Flanders: I wish Homer was my father.
Ned Flanders: …and I wish you didn’t have the devil’s curly hair.
You get WIN dude
There’s not nearly enough violence in the last panel.
why isnt a parent on the end of the drill?
because tht would exceed the “acceptable violence around children” meter.
Hahha, absolutely love it :D
freakin’ hilarious. bioshock! <3
Is your daddy as strong as my daddy? Not if he doesn’t visit the Gatherers Garden!!!
Oh Mr. Bubbles, now I apologize for harvesting EVERY LITTLE SISTER. It was fun, but I did hurt his feelings. lol
I now aspire to be as awesome a daycare person as Mr Bubbles. This is my new life goal. It will no doubt be impossible, but I will aspire, damnit.
Go for it! I’ll be rooting for you!
What I want to know is… What kind of book can be read be going “GRRAAAAH, GWOOOO GUAAAAH!”?
Are You My Mother
LOLDDDD. I just got flashbacks of reading that book when I was a wee lad.
Every single one of the Twilight Saga books?
From what I understand that’s how the entire script of “The Last Airbender” was read. =(
shame on you!
I’m pretty sure he meant the movie.
I thought it was “Atlas Shrugged”.
You have no idea how happy this made me. I sent it to ALL my friends that play.
Another stupid web comic. Somebody shoot me in the face please.
U-Um… *loads gun* If you say so…
Don’t worry android, just put him out of his misery.
And more importantly, ours.
Ice the bitch.
*unloads two magazines into you, and then a third to be sure*
Good riddance.
Double tap, the third is free!
that’s simply awesome
On the other hand, you may not get your kids back from school, but who’s gonna try to take the school hostage? That’s the safest place for your kids to be. I see it like this
Terrorist: Alright, Everybody down!
Terrorist: !!!
*Sounds of horrible squishy drill based death*
but what if they have plasmids and aren’t tweaked out on ADAM?
Because it’s true. <3
He reminds me a bit of Warbot from Nuklear Power :3
You sir win AWESOME. For this.
Um, I think you mean “You Ma’am”
That would be spelt alright…
Remember, parents, never try to get the kids off a Bigdaddy.
I just reread this after surgery and one of my stitches reopened.
Let it be known that the readers give THEIR VERY BLOOD in service of laughing at this comic.
As bad as it ends for the parents, you have to admit that those three middle panels are pure D’aaaw.
Those middle three panels are completely adorable..
huh… he doesn’t actually appear to be killing them