April 5, 2010
12:00 am
And thus begins the saga of Jared Kowalski, the worst Pokemon Trainer ever.
And thus begins the saga of Jared Kowalski, the worst Pokemon Trainer ever.
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Discussion (55) ¬
never though of it this way hah
and BONUS points for using a black beany i f***ing love em
Gyarados looks so bored. Well I can’t blame him. Bureaucracy is very boring.
Loved Gyarados’ expression behind jared, can’t wait to see more from you. :)
Love this comic. Looking forward to many more.
Ah hahaha, very nice! Good to see this comic continued!
Awesome comic! But is it just me, or is the page kind of… fuzzy? In certain spots. Makes it really weird to read. Bad scanner?
Looking for a way to fix the fuzziness, it’s just something wrong with the page. if you right click > view the comics, then they don’t appear fuzzy, it’s like the site is trying to autoresize them or something.
Excuse me, good sir, but you seem to have misspelled the word “best” in the description.
*good lady
dang dongle
Great to see the comic continued! Keep up the hilarious stuff!
Wow… I really can’t wait to read more.
Yup, I always thought that was the reason parents allowed their kids to travel around the world unsupervised.
…Though if it was Kanto’s way of filtering out the dumb kids, why would they enable them to catch and train creatures that can devastate entire cities with a mere thought?
Survival of the fittest. If they manage to catch and tame them, they weren’t useless after all. If not, they get eaten by a bear.
or a Psyduck
Lol, I could see that. You think it’s just a harmless duck, and then it attacks!!
Could also be a Beartic…CX
I think a straight up bear would be funnier. The kid would be all like “Oh, I’ll scan it with my pokedex! Unknown! It must be really rare! I’ll use a pokeball!” And then the pokeball would hit the bear and the bear would be all “WTF, mate?” And then it we would go all “NOM NOM NOM” on his face
You think thats funny… try to imagine in graphic detail the Pokémon world with all the food-chain filters switched off. All of them.
If a 10-year-old loses a battle in the wilderness, does anyone hear them scream?
I love this comment!
And the infinite storage devices.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand now I have a mental image of a pokemon trainer getting eaten by an Ursaring.
So, does getting your license revoked means getting your pokeballs taken from you, yet not your pokemons?
Mr. Fish is a… special case.
Yeah, no one would even try to take something the size of a train away. It just isn’t worth it.
We need a special comic page showing what is needed to qualify there, pectoral size is at least one important item…
I can imagine lots of people interacting with that page, and it wouldnt be as hard as a new comic page to pull off, it would be mostly text and people would be happy with it ;3
Unlicensed pokemon trainers can still have pokemon. They just can’t participate in Leagues. (see pokemon students). Also, you aren’t allowed to have pokemon if you are younger than ten. If you are older, anyone can have one.
OMFG! Ms. Coelasquid, your taste in manliness is exquisite. The mounted AK-47 next to the giant poster of Teddy “motherfuckin” Roosevelt is one of the finest tributes to testosterone that I’ve ever seen, let alone in a comic! Its little details like this that make your work so much fun to view.
Well, that tears it. The archive dive was a great notion! I didn’t notice ol’ Theordore on the wall on the first pass. THE MOST MACHO PRESIDENT EVER.
I absolutely love the second panel, that was entirely unexpected. I still laugh every time I see it.
Is it just me, or does the Commander’s voice come out similar to Hans Stelgatto from Billy and Mandy to anyone else.
You know… I had always read his voice like that, but I never really thought about it ’til now.n You’re very right.
Hoss Delgado?
Very funny. It’s should be its, however.
That was epic <3
And the Commander tells the entire process of pokemon in the most clear vivid way I have ever known.
I love webcomics, its so much easier to read a comic, as its easier to read a blob with a glance than a line
hehehe this is awesome
To this date, the mystery remains unsolved: Is Mr Fish’s perpetual bored look because that coral thingy is in the way of his eyelids, or is he just a stone cold psycho critter with possible brain damage?
It’s definitely brain damage.
As bored and emotionless as Mr. Fish always seems to be, he follows Jared around. I mean, Jared can’t physically drag the thing. Is this a speck of loyalty in the beast????
Jared looks sort of like Solid Snake
That second panel really made me crack up.
Gyarados looks so weird with his mouth closed
I just realized, couldn’t Jared have just ridden Mr. Fish across the ocean to get back home?
Well for a pokemon to swim they have to learn surf, and to do that they’d have to use a TM, and in most of the games you need a badge to use TM03 (Surf), which I doubt Jared has got.
How is Mr. Fish gonna get his head back out through the door?
“And thus begins the saga of Jared Kowalski, the worst Pokemon Trainer ever.”
…Or, the BEST Pokemon Trainer ever.
Rereading the comic for the third or fourth time all the way through, and I must say it just gets better from here. It was good already, so it means something