June 28, 2010
12:00 am
Apparently pallet-swapping the Commander instantly makes him a dead ringer for my father.
Apparently pallet-swapping the Commander instantly makes him a dead ringer for my father.
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AAAGH i love your webcomic. Though i had an outstandingly difficult time reading the 5th and 6th panels, haha. Keep up the good work, i look forward to every new chapter!
“All of them quiet border crawlers you see in the cities and the like are a lie they started to get our guard down”
“Oh help us Canadian guy! Wild moose are rampaging!”
“Running a tight ship is the only way to keep this place running without everybody killing each other. I don’t need some frostbitten redneck junking up my filing system.”
“Don’t worry, I’m trained for this”
Still working out a balance of how drawly the Commander can be before people tune out. I make no apologies for Canadian guy though. He’s illegibly Northern.
Oh, thanks for the translations, i did eventually figure everything out though.
I resent this. Like. Big time. None of that is at all true. First of all, I see more drunk Americans come across the border than I’ve ever seen drunk Canadians. I think that’s it… I can’t deny the fact that even I haven’t tried hydro-planing an entire lake…. And yes, it is incredibly cold (I do conveniently live up north. Or, used to). And I LOVE my non-regulation chocolate bars. OHOHOHO! And we’re not Rednecks. In fact, America has more rednecks than Canada. A LOT more. Dunno if you actually know anything about your country. I see now though, that Canadian Guy is pretty much just a beefier, harrier, cooler version of the Commander. Which makes it somewhat less offensive.
It occurs to me now that the first sentence of my reply gets contradicted throughout the duration of the reply. I apologize.
Realize, of course, that Commander calling Canadian guy a frostbitten redneck is his personal opinion of the guy who is essentially his rival.
I resent that you say you lived in the north and still don’t believe in a Canada where you can almost always find a bush party happening, there are always pieces of Caribou lying around in various states of butchery and decomposition, everything is held together with duct tape, there are almost as many broken cars waiting to be resurrected as there are people, and you can count on having a bear tear apart your front yard at least twice a year. Because that’s the Canada I was born and raised in.
But the “I am Canadian” commercials never showed this!!!!!
LIAR!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA *rips skin off face*
… Y’know, I wanted to go to Canada for animation. But now you’ve given me a whole new list of reasons to go.
Damn straight. Who cares if it’s a ridiculous stereotype, anyway? Tis but a comic. Surely us Canadians are too easy-going/drunk/busy wrestling moose to mind :)
Well, I live(d) in Northern B.C. 6 Hours from the border of Alaska. We were about as Canadian as it can get. And I admit, there are a lot of flannel jacket wearing, beard toting, in shape men. But we’re not frost-bitten rednecks. And I can guarantee that most of what you say isn’t true. Except the thing about bears…. And maybe bush parties. But they’re the greatest kind. And what’s the harm in watching a bear crap out a basketball on your front yard? NONE! Because I’m Canadian, and that shit is what you need to expect living in the most badass part of a country in the world.
Also, the Commander’s Rival is cooler. So much more. You see him wrassle a damn moose to the ground? 110% cooler than that fancy Navy TIALS of his.
Redneck doesn’t have to be a bad word, it just means your town wasn’t as fun as mine is.
Errrr. It’s a bad word. At least where I come from. Someone’ll chop you down with a chain saw. Everyone’s loggers.
You have a terribly narrow minded way of looking at things. Not my fault the people in your part of the world resent fun.
We don’t resent fun. And that’s not what a Redneck is. And Redneck women are never that hot. Don’t you know the third law of physics?
I am offended at your commentary on rednecks. It’s people like you that continue stupid stereotypes about a type of person you have never known. You need to chill out. Nobody here thinks that this portrayal of a Canadian makes Canadians look bad, and you have to remember that this is told through Commander’s eyes. He’s not exactly unbiased.
Holy shit, it’s a comic. She was making a joke, so put on your big girl panties and deal with it. Jaysus.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait- Do you have something against rednecks?
‘Cause Havin’ someth’n against rednecks is one step away from havin’ someth’n against cowboy hat wearin’, gun-lovin’ Texans, An’ if’n ya’ll have somethin against TEXANS, then, boy, you an’ I ain’t gonna git along too well.
As one of those quiet border-crawling Canadians, I know little of this redneck debacle. Personally, I love the depiction. The concept of Canada using me as a front for their secret moose-wrestling rings is hilarious. I hope these 8 years have granted you some perspective on the subject.
sigh. My Canada isn’t that way. I’m a Nova Scotia Boy. I kinda wish it was.
I find it funny that people try to convince a Canadian that their aren’t Canadians who act like the Canadians that she grew up around.
My sentiments are very much the same.
Your sentiments are un-Canadian-like
Your face is Un-Canadian-like.
Your… Comics are Un-Canadian-like
Yo mama is Un-Canadian-like.
It’s not a burn if it comes five months after the fact, sorry.
I have a dying shadow of a social life to attend to, and untill I aquire the technology necissary to build a machine that will help me eat, sleep, and breath internet, these four things will always be obsticles in my personal quest to deliver hundreds of “Yo mama” burns the minute I need them.
Edit: I thought you ought to know- I have CREATED such a MACHINE.
Dunno how I’ll get to school anymore tho’…
Oh well!
Clearly you’ve never been to Chelmsford Ontario, or any of the outlying towns of Sudbury… you want redneck, you’ve got it, and proud too. I’ve done my fair share of duct-taping and hydro-planing, with said tape on my sled no less.
To the author of the comics: love your work, and your hyperbole of the northern Canadian stereotype is pretty much spot on in my opinion, at least in my neck of the woods. Keep it up!
Don’t think there’s wild bush parties? D: Come to Alberta at some point heh.
Hey, man, I’m not the one you’re trying to convince here.
I said that there are…
Pretty sure I met Canadian guy when I was younger. And he’s pretty damn close to a dozen or so people I know right now.
Anyone that says guys like him don’t exist in Canada forget that Canada has 30+ million people in it and is the second largest by landmass. Lot’s of diversity.
By chance, are you a Red/Green Show fan?
Hmmmm forest in an office building, AC cranked up too high… Moose…
The only thing we are missing is Hockey, though i suppose that could be substituted with curling.
Ahh Coelasquid Thank you for reminding us of the humor of stereotypes :D
You resent comic humor? Grow a fucking pair and realize its satire.
>I see more drunk Americans come across the border than I’ve ever seen drunk Canadians.
That’s because Americans have to be drunk to want to visit Canada, haw-haw!
*ducks incoming hockey puck*
Aqctually a lot of Americans come to canada because the drinking age here is 18 and across the border its 21. So they come to canada just to actually go to bars and stock up on beer. I’ve seen that happen here a lot
Canada Guy is NOT cooler than Commander Badass!!!
Here’s a thought from the way Canada Guy looks and Commander Badass looks could the commander be a decedent of Canada Guy and not know it?
I think Canada Guy is SECRETLY Hercules.
A nigh-immortal muscle guy with beard who found Canada way more relaxing than hanging around his emotionally unstable Greek family whom have bad habits of his mom cursing pretty girls into snake-haired monsters or his horny dad who shapeshifts into geese and cattle and moose to screw the prettiest & kinkiest girls in the land. Compared to all that drama and irritating nonsense, Canada would be “easy mode” for a few centuries.
I wish I was more like Canadian guy :\
you DO know that the term redneck originated from a group of unionized coal miners in appalachia who wore red bandanas…..right?
canadian guy makes me proud to be half-canadian. frankly i feel all the more badass because of that. though i find his accent a bit odd; all the canada talk i’ve heard is “ooo”ier. maybe it’s just because the majority of my relatives are in New Brunswick. :\
5 years and this comments still make me cringe
AND LIVE IN (go back to first)
You missed a line.
That Canadian fellow looks like a lumberjack Billy Maise
“Just as planned,” said Coelasquid in a dark manner.
…I’m sorry, I love everything about this reply.
D8 I’m slashing it so hard and I can’t stop myself. *weep* *shame*
Hold onto the night there will be no shame?
At least not until morning.
Open your eyes I see
Your eyes are open
Wear no disguise for me
Come into the open…
Aaaah <3 I love you, Canada man!
The accents are fine for me, personally; it's the font size that I have trouble reading. xD But I'm old and blind, so.
Thank you for continuing to make Mondays spectacular!
when the Commander said “Dammit Canada” i immediately thought Canada for Hetalia: Axis Powers. and then i remembered, he’s not manly enough. i watch to much anime any ways.
Wild Captain Falcon Sighting fifth panel.
Hetalia ruined it for everybody who wants to personify the essence of other countries with its endless Ladyboy hooker interpretations of the different nations.
God, I can’t stand Hetalia.
Hey, now– Hetalia’s a fun show, even if it isn’t rippling bearchested manly. It’s supposed to be stupid and stereotypical. It was admittedly much better before every mindless 14-year-old girl in the world tripped over it in unison and decided to make the public view of it KAWAII DESU DESU and give the rest of us a bad name. I’m in it for the history jokes and the more serious, less “bishie” interpretations of the Hetalia characters.
Plus, clearly it didn’t ruin it since you made a completely awesome Canadian Guy.
Also, there’s an awful lot of awesome Hetalia fanart of totally ripped, badass versions of guys like Turkey. It’s just buried between the art of people who found it yesterday and decided it’s going to replace Inu-Yasha for them for a while. :<
I definitely count it as a plus that it lacks the meatwall manliness…
I count it as a minus that it also lacks sufficient female country representation.
Also Guile from Street Fighter i think?
Yeah, I bet you would want to live in HARMONY HARMONY OOH LOVE with Canada.
….Canada man actually reminds me a lot of aquaman from Brave and the Bold. Which is pretty freaking awesome.
Oh man. Aquaman from Brave and the Bold is FANTASTIC. But I’m not sure if he’s ridiculously macho enough…
I love the musical episode of Batman The Brave and the Bold. Ahmagahd Neil Patrick Harris lol.
So…..the Canadian is scottish? I don’t get it.
He has the most accurate backwater Northern Canadian accent I can present you with, I just took my own accent cultivated after 18 years of life in Northern Canada and transcribed it at its maximum drawliest.
Granted, a drunk guy in New york thought I was Irish once, so there must be some parallels.
Your voice seems like a more Northernly version of mine.
Which makes sense. It just doesn’t sound as strong as you’d think.
Mine gets more or less drawly depending on how drunk/tired/surrounded by other bushfolk I am.
Bushfolk? o-o Huh.
Canadian rednecks…. kinda.
Every country has rednecks. In Korea, they call them “ch’onsaram”.
I keep hearing his voice as thuogh he’s from newfoundland. Mostly because i’ve never heard anyone else pronounce “boy” with an H.
See also: i’s the b’y
People North of Thompson seem to say it a lot. It’s the kinda slang I grew up with.
hey, I’m from Thompson! well in manitoba, but yeah i know what you mean by the accent. Although mine is a little different because my family are mainly natives and they speak a lot more differently
Ahahah, man, I was raised in Gillam, “Ay B’hay” is Vintage Split Lake speak. My friend and I were in a restaurant after a peewee hockey tournament with all the little kids running around and she was all “It’s so cute! They’ve already got their accents!”
Lol that is so cute! But I never really noticed our accents until one of my americano friends pointed it out to me. Do you still live in Gillam or did you move?
Moved when I finished grade 12. Five or six years in Toronto, now I’m in Southern California.
oh wow, that must have been a culture shock. what are you doing down there? I have stayed here in Thompson since I was born but I’m going to be moving to Kelowna BC for college soon
Animation on both counts, culture shock wasn’t too bad, there’s just more stuff to buy :P
wow, that sounds nice. how are jobs for animation now a days? I’m thinking of studying 3D animation or graphic design, cant make up my mind -_-
There seems to be a little bit of Newfoundlander in Canada. (grins — Newfoundlander)
Excellent comic. I read the whole works from beginning to last Monday in two sittings last night. I laughed so much my belly hurts. Brilliant work.
I meant “capital S” Scottish.
Robot Unicorn Highscore. To me it could mean a few things. A) Robot Unicorn is a video game. Obvious enough. B) Killing robot Unicorns in combat. Canadians are apparently better equipped. C) BEING a robot unicorn and getting a high score by killing other people, or playing pac man. D) Robot Unicorn is slang for sex. Which is pretty understandable. E) Any combination of the above F) All of the above at the same time.
Or Maybe his Robot Unicorns have high scores in games. Forgot that one. Or The Canadian beat his Robot Unicorn pets in a fight.. I could go on for days, really.
If you haven’t played it already, I believe that I have to point you towards this.
I <3 u so much.
“All’a them quiet border-crawlers y’ see in th’ cities an’ the like are a like they started t’ get our guard down.”
I believe Weird Al said it best:
“Always hear the same kind of story, break their nose and they’ll just say ‘sorry’, what kind of freaks are that polite? It’s gotta mean they’re all up to something, so quick before they see it coming, time for a pre-emptive strike!”
Captain Falcon and Guile(?) could easily take some rampaging Moose.
Damn, sir, moose are some hardcore beasts.
Guile can’t even effectively deal with his bison problems.
I agree no wonder Zim used them
everybody needs to think do I REALLY want to be in a room with a moose?
*sends hugs and kisses*
XD That made me laugh so hard.
Saxton Hale perhaps?
That’s just how we Canadians roll.
Ah yes I’ve seen many a man resembling Canadian Man in my home in Northern Alberta. Between drinking maple syrup and playing hockey, moose wrestling is amongst the most popular sport there. And way to reference Robot Unicorn Attack, I bloody love that game. Thanks for the excellent comic, and as almost any Canadian doesn’t mind a shot at his country, I’m sure you’ll get a few more Canadian laughs out of this one.
Being a Canadian myself, this character is the most accurate picture I can paint of the kind of people I grew up around in Northern Manitoba. Canadian stereotypes always seem to focus on the people who apologize for everything and omit the guys who get drunk and try to gun their skidoos over the lake in summer, tool around on the ice in pickup trucks, and kill bugs with flaming aerosol spray cans.
I grew up in Flin Flon, MB and I know a few guys like this. “HAY, Let’s take this pickup truck, fill it with cases of beer an’ see if we can survive on it for the weekend!”
That describes the people in my area as well, I guess once you hit the North all hell breaks loose because all I knew growing up were the rednecks, hell I still have some of that blood in me, despite moving away from there, as I said though, loved the comic, its so bloody true, though I must admit I read the Canadian’s lines in a strong Newfie accent
I embrace the redneckery, it’s a part of who I am.
I agree its just something you gotta do, except beer drinking, can’t stand beer
But what about the lumberjacks? Surely that must be a stereotype that shouldn’t be forgotten :(
So sayeth the son of another “canadian stereotype”, an eastern french canadian who not only participate in various lumberjack contests but also makes the -tools- for such contest(a fair job, considering my father can sell such saws for about a thousand dollars and something he’s been doing it for about twelves years during which the family never really lacked of anything).
Surely, that’s the canadian lumberjack(the real thing, not the monthy python parody <.<; ) is stereotype that shouldn't be forgotten when talking about canadians :(
Oh gosh! XD Amazing work. I admit I had to do a double-take on Canada(stupid Hetalia and my curiosity to see what all the fuss was about). But the scum! Daring to have a higher score than the Commander! XD
Now I’m having flashbacks to when I’d watch the Red Green Show late nights on PBS. ‘Duct tape is the handy-man’s secret weapon’ and all that… Dang, now I have to rewatch it now… If I can find it.
As a Canadian, this is the first time I haven’t hated a Canadian stereotype.
He beat all his robot unicorn highscores?
There is so much to be beheld in this installment!
We have now learned that there are some pseudo-natural habitats for some kinds of macho man in the complex. Very interesting! I’m also intrigued by Canadian Guy. Opens up so much potential for future stories… If you’re masochistic enough to keep drawing that plaid shirt.
I will also start using the term “non-regulation chocolate bars” from now on.
I just thought of something. The Commander is from the future, Canadian Guy is from the present, they look pretty similar, I’m suddenly feeling sorry for The Commander if anyone notices that. The possibilities are scary.
I don’t think it ever actually says that he’s from the future, only that he travels back in time. Theoretically they could have time travel in the present in this world.
Bugger. Never thought of that. Well, I’ll go on hoping I was right anyway. It would be too funny if the guy he hated was his great great oh so many greats grandad.
He mentions that the TIALS are from the future in the strip two weeks back.
ahhh, i see it. my bad.
Now I wanna go to Canada XD
Robot unicron a game for manly men!
if you feel robot unicorn threatens you masculinity then YOU AREN’T MAN ENOUGH TO PLAY!
Gyah! That song will be stuck in my head all day long, now. Although, now I get to picture the commander wandering around the office humming it helplessly under his breath and that makes me feel better. :D
See, the first thing I imagine when somebody says drunken canadian is Wolverine. I was expecting a Wolverine sighting in there… or perhaps a panel where canada man and Wolverine *both* harass the Commander. Two canadians are louder than one.
You can’t have 2 drunken canadians in a single room. It turns into an ice hockey match.
I’d like a sudden apearance of an ice hockey match, me thinks.
What about a drunk Canadian and a drunk Russian?
Awesome! :D
I like Canada Man. He makes me laugh :)
Where is Mr. Fish? I miss him!
He’ll be back next week.
For Mr. Canada to wrestle, I assume.
Best news I’ve heard all week. I semi-relate to Jared (not as whiney though) so I find him incredibly amusing.
Hahahah, it’s funny how there’s many wildly different stereotypes for “Canada” characters.
Of course there’s the wimpy and unremarkable Hetalia dude, and then there is this one Canadaman: http://loadingreadyrun.com/videos/view/3/Canadaman (tough he’s almost Ontarioman haha) and then there is the moose-wrestling lumberjack. :D
Hey, don’t diss Hetalia Canada, he survived being raised by France and England and turned out normal! And he has maple syrup, which rocks but should not be used when you have grape juice, because the sweetness is overpowering.
God, this is HILARIOUS. About five of the individual panels made me laugh out loud and the Robot Unicorn joke at the end just SEALS IT. Wonderful job. You are truly a master.
God bless Mandays.
Also, I love how there is so much going on in the background. Especially Panel 6. Please tell me he uppercut’d that moose. rofl
robot unicorn attack is awsome
Hmm…..Canadaman seems to have some Newfie in his accent.
But maybe that’s just part of his all-encompassing appeal. :P
I agree with whoever said the Canadian guy looks like a beefy Billy Mays. I also love the Commander’s face in panels 3 and 4 and the fact that he plays Robot Unicorn Attack. Manliest game around, endorsed by Courage Wolf.
So true. So true.
What no suspenders? All Canadians wear suspenders, belts just aren’t mighty enough.
Pallet-swapped Commander is your dad? NO WONDER YOU’RE SO AWESOME! (Who pointed that out though? Him?)
When Canada first popped up, I thought he was Paul Bunyan… I temporarily forgot that Paul Bunyan was a giant. And is it bad that I really REALLY like this Canada guy?
Somewhat… at first, I thought he was Paul Bunyan too.
Same here.
He looks like Paul Bunyan and Billy Mays combined.
I’m having a hard time sounding out “B’ahy.” What’s it supposed to stand for? That might help.
“Boy”, it’s used about as frequently up there as TV leads me to believe Australians say “mate” or clockwork Orange fellows say “my brother”. The exact pronunciation is terribly difficult to write phonetically and something I’ve been trying at for years. Something kind of between “Boieh” and “Buoy”, but said in one quick slur that sounds more like “B’ahy”.
Thank you! I thought that might be it, but thank you for clarifying!
It’s pretty much a different (redneck) form of the classic Canadian “eh.” I can’t think of anyway to sound it out for you. You just have to hear it.
Its kinda pronounced “bi”
My friends and I usually write it out as b’y.
I want to see the Commander punch back soon. He’s angry and he seems very capable of face-reconfiguration.
A battle between the two would be much to our enjoyment.
I say this guy is *definitely* a better representative of Canada than our current government, for a few reasons:
a) If he wanted, I’m sure he could take on the whole of parliament. At once.
b) He makes even Canadian hicks look good (BTW, I thought “Baye” was more Newfoundlander than anything else, but I’ll take your word on Northern Manitoba)
c) He is so daring as to eat “non-regulation” chocolate bars
d) He showcases the national skill, which is not hockey but robot unicorn
Biggest laugh was when Commander accused him of “lazy canadian speak”, given it’s commander saying it.
hey, who else thinks he should include gordon freeman, eh?
little bit of headcrabs at least?
I said it a while ago. GORDON FREEEEEEEEEman.
I think Gordan Freeman lacks the required pectoral girth
Two words. FRANK. WEST.
pfft thats nothin compared to…..Chuck Norris!!
Chuck Norris sucks compared to Frank West. Chuck Norris is old now too.
chuck norris will find you….
It gradually faded over the course of three or four comics.
Captain Falcon… Oh coelasquid, why you tease us captain-falcon-fans so? :(
If only you focused a strip around the guy and his relationship with Commander… lol
Poor Commander must have worked really hard on that game.
I still think he looks like the guy on the Bounty paper roll wrapper.
Dang. Canada Man’s beard made my heart leap out of my chest and rub on my monitor. D:
Eergh. I live right next to Canada. In Idaho actually.
THEY’RE NOT. *grumblemumble*
I know how you feel. I live in Michigan. And despite not being Canadian, whenever my dad watches a Canadian hockey game he sings the anthem, well, the English parts. He never does that for the American one!
:shakes fist at Canada: Darn you! With your Tim Hortons and maple syrup, darn you!
dont forget, free health care :D
Me think thou does protest too much D:
I’m a Desert rat myself (Born in the southern Mojave) But i live in Ohio for a few years, and Las Vegas, I ran into tons of Canadians and I never had a problem.
Oh, so you’re in northern Idaho too? Well, so am I, up in Coeur ‘d Alene, actually. If you’re really Idahoan and not some Californian immigrant, you’ve got no reason to feel intimidated by the redneck Canadians. We’re the manliest state in the union, after all. We’re the decedents of miners, cowboys, and farmers. We’re still the frontiersmen that wrestle cougars and go mountain climbing without ropes.
This is an image of the average Idahoan, for those of you from less manly locations and unfamiliar with us.
I lol’d
“DAMMIT, CANADA!” started me chuckling, and now I can’t stop.
.I can honestly say that each and every expression here is absolutely priceless.
Robot Unicorn Attack, truly a man’s game. I was skeptical at first but now I see this is truly about MEN
As a Canadian, I always enjoy seeing jokes made about Canadian stereotypes. I always find the humor in them and laugh it off.
As a Canadian I own a pet moose and live in an igloo. I live off Tim Hurton`s. Dahurrhurrhurr.
Robot Unicorn is truly the manliest game out there. Nothing is manlier than that!
You forgot to mention Labatt blue and maple syrup :D
I think you’ve just admitted to us why you like manly men so much. They remind you of your father.
They remind me of all the bushmen of Northern Canada, I miss them, living in Southern Ontario and all now.
…Palette swap? Wait… panel three.. so obvious…
Canadian Man is Commander’s anscestor.
Also, heeeelarious face in panel 4 for the Commander
Not ancestor, just adversary.
…Checking back through the archives and finding this again, I had to stop myself from posting my comment again, because I forgot I did before.
Like most fans, you can flat out tell me “No”, but in my mind, Canadian Guy is an ancestor of Cmdr Badass.
Where’d the comander’s blackeye go?
it faded out over a couple of weeks. it was almost gone in the Navy TIALS strip.
Because he’s truly manly, he has accelerated healing!
Does accelerated manly healing apply to everything? Like gaping wounds or missing limbs or a pole to the nuts at 40km per hour?
Um… yes?
Being from northern Canada, I simply adore this. Canadian Man seems like my kinda hoser. :D
Man, now I feel like I’m missing out here on the west coast. We only have stoners, and they’re too laid back to be entertaining!
I laughed really, really hard at the Robot Unicorn part.
Making fun of Canadians….always fun. We’re such easy targets, eh. :3
This comic makes me man-giggle. >:C
On a side note, I love how you have portrayed CanadaMan. That is how a canadian should look like. Add to that, I think everyone knows at this point that the ones we usually see are just supposed to put us off guard. They will not be quiet and stay America’s hat much longer.
I suddenly had an awful image of what a man-giggle would sound like…
Commanders looks pretty badass here.
Coelasquid, you’re southern Ontario?
Next thing I know I’m gonna find out you’re my neighbour, lol.
How close to the border/general area of GTA are you?
I’m not sure I want people stalking me :P
well then, youll have a stalker army buildin up then you CAN RULE THE WORLDO_O
OMG~! Canada~! =D Yay~! I love my country >3 .o. All that fit rather well thought that’s more of the Atalntic Canda people >D
Well, I would never guess that Canada personified would be a Newfie….but I am glad that he’s not french. ^^
He’s not Newfie persay, people growing up near Split Lake say “b’ahy” more than any Newfie I’ve ever met :P.
The French/English love keeps running strong… :3
Why would guile and captain falcon need to be saved from mooses D:
Guile could flash kick that sumofabatch
maybe being american, he has a deep routed fear of mooses, seeing as they are a rare thing. Captain Flacon had a bad run in with a moose when he hit one in his silly car.
Ohhhhhh I know! the moose is holding Guile’s family captive D:
Like I told the last person who voiced this concern, Guile can barely even deal with bison. He’s a long way off from taking on a moose.
Here I always thought Bison where a tier above moose
No sir.
You have enlightened me.
Oh man I love this comic. I specially like the little pouty frown in the last panel! Is the Mounty and our current main character related by any chance? I mean same build, both wear goggles, similar hair styles if different colors, and both wear shirts that show off their chest and manly chest hair. Is he perhaps some secret lab Canadian clone of our action hero? Sent to take over the world and replace him slowly beginning the invasion of beloved America?
Tune in next time folks to find out!
J.K. though I really do love the comic and am always thrilled when I get online to find it updated. Keep up the good work!
-Armor Chick
Please add a scotsman in a kilt *-*
This is so awesome
captain canada the jolly nemesis.. he’s my fave character now
My god, canada man is practically a beefed up version of my father…. oddly fitting seeing as we live in the NWT :p
Amused that he is so very, very Newfoundland.
I’m Canadian, and although none of those stereotypes are true.
So this comic was a yes. :3
If you don’t think any of them are true, then you didn’t grow up in the right part of Canada.
It’s funny becase I have a friend who I call Canadaman, who is a total beanpole.
Closest thing to Paul Bunyan you can get on here.
Don’t know who Pal Bunyan is? Google it.
Let me just say, as a Canucklehead, your rendition of a Canadian is, bar-none, the best I’ve seen in a long time! Hope we get to see more of him and keep up the excellent work!
Watch out for rioters smashing shit!
I’m Canadian; I find this… moderately offensive.
Then you aren’t from the right part of Canada.
Is Canada Man native? I was able to sound out everything in my head perfectly, and when you said “Northern Manitoba” it all made sense.
He’s not the kind you often meet in “quiet border-crawler” places like the one where I live, but I spent some time in Timmins ON, which isn’t exactly hicksville but in some of the outlying areas you can meet fellows like Canada here. Minus the perfect teeth and Robot Unicorn scores, of course.
im a Canadian as well and i also find it slightly offence from it buuuut
if some one that can make a badass comic and awsome jokes i let it slide :D
This is like that time Nickelodeon told Jhonen Vasquez that he can’t have Mexican music in that one Invader Zim episode because it would be offensive to Mexicans.
i love your comics, any chance to have the mexican counterpart of canadian guy? you know the bandito type guy. as a mexican i allways found them an amusing macho archetype. besides there are more than one type of border crawler XD !
http://irapuato.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/zapata1.jpg <===emiliano zapata revolution leader
keep the great work!
Highly doubt she will take a turn like that. Currently she is introducing you to the MAIN BROS.
moar duke nukem plz?? ty
Is the Canadian guy single?
I think that The Commander is more than jealous of the fact that Canadian Guy beat his high score…He also may be jealous of his PERFECT TEETH.
He’s probably got bridgework going on, all that hockey and whatnot.
Aaaaa I see…*strokes chin thoughfully*
Happy Canada day!
Is it just me, or does Commander need a bra in panel 4?
Manboobs … on Commander …
No bra could contain the awesome that is Commanders Pecs
I love this comics, I love manly men, and I love Canada .> kinda
woh, half of my comment got deleted >.> i dont just kinda like canada
Canada Man is just like the guy I sat next to at the Iron Maiden concert, except he was missing his front teeth.
The only character I’ve hoped for this entire comic is Frank West. PLEASE PUT HIM IN ONE OF THE STRIPS!!! That would MAKE MY DAY. Please?
Frank West would already be pretty well-adjusted for normal society, because he was already an (albeit very awesome) normal before the zombie incident.
instead put in chuck norris :D
I guess so. But that’d still be awesome to see him here. Maybe he would come to the agency for a story? I dunno how well that would work. Oh well, I can still hope he makes a brief appearance.
I like how the girl’s immediate comment is not “Why is there a forest in the office?” but just a comment on the forest’s ambient temperature. PTSD, already? XD
So. Why isn’t there a Robot unicorn High Score thread yet?
Mine is 38008
I beat my high score D: 52008 is now.
Coelasquid is the Canada Man to my Commander apparently D:
Are the similarities between the girl and Zoey (Left 4 Dead) intentional or it’s just a coincidence?
Cause i find them preety lookalike.
I played Left 4 Dead once but I don’t remember any of the characters from it.
May have been Left 4 Dead 2? I dunno, I am completely ignorant to the games.
Love it, best rendition of Canadians EVER, I lived up in the NWT for most of my life and I wish more guys were like this. epic, awesome, going to fanart
all canadians are like that, B’ahy!
>Canadian guy has no traces of Sneaky Tiki.
Kind of sad about this.
I don’t talk to Tiki much, t’be honest.
Oh It Is ON Canada Guy!
I’m Not Your Buddy Guy! *puts on an American flag cape*
If you think moose are bad, just wait for the polar bears – or worse, the beavers. D:
LOL. This is like, if Aquaman from Batman Brave and the Bold were Canadian.
As one of those Canadians who actually like to punch bears, has a hairy chest and outdrinks his american friends. This was gold, please more of Canada guy.
Yknow how i know these sort of canadians exist…. i am one.
This makes me lol. That’s pretty much the old-fashioned Canadian stereotype right there! :) Way back when, we really were closer to this than the modern polite, kind, indecisive, wise-cracking peoples we’re seen as today. Wait. So if he’s a recolour of the Commander; and the Commander’s from the future; then is Canadaguy from the past? That would make so much sense.
I have never heard of a Canadian person saying “ba’hay”… I’ve always heard the (untrue) stereotype that Canadian folks say “eh” after every sentence. I’m guessing that “ba’hay” is some relatively regional lingo (North)?
Sorry… “B’ahay”.
They say it all over the place, up north, out in the maritimes, I even hear people talking like that in Southern Ontario every now and then.
It’s also not completely true we don’t say “eh”at the end of every sentence, you get those old hunters up north going and they say it as much as other people use “like” or “um”.
Oh wow haha. Anywho the stereotypes shown in this comic make me want to go to Canada… Especially the wrestling moose. Canada Guy rocks.
Canada, Eh!
In Panel 7, is CanadaGuy kssing that moose?!
More Canadian Guy, please!
The accent he seems to be given sounds Newfie to me.
Oh how late I know this comment is but boy do I luffs all that ‘Non Regulation Chocolate’ even as an American -shakes fist at Hershey’s in a get off my lawn fashion-
has anyone noticed Canadian guy sounds like the barbarian from Champions Return To Arms?
As a canadian, i can say with great assurance, that our scores in robot unicorn attack are far greater than other nations.
Give Canada a camoflage baseball cap, a pair of wranglers, and have him wrestling gators and he’d fit right in with the rest of rural Florida.
Captain Falcon NEVER needs help!
Otherwise, this series is hilarious.
The first time I read this I did not notice Canada Guy fighting a moose in the background. Canada guy just earned +1000 Awesome in my book.
Trying to “hear” an accent I’m not familiar with through a semi-phonetic representation is driving me slowly insane.
It isn’t a specific accent, just general lazy manspeak. Watch Beetlejuice.
OH! You mean Canadian guy. Uh yeah, it’s lazier manspeak with softer vowels.
I see bad things about canada…
let’s put all those bad things on a table and knock em off in one fell swoop…
by saying
THE wolverine is canadian…
nothing that brings THE wolverine can be bad… :-)
Not trying to be ignorant..but what is a bush party? (Poster is from massachusets. Has a Canadian stepfather, however. And he is like Cananada man. Or whatever.)
A party off in the bush. ie. getting drunk in the woods.
I love you, I love your comic, and I love the comments that people add to your comic.
Seriously, people’s reactions are as much a part of the entertainment value as the comics themselves.
Aside, I find I’ve read through the archives maybe eight or nine times this week… I really should get some work done, maybe.
I’m from Québec, and this is accurate.
I love how the Commander seems more pissed about his Robot Unicorn high score than the other stuff.
whats up comic posted in 2010
Just wondering what exactly a B’ahy is. ‘Fraid I ain’t familiar with ya’lls dialect, I’s jus’ wonderin’. Feel like I’m missin’ out.
Wow, I’m lame. Thanks!
That’s not a Canadian “B’ahy” That there is a frickin’ Newfie.
I have so many friends exactly like Canada guy. Hell I might be like him myself b’y. I love this so much, people need to stop denying these stereotypes, they are true and awesome. Moose are menaces!!! They’ve attacked me three times in my time hunting in Northern Saskatchewan.
I take no offense to this comic and I’m from BC, Canada. I just wish I could wrangle some Moose half as good as Canada. I’m quite pleased with the ‘Robot Unicorn’ reference as well haha
Ahahaha, oh man i love Canadian jokes. As a Canadian I adore the Canadian Guy, he’s all the stereotypes in one. My friend would prolly be jealous b/c Canadian Guy could prolly strangle a moose with his bare hands and she wants to do that.
This should be Hetalia Canada, not some blond kid.
This comic makes me happy, for, while Canadian guy is obviously Canadian, he reminds mes o much of growing up in my rednecky corner of Tennessee.
Oh the bonfires, and fireworks, and tractor pulls. You could always tell you were throwing a good party when the sheriff and fire department showed up. Can’t count the number of beers my dad gave them.
The fact that I laughed at this conclusively proves that I am impossible to offend. It feels like a really lame superpower. Needless to say, if I ever put it to use, I will not end up requiring the commander’s services to return to normal society.
I know I guy in Quebec. Babe Larachelle. He is awesome. He hunts meese (the REAL plural of moose) owns a dog that looks like its mother was a wolf, and spends most of his free time fishing in a nearby lake. He is a true Quebecois redneck. Also, does that not sound like the funnest way to live ever?
You know, I feel like I should be offended since I am Canadian, but this is one of those things that you are just supposed to enjoy :)
… I’m Welsh, and this page just confuses me.
This is despite having spent many months in Canada. I guess Nova Scotia wasn’t inland enough.
Mate, I’m with you on this one. Though by the heated comments here, I’m going to guess that Canadians are not popular amongst Americans…? Anyway, you generally don’t know much about bickering in the Americas when you live in the Indian subcontinent, either.
I am once again reminded of how awesome Canada is, and how sad it is that I don’t live there