Everyone told me to draw a comic making fun of the new Lobo design floating around but I already made a 30 page story about that exact kind of bizarre rebranding
Eugh, I’ll finish colouring this later, this computer is chugging like crazy right now for some reason.
ANYWAY so yeah, I’m sure by now anyone who follows me on tha social medias has heard about DC’s recent plan to turn the last Bastion of comedy at their company into every grimdark bounty hunter ever forever, because DC apparently hates fun and joy and dreams of a world full of characters who look like bland soap opera heroes gritting their teeth and staring pensively into the middle distance.
For those unfamiliar with the character, Lobo is sort of like Deadpool before Deadpool was Deadpool, but also a big hairy raucous biker. His stories usually revolved around lampooning the hypermasculine invincible badass archetype that ruled the 90’s and completely ludicrous over-the-top ridiculous fight scenes. His accomplishments included annihilating his entire race with a middle school science project, punching everyone in heaven and hell into submission until they agreed to grant him immortality so they wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore, and eating a city.
So word got out that Lobo was about to get his own titular story in DC’s new 52 Universe, but not only that, it would focus around a BRAND NEW serious and not at all comical Lobo, who we’re supposed to accept is the real Lobo, on a mission to kill the fun Lobo that I actually want to read comics about for stealing his name and reputation. I assume once Boba Fett new!Lobo meets classic Lobo, the reasonable course of action would just be a shot for shot copy of the Simpsons episode with “real Skinner” that ends with all the heroes of the DC universe tying up Nu!bo and sticking him on a rocket sailing off to nowhere in particular.
I feel like this is some sort of evil genie wish, where DC has said “Yes we’re committed to making female creators more prominent in our company but ha ha we will task them with burning your favourite comic character ever forever to the ground”
A design DC reported was the New And Improved Lobo that basically amounted to Nightwing with fish barbels painted at the corners of his mouth made the rounds a few days ago to extreme internet backlash resulting in a great deal of backpedalling on DC’s part and the author claiming that the design DC posted was not in fact her Lobo, assuring people he would be much bigger and uglier in the comic.
Of course she’s also said; “My goal for him was to make him less comically hyper-masculine and more focused. He’s still vicious, still savage and still entirely immoral, but I wanted a gravity out of the character. When he showed up, I didn’t want him walking away from explosions and smoking a cigar. When he shows up, I want people to feel like, ‘This is it. This is the end.’” Which kind of says to me she doesn’t really understand what people are taking issue with. The redesign isn’t the issue, Lobo’s been redesigned a million times. He’s been a skinny kid, he’s been a woman, he’s been a squirrel, he’s been a duck, he’s been an android (he was a poorly received serious character when he started out), the problem is the idea that they’re promising to take the hypermasculine comedy out of a hypermasculine satire character. That’s like saying you like the Venture Brothers but wish it didn’t have all those pesky jokes and parodies in it. Or you like reading the handsome comics down at internet website ThePunchlineIsMachismo.com but wish it didn’t have all the pesky punchlines and machismo. Or like saying you’re going to give someone toast and then serving them a piece of soggy waterlogged bread because hey it’s still bread right? God forbid we just make a new name and backstory for this soggy bread character we just came up with so people who want soggy bread comics can still have their soggy bread without stepping on all the people who would rather have toast.
I think the real issue is, you can get away with making a character a ridiculously overpowered badass if they’re a joke, but when you make a serious character who can supposedly out-overpower a character that was specifically manicured to be absurdly over the top you’re saying right out of the gate that this serious character is even more broken than everything the parody character was making fun of.
Or maybe this is all a publicity fakeout and Nu!bo will die four pages into the the comic.
So hey, if you read all that, I guess this comic is just here to reassure all my fellow Lobo fans that all those years of upping the ante with his absurd set of powers has made him the most retcon-friendly character ever, and they could swap him back to the classic model we know and love at the drop of a hat.
I guess what I’m saying is someone petition DC to let me fix Lobo when the dust settles from all this because I’m pretty sure if you get 100,000 people on board Obama has to force them to.
Discussion (160) ¬
First i want to say, awesome comic, made me basicly ROFL :)
Secondly, i did not even know he was getting a new look and let me just say, Dafuq are they doing to the main man? It’s like they’re putting a twilight filter over him, next thing you know he sparkles in the sunlight. I sincerely hope they realise this and keep Lobo, THE MAIN MAN who we all love.
That alone would P*22 off classic co— Lobo to no end. Twinkle toes lobo all asparkle in the sun shine, staring off into middle distance with no beer in sight.
This is the first I have heard on a new look/direction for Lobo. My knee jerk reaction is to not like it. Time will tell. Haven’t said that, I haven’t bought a comic in years, from the free reading I do in books stores, I don’t much care for a the new DC universe as a whole.
Great comic here by the way. Always love seeing the Main Man kill someone. Makes me feel all warm inside.
Dude, I am completely on board f’r you doin’ a Lobo comic. He’ll be in th’ hands o’ somebody who unnerstans ‘im. Where’zat petition?
Seconded. You make it, I’ll sign it.
Fifth! XD
Sixth! Squid doing a comic for DC? I am so in.
eighth, they could also add you as a consultant.
And on the second day, of the ninth month, I decree…
TENTH (but I currently have no faith in the present regime at DC at all…)
Eleventh…(Eleventhy? Eleventhized?) but we might’ve broken this reply system. Did I accidentally stumble onto a Dumbing of Age comment thread? This is a ridiculous number of replies.
You would be the best person in the world for that job.
But hey! I read Marguerite Bennett’s Batman Annual book and it was pretty good! I’m gonna give her a chance.
I thought this strip WAS a Lobo comic?
It is, man. It is.
So why hasn’t anyone started this petition already? I know a few good forums that would jump all over this

I would pay good money to see you do a Lobo series for DC.
Like, it’s literally everything you already do here.
I’ll buy that for a dollar. :D I love using movie quotes.
Even without color, this comic is cathartic and soothing.
Yeah. Th’ black n white look does the main man some justice.
Attn: DC editors, haha.
Yes, YES, a thousand times YESSS! Also, without the colouring, this scene looks a lot less gruesome than it will end up being…
Knew you’d come up with a proper way of tackling this issue in MGDMT, Squid.
Wouldn’t mind if there was actual shout-out to Nomura Syndrome, but you came up with something even better for Lobo :D
Seems like DC is on fire with resetting the Last Time DC did Something Stupid counter recently.
*by “better for Lobo” I mean something “more suiting”, because Nomura Syndrome arc was objectively awesome.
Is there one for Marvel too? They have their fair share of mistakes.
http://hasmarveldonesomethingstupidtoday.com/ that’s what quick googling made me find… though I’m doubting the quality of this site compared to the DC one, considering they don’t have a backlog of previous entries and their current one at the moment is Deadpool in a banana suit.
Everyone I brought this up to just said “so what, lobo sucks, I’m glad they’re getting rid of him”. It made me sad, because I don’t think those people ever realized he was meant to be a joke character.
Just about every person I’ve talked to who said they liked the new direction DC is taking the character either started or ended their thought with some variation of “I’ve never read a Lobo comic”
I’ve never read a Lobo comic, I never plan to read a Lobo comic, I don’t even like Lobo, and I STILL think that what DC is doing with this character reboot is stupid as all get-out.
I don’t even read most Lobo comics, but I’ve read stories with him, and seen episodes featuring him. (Brad Garret was amazing.) Still, while I am not a FAN I appreciate what DC was doing. I got the joke. I don’t think this redesign is a good idea. I don’t think their new serious interpretation of the character is a good idea. However, if that last design of Lobo was maybe a little bigger, acted like lobo, I could possibly get behind it. Like I mean look at how ridiculous that design is. HE HAS NUNCHAKU MADE OUT OF GUNS, WITH SCYTHES FOR HANDLES! That’s absolutely ridiculous! It could totally be played for laughs, if the writers weren’t clearly utter retards.
*I’ve never read a Lobo comic* BUT I do see the issue. Comic characters are people we grow up with and know well, even in different story lines they often have the same personality and general appearance and we love them for how they’re perceived. Like if Sponge Bob (using a well known character for example) was actually represented by an actual sea sponge rather then the cleaning sponge he is, it takes a lot away from the essence of the character. It honestly seems awful completely changing a character’s personality and appearance like this, if personality and appearance are different what logic makes him the same character?
Exactly. The only times I ever forgave this, was in Ultimate Comics. This isn’t the same thing at all.
The Ultimate-verse is basically a giant on-going ‘What If…?’
You + Lobo Comic = EPIC IDEA
Tut tut, that’s a dollar in the Commander’s Epic Jar.
Although yes, it’s is indeed Epic. Epic and manly. Oh so manly.
Plus a Venture Bros mention! Can I just say that in my head the Commander’s voice is always that of Brock Samson aka Patrick Warburton. It just is.
I make a motion we just keep talking about how epic this idea is until the jar gets enough money for Coelasquid to buy the rights to the character.
Epic idea, man, and the idea of an epic artist like Coelsquid doing a comic on the epic joke character Lobo would be epic.
^4 dollars in the jar…
@Emma & rludders: Fill the Jar. Now.
Doesn’t DC ALREADY have at least one serious assassin/bounty hunter type out there? Deathstroke? Deadshot?
Even Deadshot isn’t super serious, if you’ve read Secret Six. Super serious assassins are harder to pull off without at least some dark comedy. Death, in and of itself, tends to be boring without some other element attached to it; like sympathy, horror, or humor.
Only read some Secret Six; I was thinking of his Suicide Squad incarnation (pre-New 52, when Amanda Waller was allowed to be middle-aged and chunky).
Ah, well I’ve never read Suicide Squad, so I didn’t know about that. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised though. :P
I’d just like to remind everyone of that time on Justice League where Lobo beat Kalibak by stacking cars on him until he said uncle. And then beg someone to link me a video of that because I can’t find it…
Now the question that remains is WHERE IS THAT PETITION, SQUID? I’m gonna sign that thing with so much gusto you have no idea.
I mean, I don’t even read Lobo, but I’m familiar with the character to understand exactly what you said: you can’t write him seriously, that just CAN’T WORK. You’d get, I don’t know, Cerebus, probably. And we know how well that went, don’t we?
Also, thanks for the Lobo The Duck shout out. I almost squee just by looking at the cover. It’s so glorious!
I would sign it, too. Seriously, why hasn’t anyone made the petition. I would do it if only I knew where to begin.
I’ll get started drafting the “get Obama to force DC to give Lobo to Coelasquid” Kickstarter post-haste.
“God forbid we just make a new name and backstory for this soggy bread character we just came up with so people who want soggy bread comics can still have their soggy bread without stepping on all the people who would rather have toast.”
That’s exactely how felt wit that crap “Elementary“: first they move him to New York City, then they turn Watson into an asian chick, then they go and turn Moriarty int his ex-flame!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I can understand making a series meant to deconstruct the tropes, archetypes, personalities, and relationships in a classic story and try them in different settings, or with characters who are different genders or nationalities, it’s an interesting creative project to figure out how altering a few variables but leaving the core of the character intact would effect the story.
The problem for me is when “trying a new thing” involves taking successful characters and completely altering their mannerisms, archetype, role, personality, aesthetic and cultural significance/commentary to the point it has nothing but a name and approximate colour scheme in common with the original.
More than that even. It’s like they think they’re trying a new thing by making him into the exact thing he was previously parodying, sans the hypermachismo.
All the points, they are lost.
Not really. This would be like if Elementary were about a hard-boiled new york detective named Sherlock and the show was mostly courtroom drama, with no investigation.
Hey now, Elementary is awesome and even flipping genders around (I love Mrs. Hudson as a transgender woman) it feels like Sherlock Holmes, which is what we want. Lobo can be a dancing pig as long as he feels like Lobo. For all I know he HAS been a dancing pig.
Yet, Elementary doesn’t try to get rid of other Sherlock Holmes’ you have the choice to not watch it and still experience Sherlock Holmes in other mediums.
Also, with the Moriarty thing, spoilers.
Classic Lobo always reminds me of Slaine MacRoth (anyone who doesn’t get the reference, go read old 2000AD)
Wanna narrow that down, champ? There’s a lot of issues.
Google Image is your friend ^_^
How about doing a search for “Slaine”? Possibly even “Ukko”
Well nineties Lobo looks like Slaine drawn by Simon Bisley, but then there’s a good reason for that.
Eighties Lobo was actually kind of wussie, he looked more like a member of Kiss than the Main Man, but he and Glenn Fabry’s Slaine did share a certain big hair look.
It was really only when Slaine started wearing woad and the shading around Lobo’s eyes turned into a full goth makeup job that they started really resembling each other.
Wanna narrow that down, champ? There’s a lot of issues.
He didn’t think it too many.
Mmmm, gorgeous 80’s painted comics
Painted? Pretty sure most of the early (good) stuff was penciled
The Slaine stuff I have from the 80s looks painted.
You talking about when it went all ‘wierd(er)’ and time-travel-y? Didn’t really like the artwork during that period
I don’t much care for DC comics, as a rule — characters like Lobo are actually part of the reason. That said, you have a totally valid point, and I desperately hope that this message somehow manages to squeeze in through the tiny gap between neck and anus that is DC’s decision makers’ current position (that’s me making a joke about their heads being up their butts).
On a side note, the lack of color makes me think that that’s not actually Lobo, but the Comedian in a wig. :)
If I were to helm a Fantasy Reboot of the Justice League, Lobo would be a member, on some kind of “space probation”, with Earth’s Green Lantern as his parole officer who keeps him relatively well-behaved by controlling his supply of cigars and liquor.
Hell, I’ll just dump the whole idea. This crap involved (yet another) continuity reboot, so a lot of these people’s origins and histories may not match up with the current incarnations. The only thing that’s definitely stayed the same is the membership of the original team – Batman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman and Green Lantern. Superman and a small squad of mostly rookie heroes went missing seven years ago. Batman withdrew due to a much more antagonistic relationship between him and the US government. The rest of the League is divided into the following teams:
Gold Team: The Command Squad. Runs the rest of the league, includes all other team leaders as members but has its own core membership. A versatile unit that deals with problems any one other team can’t handle alone. Team Leader (and current League President) is Wonder Woman. There is some tension between the non-command members of Gold Team (who all have high security clearance) and the rank and file of some other teams.
Silver Team: Retired and Reserve members, not on active duty, as well as non-combat members who report directly to Gold Team and do press and PR work, or coordinate the League’s charitable activities. The Atom is the primary Silver Team coordinator, as he spends way more time in the lab than in the field lately.
Ruby Team: The Flash is the team leader, and Ruby is the “rapid response” emergency team, ready to be where the crisis is anywhere on Earth. Ruby members have kind of an elitist attitude that rubs a lot of other League members the wrong way, especially Sapphire Team.
Sapphire Team: Lead by Aquaman. Some problems don’t go away after you punch the guy responsible enough times. Sapphire deals with those long-term problems. A lot of the crap they deal with is less glamorous, taking care of dimensional breaches, safely disposing of doomsday devices, and cleaning environmental catastrophes so toxic that normal humans can’t manage. They are very possibly the part of the League that does the most demonstrable “good”, but sometimes feel like the rest of the League sees them as a punchline.
Emerald Team: Extraterrestrial Threat specialists, lead by Green Lantern. Emerald tends to think of itself as an independent agency only loosely affiliated with the rest of the League. They are by far the most likely team to deal with threats that will be classified by Earth governments, so a lot of the time they just don’t bother to report when they’ve nullified some existential threat zeroing in on the Sol System. Lobo is involved, as mentioned, and reigned in by Green Lantern and by Power Girl, who’s second in command (whichever version of her origin leaves her tied to Superman but not necessarily Kryptonian… Super-clone program or something).
Diamond Team: Superman is missing, but according to the League’s most talented psychics and magic users, he’s probably not dead. Somewhere out there, he and his missing squad (and whatever new members they’ve picked up) are fighting the good fight, trying to get back to Earth but getting distracted dealing with problems along the way. After giving the other squads a year or so to build the framework in their own books, Justice League: Diamond would debut revealing what the big boyscout has been up to.
Bronze Team: Whether it’s a rookie hero still figuring out his powers, a former villain trying to turn over a new leaf, a veteran who’s just not strong enough to play in the big leagues, or a proven hero who’s not quite trusted, the Bronze Team is the place for people the Justice League likes keeping tabs on, but isn’t ready to deploy against global threats quite yet. Green Arrow and Hawkman jointly run this operation (which has the largest membership of any Team), serving as the trainers and gatekeepers who decide when someone’s ready to try out for the League proper.
Iron Team: To contain Superpowered Criminals, you need Superpowered Jailers. Iron Team is the Justice League Corrections Department, and the Martian Manhunter is at the helm.
Onyx Team: There is no Onyx Team. The various governments that contribute to the League’s funding are sure of that, because the budget is analyzed incredibly carefully to make sure that there can not BE an Onyx Team. If there WERE an Onyx Team, therefore, it would have to be independently funded, so covert that the international spy community believes it to be a myth, and guided by someone with sufficiently unshakable morals that the Gold Team would trust them with this kind of responsibility. There is no Onyx Team, but if there needed to be one, Diana has Bruce’s direct line.
Controlling his supply? The only way you’re to keep a line open to the Main Man is if you know where the highest concentration of drugs, money and hot alien women is in existence at any given time.
[ The redesign isn’t the issue ]
Actually the redesign is the issue, Judging from the many stupid comments “GAY” o “EMO” et similia…
Hey guess what, some people on the internet are assholes. That doesn’t mean that whatever they’re whining about is the same problem people willing to have a rational discussion on the subject are taking issue with. Anyone who was all that familiar with the character would know he’s canonically been rebooted as a skinny teenager in the comics, but it worked because he still acted like Lobo. Just a skinny little kid Lobo full of impotent rage that no one took seriously.
I agree that changing him into a serious character would ruin him but I also think his appearance is just as important. Does this make me an asshole?
I think the assholes she was referring to are the people who protested the new redesign by yelling ‘GAY’ or ‘EMO’. You don’t seem to be doing that, you’re offering a chance for some real discussion of the issue, so I don’t think you count?
My first exposure to Lobo was ages ago when he fought Wolverine in the limited DC vs Marvel series. I loved those so much when I was a kid, and it brought one of the greatest creations ever: Dark Claw (my favorite DC character with my favorite Marvel character).
Wait, they want to ruin Lobo?!
Aright, where did I put those torches and pitchforks…
“want people to think, ‘This is it. This is the end.'”
Whhyyyyyyyyy you’ve already got a million crazy evil and threatening characters already that fit this description perfectly; what possible reason could you have for destroying Lobo and making him another generic bad guy?
>_< Not cool DC. Not cool.
I love it when Commander scowls.
Well, at least when this eventually happens in the DC comic, we can all sit back and go “I told you so.” I hope they don’t wait for yet another cosmic incident to rewrite history again. This could be planned out — get everyone good and enraged, so when Proper Lobo rips apart Not Lobo we’ll feel this lovely catharsis.
Though, if they’re playing this seriously, there’s going to be an entire issue where Not Lobo smugly monologues to the Real Lobo why he’s better. He’ll take out Real Lobo with one cauterizing slash of his “laser hook,” or with a sniper rifle that has Phlebotnium rounds that keep Real Lobo from healing. And then he’ll go into great detail over why he is more successful, and the world’s ozone layer will fade significantly from fans burning their issues of Not Lobo.
You know what? I think the best plan would be collecting all the issues of Not Lobo and mailing them back to the printers, with a politely-worded letter saying “This comic is defective. Could you please send us a refund?”
Not Lobo = Nobo.
That’s officially his name. Nobo.
I suppose this could be a parody of the trend of rebooting comedy-relief characters into broody unfunny characters. And then the Real Lobo comes along and goes, “Nooooooooope! Bastich!”
I admit I stopped reading comics years ago.. and Lobo still has a place in my heart as one of the funniest DC chars (and yes, deserving more cameos in MGDMT)
I’d love to see more Logan cameos in TPIM, but that’s because I think he’s lickably hot.
I’ve never read a Lobo comic
My only knowledge of the character comes from his very, so very few appearances in various DC animated cartoons.
But this really better be a fakeout. DCU has enough dark and brooding characters to fill a football stadium. But there’s only ever been one Main Man.
There’s always the possibility that they’re making the Lobo character different mostly so it can be turned into a movie property. That was my first thought.
What about the Main Man wouldn’t already make a great popcorn flick? The only problem is writing a story big enough to contain him in it.
No one would survive the premier.
Ya gotta get the right man for the job. It’s to bad moronic executives waisted Transfomers on Michael Bay. With Bay who needs a story? Or cohesive plot? Or any semblance of character development. Just write a parody of Michael Bay movies then get Michael Bay to direct. The material will basically write itself.
Panel 5-7: What to do to DC to solve the problems therein.
Lobo being partially a Kieth Giffen creation goes a long way towards explaining his OTT appeal. Giffen has consistently been one of the better comedy writers DC’s got (though Gail Simone’s Secret Six a few years back had some amazing dialogue) and Justice League International was the perfect platform for Lobo appearances. I’d actually go so far to say that Justice League International was the best thing happening in comics during the late 80s — up to and including injecting some much-needed funny into the overly-serious-yet-average Invasion crossover.
I only wish Giffen would actually write Guy Gardner more consistently with his later characterizations. Character development is a thing!
Thank you very very much.
This comic released the anger I had towards this situation.
A) I completely agree with all of this.
B) I choked a little on the “evil genie” line, because it’s so true.
C) Your Lobo is perfect, especially that face he’s making in panel six. Dead on.
Test your hard drive! D:
Oh, shit!
The Nier outbreak is gonna happen again, except this time, it’ll be a bunch of pussified Lobos!
I think you’ve got the best premise to bring Lobo back. Hunted by an army of cheap knock offs, the Main Man (also the Real Deal) goes to war on a series of failed comic book stereotypes. And probably a few kingdoms populated by nauseatingly cute forest animals.
He looks like The Comedian from The Watchmen.
I, being pathetic and unmasculine, had no idea who Lobo was before reading that very informative infodump.
That being said, this makes me angry.
So the rumors were true.
It would be cool if New Lobo hunts down Old Lobo and Old Lobo survives and steals the main character-ishness. The series is now about Old Lobo doing stuff and every once in a while New Lobo pops up and tries to hunt down and kill Old Lobo and shenanagins ensue.
That would be great. He’d be like an extremely broody Elmer Fudd.
Well I guess here’s the answer to my question then!
Also, might I add, this unsurprisingly reminds me of Dante and Donte. Comic ideas? Any?
Yes. Thank you for this comic. THANK YOU.
I swear, when I was shown the “new Lobo design” I was sure they were pulling my chain. Imagine when I go on the internet and find out Bishounen Lobo-kid is a real thing. A. Real. Thing. I mean… it looks like one of those parodies… right?
I officially claim this is the best comic panel ever, as I loved it even more than Kratos showing off the features of that nice HD monitor!
It’s weird, once I too had this vision of taking a cartoon character and turning him into a more hardcore, badass, dare I say grimdark character with Serious Stories Maturity and Gravity and unflinching psychological realism. I forgot exactly who, it might have been the Mask (you know, the green faced cartoon-physics-imposed-on-realistic-world guy, kind of similar to Lobo really).
I don’t remember exactly because I was fifteen years old at the time.
Might interest you to know the only Lobo comic I’ve ever read was the genius Lobo vs. The Mask crossover – mass-murdering bounty hunter hunting down the green-faced Looney Tunes serial killer of the original. Good clean cartoony ultraviolence. :-D
I haven’t read any Lobo since he was current in the 90s, so I may have the tone wrong, but having this “new direction” for Lobo only to have the Original Flavor kick his ass in a fake-out sounds like something right up his alley. Unfortunately, even if that were the intent there’s no way the writers could convince people it wasn’t a reaction to fan backlash without notarized documents or something.
The only way they could possibly make this work is if this lobo is a parody of the newer theme of emo/self outcast/inner conflict/’dramatic tension’ crap they’ve been spewing with comic book characters.
This is the comment I wanted to make! If 90s lobo was a parody of 90s superheroes, maybe this lobo is a parody of the 00s? It’s a long shot since the requisite emotional turmoil remains seemingly untouched, but I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt with the author’s decidedly secretive tumblr post.
On the other hand, parody or not, I assume taking out the manliness is truncating a lot of his appeal.
I actually also posted this comment a bit down.
What if this becomes a recurring process. It turns out, over and over, that the Lobo that the story had been following was actually a Lobo clone, and that the real Lobo was some other comic cliché. First super masculine guy (AKA real Lobo), then this pretty boy, then a series of other hero clichés pop up, claim to be the real Lobo, and kill the previous.
Eventually, 90s Lobo comes back and kills the last of the clichés to resume his post as the one and only Lobo.
Here I come to get my daily fix of MANLINESS after learning of the EmoLobo and Lookie! I get a full syringe of Deliciously Bloody Antidote. Never felt better!
So, he has become a lookalike of Fenris from DA2…
New 52 was a bad idea from the very start.
I haven’t even read any Lobo, only being familiar with him from the Superman cartoon and the occasional Heavy Metal looking bit of art floating around on the internet, but the second I saw that design I knew he was almost the opposite of what he’s supposed to be like.
Seems like Donte Teh Demon Killah all over again.
I would buy the hell out of a Coelasquid Lobo comic. Too bad DC loves ruining good characters (still bitter over what they’ve done with John Constantine).
There is only one thing that can be said in regards to this silly redesign: KILLRENDFRAGDESTROY!
YAY! I need to throw extra money at you, now.
I don’t really read non-internet comics, but what you’re describing seems absolutely terrible. Just ripping a name out of a character and plastering it onto another is something I’d think is inherently bad.
I’ve been wanting you to throw Lobo in there and in light of the new ‘design’ this made me soo so happy. XD
Reminds me of Lobo: Infanticide except his hundreds of bastard children were all as badass as he was.
Fraggin’ bastiches! I grew up reading comics about Lobo, it was nice change from clean drawn n’ spandex filled universes that Marvel and DC made. I agree on the fact that there are cases where you just need to redesign some elements, but takin’ out the best part that makes the Main Man? Thanks but I’ll rather nuke a planet, sip margaritas and listening to a surgically implanted heavy metal radio inside my skull.
…Wait, what? THAT’S the new Lobo? Some prissy-looking Twilight-faced bishonen? I just… no… NO!! This is wrong. I really hope that this is a joke and DC does what you did in the comic.
Thought he looked a little like a young Bruce Campbell to be honest
The talking about Deadpool and Lobo reminded me of this little art. Kinda Cool vs. Awesome
Needs more space dolphins.
Considering that Deathstroke has already mopped the floor with Lobo in the new 52, I can’t see him being all that overpowered or broken in this reboot. http://i.newsarama.com/images/i/000/095/517/original/Deathstroke_11_p14_color.jpg?1364324351
Well, considering Deathstroke’s plot armor victory against Flash and Green Lantern a long time ago…
I feel all special getting to see it not colored in for a change. I like your work.
Thank you. Not only for producing this comic as a whole (first time commenter, here) but for doing a Lobo comic, at that. His comic is, pretty much, the only comic book I have read (his x-mas special, where he takes on Santa, was awesome) I’ve been reading this comic (yours) for a good while now and it is totally in my top listings. Keep up the good work :D
I’ve never read a Lobo comic. I’ve barely read comics at all really but the Main Man was always my favorite recurring villain/frenemy in the cartoons. It feels like they’re taking all the best things and putting them through the “let’s make this as generic as possible to appeal to a wider audience” grinder.
They better just be setting this up for the fans so that when this new Lobo catches up to the real Lobo the new one gets offed and the series moves on with good ol’ Lobo from then on.
Of course, given the comic climate of today (as far as I can tell at least) I suppose there’s slim chance of anyone actually listening to the fans, so they probably are serious about this.
Or was that a request?
I am NOT a fan of 52. Never have been.
So now DC’re screwing up my Lobo for some stupid reboot?
Terrific. Just fucking terrific.
So how do you get rid of a Lobo clone cleanly?
Feed it to Mr. Fish?
Oh man… DC did Lobo GOOD on Young Justice (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3ztzd8vSOw) and now THIS? Please let it not be real.
So, umm, what exactely did he call Wonder girl?
He’s one of my favorite characters in DC. Always good to see Lobo around. Totally would love to see more.
I love this and eagerly look forward to the colored version!
We all know DC has no idea how to attract attention besides reboot after reboot, so I’m not surprised. They’ll use the redesign for a few years until the classic comes back and murders him spectacularly, perhaps during the course of another obscure villain tearing the cosmos a new one (and by “one” I mean “continuity”).
I’d seen some posts about the new Lobo, but I hadn’t seen a picture of what he actually looks like and all I have to say is this, “The Pretty Boy Virus….IT’S REAL! “
I love this. I have been so disappointed with the reboot of lobo.
Btw, I know you’re a big dragon age qunari fan, will you be making a comic about the fact you can now play as one in the next game?
You know, I’d never really even heard of lobo before, but the description you gave of (the original) made me totally want to check him out.
Let’s face it, I’ve gotten the impression in the New 52 that the people making editorial decisions don’t understand the characters or the fans much at all. That’s not to say there aren’t a few good stories coming out, it’s to say that’s either accidental or writers managing to avoid being screwed up by them.
For example, take “the Culling”. Please, take it somewhere far away and shoot it. Among other things, it introduced a character who got a fan following from appearing in a cartoon (Artemis). Okay, that’s a good idea. Then they immediately killed her off. That’s… Really a brilliant idea to bring people who watched the cartoon into reading your comics DC– or to make them give up reading your comics in disgust, that’s practically the same thing, right? And this isn’t an isolated incident, there’s plenty of bringing in heroic characters as villains and making a villains heroic, that is unnecessary and, in the case of Dr. Light, just plain in bad taste. Yes I know “it’s not really the same Dr. Light” but in that case you didn’t have to call him Dr. Light at all. It was your choice to name a hero after a rapist.
That Dr. Light has existed since the ’80s though. She’s an established character.
I said, “In the new 52”. You’re thinking of the wrong Dr. Light. There’s a good Dr. Arthur Light in the reboot.
And just to make it clear, yes that is the exact same name, down to civilian name, as the rapist from Identity Crisis and yes this decision was made after Identity Crisis.
I have never read Lobo, but – this may sound strange – I was glad that a character like him existed. That cover from Lobo’s back nearly made me buy the comic – you know that ASS. My comic shop had the issue on display, man, it was hypnotic. Redesigning a character or a brand is always tricky, but looking at the new design sure made me go wtf, but I’ll go with what the author said and wait for the comic to hit the stores. Maybe it’ll be my first Lobo, who knows. Great comic :)
I was never big into comic books. I’ve read a few of Lobo’s adventures, enough to know I consider the Main Man one of the few DC characters (I know of) that I can stand. I love classic Deadpool. Lobo was the mold that Deadpool was cast from. And even if I didn’t enjoy his over the top hypermasculinity, even if I hated everything Lobo stood for, this remake is terrible.
Because of one reason.
FUCK remakes/reboots/retcons. Can’t you useless fucksocks come up with some NEW material instead of pissing all over established characters? All the remakes of classic movies and characters have one thing in common. A complete and utter lack of originality. They take something that was good, and then bastardize it with what the tween demographic thinks is “cool”.
Marvel and DC have been suckling the same teat since before the Nazi’s invaded Europe. And rather than move on and MAKE something again, they’d rather run their current assets into the ground, and declare war on the mole people.
That said. Still the possibility of “Old” Lobo winning at the end and the writer trying desperately to wipe the tears of laughter from their eyes before they smudge their script. But I don’t have enough faith in humanity to bet money on that anymore.
Honestly, if the new Lobo was revealed to be a clone/his kid/alternat dimension lobo(there are still like 51 other dimensions left right?)the new design would actually sit well with me, especially if they have him meet the Main Man and the Main Man kicks his ass or something. The fact that they want to take the Old Lobo out of the picture entirely is just not kosher.
I mean, like everyone said, that’d be like rebooting Deadpool too not crack jokes, and not make 4th references every two panels.
I see the New 52 as a rather unpleasant side dimension to the “more real” DC universes down through the years. Some great books in it but (again, in my opinion) the overall background is pretty awful. I believe that this, too, shall pass, and I will cheer when it does with the next reboot/regime change. :)
I did not know that this was happening, but now that I do, I have to say it’s one of the stupidest things to happen in the comic industry since some moron greenlit the “Superior Spiderman” storyline over at Marvel.
DC can’t actually be this daft can they? Surely its just an elaborate scheme to bring the proper Main Man back into the fray with extra readers generated through controversy…
or am I givin’ DC too much credit? Well at least I found out about it here which somehow lessens the blow.
Thank you for this wonderful rant.
Okay, hear me out. Lobo in the 90s was a parody of the OP hyper-masculine heroes that were popular then. What if this new Lobo is a parody of the OP pretty-boy heroes that are popular now?
Ok, a bishie Lobo, now I’ve seen everything. I need a drink. Probably more than one. This is why DC can’t have nice things anymore.
I do my best to stay away from DC and Marvel. All my favorite characters died, were brought back, killed off and retcon’d over again years ago. I finally said “NOPE. I’m OUT.” threw up my hands and walked away.
So this is the first I’ve heard of Nu!bo. I’d weep if I wasn’t laughing hysterically at the idiocy of it all. Horrible.
@TheLastOutlaw Can I join you for that drink? I need it. sheesh. First spiderpus now nu!lobo. Comics these days. *shakes head*
Taking the jokes and machismo out of Lobo is like removing Wonder Woman’s powers :-P. Geez.
Hey, but you know what? NOBODY HAS TO BUY THIS! I don’t buy EA games, I don’t bank at Bank of America, and I don’t buy comics that ruin classic characters. But oh well!
I’ve seen Bishonen-y characters successfully transition into Bara-y characters, but very seldomly see it the other way around. When I read the complaints in various other sites/forums, it seemed as though they thought that New 52 Lobo somehow looked “homosexual” (to put it in not-so-homophobic terms, unlike the forum postings i saw). I may be the minority on this, but I think he has alway looked like some Tom of Finland angry leather muscle-bear caricature (which I loved about him; just a raw and gritty sexual magnetism without trying and a good double helping of obnoxiousness).
A little while ago we made a Wonder Woman Fan Film with
director Jesse V. Johnson – https://vimeo.com/60594348
It was an awesome experience and the reaction was great!
When we made the film there was really nothing else out
there on her – of course that is no longer the case.
As hard-core fans of Lobo, we felt the Main Man also needed
some screen time.
Lobo® is a registered trademark of DC Comics. Used without
permission. This film has no affiliation, endorsement, or adoption with DC
Comics or any of its related corporate entities.
We didn’t want to see him CG/VFX’d out, or altered to be PC
correct like the New 52, so we made the film reflect how we wanted to see him.
Please enjoy and feel free to share! –
Link to Jesse V. Johnson’s site
Ariel W
Apparently, they wanted to create a ‘modernised’ Lobo to signify with the times, and based him off more present-day action heroes. Here’s the giant mistake with that: modern action heroes are BORING. There’s nothing laughably amazing about them in comparison to past action heroes of the 80’s and 90’s. It’s always the same tall, dark, slightly grizzled, bloodstained bland tough guy with intense eyes. That’s like jumping from early Sonic to friggin’ Shadow the Hedgehog. It’s not great, and it doesn’t really get popular with people as expected.
original: the czarnians were super nice, but lobo was super bad so he kill them all
new: the czarnians were super bad, but lobo was… uh… something… so he killed them… what?