Maybe he’d rather not know about that
October 2, 2017
2:59 am
One minute to spare
Sorry, I was sleeping in the desert for the past five days, I had to crank something out in 45 minutes to beat the clock.
One minute to spare
Sorry, I was sleeping in the desert for the past five days, I had to crank something out in 45 minutes to beat the clock.
Welcome out of the desert. Did you get to ride the horse with no name?
The song I probably hate the most from that Era XD
Makes no fricken sense because his brain was fried on drugs.
That’s why I like parody songs, they can take something that makes no sense but has a catchy tune and put words that make sense on it.
NAME? All this time I thought it was “mane”… … …what kind of hack rhymes “name” with “name”
I mean, Kid Rock rhymed “things” with “things”.
When you think of it, it could as well be that Kid Rock has an editor who makes sure that he doesn’t rhyme mother…cker with klan…
I mean its more like its rhymed with rain and pain because it feels more like two couplets. Its just the start of two rhymes close together.
This one gets it.
Don’t be ridiculous Commander. They probably sing along with you.
Even worse, they have no sense of “personal boundaries.” They probably listen to him sing in the shower too.
You can do that in 45 minutes? Daaaaang!
Coelasquid is a Terminator, sent from the future to destroy us with really good comics.
that’s actually what her twitter says
Hiding in plain sight. Oldest trick in the book.
Aw man, a MGDMT crossover with SSSS? Sign me up!
Singing along to the radio is relatively mundane compared to having mock conversations with yourself when nobody’s around, or laughing randomly whenever you remember a joke.
I had the same thought. This unexpected crossover with Stand Still, Stay Silent is…terrifying?
Sleipnope being in ONE comic is terrifying enough as is.
Or maybe this already takes place in the SSSS universe. When the Rash virus hit Scandinavia, they rediscovered magic. In America, we developed new phone apps.
Love how chill Jared is about this.
Jared fights, captures and tames wandering spirits and monster way worse. Dealing with these things is Tuesday for him.
Yep. He probably has a harder time finding enough food to keep Mr. Fish fed.
I don’t think Jared and Commander have SEEN what is all around them yet. Jared is still in the process of taking the selfie…
I’m surprised there’s no Gengar or any other ghost type there
Well screw those judgy ghosts, I’d keep rocking along Broadway musicals
Or start singing the off-Broadway ones.
The best I can do in 45 mins is violently drag my pen across the paper and try to pass it off as ‘modern art’
Personally, I’d rather them judge me on my office singing than my shower singing. Though with the Commander they’d probably be to busy appreciating the sight of his gloriousness in the shower, to judge the quality of his singing.
That is an awful lot of spirits just hanging there in their agency.
i dunno, if you rack up the cumulative kill count of the agency regulars (kratos and leonidas alone have to be racking in the hundreds), is it really so surprising?
They probably started out haunting various macho protagonists who’d killed them, then met each other when the protagonists crossed paths in the office, and now that office just doubles as a support group for the restless souls of those killed by macho protagonists.
They’re all gathering around to mug for the camera.
I’ve often wondered what Rock listens to aside from Tom Waits.
Is that the ghost of murdered coffee beans in Commander’s mug or vengeful spirit of some worker from the South who got worked to death?
He may have picked up “The Captain’s mug” the contents of which is as yet unfathomable and still open to speculation.
Stupid judgmental spirits.
I don’t want to sound like I’m pushing you to give us more full-paneled content, because I’m not, you should do whatever the fuck you want, but you also shouldn’t feel obligated to meet some kind of artificial “deadline”. Take as long as you need to do whatever :P
I thought this one was funny, anyway :)
I want this to be a real thing so badly. Hi, ghost friends!
What camp were you with?
The Brùid, we were diagonal from the Whiskey Runners and across from the game where you had to try to hammer a nail into a stump with a hatchet
I was camped near there. My tribe, The Unchosen, and Northern Exposure has a Canadian flag hung between our RVs. We were one row of RVs south west of Whiskey Runners.
I heard about you, The Hydrologist! What camp were you from?
I am curious about how you heard about me. I did some bounty hunting and got pulled on stage at Wasted Saints once.
I need to learn to read.
But also I never got a good idea of where everything is out of the city because I was hunkered down all day
Shit, was that in the wastes??? I didn’t even see you guys!
But I spent a lot of time at home base and didn’t really see anything til it was dark. I’m one of the Rain Dogs
It was admittedly my goal to find you and tell you I love you. But it was my first year and I was overwhelmed with how rad everything is.
Were you at WW? I just learned about this a week before it started!
Yeah it was bomb! You should go!
Forty-five minutes? O.O That’s… AWESOME. <3 <3 <3 And seasonal!! :D
More 44 Minute ones please lol this was great.
Of course the only ghosts brave enough to haunt the commander will likely look something like This fine SSSSpecimen:
He’d probably make an excellent Cleanser.
Don’t tell people that! Once your fans know you can knock one out in 45 mins they’ll expect you to do one every day before breakfast.
Now all Jared needs is a box to put them in, a net, and time to collect 108 and he can make his own Spiritomb!
Wait…the message from the spirit world is coming through….it says “COMMANDER PICK SONGS THAT MATCH YOUR VOICE HINT MORE TOM WAITS LESS MADONNA”
Don’t feel bad for an instant. This was one of the funniest strips a while. Quality work.
Invisible onlookers of some nature silently judging you? Sounds insane, but I can relate non the less.
I love it!
Squid, this comic is great and you have no reason to feel bad about it. But if for some reason you weren’t happy with the quality of the comic you had ready to go, it’s not like we would tear your head off for not delivering our free product exactly on time.
If that happened when i use my Instagram (if i ever have one), i’ll scream like a little girl, i swear to God.
Little boys scream pretty much the same at yard ape stage or earlier.
Yes I have the damaged eardrums from attempting to wrangle overexcited Beavers [pre-cubscout level in Canada – what the hell were YOU thinking?]
Wrangle a beaver? That’s actually badass. *Salute*
Now imagining little spirits holding up cards with numbers on them… Has he scored a 10.0?