Git it, Gurl
May 16, 2016
7:07 am
This is almost completely without exaggeration the plot of Hyrule Warriors.
This is almost completely without exaggeration the plot of Hyrule Warriors.
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Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf is indeed not so much being manipulated by Cia’s power as he is revelling in it. I 100% love this perspective.
Cia was never manipulating Gannondorf? It was always the other way around.
That’s why they call it “Hijacked by Ganon”
Except in Majora’s Mask.
No Ganon to be found there.
No Ganon to be found in Link to the Past, Minish Cap, or Phantom Hourglass either, and only a Ganon Train to be found in Spirit Tracks
No Ganon to be found in- Wait… What Link to the Past were YOU playing?
Probably meant Link’s Awakening, the closest thing to Ganon in that game is the Nightmare mimicking Agahnim and Ganon as two of his forms.
maybe he/she (not going to assume either way in this day and age) was meaning GanonDORF?
Although, Majora’s Mask, Phantom Hourglass and by extension Spirit Tracks (as it’s a sequel to PH and Windwaker) are continuations of games which DID feature Ganon majorly.
To be fair they made it pretty clear at the start of the game that Cia was being manipulated by [mysterious sealed away evil]
I think the biggest mystery is how Hylian people think it’s mysterious when ever something seems to be manipulating things maliciously…… annnnnd it’s always Ganon.
“Some dark force is at work – well, every time in history it’s the King of Thieves, but who knows what this could be?”
History? With all the destruction every generation, who’s there to write it? I think they’re still in the “passed down by word of mouth” era.
Hmm just thinking about it I wonder how many times the average person even knows Ganon’s involved? Ocarina of Time future he’s pretty visible but Wind Waker – average Joe probably doesn’t know of his involvement, same with Twilight Princess… I can’t remember the other games well enough right now but your post just got me thinking about that :)
Keep in mind that each game in the LoZ series takes place generations apart. Enough generations that Ganon is usually referred to as a great evil rather than ‘Ganon’.
It’s not like people sit around waiting for, say, Lancelot to assassinate the president.
Good old Gerudo relationship advice!
It’s that kind of advice truly work I probably would have been married by now
But it did work… For him >:D
I’m so pleased by the Gerudo perspective.
The best part is that that relationship is pretty much confirmed in the Legend of Zelda games.
As an almost entirely female society, the survival of their species is on the line if they can’t get a man. They know the way to a man’s heart. Right between the second and third rib is he doesn’t come back home with you.
… I thought that first panel said “But I’m pretty as hell.”
Please tell me I’m not the only one that saw that…
Nope, I read that too.
Definitely not. I had to go back and check after reading your comment.
I only realised it wasn’t because of your comment.
I went back after seeing Foxhack’s comment and reread it three times and still saw “pretty”. Then I saw your comment and had to read it twice more. Ultimately, I was disappointed that it didn’t actually say pretty.
it could have, and it still would have made about as much sense, considering how drunk Gannon appears to be at this point.
Well, Ganondorf is as pretty as hell.
Seriously, I could just drool over him all day.
Absolutely. All day long.
Also, Coela, glad to see you back. This page (like Ganon) is beautiful.
…Yeah, nope, it took me a couple passes after reading the comment to notice the truth.
I mean it’s not like he’s wrong either way.
Pretty. Petty. Poe-tay-toe. Pah-tah-toe.
Who the heck says poh-tah-toe?
I say something like poe-tay-doe, but that’s my accents so…
I say it sometimes to irritate people.
I feel pretty, oh so pretty… ♫
Pretty Ganon is pretty. Let’s face it, and not try denying it.
Yup, I read the same, and didn’t see how it made sense in context, just assumed it was ’cause he was drunk, so he mentioned being pretty, then went back to the revenge thing XD
I read it as petty immediately….and honestly I think pretty would have worked much better.
Absolutely, Ganondorf is the prettiest Gerudo princess, hands down. And probably the best dressed out of the whole Manly Guys office, too. I mean come on, his suits in earlier strips are impeccable.
I think we need a Pretty Ganondorf t-shirt, posthaste. Get this man a flower crown.
Put him in Zelda’s dress, dancing in front of a mirror singing “I’m so pretty! Oh so pretty!” I would buy that shirt and wear it proudly
Well he does use Zelda’s tiara as an upgrade item in Hyrule Warriors.
Or maybe have him tuck it under while doing that creepy dance from Silence of the Lambs, Buffalo bill eat your heart out…
Even better: the bit near the end of “Stardust” with Robert DeNiro. I end up in tears every time. :’D
Same here. Pretty Ganondorf is Pretty.
I did not. Only because I have said I’m petty as hell several times.
Same here.
Me to, felt in character as well.
Same here
Well it’s true, so that’s what I saw..
Well, shit, i only realized it DIDN’T say that reading your comment.
Oh good, it wasn’t just me. To be fair, both statements -are- true.
Dude, this is crazy, I read that too. Made more sense somehow XD
I thought he was full of pig and vinegar. Because pig demon!
I also read it as ‘pretty.’ Glad to see I’m not alone. :D
Adding my name to the list for read as “pretty” instead of “petty”. Heck, I STILL misread it AFTER reading the comments and had to read a third time to notice my error.
I love this idea that the entire conflict of Legend of Zelda is all because both ganon and link and zelda are just utter dicks to each other for the pettiest reasons.
Reincarnation can be a real dick if it brings your emotional baggage with it.
It could explain the reason you hate your co-worker, lets say his name is Rick for simplicity sake, so much. The Rick you know now probably didn’t do anything to you, but in a previous life, he killed your father, and you started quoting Princess Bride at him.
Wow, this comments section seems pretty desolate.
Love the thought of the Commander doing Jaeger Bombs with Ganondorf.
There was a server error preventing people from accessing the comments yesterday.
Yeah, noticed that, thought it wasn’t letting me post because no one else had
Aren’t those Boilermakers?
Never played Hyrule Warriors myself. Though I might just have to now just to see if this comic really DOES mirror the plot of the game.
It does indeed. Basically, Cia is the goddess of the multiverse or something? and decides that Link in all universes is a dreamboat, and that she imply MUST have him. Or no one will. So she pulls the essence of Ganondorf from all the separate timelines to be the perfect Ganondorf to be thee ultimate foe of the ultimate Link, which she is then trying to kidnap and woo. It’s… complicated. And it becomes clear pretty quickly that Ganondorf/the Ganondorfs as a group try to manipulate the situation to his/their advantage, sometimes even working with Link against Cia to fuck up her control of the multiiverse and leave him with that power.
You’re pretty far off, been a while since you played it?
It’s more like this: (big ol’ spoilers)
Cia is a sorceress who’s tasked with observing the world and keeping watch over the balance of the Triforce (basically the Zelda equivalent of Kami from Dragonball). Over the years of looking over the timeline, she begins to develop a curiosity and affection for the soul of the Hero (Link), despite the fact that he usually either ends up with Zelda, if he finds love at all.
Meanwhile, Ganondorf has been split into four soul fragments, three of which have been sealed in different timelines, and one of which is locked under the Master Sword in a shrine near Cia’s palace. That fragment of Ganondorf begins to speak to Cia, trying to push her towards winning Link by force. Ultimately, he splits her soul in two, casting out the qualities that made her resistant to his influence (which incarnated as the sorceress Lana), and then placing a curse on Cia that pushed her desires to extremes, driving her to go to war with Hyrule and steal the Triforce in order to gain the power she needed to take control of the country and the hero, and to merge the timelines to bring Ganondorf’s soul together.
In other words, the comic can actually totally be things that happened. The only thing missing is some context.
Yep that’s way more accurate. Personally I wasn’t going to say anything more since the original poster said they were going to play it.
But this is the far better synopsis.
All the fragements are in the same timeline. The game takes place in the Child Link timeline, aside from the WW stuff in Legends with is stated to not be part of this the same world, but a different dimension. (Course there area few flaws, like Skull kid still having Majora’s mask). Also the Legends DLC is going to draw more on the Adult Timeline as well as a bit from the Hero is Defeated Timeline.
This is the front yard of Cia’s home base:
She’s… uh… kind of a big fan, yeah.
I found the stalker-room a nice touch, the central room with portraits of Link everywhere.
Gotta say, more than anything else, MGDMT has made me want to play…well, any Zelda game, really.
This is pretty much literally the plot of Hyrule Warriors.
Now, among the Gerudo that advice is probably a lot more literal.
Anyway, now I have to immediately go buy hyrule warriors because this sounds amazing.
I’d recommend the 3DS version, since yu get all the downloadables and Linkle, who’s worth the cost on her own.
Darn it Cia! You start with flowers and candy for guys, not stealing their Triforce piece and conquering their kingdom. We’re fragile little flowers that must be cared for.
“Conquering their kingdom” happens on the second date. If you know what I mean.
Good god, I imagine a girl who uses that as a pick up line could have just about any guy she wanted.
“Did she just say ‘conquering’? This girl is a geek or a badass. Or both. Either way I win.”
I admit I like this take on it better than Setz’s.
Grace Jones Zula would absolutely succeed in Gerudo society.
I don’t know if you consider it tasteless or whatever, but in addition to overly masculine manly men, your style also does well with overly feminine girly girls. I like it.
I like to think Coela’s just really good at art in general.
I mean, look at Jared. The dude is a scrawny, stick of a geek, and he is drawn to freaking perfection. I have authority to say this cause I too, am a scrawny, gamer geek.
So is there fanfiction of this Ganondorf yet? Cause I want to read a story about him.
Look up A Tale of Two Rulers. It’s by the artist who made the Peach/Bowser guest comic, FigmentForms, and explores the complex interpersonal relationships of Ganondorf, Zelda, and Link.
He’s basically this Ganondorf. :V
Thank you so much for introducing me to this w/your post. I’m reading it right now with a big stupid grin and trying not to laugh to loudly so I don’t wake anyone up.
Well, I just binged that. And oh dear lord did I love it. This is totally the reincarnation just before the Zelda group from MGDMT
Yup, this comic decided it for me. I shall let my hair grow out to get luscious locks of hair like Ganon.
Speaking as someone who has done this? It’s worth it. Do it. Just make sure you get a good conditioner and detangling comb.
Long-haired dudes are cool, but prepare to spend half an hour combing it everyday, buy a crapton of hair ties because those are always disappearing, and the wind doing all sorts of things to it.
Oh come on, it doesn’t take half an hour, more like 5 minutes, tops. That said: yes, stockpile hair ties, you can never have enough; make sure you always have at the very least 10 of them at all times.
Oh, wait, unless you meant a cumulative 30 minutes every day, in which case you’re more or less spot on.
Also, I find that a hairbrush works much better than a comb. Ideally one of cushiony ones. Don’t settle for cheap crap in the hairbrush department.
Disappearing or breaking in my experience. Maybe i should get better hair ties. Any suggestions on brands?
I keep my hair braided most of the time for convince, but even so I rarely spend more than 10-15 minutes brushing it. Then again, I got lucky with nice wavy hair.
Do it! I can’t since I have very thin hair and have a hard time getting ANY volume going. But you should definately do it! ;)
I really like the pastel effect for the flashback panels – it gives a good sense of otherworldliness for Cia’s Guardian of Time domain. One drop of desire from her allowed Ganondorf to sweep in and manipulate her to set the whole thing in motion and he didn’t even have to do anything for 75% of the game. Of course, when he did enter, he won. For the second time ever, he obtained the complete Triforce – he even trounced Lana, Link, and Zelda to do so.
Then there’s Ganon’s Fury. Power. Overflowing. Playing as the King of Evil and as his demonic beast form are fun and give the right sense of strength.
To be fair this is typically how all my dating advice ends up working out too.
How is recovery?
I like the Gannondorf stories, and I’ve only played 2 Zelda games in my life.
When all else fails…
Sic a lovelorn deity at the problem!
Truly, love conquers all.
Dammit, I was trying to sleep. *binge*
How old do you have to be as an immortal demon king whose apotheosis was fueled by an artifact of the heavens to not have the energy to get in and get your hands dirty? Also, I think you’re like 90% right on Ganondorf mostly just wanting to get back for the racism running rampant in Hyrule, I just think the one exception is his equally racist grandmother and aunt were the ones who pushed him to try to destroy and/or conquer it.
His powers of persuasion are rivaled by none
hahah, shit. now i have to go get hyrule warriors.
I love the panel with Ganondorf agreeing, ‘Oh yeah, he’s super dreamy.’
I’m worried; I’m finding Ganondorf in that last panel highly relatable.
…first word of the comic totally should have been “hey”.
I misread that line in the first panel as “I’m pretty as hell”
Irish Carbomb or Boilermaker?
pretty badass ganon you drew there on the last panel.
Also, I dunno if you have seen the new starter pokemons but i’ll tell you one thing: one of them is a fat bird
Not gonna lie. Drunk Gannondorf (sp) is my favorite.
I don’t get it. What happens between frames 5 and 6?
The entirety of Hyrule Warriors.
The watcher lady is split into 2 personalities, one of which raises an evil army to pursue and win Link’s heart, unknowingly in the process freeing Ganon’s soul which was locked away in 3-4 worlds having been broken into pieces, and which the watcher’s manipulation of realities in her attack has drawn together so they can be freed, releasing Ganondorf into the world to take over.
The entirety of Hyrule Warriors.
You forgot the part where he taught her to be a bad girl
As always, I am mesmerized by Ganondorf’s magNIFicent eyebrows.
If he started an advice column for women Hyrule would have no chance.
I always enjoy your treatment of Ganondorf.
So if Lana and Cei are the same person, do they both have the hots for Link, and only Cei expresses it in stalker tendencies? If the two sat down as friends would they just start fan girl-ing over Link? I kinda want to see that.
Yeah, Lana tells Cia that sometimes the person you think you deserve isn’t the one you end up with and then makes sad, wistful eyes at Link.
So Lana is quite literally in the…
SUPER late but…
Lana is all of the good and postive traits or “The light half” while Cia is “The dark half” which implies all the negative traits. Lana, being pure goodness, is able to move on even if it hurts, Cia, who’s the dark half cannot.
At least until Legends where Lana manages to rescue Cia from the Darkness and the two of them go back to doing their orginal job as two people instead of one. Because the villain needs a happy ending too.
I look at Cia and Lana as the categories of Link fangirl.
Lana represents the fangirl that adores his concept, thinks he’s cute, etc and has a crush, but she realizes he’s not real and she can never have him, but that doesn’t mean she’s not going to keep loving the shit out of him.
Cia represents the fangirl who has lost touch with reality. She’s so obsessed with him she’d cut you ever insulted him or the game.
He’s… he’s just so happy. As well he should be. It’s not every day that such euphoria is warranted.
I’ve always felt a bit of a bromance with Gannon, but that look on his face in the middle panel makes it difficult not to fall hard for him.
Panel 1 :
Hey, listen ! Hey, listen !
So looking at the comments I’m wondering how many sales were just made because of this comic.
I had no interest in this game before this comic. Now I’m interested, but not enough to buy a WiiU for it.
if you already have a 3ds you’re still in luck. then you can get a $40 version of the game with all the DLC included, and access to apocket smash bros and the new fire emblem, which I have been playing zealously.
Ganon just gets better and better. Easily my favorite character.
Hey wanted to let you know, the error that was affecting Manly guys archive also seems to be affecting the platinum black archive. Went over to re-read some of it, and it started giving me the same errors trying to look at any page.
This one is my favorite. Hands down, perfect.
I personally wonder what Gannondorf thinks of his Wind Waker Map armor. Blue Hair, Black Armor with Blue Highlights. Basically, Phantom Ganon armor. …I wonder what he thinks of Phantom Ganon for that matter.
Yep, that’s the plot of Hyrule Warriors right there. I love this!
The last panel is amazing. x)
What’s funny is that is probably a common quote among the Gerudo.