He’d be a great swim instructor
January 8, 2018
2:44 am
Jared would 100% wanna be Sidon’s best friend.
Jared would 100% wanna be Sidon’s best friend.
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To be fair… he has a point. Who wouldn’t want a giant fish person shouting positive things at them?
Also… holy shit, this is the earliest I’ve caught a page.
Or just a person shouting positive things at them in general? It’d feel really nice.
I get kind of uncomfortable when people shout positive things at me, I can never tell if they’re being sarcastic. Is it possible to shout positive things and *not* sound sarcastic?
Sideon seems to manage it… Granted, he sounds *ridiculous*, but not *sarcastic*.
No one has that energy indefinitely. Motivation and positivity, like everything else entropic in the universe, decay over time.
That is so sadly true….
You have most assuredly never met an old coworker of mine. 6 years and never once wasn’t the most bubbly, super positive, energy filled person I’ve ever met.
It was honestly sickenning after awhile…but it is hard to not like someone that brings fresh doughnuts every morning to work and half the time made enough lunch to feed a military platoon and thus shared it. And she knew how to cook man.
She knew how to cook man?
Did a bunch of big-headed aliens give her the recipe book?
No, she got it from those giants from “The Silver Chair.”
Hahaa! I’ts been years since I’ve read Narnia, thank you for reminding me of one of the weirder entries in the series.
I can’t HANDLE positive reinforcement! My cynicism won’t abide by it!
Well, there’s Mr. Fish for having the “giant fish monster” part, but Mr. Fish isn’t much known for talking about encouragement…Or talking about anything else, for that matter. He’s a giant fish monster of few (actually, none at all) words.
Mr Fish is not gunna be happy with someone muscling into his spot.
Neh. One fish to yell, one to eat the enemies. Works. xD
Maybe have Sidon ride on Mr. Fish’s back, yelling at the enemies while they get eatten?
Mr Fish doesn’t have enough move slots left to learn Jealousy.
He could always forget splash to learn it = P
He doesn’t know splash, though… last time we saw his move list, he knew Shake, Roll Over, Don’t Eat Jerred, and Fetch. then he forgot Shake to learn HYPER BEAM.
To be fair, Mr. Fish doesn’t talk, let alone offers encouragement. And if Mr. Fish actually YELLS anything, it winds up being laser-blasted. I don’t think Jared would be much encouraged by that.
I love Sidon. He’s just so damn cheery and helpful and gives me just the pump up I need to get through a water level (I’m always so terrible at water levels)
Everyone is*
I’ve never understood why people had trouble with the Zelda water levels.
I think it has to do with their being cyclical in design, leading people to get confused and accidentally backtrack when they don’t want to? For whatever reason, I could always make sense of where I was in them and where I needed to go next. But I can see how folks could get turned around and feel like they aren’t making progress.
You’re part fish, I think. The rest of us are mere land walkers but you’ve got a bit of the sea life in your veins.
Sea dwellers unite!
I’ve never had issue with water levels either, in many games they are fun.
It has to do with swim mechanics or ways to deal with water always being slow (which makes realistic sense, but damnit, it’s a fantasy game) and that one fucking key in the Water Temple. Cannot say how many times I had to restart the game because I’d miss that key and get stuck.
I never really had a problem with the water temples other than them being tedious and time consuming.
The only issue I ever had was when I was playing Master Quest, got to Ganon’s tower, and then had the game bug out so that I couldn’t get the last silver Rupee in the Fire room no matter what I tried.
And I’m talking about a literal game breaking bug. I’d walk right into the rupee, but it Just. Wouldn’t. Register. it.
Obviously, MGDMT!Ganon took some advice from Commander Badass and made it an ILLUSION of a silver rupee, just to mess with you.
In my case, with Majora’s Mask at least, the swimming was so much fun I’d forget what I was supposed to be doing.
In Ocarina of Time, it was because a key was hidden in under a floating platform surrounded by spikes. You weren’t likely to look down there. In Majora’s Mask, it was because the spinning water in the central area made the whole level aft weird, and you might end up going the wrong way because of the current. None of them since then have been all that bad, but I think those two in a row tainted players’ perception of water levels in general.
by the power of time zones i shall be here before you!!!! (2:15 A.M)
In Jared’s defense, I also 100% want to be Sidon’s best friend.
Wow, Commander looks a lot younger without the hair gel and stubble.
Also yeah, Sidon was a total bro. If there’s gonna be any more DLC, I hope it gives more focus to the replacement champions.
everyone wanna be Sidon’s friend
…And for those ladies among our readership who are wanting to be friends with Sidon, I shall give you some words of wisdom: The fastest way to a fisherman’s heart is through his fly.
So begins Jared’s platonic (or not) Shape of Water arc.
All I can think of is how this comic would work exactly the same with Undyne from Undertale. Except the “giant” part.
… And now all I can think is how have I not seen any fanart of the two of them together. Undyne even looks kind of like a river Zora.
This needs to happen. Sidon “the Cheery Positive” fish person and Undyne “the Aggresive Positive” fish person. The ring of positivity between them would be unreal! All bad things would just visibly bounce off!
I’m not so sure to be honest. Undyne strikes me more as the ‘tough love’ kind of personal trainer. You know, the kind that would throw energy spears at your heels to motivate you to run faster, and accidentally bench-press the weights into low-Earth orbit to show you ‘how it’s done’ and get you both kicked out of the gym.
But she’d be so POSITIVE about it! She go at it with PASSION!
That, or do what she did when training Alphys and just pass it off to Papyrus. Who would also be cheery and way over-positive.
And then afterwards she insists on going and getting some food and talking about your workout session
Yeah, I was just about to remark how I doubled back to check that wasn’t Undyne he was talking about.
Although she does have a history of relegating training to Papyrus…
Would a skeleton shouting positive reinforcement have the same effect as a giant fish?
I would find it terribly amusing.
I would consider a good-guy version of Skeletor to be rather encouraging.
And you’d be a SKELETON WARRIOR!
Sidon and Undyne interacting. Things I never knew I wanted until they were pointed out to me.
Google “Sidon Undyne” and you get plenty of pictures. It’s awesome.
I honestly thought this was supposed to BE Undyne, and I still prefer that version. :D
Sidion is everyone’s best friend
It’s Mr. Fish cheering him on XD The way he says morrow made me think of Thor patting Jared on the back.
I love Commander’s hair in this strip.
Even more motivating than a bunch of pokemon on the front lawn and a boot to the ass? Man, now I want Sidon to cheer me on too.
Can I assume the finished product will have the characteristic toothy glint, or is this glint-implied? :)
(fake english accent) I believe in you!
That winning smile! That boisterous spirit! Hero, scholar, man among men! My, what a guy, that Sidon!
I honestly think he’s my single favorite character from Breath of the Wild. It might have something to do with the fact that he’s one of the few to get an exceptional amount of screen time and fleshing out of his character. And the only “current day” character who you came across as a friend, besides maybe Yunobo. Mipha’s pretty close in that regard, but it took until the Champion’s Ballad DLC to REALLY see her shine.
Really the only champion who wasn’t very friendly was Revali. Urbosa was motherly, Daruk was back slapping “hey buddy come get a meal with me” and Mipha was “can I touch your biceps?”
thats the perfect description thank you. if my friends ever ask me to explain the champions i will have to use that
True, but it’s their descendants I was more thinking about. Riju is nice but you don’t really get to know her, Teba is basically there to fill a quota. Yunobo is pretty nice and even gets some character development, though, by Sidon.
What a guy. Strong, witty, charismatic with an award-winning smile. Even though he’s got a mouth full of jagged shark teeth.
Ace Sidon: What a guy!
Smoke me a kipper… I’ll be back for breakfast.
*smile and fist pump*
bara fish senpai is everything tbh
But he’s not bara. He’s not thicc enough and definitely not hairy.
So, uh, I usually keep uBlock turned off on this page because I want our pal Coelasquid to make fat stacks o’ cash, and this morning when I came to the site I immediately got redirected to one of those annoying text-to-voice fake antivirus pages that tries to open a jillion dialog boxes.
I came to the site by clicking the “most visited” tile for it in Chrome, so I don’t think there’s any way I could have clicked an ad or redirect link. Anyone else getting a malicious ad redirect?
It didn’t happen when I tried leaving and coming back to the page a few times, so either it’s a malicious ad that slipped in amongst legit ones that one time or else I’m hallucinating. @.@
Hrgh, thought we got those fixed, I’ll have to talk to my guys again
It happened to me a few times (Monday and Tuesday) when using Chrome, so I switched over to Firefox and it stopped.
Can confirm Jared wants to be best friends with Sidon.
Source: Also a Jared
Yep. Jared’s a Swimmer. Fish pokemon, more comfortable in the water, skinny frame, likes wearing a skullcap… Even thought his hat’s decoration was a tiny chibi squid instead of a skull.
Actually, Jared looks more like a Hiker class from Alola, I think.
Nah, those guys are jacked. Jared’s lean.
Don’t forget the water balloon fight. He was the only one who was completely dry.
Sidon also has the biggest fish biceps, as he constantly reminds you. Good gains, bro.
Right, “best friend”. Everyone is gay for Sidon!
No one makes us feel warm and alive like
I use fish in all of my decorating!
Seaweed* Wow I remembered that wrong
My what a guy, that Sidon!
I work as a trainer and this is totally accurate. Screaming encouragement works wonders both for kids and adults! (I train people for ANW) I’ve seen that people are 100% more likely to do better on an obstacle or challenge when I’m right there doing my best Sidon impression!
Glad to see Jared is actually continuing to go to the gym, instead of just doing the walker thing. It sets up opportunities like this.
Sidon is the best.
This is a weird The Shape of Water AU.
XD Heheheheheheh.
This fish guy must’ve been tailor-made to motivate Jared.
Also, side note: I recently got Pokemon Yellow and caught a Magikarp. And of course, I named him Mr. Fish. Because this comic is amazing and deserves all the references.
I was kinda waiting for you to do a comic with Sidon in it, haha. That guy is so fucking great.
If Sidon shouted lame inspirational quotes at me every day, I wouldn’t even roll my eyes.
I don’t wanna know the person who doesn’t.
I’ll admit, it was really refreshing to see a character with such a positive attitude for you when you were fighting your way to Zoras domain…. And despite his cheesy smile, he was a genuinely good person. Plus Sidon was no coward, as he helped you beat Ruta without hesitation, or even waiting to be asked. He just stepped forward as if it was expected. Not to mention he was super supportive of the fact that Mipha wanted to marry Link. I kinda wish I could have brought him with on the adventures, would have made a good partner…
Speaking of, why is it that Link is always engaged to the Zora princess every time they show up? Not that I’m complaining, it just seems to be a theme.
I’ve noticed that to, and in addition to that anytime the Zoras are featured as a prominent race there will be some sort of tragic love story involved. Ruto and Link in OoT, Mikau and Lulu in MM, the prince and his mother in TP, and now Mipha and Link, geez Nintendo just can’t let them be happy can they?
Of course the relationship between Ralis and his Mom isn’t romantic but it’s still pretty sad and heartfelt. Just felt that might need clearing up.
It seems to be a running gag now. Started by the whole Ruto thing.
If you go out of your way to get to Zora’s Domain without going though the torture of the normal path up, he has different dialog where he politely offers to escort you out because Dorephan doesn’t want visitors, but then realizes you’re Hylian and begs you to speak with the Zora King. He is the very definition of “princely” – genteel, dignified, and generous.
To be fair, jared has a lot of afinity with fish monsters.
Hah, nice. XD
I kindof feel like Commander is at least a little proud of Jared sticking to a gym regime.
OH MY GOD. THE GIANT FISH MONSTER MASTER HAS NOW BECOME A GIANT FISH MONSTER STUDENT. Normally, it goes the other way around… #jaredception
Who doesn’t want to be Sidon’s best friend though?
I want to kiss Sidon.
I’m really digging on Commander’s tousled ‘do here.
Well, I ship it now.
I hope sidon’s boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t start getting jealous considering how much time he is spending with Jared.
Huh, I wonder how Sidon and Mr. Fish will get along. That’ll either be the single most awesome thing imaginable, or we’ll get some nice shocked and horrified expressions. Either way, I’m all for this Shipping. :P
Pretty sure that fish, is the new reason why people become gay.
And somehow, I find this Gay Fish agenda funny as hell. Go for it!
EVERYONE wants to be Sidon’s friend, special friend. Whatever.
I hope there’s more jared and Sidon LOL Just for the laughs.
We all deserve that kind of motivation.