Hope everyone went and bought the Protomen cover album
May 25, 2015
1:24 am
Shepard probably always gets “Renegade”
Shepard probably always gets “Renegade”
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Hmmm, I would’ve thought John Marston would get “Renegade” :)
Nah, he’s totally a ‘Wanted’ singer.
Most important question: Who’s grouping up for Bohemian Rhapsody?
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide…
No escape from reality…
No escape from reality…
No escape from reality….
Open Your Eyes
Open your eyes,
Look up to the skies, and seeeeee~
I’m just a poor boy,
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I’m easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to me…
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh MACARENA
Or just a Fanta Sea~?
Too late…Someone’s already been there, done that…
I assume the Commander is only allowed to sing songs by the B-52s?
Anyone he approves is allowed to sing Love Shack and other hits, but NO ONE else gets Rock Lobster.
I dunno. Something tells me the Commander’s a Johnny Cash kind of guy.
Everyone is a Johnny Cash person
This is so true! Gang bangers, Rockers, Country folk, everybody respects Johnny Cash.
I’m pretty sure the term “gang bangers” falls into a completly different cathegory other than music.
Well it’s true what they say- Cash Rules Everything Around Me…
That’s what they said before Johnny Paycheck popped up…
Eh… I’m gonna have to disagree with you there. I tend to absolutely despite just about all Country.
Aaaah. Now I have to go and listen to Protomen!
This is the opposite of a problem!
Oh good, I’ll have Murder by Numbers all to myself. Always follow that up with Gods away on business.
Random, but thanks for letting me know of the Protomen’s new cover album. Still waiting for Act 3, but this should help hold me over.
Now I really want to see a comic with this fight or at least something with the outcome implying what happened. That said after your older comic with them all in group and your later hair one I’m in the Robocop/Raiden camp. If one of them wins I’m happy.
Damn I miss going to karaoke with friends. Within my range, I’m a decent mimic so it was always fun to throw crowds off with the genre range I had. Few people expect someone who just did Manson/Disturbed/NiN to follow up with The Darkness(I Believe in a Thing Called Love specifically) or some older Garth Brooks. >.>
Ooof! What a combination! Think you could do both voices in “Barbie Girl”?
Hrms. Switching voices isn’t a problem for me, neither is the male vocals. Female vocals…I probably can’t nail it 100% but would be close. Honestly think my real problem there would be maintaining composure as soon as I saw any reactions from the audience.
I see!
I get no points for guessing Commander would take B-52’s Rock Lobster…
He’d take Rain Dogs.
You think that’s bad? Just wait till someone plays Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man”.
…dunnn dihnnn dun dihn dihn, dendundendundenden dunendun
I think Commander Shepard would choose something he/she/ze could dance too.
…Shepard can’t dance.
You don’t go to karaoke to be good at singing and dancing.
I personally go to karaoke to watch really drunk people try to sing, then try to sing and dance at the same time and then fall of the stage.
put on Lo-Fi Epic Techno Madness mix and then you’ll get “Wanna dance? Watch this!”
Oh he/she will go and get on the dance floor and try to move to the music.
But what follows is not recognized as dancing by any of the civilized races, nor the geth (who’s definition of dancing consists of “not what Shepard does”)
That was the joke.
Just put on the Tango, put Garrus in the room and she can dance :P
I can only see kratos singing Starbomb’s “God no More”.
In that case, who would sing “Play God” by Deathstars?
either Wesker/Resident Evil or Gill/Street Fighter, i think.
guile would get it, hands down.
Who gets “The Safety Dance”?
Adam Jensen. Clearly ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y414Q7vVgYU ) .
Slamdancing never asked for this.
When everyone is really drunk and tired, Inquisitor Lavellan makes the entire house tear up with The Last Goodbye.
“I saw the light fade from the sky, on the wind I heard a sigh,
as the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers, I will say this last goodbye…”
Then Varric Tethras goes with “She has Bette Davies’eyes”, Iron Bull with ” Achy Breaky Heart” and Dorian with ” Oops I did it again”
Nailed it.
Wait, someone did a cover of the Protomen’s songs?
Following no course of thought comprehensible to a sane mind, I now want to see Asura do his own literal interpretation of “Ten Thousand Fists in the air”.
Okay, so, question about Shepard: Will they show up in this universe as both genders? Or male only?
Huh, good question. Maybe switches at timed intervals?
I figure the Shepards can be cousins and the Hawkes can be twins.
Any Shep gets Space Oddity.
Garrus gets Earth Girls are Easy
Mordin gets “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)”.
Vega gets some 90s-00s West Coast rap because deep down he’s still some guy from a rough part of LA.
Ashley and Kasumi sing a duet rendition of Girls Just Want to Have Fun.
Shepard (Male or Female) sings I’m in Love With An Alien.
Duke Nukem gets One Bad Stud by The Blasters.
Because he’s a gigantic nerd who keeps trying to convince someone to watch Streets of Fire with him.
I wanna see Kano (Mortal Kombat) singing “Doumo Arigato Mr.Robotto” :D
And then the fight starts…