Hope you’re all enjoying fatherhood
April 23, 2018
8:40 am
I think Santa Monica studios made Kratos into a responsible dad specifically so I wouldn’t be able to make fun of his cartoonish aggression anymore hahaha
I think Santa Monica studios made Kratos into a responsible dad specifically so I wouldn’t be able to make fun of his cartoonish aggression anymore hahaha
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It could just be me, but the direction of the arrow of the speech bubble in frame one one makes it look like Kratos is saying that Commander’s son doesn’t know commander is a god, rather than Commander questioning Kratos.
Yeah, I fixed it, It’s 6 am and I’ve been drawing this since midnight so my brain’s a little fried.
Thank you for the great comic and also the quick fix! I hope you got a chance to sleep in after all that. <3
Well… He is a time traveler… Some throughout history might think he’s a god.. or President of Earth..
When someone asks you if you’re a god, you say, “yes!”
Got a slightly misplaced speech bubble in panel 1 there, I think.
Anyway, you’re on to something. Everybody around the kid has supernatural strength and durability. He’s got no idea what regular humans are actually like, which should be fun in all the wrong ways if he ever meets some…
Spoilers below:
Come to think of it, that might explain some of his mythological bad reputation. Possibly he tried to play some innocent prank on some kids and forgot that they can’t survive having a house dropped on them…:P
I fixed it already, if it’s still messed up for you, you probably need to refresh the image.
Considering other characters encountered, there’s either temporal shenanigans going on, a dose of reincarnation (“now, who’s the best choice of father figure for this very naughty boy?”) or the name is a homage/replacement (did Mom-and-Pop ever find out their kd was adopted, or did they just assume him dead)
I think there might be something up with the website, I just got one of those “Congratulations, your IP address has been selected to win a prize” pop-up redirects.
I bet the website’s fine, it’s just some pesky ad that’s trying to go phishing :(
I guess Commander’s agency did its job properly. Kratos got indeed rehabilitated into society and is now a responsible dad. A great change compared to the very first strip
He truly has come a long way. Commander should be proud
Press O to nurture your offspring.
To be fair, Kratos has always been more in touch with his emotions than many patrons of Commander’s agency.
The trick was getting him to have emotions other than anger.
And guilt. Don’t forget the guilt. Which, granted, led to more anger.
And suffering. Darth Kratos for Halloween!
Just don’t let him watch the Avengers movie… He’d probably go and try to kill the Hulk…. (Unless his response is to facepalm when the “Puny god” scene pops up) It’s kind of a coin toss how he would react to that…
I doubt Kratos would be very upset. He’s done much worse to other gods and called them much worse as well. And Loki is much punier than the other Norse gods.
Finished God of war 4, and I still believe Kratos will go after Hulk
“…Um, puny godling want to fly high?”
“Father! I can see Alfheim from heeeeereeee~”
Kratos is not being a responsible dad (as of about 20 hours in)
And now I can hear that line in Christopher Judge’s voice and it is awesome.
Having always read The Commander in the voice of Ron Perlman’s Hellboy, I am now convinced him and Christopher Judge need to star in something together.
My god, you’re right!
To be fair, Kratos was lifting, pushing, and pulling stuff way too big for a mortal in the first God of War. Before he became a god.
He was still a demigod with magical Ares powers.
While there were no signs at all Captain Kratos (demi-god) had notable strength from his parentage (we all knew it was going that way, but perhaps he just wasn’t being written as a son of Zeus yet *much less one he got his power quite unlike Perseus and more like Herc the Jerk*), the moment he became the Fist of Ares (General Kratos), he did receive power from Ares (how much is unclear, but it is safe to say his feats from GoW1 are all just meant to be from the BoC). The fury that drove him was from the weapon before he was given another source (the betrayal leading him to break an oath of life to a god).
While the box hadn’t done anything aside from close the size gap (with a full sized Olympian) until a later retcon, GoWII sees us (post-GoS where he was a god in title alone until the ending) as a full deity before Zeus takes half (somehow just that) before baiting us to drain the rest in the BoO (leaving just the genetics and replacement Blades from Athena). Somehow, Kratos continues to show off feats not too far removed from his half-drained self (we never see him truly strutting his full god stuff outside big boy Kratos punching a building *meant to be playable, but they barely managed to mostly finish Pegasus flight segments, so it got cut with so much else*). Again, with his parentage now in focus and clearly planned, he started acting like a Zeus bastard.
GoWIII is just this same fallen god yet he shows off feats of power not unlike his half-drained self (against Cronos). One could maybe say the BoE have something to do with it or (more reasonably) the BoO being in his possession (having his power inside it). Don’t know you just siphon power from having the thing (not wielding it). But that’s all after the fact (before Nu-GoW sees a much weaker Kratos helping to put over manlet Norse deities and other trash). Demi-gods are just ‘mortals’ themselves. Like Hercules (who shows feats well beyond normal strength himself while never having been a ‘god’).
Bit late I know but, Hercules becomes a Roman God eventually. Even worshipped openly in Rome.
You know what, I totally forgot Kratos was Zeus’s son. He was a demigod from birth.
I f*cking love this comic n.n
Will you ever draw/write what the aplication form looks like? From the little information on the comic we know chest size is important n.n
Also, im sure lots of fans will try to fill it to see if they could join x’D
Honestly, it’s always seemed more like a place you get sent, not a place you apply to.
I think Jared was one of the few if not only member that had to apply to work there.
I distinctly remember Gordon Freeman and at least one other doctor applying and getting kicked out for being ” nerds with PhD’s and shit”.Though I’m pretty sure that was a filler comic by another artist as well, thus dubiously canonical.
Then there was the time some (presumably evil) dude from Resident Evil tried to apply disguised as another (presumably not evil) dude from Resident Evil. (No, I have never played a Resident Evil game :p )
Gordon Freeman and Isaac Clarke, done by Longyear
Although technically Isaac has neither glasses nor a PHD. Arguably both Gordon and Isaac are already well adjusted enough to function in society, when it isn’t collapsing around them through no fault of their own. My head-cannon is that comic is from their (Gordon and Isaac) point of view, and their interpretation of Commander’s actually polite refusal of their applications on those grounds.
But on topical archive diving, yes it would seem Manly Guys must apply. Vincent (FF7) was rejected for medical reasons. Kuja (FF9) was informally turned away.
No, you’re right about the moral alignments of those two guys.
You know what they say, “A man with intent to swing a crowbar into a skull, ensures that the people around him keep an open mind.”
Yeah, it’s basically rehab/anger-management.
Might be a place you get “sent” but the first strip jared apears he is told the size of his pecs would usually exclude him… Now, imagine there was an online version of a form, with whatever comically exagerated requisites are needed…
Be honest… Wouldnt you try to fill in the form to compare yourself eith guys like duke nukem?
Probably would ask previous jobs/military service… What “not fighting related” skills you have, etc… Chest size, any genetic mutation or condition (since im a gingerz that is so.ething i can fill in)
I cqn imagin people tweeting, sharing on facebook, etc… Trying to “get in”
And it would probably be too much to ask, but maybe whoever gets the most badass aplication form gets a cameo in a future comic or something…
My point is, it would be “easy”(or at least easier than making a full comic page) to make, and it would probably make people interact with that page a bit more… Maybe make the comic apear in twitter trending topics or whatever… Make it viral… Why not?
Now I want to see one YOU came up with. You’ve got a fair beginning there…
Well, i would keep it a simple 1 page with a normal start, weird follow up questioms style… “name, age, previous job, military experience, pectoral size, arm circumference, biologic/mechanic body modification, special habilities, skills not related to military service, health problems/curses or weaknesses… Etc…
Im sure coelasquid cqn make a better one anyway… n.n
I think Jared was applying to be staff, rather than an attendee/patient/inmate/outmate. Given the size of the mess these guys leave (car-jenga anyone?) I figure even the janitor needs to be pretty strong
Would make sense and still would be great to look at how it works…
Even if it is a place one is ‘sent’ and not ‘applied to’…. it is a goverment agency, and thus probably still has paperwork.
I0m sure this strip was just an excuse to draw Kratos’ magnificient beard.
the prequel is Kratros goes to anger management classes
If that ever is a DLC, it needs a cameo from Rock Lobster.
Press “A” to hug family.
There is literally a level in the first God of War game where you must do exactly that (it replenishes their health).
PlayStation controllers don’t have an A button.
Does Kratos’s new Dad level headedness mean they can have bubble tea around the office again?
That is an important question that needs an answer…
Eh, it got better since the
Hmm I figure all kids think their dad is the strongest man in the world.
One just happens to be right.
Please, they clearly read your Ganondorf and CB-dad comics, and thought “how can we get some of that awesome matured-and-well-adjusted rolemodel action in our game?
Yeah I was just thinking about how in this series, Kratos became more mellow and a better parent thanks to the agency/the commander. Also it’s quite fitting the Commander’s concerned about such a thing being kept from him as who knows what’d happen if the kid finds out the wrong way.
As for this comic influencing the games, it’s possible; just look at DBZA and how it’s affecting recent canon dragonball.
I don’t follow DBZA and I’m curious, could you please enlighten me witha few examples?
I haven’t been able to get into Dragonball Super lately. I have no cable, and I don’t want to do the free anime streaming sites because of how anal the government is over piracy these days. So I’m not quite certain, but can you please explain to me how DBZA is affecting canon? Because this is the first I’ve heard of it (Yes, the rock I live under is very comfortable), and I find this to be a hopefully hilarious subject. Also, a bit of a just plain hopeful one. I like the idea of the creators responding to the will of their fanbase and being willing to make changes to their material because of it.
I’ve only seen clips, but Vegeta and Goku’s banter is pretty much lifted wholesale from Abridged.
Where do you think Abridged got it?
Abridged predates Super by a pretty healthy margin and the studio has admitted their “appreciation” for that fan work. One of the guys from Abridged even did voicework on one of the Xenoverse games.
Take DBFZ, where Cell causally tosses around Snark like candy on halloween; a trait of DBZA Cell (where original DBZ Cell might had a few moments)
Popo threatening Vegeta on thrashing the hyperbolic time camber (unusual for canon Popo, not so much for DBZA Popo who tends to knock people off the lookout for varying slights)
Now for super, there’s the banter, Goku’s questionable parenting/stupidity (might be TFS having a sense of Magna Goku, much like Abridged Tien being DB Tien)
One could look up such things on youtube
Well, congratulations Commander. One of the most rage filled guys you know has finally mellowed out some.
It’s the beard. Grow your beard out really thick and then just stroke it in contemplation. You have no idea how therapeutic it is. This is why The Commander is so levelheaded. He’s had some form of facial hair to stroke contemplatively throughout his entire life, even if it’s only 5 o’ clock shadow.
A healthy thick manly beard is
(that you never have to clean up its poo).
The real shame is that men’s beards cannot purr or coo like a Tribble.
But it would be real awkward if my beard growled at me for rolling over on it in my sleep.
Now see… it’s real easy to put in conceptual realignments into your brain that you cannot “unthink”.
The only exception to Commander’s calm was the Nomura incident, and he had no facial hair then. Calming Beards confirmed.
Remember back in the beginning of the comic, when it was about helping guys like Kratos reintegrate into society? I guess that worked out, eh?
This is great, I was hoping for a Dad Kratos comic. I’m gonna miss the overly aggressive Kratos, even though I think his development is good for his character arc.
Wait till Kratos has to explain to his son that he murdered his old family in the sequels. That’s gonna be awkward to say the least.
How I Murdered Your Sister
Honestly, the whole time I was watching playthroughs of the new GOW, I was thinking about you portrayal of Kratos and that one comic you made based off that one trailer.
Right up until panel 4… Classic Kratos.
“Now we’ll teach that Coelasquid to satirize our character’s ultraviolent ways!” — Someone in the God of War development team, probably
The result of the Spartan Gay Chickent match with Leonidas made him realise that he should become more responsible.
Make lot of sense. after “winning” that battle he probably thought “i need to grow the beard”.
I enjoy Jacksepticeye’s playthrough of the game. Kratos reminds me of the dad from the little house in the big woods.
Did something happen to hiveworks.com? it looks like someone either hacked it or the team upkeeping it fell apart. Does anyone know what happened there?
Hiveworks isn’t hiveworks.com, it’s thehiveworks.com
“I think Santa Monica studios made Kratos into a responsible dad specifically so I wouldn’t be able to make fun of his cartoonish aggression anymore hahaha”
Probably true tbf.
A dark boardroom wreathed in cigar smoke.
“Gentlemen. How can we screw with this one webcomic?”
Uncomfortable silence as powerful men shift in their seats.
Scrawny pimply voiced intern with the cracking voice pipes up. “Make Kratos a halfway decent parent working to keep his rage under control to better raise his son?”
Silent beat
Smash cut to FIESTAAAA!!!!
You think they did that to humorblock you? I personally thing they RED all of your comics and just imagined what a better adjusted Kratos would be like after the commander was done with him. YOu might well have CREATED the new Kratos ;)
They did give you a golden opportunity for a new lines of jokes following your initial run of him being irresponsible and difficult to reintegrate tho lol
Will this new grown up PapaKratos meet our MGDMT MemeKratos or will he just replace him?
I imagine Coelasquid will probably replace. Much as I did enjoy MemeKratos, this does give her new opportunities for new comics/jokes and it’s not like there aren’t other candidates for crazy rage jokes.
I’m kinda wondering how Duke’s reaction will be. “Man, everyone’s growing up and leaving me behind” would probably sum up his feelings on Kratos right now.
Well I imagine that we could have a joke where his son gets thrashed by the Hulk before being called a “puny god”… (With Kratos either flying into a protective dad rage or facepalming at his son letting his godhood go to his head)
Most likely the second, considering that Kratos is now of the “Gods have a responsibility to be good people” camp.
Anyone else think that the world serpent looks like Kratos?
Just wait until he meets uncle Leonidas.
Didn’t know Grog Strongjaw was a dad… must’ve been one of his one-night stands early in the campaign.
As someone that got into critical role a month or so ago and is on roughly episode 80 something, I really appreciate this joke.
Grog’s certainly a perfect fit for the agency, with his tendency to RAGE and his 26 Strength (versus his 6 Intelligence), and that’s a pretty darn good drawing of him, too. His tendency to pick up evil talking swords is a problem, though, since he’s had to have two of them forcibly de-equipped by his buddy Pike.
Just to be clear, you.. DO know that’s Kratos, right?
This screams playdate potential. Kratos brings his kid, the Commander brings his kids…It’ll be a delight!
Pretty sure they did that once already. They went hunting together.
I wonder what Kratos’s kid would think of Jared
“Why the dragon listened to you? I mean, you didn’t look… very strong.”
“Oh, Mr. Fish? That’s because I raised him with love since he was still a Magikarp. That and beating other Pokemon with him, but that’s just an afterthought.”
“…Where did you get a Magikarp?”
“Somewhere in ***to. Very far from here.”
“…I want a dragon pet, too.”
“…How about those dragons there? Maybe they can show you where to get dragon egg?”
“That’s genius!”
Then it turns out that the World Serpent is in some way related to Mr.Fish…
That….that would be very troubling, considering the mythic origin of the world serpent.
Key words: Loki, and Jormungandr
Unfortunately Sony does not want my money, so… *shrugs* what can I do
‘Course y’know what we need now.
Dream Daddy: Dad of War DLC.
You know speaking of demigod dads, I r always wondered why you never made a comic about Asura from Asura’s Wrath. Seems like a Hindu-Influenced Kratos, though I suppose at the same time you’d just be doing the same joke with a different dude.
While Asura is indeed full of wrath, he has much better control of it than Kratos did (an incident of mindless self-destructive rage following the death of his daughter-substitute not withstanding).
The issue there is that Asura WAS a well-adjusted person before everything in his game happened. Even at his worst, he still wasn’t as bad as old Kratos was on a good day.
They did it because your comics are canon and Commander has been a good influence on him. So now they can be dad pals.
I just wonder what happened to Kratos’ Very wide muscular Jaw between GOW3 and GOW4.
Even with all the Beard hair his face looks a lot more narrower now.
I’m guessing it’s a combination of change of art style and meant to emphasize his age. A lot of men’s faces tend to slim down and get narrower as they age past the middle aged barrier. I really like the design of Kratos as a grizzled old bastard. Not enough “I was slaying gods when your grandparents wore diapers” style badasses in gaming.
Hmm possibly, he also looks quite a bit shorter too. So a mix of new art style and even Demi-gods get old.
Wanna know what annoys me? People writing off this GOW as a shitty super-macho shit and Kratos as a bad dad. He’s a decent dad. He has issues, and he’s basically coming to terms with his anger and violence while also trying to raise his kid right and avoiding turning his son into exactly the same angry hyperviolent mess he was. It’s genuinely interesting and feels more mature, in a good way. Mature as in a deeper more interesting character story, not “mature” as in BLOOD AND GORE AND SHIT.
Also, Atreus is a good kid. All around nice kiddo.
I mean the first three games are a lot of Kratos coming to terms with his guilt over his family that becomes the source of his unquenchable rage. His successful catharsis, vengeance, and rebirth through suicide all kindof set him up so that, by the new game, it seems to me less like he’s coming to terms with his anger and more coming to terms with overcoming some of his spartan training. He still has rage but that fury’s back under his control, its achieving actual sensitivity and emotional openness on some level he’s really working to with his son, while also trying to teach him how to survive by being *just* angry enough.
So, really, all the God of Wars, for their metal as hell grecian aesthetic and “kill’um all” plot, were always more than about macho bs. The game just functions well on both levels so some people focus more on the combat stuff. I’m watching it be played on Youtube and its frustrating how the guy doesn’t seem to pay attention to the lore around him.
I was so looking forward to Commander’s reaction to Dad of War. I guess when he finally beat Leonidas at gay chicken, Kratos got a massive wake-up call and got his shit together.
i know it has been a while, but i would really like to see how kratos explain from where his son comes from, i think only time travelers would be okay with him having such a grown up son just like that
I honestly know very little about the God of War series. What I have heard is mostly through ads and hearsay.
My basic understanding is that Atreus was a son of a northwoman who I am guessing Kratos had relations with during his bloody Grecian phase. My guess is that Kratos was not even aware of him until he finally came north and Atreus was raised by his mother, since the boy seems to be fairly well educated on Nordic myhtos.
Apparently after his mother died, Kratos and Atreus are taking the mother’s remains to the place she asked to be laid to rest and it seems Kratos is taking responsibility as a caretaker, though he seems to be holding some things back due to the type of baggage one might have about going on a violent rampage for a good chunk of your life. One of the snippets I have often heard seems to hint at this pretty well.
Kratos “There are consequences to killing a god!”
Atreus: “…why?! How do you know?”
Close, but no cigar. Kratos has jumped from the Greek Realm to the Norse Realms and settled down with a new woman, Fey, and had a kid, apparently spending most of his time off on long hunting trips while she raised and educated their son. The rest is accurate.
“I think Santa Monica studios made Kratos into a responsible dad specifically so I wouldn’t be able to make fun of his cartoonish aggression anymore hahaha”
Hey, I’d say they did PRECISELY because you had done him into a responsible dad BEFORE and they found it amazing.
I mean, that comic was in direct response to the E3 trailer…
That makes two reformed clients of Commander Badass’ Macho Guy Rehabilitation Center. I look forward to seeing Ganon and Kratos just chilling out and enjoying a beer while chatting about some of the absurdities of their lives.
So, could we possibly be seeing a few more God of War 2018 stuff for a few weeks then?
Don’t actually have the game yet, but I want a B-Track where Kratos is constantly making Dad Jokes.
Or get the Cod of War costume back and the kid just complains about his dad trying to embarrass him.
So I am going to make it my Head Canon that we have Dad of War become the Commander finally managed to find a shrink who connects well with Kratos to the point that he was able to get through some of his rage issues and become semi-normal.
Also, can we get Jared all concerned that Kratos is nice and kind and Kratos meanwhile is talking about how much he loves Bubble Tea?
Now we need to see tank go to that same therapist, grow a beard, and have space future viking children.
Bonus points if it isn’t a therapist but a chance meeting with Wonder Woman where the topic of Greek gods comes up… Atreus ends up knowing her as “Aunt Prince”
I love when the Commander is just chatting it up with folks in front of the king of the hill fence.
Also glad he can count Kratos as a major success story for his business.
That job at Best Buy really helped turned things around for him.
I think it was winning Gay Chicken against Leonidas.
*Looks back at very first comic of the site*
Daw, look at how far he’s come <3
Heya Squiddy.
I don’t normally comment, because it’s enough for me to just enjoy your lovely work and move on, but you missed a spot.
In the final panel, the bottom part of Kratos’s tattoo is missing. Under his eye? You forgot to draw it.
“Still should’ve gone with my name for the kid.”
“Charlie is no name for a man.”
“How is calling him ‘boy’ any different?”
I suppose it was really stupid to wonder if you had played or seen much about the new God of War game. I really liked how they did Kratos in this game. He was chilled out. Still grumpy and not a people person, but not the screaming incarnation of fury from the other games. I think it’s safe to start introducing things like bubble tea and stuff like that to him.
I think it would be funny if it gets banned again shortly afterwords with the comic going something like this:
Kratos is chill that they have bubble tea again, but his son… not so much. (Leading to an exchange which ends with Kratos yelling “ATREUS NO!”(I may have misspelled his sons spartan name…)
Man… the scene played on my mind. XD They could explain that it was a sugar-induced frenzy.
If you ever do more comics about Dad of War, please do something with Mimir in them. The fact that Kratos now has the head of an inexplicably Scottish norse sage as his sidekick is surely worth exploring.
It is explained. Row around on the lake enough.
Hey Coelasquid, you may have lost the aggression jokes, but you can put him in that gay daddy simulator! Haha
Which is the more violent and responsible Dad, Kratos or Urdnot Wrex (assuming you cured the Genophage and didn’t kill him, of course)?
The funny thing is, it is still not safe to have bubble tea around Kratos. Not because he gets angry, but because he insists on telling stories when having it now and everyone at the agency is just tired of it.
Atreus: “I thought stories were reserved for the boat.”
Kratos: “Stories are reserved for interactions with non-living objects starting with the letter ‘B’. And ‘bubble tea’ starts with ‘b’. As does ‘brunch’.”
Or alternatively Bubble tea causes Atreus to fly into the same violent rage that Kratos used to, with Kratos having to rangle his boy before he causes too much damage… Something that gets harder once his son learns to shapeshift… (Just imagine Kratos trying to wrangle his boy in the form of an angry horse with him yelling at Comander to “Get my sister on the phone! She’s with the Justice League and I’m sure they can handle anything the Avengers can, and without hurting my boy!”
Huh. That’s right, Kratos technically is Wonder Woman’s brother. Man, that must have been weird for Kratos when he first found out.
LMAO warrior stories over brunch!
Could you IMAGINE the details of some of Kratos more irresponsible murders being relayed to his son?
“So, there was this girl, daughter of Poseidon or whatever. Anyways this lever was really heavy, like crush a person into pulp heavy, and I needed to go through the doors it was trying to force closed. Long story short, she held it up for me, even after it crushed her into a pulp. Think she got the gears stuck with her spine.”
“I did not really intend for her death, I just really wanted to solve that puzzle and get to Aphrodite’s bed room. For Reasons..”
I can see him being more confused why anyone would respect a guy named ‘Badass’.
Oh man, I was waiting for the Dad Of War comics, hope you’ll make more. :D
Hey! I just read this through allll the way from the beginning, and I want to let you know that I really enjoyed it! I can’t wait to see more!
And that’s why flashbacks exist
Still got feels when I had to push Calliope in Chains of Olympus :( Not sure if I am ready for another kid to take her place.
Dad Kratos has had such an emotional journey and learned so much about how to adjust to a different more gentle way of thinking that Commander ought to graduate him from the program and hire him.
I choose to believe that Dad Kratos is proof that The Commander is doing good work! Just look what a fine upstanding person he’s become!
Well I can think of a few joke ideas that could be made with Dad Kratos
1.Inter continuity crossovers with both DC and Marvel… (Given that Kratos now has connections to both major pantheons of gods that the big two comic book companies have superheroes based on…. Just saying there is potential there, especially since Wonder Woman is technically his sister.)
2.Him facepalming at his son getting Cocky and getting into mischief jokes before sighing and going in to bail him out…
3.Him fighting zombies along side that girl from Lolipop Chainsaw (Bonus points for bringing Mimir who then tries hitting on her…)
I rushed through the game, but that still gave me time to gather some decent gear, decent super attacks, and by the end, I had found a pretty broken set. Three pieces of armor that granted passive regeneration, slow yet better than nothing, a few attachments that gave me health for kills and one with a high chance of healing on any hit, I was functionally unstoppable. If I’d have grinded in niflheim, I’m sure I could have eventually gotten more self heal abilities with good stat buffs, but I didn’t need it for the final boss.
As far as characters, I might finally buy the game once they either hand out the DLC, or once they hand out New Game+ in a patch. I say that because it feels like there either will be a sequel, thus rendering some of the hub spokes foreshadowing, or they’ll DLC the rest of it in over time. I had fun, but the ending felt kind of anticlimactic. Thus, you only hear about most major characters, and there’s still a lot of the Norse Pantheon probably mad at Kratos. But, Kratos had plenty of characterization, Atreus had a good arc, and the third member of the party tended to steal the spotlight with some remarks. Tangentially related, what is it with Kratos collecting heads that are at least slightly alive?
What if they left out many members of the Norse pantheon so they could pull off a god of war two?
Like how in the first god of war you didn’t interact with the entire pantheon, or even any Titans. But that happened in two and three. Maybe it’s a setup. Dad of war two comes out and kratos destroys the Norse pantheon and brings about ragnarok by having his son shoot baldur with a mistletoe arrow. Which is actually the green arrows Freya as the witch had them burn.
Dad of war two will probably be him trying to keep his son alive through Ragnarok…
So… You think he also thinks it’s normal to travel the world tree? It occurs to me we have no idea if this kid went to another realm for a picnic with his mom.
You may just be right about that, Coelasquid. At least one of the writers is a fan of MGDMT.
Hahaha oh man wait is this actually Cory Barlog commenting on my site
(in which case I apologize it isn’t in colour hahaha)
What can I say? It looks like integration therapy has gone well for Kratos. I will consider this strip to be canon.
I think many already do :)
Don’t worry, the game gives you plenty of new material in the Aesir!
Oh yes I love these dad of war comics that you do. I remember when the commander stores her and Kratos his son were talking and they were doing the you don’t have to apologize if you just aim first speech
Is it horses or houses?
I mean, it’s Kratos, I can see him doing both…
So after playing Gay Chicken with Leonidas and feeling bad, Kratos settled down and had a son. This is my new headcanon and nothing, not even the game, can convince me otherwise.
Is it weird that I want to see a gag centered at Atreus and his awkwardness as he tries to socialize with other kids his age, and the adults realizing it? I mean, maybe you don’t have any more angry Kratos, but now we have a kid whose only acquaintances are his god-angsty father, a pair of crazy dwarves, a witch and a severed head. ._. Ok, maybe not.
That point were you’ve either beaten the game or saw the credit sequence on let’s plays, and realize that Kratos met his first grandson. If you know Norse Mythology, you know what I’m talking about.
Is it just me, or is there a rather significant art shift in the design of the commander?
More “art evolution” – Coelasquid has kept Rock’s design consistent, but the way she draws him has naturally grown and changed over the past 10 years.
I could also see a joke where the MGDMT version of Balder is actually way more chill than he was in his God of War appearance… (With it turning out that he’s a mean drunk with Alcoholism problems, and is only a nice guy when he’s sober.) Bonus points if he shows up at the bar drunk on Christmas for the company party… It would probably play out with Kratos telling Balder to “Go home Balder, you’re drunk.” a fight of course breaks out, and the commander gets involved when he sees Loki snatch the mistletoe him and Jones were kissing under… While Kratos has Baldur pinned down in a choke hold he tells the Comander “Call my sister! we could really use that lasso of truth about now…” along with a quip about not wanting to cause another Ragnarok…. (Time travel was used to fix things last time, and the time before that, and the time before that…)
“He got WHAT?!”
“He got allergies against…. Okay, lactose, sea fishes, shrimps, ivy, eggs, mango, gluten, garlic, game meat, tartrazine, pistachio, pollen, some kind of essential oils, dust mite, pineap-”
“-Okay, apparently Freya was less unreasonable than I thought.”
Is it just me or does Baldur remind anyone kind of young Kratos in the way he acts. Baldur just wants vengance against a god who cursed him in a way that made him less human than he could have been. Maybe if Baldur lived he might have come around, and you know Freya is going to do some rather vengeful things to Kratos anyways. Instead of breaking the cycle like Kratos said it looks like he may have prolonged it.
Anyways it’s just a though, It would have been very hard to just watch Baldur kill Freya. It’s honestly a very morally ambiguous situation which I have to give the story writers credit for. Principle vs Utility sort of thing.
Crud I forgot to put a spoiler warning.
Hes come such a long way from this comics very first joke xD
Kratos could still have his über aggressive moments… just to curb them when his son is near. Could do for some funny situations.
This is the only time I’m going to use this meme.
“You know what that is? Growth.”
I believe I speak for everyone when I say:
where is mega mr fishy?!?
do something with Haytham, Edward, and Connor Kenway arguing about fatherly problems in their life.
He still looks every bit the sadistic motherfucker in the last panel though.
That’s all but canon why they did it, only replace you with “Pretty much everyone.”
Sadly this comic isn’t showing up for me. Firefox gives me a blank screen or it loads the first 1/8th of the comic and stops. When I tried Chrome, I got the broken image symbol. Other comics load on both browsers, including the one after this.