I didn’t even have a joke for this week
June 29, 2015
2:40 am
I just wanted to draw fatbird velociraptors.
Fancy velociraptors.
Just imagine them making this sound.
I just wanted to draw fatbird velociraptors.
Fancy velociraptors.
Just imagine them making this sound.
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Babies! Thank you for drawing the most accurate/fluffy ‘fast-thief’ dinos I have ever seen.
Jared should be squeeing with glee if he saw the fattest raptor ^_^
Jared could add a velociraptor to his party.
He’s got a dragon and a bird already, and even taught the dragon not to eat the bird.
Mr. Fish is gonna run out of attacks soon
Don’t Eat Jared
Don’t Eat Fattest Pigeon
Don’t Eat Fattest Velociraptor
you forgot the most important attack…. breathe
he’s not a stupid cat. he doesn’t need to know that. but still, forgetting Roll Over and Fetch just so that Jared can have more pets? Mr. Fish must really love him.
Unless he swaps out Don’t Eat Jared for Don’t Eat Jared Or The Other Pets.
Stupid sexy velociraptors.
Accurate dinosaurs for the win!
Accurate and Hilariously fluffy
Time for some Prattkeeping! STRIKE A POSE!
Ok, I never commented before, but these are the most adorable things ever! I want to see this strip coloured! :D
This is where I am. I am entirely in this state. Android 21 can be the governor.
I call dibs on office of Minister of Feathered Reptiles.
They aren’t reptiles. They are warm blooded, and they are the ancestors of birds.
To be fair, considering that the latest common ancestor of all reptiles is also the latest common ancestor of all reptiles, birds, and mammals, cladistically speaking birds and mammals are reptiles. This is as useful as saying that all amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are also fish, which is just as technically true (in fact, just like birds are a specific kind of reptile, dinosaurs, we are all a specific kind of fish, the lobe-finned fish. Coelacanths and lungfish are the most famous examples of lobe-finned fish still alive today that aren’t walking around on land.) but it is worth noting that no one would have a problem classifying birds as reptiles if it weren’t for the fact that the dinosaurs died out and left a group of animals that are distantly related enough from the rest of the reptiles that they look and act completely differently.
The FATTEST velociraptors…
And when they inevitably meet Fattest Pigeon, well, first we get a panel of plump birds, then we get a panel of one less plump bird.
I think it would be more a scene of confusion, as they try to figure out where his teeth went.
Birds don’t get that fat without something special.
I’m looking forward to the colors for this page! I wonder if you’re going to go for chicken or pigeon/dove-type colour schemes, or something more colourful (bird of paradise?) So many options!
Please always just draw exactly what you want to draw because that is how I just got to see fluffyfat velociraptors and I am 100% in support of your creative method
C-c-combo breaker!
Wait, I’m doing it wrong.
+5 Vorpal
Cuteness so intense it can take your head off
We have lots of kangaroos at my place. A mob of kangaroos hopping along looks just like the herd of dinosaurs on jurassic park. I think a big male kangaroo is the closest modern animal to a spielberg velociraptor. (they are really scarey up close).
Nah, cassowaries are more similar
Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if velociraptors did look like plump fluffy birds. I once read an article where it was noted that dinosaur looks were always interpeted as quite skinny. It also drew a swan using the same recontruction methods that were used on dino’s, and it looked like a ghastly creature.
I saw a cat drawn that way – all scaly and weird, ugly as heck
To be fair, an actual cat without fur is ugly as hell to begin with…
the drawn cat was also earless and the nose was reduced to two small nostrils – way uglier than an actual furless cat
Dinosaurs as seen in Jurassic park and such seem to have been reconstructed by Hieronymous Busch. Actual dinosaurs, as noted, would have looked quite different. No account has been made for fat distribution or facial muscles, generally. They could have meaty flaps on top of their heads, like chicken, or massive cheeks like bulldogs. We just don’t know.
What is this reconstruction method? Did the people who drew the first saurian dinosaurs just slap skin on top of skeleton drawings and call it a day?
Basically, yes. In the first versions of dinosaur reconstructions, note how the only places you ever see musculature are the legs and tails, and even the tails are kind of thin. Everything else is just skin and bone.
You now remember that every scaly dinosaur you’ve ever seen had skinny toothpick arms, unless they were legs.
Sort of. They based themselves on existing lizards anatomy, namely monitor lizards, and on what they could derive from the bones (indents for joints, ketamine rests, etc).
You might find this interesting:
Yeah. Google “shrink-wrapped dinosaur” for some examples.
That would the book, All Yesterdays. It is glorious! It has an adorable sleepy fat tyrannosaur in it.
I really hope this comes with some kind of explanation later. Like “Yeah, no, this is what Velociraptors really looked like” or something about that whole marketing deal that seems to be Commander and family’s entire lives.
I think Angel’s treatment of something both predatory and–for the duration of this game–enemy as the adorable little pet that it is to these badasses is the best. “Daddy shouldn’t be encouraging you to jump on steak!” I choked on my breathing.
Predatory, yes; but that could apply to a lot of dog breeds, too. These raptors are clearly domesticated, and if I understand correctly Angel lives with them, so…
I’m in support of fat rooster-raptors because that means in the event I’m thrown into the Cretaceous period I will at least have an available source of fried chicken substitute.
And vice-versa…
Chicken-Fried-Chicken, the hardest part is teaching them to empty the frying basket from the hot frying medium with their weak flapping wings.
And now we need Jared holding the fattest velociraptor
Jared can never know.
no jared needs one permanately
I can’t wait to see these in color.
I… I just CAN’T – This is so damn beautiful!
You’re an awesome dad!
Thank you! ^_^ – I’m also a chick/woman. So – should hope I’m an awesome mom too.
Be sure to also tell them that the raptors in Jurassic park were pretty much Deinonichus (correct me if my spelling is wrong XD), as they looked like that :)
And that in jurassic park they mixed toad dna etc. Hence storywise the excuse for inaccuracy ;p (it’s a good one though :))
I tend to think of them as naked Utahraptors, but Deinonichus works, too. (You’re probably right, looking again at the sizes. My brain inflates the size of the movie animals.)
Incidentally, I think of my family’s flock of chickens as little, domesticated Velociraptors. They may not have teeth anymore, but they sure aren’t vegetarian.
We got a box of rancid steaks the butchery had to throw out once. The chickens tore them apart.
Considering how they will not hesitate to kill and eat small rodents, that doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. Chickens love them some meat.
Anonywolf – too awesome to be categorized.
You’re an awesome mom!
Alws safe to go with ‘parent’. You’re on the Internet.
Hey, with that kind of awesome she can have both titles.
Oh c’mon! Who could say no to that face? Whats that wonderful, shark toothed, fluffy balls of adorable? You want some steak? *shares steak*
I already do that with my cat….just can’t say no to anything scaredorable.
First accurate representation of velociraptors I’ve seen in a comic… they found proof that they were feathered several years ago, much like their predecessors and ancestors.
Though they were usually a little bigger than chickens, a chicken gets to be around 3 to 4kg whereas a raptor is about 15.
So they would be large Carnivorous Turkey’s then?
So the kid in the first movie was right?
velicoraptors confirmed as prehistoric pigeons
Oh my God, they are so cute! *o* I need ten of them, please?
Oh, my gosh, I am trapped between “SQUEE” and “SKREEEEE”.
Where is the like button when you need one? :D
In Facebook :3
Infinite squee/skree recursion loop, system frozen
Am I… Am I the only one that noticed the roasted human in the background?
that’s not a human, it’s the chimera from the previous comic.
their little faces are so sweet
today is a good day.
(I want to see a pigeon-coop-type scene/set up with these now. Can you just… start drawing feathered dinosaurs more often?)
I’m pretty sure it’s a skinned pig or other foodbeast, not a roasted human.
This is probably the most accurate depiction of velociraptors ever put to pixels. It should look even better coloured of course.
Funny too.
And we have color!
Pyre, you are so right…besides my dogs (all four) are on the bones and raw food diet (though the pup has an addiction to baked goods). I couldn’t say no to those hunger velociraptor.
OMFG! They are even CUTER in color…I must have a flock!
….It is too cute. Too cute. I love it. This is the single best argument for feathered velociraptors I have ever seen. Not the science of it, of course, but the whole “but feathers make my childhood look stupid” one.
See, if I was running a genengineering lab for a resort I’d take these and grow them to the size of a horse. AND THEN WE WOULD ALL RIDE THEM INTO BATTLE.
*plays Chocobo theme music*
I don’t think their spines are really built to handle stress from that direction…
Personally, I’ve always wanted a massive boar for a mount and raptors as supporting units to outflank & harry targets, leaving them ripe for the charge
Just watched Jurassic World earlier this noon. Just got home & open MGDMT. I smiled & whispered, “D’aaawww~”.
Oh my, my heart~ I need these in Squishable plush form STAT!
I always get cross with anyone who says that feathered velociraptors aren’t that scary. If anyone says that the idea of a pack of carnivorous predatory turkeys don’t scare them, they deserve to be locked in a room/pen of an cranky gaggle of geese.
Per xkcd:
“[T]hey now think that raptors used their wings for stability, flapping to stay on top of their prey while hanging on with their hooked claws and eating it alive.”
Show them videos of cassowaries.
Videos are nothing compared to first-hand experience! Also cassowaries and emus are too solitary and large to get the “right” experience.
And geese have also injured humans, your just likely to get laughed at more for by getting injured geese than cassowaries or emus.
I’ve never seen an emu get vicious, but the ones I’ve known are sweethearts who get hand-fed treats often.
And I’d hesitate to put anyone in close contact with a cassowary.
Geese, on the other hand… Their belligerence is legend.
You have never seen an emu get vicious!? They kick and peck and wish you bloody death with their eyes!
But if the emus you have encountered aren’t that bad, it only leads to one question; “what the hell is in the water in my area?” Not allowed to go near the fruit bats, the possums will claw out your eyes and the cockatoos swear at you!
Look at a Secretary Bird and you’ll realize: “Oh, that’s what happened to raptors. Oh God, this one can fly!”
It’s not that some birds couldn’t do some damage, it’s that if a human and a bird went all out one-on-one then, with the vast majority of birds, the human would win by a long shot. Humans are terrifying predators and most birds wouldn’t stand a chance even if the humans WEREN’T using tools. Would actual velociraptors have even done well against being forcefully sat on by an adult human? And humans are pack hunters too…
It’s not that birds can’t be badass (crocodiles and tortoises could even count since they’re closer related to birds than other reptiles, plus there are some hardier birds out there, like ostriches), but we struggle not to extinct animals much bigger than ourselves and bringing attention to the birdiness of dinos just makes their weak points more obvious.
The odd crocodile/lizard/dragon/velociraptor design of JP ‘raptors helps to stop them seeming like another animal we’d farm, domesticate, and/or hunt for sport if we didn’t extinct them first.
Most humans would kill most lizards in a one-on-one fight dude, that’s a pretty weak talking point.
Not sure I agree with your assertion that most birds would lose to most humans one-on-one. A swan can break human limbs with its wingbeats, and the average adult human out-masses those things like crazy. They don’t even have big claws or a sharp bill, and they could bludgeon us to death right quick. Humans are scary predators, yeah, but the birds aren’t exactly pushovers.
We just got a puppy last week. While she is not a fat, fluffy velociraptor, this comic made me smile soooo much.
It’s like how Dodo’s were typically depicted as extremely fat, but that was because the sailors force-fattened them up, and there were none (not a one) left by the time they reached England
They’re so fluffy….. I love them.
Just make them chirp and it will be perfect.
A face that Alfred Hitchcock would love, (and very screenworthy though)
Excuse me I have to go and squee.
(Although , if I’m not mistaken, current birds are supposed to “be” dinosaurs)
Birds aren’t exactly dinosaurs, they’re just the closest living descendants of them. They developed from the smaller dinosaurs. Chickens for instance are the closest living tyrannosaurus descendant (which is not to say its a direct descendant), and even carry genes for teeth, though these are inactive.
Crocodiles, by the by, aren’t related to dinosaurs through they’ve existed since the same period. Sea turtles too.
Chicken/turkey sized fluffy raptors actually would be a fairly decent threat to your average human… Especially as an intelligent pack hunter that can open doors…
1.They can open doors.
2.Their fluffy bird like appearance makes it easy to underestimate how dangerous they are as the rest of the flock circles around behind you.
3.Those claws can still do some serious damage, and even if you’re armed you must ask two questions: Am I a good enough shot to kill the raptor standing in front of me. How useful will a gun be for fending off the raptors that are inevitably flanking me when I spot one?
4.Small raptors can fit places humans can’t.(Which ties into the danger of being ambushed by raptors… They could be hiding in the ducts/vents under desks, in the trees, behind a log…)
I think I know what I’m doing for my next Dark Heresy game…
1) <3 you for that
2) never going to play in one of your Dark Heresy games XD
Ocarina of Time. Cuckoos
As additional points, they can run up vertical surfaces, glide and climb trees using their wings and talons. So yeah.
“Phew we’re on the roof of a building let’s go look over the edge to mock them AAAH MY FACE AAAAAAAAAAAH HOW DID IT GET UP HERE AAAAAAH”
Sooo… “Chicken…. Close enough dino, good enough fried” . I know the éxit.
Hooray for feathery velociraptors!
Fatbirb raptors need to hang out with Fattest Pigeon and Mr. Fish. Because of reasons. Adorable reasons.
Anyone else hungry?
I am! I say kill one or two of the feathered creatures and tell Jet you don’t know what happened to it. If he sent the dang things to eat their food, it’s exactly what he deserves.
I guess we found out who the REAL monster is.
Humanity? Or just commenters?
Mmm, chicken…
They’re not just chicken. They’re free range chicken, the tastiest kind!
Toosters are worth 80xp a piece and have a small chance of dropping Hen’s Teeth, a valuable crafting material. They’re great for grinding, assuming you have a way of dealing with their “gang up” attack.
Aaaahhhh babies!! I would definitely be a bad influence. I would spoil them rotten. If one of them bit my arm I’d probably be the first to insist it was just playing and didn’t mean anything by it and just look at that fluffy little face how could you stay mad.
I was expecting Jurassic Wold joke but got accurate chubby birds of pray instead, well played!
I want to see this colored now.
Glorious fatbird velociraptors.
I would love to see a large picture of the four fat velociraptors!
As soon as the color version of this hits, it’s going on my desktop. Cannot get enough of fatbird velociraptors.
That last panel is just completely adorable to me for some reason.
SO CUTE! I want one. So cute.
Dang, and I thought the dinosaurs on “Dinosaur Train” were cute.
Yeah, thats how they get ya. Cute little velociraptors come scout around, beg for scraps, lower your defenses, then BAM utahraptors swoop in and make off with your vittles, or one of your teammates.
I like your idea that the velociraptors and the utahraptors would team up and use their wiles to dupe humans. XD
Fattest velocipigeon?
All these people yelling “JURASSIC PARK GETS IT WRONG!”, when the only reason we really know that those representations are wrong is that Jurassic Park caused so much interest in paleontology that the field got flooded with new blood able to do more research on things like that.
So kids, don’t be a smughead and hate on the movie that’s responsible for all that dino knowledge you’re now holding against the movie.
And as such it is unpossible for the Jurassic Park franchise to amend its character designs in any capacity for any reason. Brave Jurassic park, holding onto 25 year old dino imaginings like a portrait of Dino-rion Grey. For science.
In a way it adds to the value Jurassic Park has as a record of our understanding of dinosaurs and paleontology. In the coming years we can look at the films and see that there was a period of time when we thought that dinosaurs looked like that.
That’s how we currently look at the Jurassic Park movies.
Well, they *are* part frog. Frogs don’t have feathers.
Frogs aren’t related to dinosaurs.
Phantrosity was referring to the frog DNA used to help reconstruct the dinosaur’s genomes in the movies.
Right, but… they could have not been part frog. Instead of using their psuedo-science to justify our understanding of dinosaurs 25 years ago, they could have used their psuedo-science to update the dinosaurs to our current understanding. Which would have provided more variety as well as broadening mainstream pop-culture ideas about what dinosaurs can look like instead of entrenching the old ideas even further.
So, you know, just like all media we can either treat it like an unchangeable fact or acknowledge that it was a series of decisions and talk about how or why they could have made those decisions differently.
Not quite as pseudo as you think. The splicing of a cat with jellyfish bio-luminescence genes makes the frog based dinos seem normal by comparison.
To be fair, Wu (the geneticist in the movie) does say that the dinosaurs in the park are made to look the way people expect them to look, and that they’d look quite different otherwise.
Dude I have discussed this at length already.
tl;dr the plot of the movie was “people are bored with our dinosaurs build us a cooler dinosaur” and “No one cares about scientific accuracy anymore we’re just mashing animals together to make it look cool”. So just say the public is bored of brown lizards and make a big magnificent T-Rex of Paradise instead of a giant albino velociraptor.
Please draw more dinosaurs, I think your ideas are better.
Ah, didn’t see that before. I totes agree that the big problem is the movie’s premise: an apology for not being as good as Jurassic Park.
It’s stated repeatedly through all the movies that what we’re seeing aren’t real dinosaurs, just mutant hybrids that were designed to look cool or give people what they already expected.
Maybe read some of those links in the comment directly above this one, because I’ve already addressed this at length.
For someone that writes a comic about machismo you sure are a whiny fuck.
You’re way too emotionally invested in naked dinosaurs dude.
Uh, what? They’ve known that dinosaurs were related to birds since, like, the 60s. Jurassic Park had jack to do with that. Besides, the idea that people are into dinosaurs because of Jurassic Park is such bullshit. The reason they made a massive blockbuster about them was because dinosaurs were already awesome in 1995.
I think the real issue is no matter how they go about it a giant chicken is never going to be scary. Birds as a species are generally seen as something old ladies feed with seed or something we breed in mass to eat deep fried or with pasta and alfredo. People can cite birds of prey existing all they want but they are not the majority and most people never interact with one. They do interact with the harmless tiny birds all the time.
Reptiles are vastly different and have a massive stigma as either evil in religious books or edgy/cool due to sci-fi and fantasy. They are propped up as something pretty awesome that took a different evolutionary path. It also helps they were seen as a step in the line of dinosaurs in the past.
Reptiles with the general population at large are cool and mysterious. Birds with the general population are a harmless thing you feed seed and a fat bird you eat. Both of which are not seen as cool but pretty or tasty.
This is betraying a distinct lack of imagination and distinct lack of bird knowledge. Saying feathers make something look like a giant chicken is like demanding werewolves all be bald because fur would make them look like giant Pomeranians. Just look at Bearded Vultures, Cassowaries, shoebills, king vultures.
There are all kinds of ways to put feathers on a monster without making it look like “something old ladies feed”. Feathers and soft tissue give you a whole new dimension of colour, texture, and physicality to make something even more impressive and intimidating.
Just imagine the horror potential of feather raptors mimicking sound with that tinny broken-radio voice birds use, babbling things they heard in their pens, people hiding in the bushes trying to find the walkie talkie saying “clever girl” over and over again with increasing distortion until they realize it’s coming from all around them.
BEARDED VULTURES! Yes! They are one of my favorite Birds of Prey. Them and Owls. Just so badass looking and such variety.
That picture of the raptor mimicking sounds? Okay that…is going to fuck with my dreams tonight. And I thank you for it.
As far as the Jurassic Park movies are concerned. They don’t claim to be accurate. To be fair the Velicraptors in that movie are kinda Accurate….if they were called dromaeosaurid Deinonychus. But Raptor sounds so cooler so…whatevs. It’s a movie I hold nothing against it.
But the thing is it doesn’t matter what you or I think. I was just stating how it is seen by the general public and that is what matters if it’s going to become something we see in movies. It also helps it to start making it into books for education and more. The general public view has to change and right now it is the opposite of what see.
That said even with the pictures you linked and looking up the birds. Personally the first thing looking at it that comes to my mind is that it looks pretty or the wise old bird stereotype that goes with certain feather types in general fantasy growing up as a kid or in videogames. Now that is somewhat of a product of a very long time of the society portraying it that way and nobody can avoid society coloring a few things in their lives.
Your T-Rex is pretty great by the way but sadly those arms still make me think something other then doom. I also dig your approach of dumping the chicken talon that so many use for the leg. That does help me somewhat try to see it in another light. The point of the mimicking sound is great for others but personally I never thought of that as creepy sounding but then I’m a little odd.
You’ve nudged me personally a little but I do only mean a little. I still can’t see them in the same vein of cool that the old dinosaurs have. Sure it’s great that science found it out but I still don’t see it plastered on a kids wall or the dinosaurs with saddled future weapons image that floats around. i’m probably going to be open to the idea more then a large part of society as well which is quite happy with the way JP puts it out there.
There are all kinds of terrifying birds. and though they may not be as physically intimidating, the things they can do are.
The Hooded Pitohui for example is an effin adorable song bird, but they have poisonious(homobatrachotoxin) feather
Its like a vorpal puppy. Cute at first glance, mess your pants terrifying when it cuts someones head off.
for more poison birds follow the link below
homobatrachotoxin is one of the most toxic substances on the planet!
~~~~~ /\
~~~~~ VV
– Bearded vultures were eradicated in the Alps because of human superstition.
– Cassowary meat is described as very tough to eat.
– The shoebill is near endangered due to habitat loss, hunting, and humans messing with the ecosystem.
– King vultures are doing okay and are popular at zoos.
^ Scary?
I can easily make a list of mammals (including fluffy ones) that humans would have a tough time with in a one-on-one fight, but birds? Even the dangers of cassowaries have been greatly exaggerated. There’s ostriches and similar, sure, but even including tortoises and crocodiles (closer related to birds than reptiles), that would be a short list. We’re as bad for non-bird animals, of course, but still. Dogs kill far more people.
As I already said further up, it’s not really about birds not being badass (they can be), but rather that humans are terrifyingly capable predators. Otherworldly monsters like JP ‘raptors help distract from the fact that, if dinosaurs were alive now, they’d be farmed, eaten, domesticated, and/or hunted for sport, and that’s only if we didn’t extinct them first.
I’m not opposed to the idea of films trying feathered dinos sometime, but it’ll be much harder for them to have the same impact.
(JW’s lack of colourful dinos was very disappointing though.)
Anyone insisting feathery dinos couldn’t “have the same impact” because they’re too in love with what they had when they were seven is just betraying what an unimaginative person they are. Cultural precedents for scary monsters are set because people make scary monsters and set cultural precedents.
Clearly you don’t know of Alfred Hitchcock. Birds are scary.
The birds were not the point of that movie. The human dysfunction was the point of that movie :p
Then what is Jurassic World’s excuse?
IF that is what you want to draw, then that’s what we get. that we get a joke is a bonus as far as i am concerned.
Apparently something like these can already exist….
I am so fine with this. Put fat raptors on a T-shirt. That I’ll buy. He’ll I would buy a chubby raptor print as long as it had the word. “Princess” in fancy text along the bottom.
…the fattest pigeon better look out that baby raptor is about to steal all of the spotlight and mr. fish’s attention. matter fact all of the attention from everyone…ever…
More realistic depiction than Jurassic World. Which I think would have solved their problems if they had made their Raptor’s look like this.
Today, the punchline is SQUEE. And I am entirely okay with that.
I really, really hope Jared gets to meet one of these! I would fear for the life of Fattest Pigeon, but really, I’m secretly convinced that Fattest Pigeon is also the Uncrushable Pigeon from Dragon Age, so the raptors wouldn’t be able to do shit to it. FP would become the hyper-evolved King of the FluffRaptors, and everyone in the office would get their toes nibble-murdered.
What I’m trying to say is that I love this comic and you are a mohawked goddess.
These are positively adorable. I love the concept of fattest rooster velociraptors.
Funny stuff as always, but I gotta say. As adorable/hilarious as these dinos are, I infinitely prefer the Spielberg Raptors/Dinosaurs in general. They’re better. I don’t care about accuracy, I like cool stuff. ‘Murica.
Thank you so much for having the velociraptors the size of actual velocirators. The ones in the Jurassic Park/World movies are actually Utahraptors, but that doesn’t sound nearly as cool.
I thought the velociraptors from Jurassic Park where actually based off the deinonychus but the utahraptor would fit the bill too.
Honestly? I saw Baby Chocobos with Teeth first. Then Velociraptors after I read the rest of it.
Love it, love everything about it.
OMG http://imgur.com/gallery/XKTPB3P PLUSH FLUFFY RAPTORS!!!!!!!
I love how they are exactly like my cochin hen in the last 3 panels
I have a few chickens in my garden and I always keep saying that they’re the closest thing to a miniature dinosaur I’ll most likely ever get to own… Thank you affirming my beliefs.
I want to hug them all! XOXOXOXOXO!!!
Your raptors are adorably accurate.
I don’t care about it not being scientifically correct, i still prefer my raptors toothy, featherless, and terrifying.
If you think feathered things aren’t terrifying you have never been face to face with an angry goose. Much less an angry cassowary.
In my defense, i said raptors, not species descendant from them. and i still don’t fear geese, even though they are some vicious bastards
Go meet an Angry Emu. Those bastards are TERRIFYING!
This has probably been answered somewhere already, but is Jet like Chris Pratt’s character except with realistic Velociraptors or is he just a completely original character?
Jet is Commander’s brother, he’s been in a few other strips.
and omg now they’re in colour.
of course princess is pink.
look at that face. who could be mad at that face.
YES! Princess HAD to be pink. Or purple. With a name like Princess it was the obvious choice.
I want to adopt one. Or five. Instead of crazy cat lady Jet is sneaky raptor godfather.
I wouldn’t want to be the raptor godfather. What do you do when your oldest raptor child has been gunned down at a toll booth by the rival raptor family?
Find the dirty eomaia responsible, and leave a severed albertodromeus head in his bed as a warning.
This wins best comment thread on the interwebs.
And now I need my +10 upvote button again
Raptors with guns… I automatically thought of How it Should Have Ended rather than The Godfather.
eeeeeeeeee <3
Could be just me, but the archives only show up to *Feb 14, 2013Mr. Fish hasn’t showed up for a while* so finding a particular page between then and now is impossible :(
Backwards reading time!
I love the colored version! Hot Neon Velociraptors. LOVE IT. :D
Yeah, now we see why that one is called ‘Princess’ :D
Course if I had pet velociraptors, they’d end up being the fattest little things ever. I can’t say no to fluffy little faces.
I’ve always wondered what the onomatopoeia for that pigeon noise was.
Oh aren’t they though?
…where do I get some of these? I can have six on my team, right?
Cutest Velociraptors to date.
Its funny, when I saw the RSS saying “I didn’t even have a joke for this week”
And tried to open the page, it cried “502 bad gateway”
You really did not have any joke at all did you?
The Fattest Pigeon will be their king.
I need a FatRaptor!
I know right?
I *MUST* have one!
I don’t even have words for how much I love this
Gosh, Princess would be great poster material. She’s adorable.
birds are adorable and when you get (any) type of bird you will fall in love with it and it will take over your life and you wil spoil it. lovebirds are famous for that and i had one that sat on my head and told me what to do for 13 years!
they are so cuuuuuuute!!! i want 12
I don’t know why, but the words were changed a bit. I might be missing some sort of trivia, I think.
Also, I wish I could use Disqus to comment. When I check other webcomics, I’d see if I got any replies! :D
So. I didn’t notice this the first few times I read this page.. [I check back to see if there’s been an update pretty often xD;] and I know it didn’t appear this way on the previous page..but, now that I’ve looked at it like three times, the carcass Jonesey is butchering up looks *very* human-esque. <–>; (dun dun dunnnnnn)
sooo cute…
they remind me of my chickens, even down to the begging and leaping for food. no one belives me when I tell them my girls are little dinos. but all it takes is watching them chase down a frog in formation before gobbling it down for them to see the raptor connection
I just found this comic 3 days ago and have read every page! This comic is so much fun! I love it, love the characters, love the art work, just love it! Now I’m stuck cause I’ve read it all! :-( can’t wait to see more! Keep up the awesome job!
Oh my God. They’re so cute. And even cuter in color. <3
They’re like the Shih zue’s of the the Dino world!
I have just died of cuteness omg
this page is too often. And it seems that a number of my friends have taken me up one reading this comic and/or migrate to here on their own.
…am I allowed to appreciate neon murderturkeys *and* lizard-lipped throwbacks in equal measure, or is that grounds for eight months bloodbag duty?
Do utahraptors next?!
Adorable murder babies.
I was a raptor once. It was glorious.
I smell a Hateful Boyfriend sequel! Though I guess the pun wouldn’t work.
Omg i cant handle this cuteness D:
All I want, looking at this, is to get the second panel, without text bubbles, as an avatar thumbnail. So adorable.
Great now I’m drawing fluffy silkie velociraptors
These are CLEARLY chickens. They even steal your food the same way.
Toothy Roosters? Is that a reference to Rooster Teeth, by any chance?