Comic Logan was already a member of the Dad Squad ever since Kitty Prude joined the X-Men. He’s had a veritable bucket of foster/adopted/actual kids dropped in his lap since, and he’s fine great by the first two categories and hilariously terribly with the last.
I mean the kid disembowels him on their first meeting. Immediately disowning him from even the CONCEPT of being my son would have been my position. To Wolverine’s credit he tries to take more responsibility for him up until he decides he has to make a tough call. Not enough, granted, but I imagine Darken’s tough to be around in general, as a perversion of a lot of what Logan probably loved in Itsu.
Not to mention the other biological kids he had were all kidnapped and trained to kill him by a group of the various people he’d screwed over over the years. They neglected to tell him they were his kids until AFTER he killed them all in self defense. AND Daken was in on it as well. Dakken’s a fun character. He was ALSO kidnapped and raised as a killer too. This is probably why Logan shouldn’t procreate. Anytime he has a kid biologically related to him in any way, someone tries to raise it as an assassin. Every. Damn. Time.
he looks really different like that for some reason… like when a guy with a mustache shaves said mustache and when you see him you don’t notice it at first, but then are really unsettled once you do…. (i go through this when i shave my beard at the end of every winter with EVERYONE i know. it has been happening for a decade now and no one ever gets used to it)
yeah, he really looks a lot different with his hair like that. very un-commandery.
also, interesting that the part in his hair is on his right side.. Just curious, but is the commander left handed? if so, nice attention to the little details there.
Commander is probably right-handed. Action movie heroes (and movie heroes in general) tend to be right-handed (as opposed to lefties, who tend to be more weaselly or wimpy). Rock was created to deliberately be an action hero by the spacefuture military, so they would probably make him right-handed if at all possible.
if that is the logic, then he is ambidextrous, since you look more badass if you toss your weapon from hand to hand rather than turn slightly to aim properly, as well as allowing him to dual weild, the near useless but cool looking art.
Rather than imagining what he is by the action movie hero tropes he consistently defies, maybe just dive into the archives and see what Rock’s dominant hand appears to be.
Jared COULD just be a really skinny and immature 26-year old! I know dudes in their 30s who could pass for him easily.
But seriously, you ever give any thought to having your characters start aging? I personally find those kinds of stories where time passes naturally and characters age to be intriguing, though that’s just me.
I have other things I work on where the characters are intended to age, but it would make MGDMT feel rushed considering there are only about 50 strips a year.
I’m fine with them not aging. Gives it a timeless quality. And given that Commander can time travel it’s not like if you suddenly wanted to draw his kids as teens or adults you can’t find an excuse to do so pretty easily :D
P.S. My first comment, love the comic, especially the characterizations and what a great dad Commander is :D
How about them aging when it’s appropriate they do so? I think from his view, Jared has been working at the agency for 6 months to a year. He has grown up a bit.
I was like “wait, _how_ old is this comic?” and then thought, yeah, it was at least five years ago when I found it, and there was already a bunch to read then, so yeah… This coolness has been in my life for so many years already! Awesome <3
it’s relatively normal for people to get stuck in a kind of “comfort zone” for artists too
it’s nice to see someone who can keep the same identity while impoving as an artist
congratulations and thanks to you :)
This made my morning much better. I’m awake hours earlier than I want to be, with a toddler and a puppy who both can’t sleep tonight. And this comic made me smile and go “Awww” and the last frame is just the perfect punchline.
Wow. . . I have to add my voice to the people amazed that this comic has been part of their life for so long. Your work’s become such a routine source of happiness that I can’t imagine a week starting without a new MGDMT, and I still go back and re-read all the archives every couple of months when I need extra joy. Thanks for all the years of awesome, Coelasquid.
Nah, Skitter never really prioritized her bugs’ well-being beyond practicality; they were replaceable and expendable.
I much prefer June’s attitude, but I hope she never goes through so much as a fraction of what Skitter endured.
Most likely a giant African millipede. Grows up to 40 cm and can be kept as a pet. They’re not easy to keep – for one you must wash your hands after handling one because they tend to secrete a liquid when scared that you’d rather not have in your eyes.
Even then, Junebug’s got one heck of a big millipede.
At which point, she’ll have to leave it with dear old dad to take care of. And probably want him to send her pictures every day to make sure he’s giving Mr. Bug the cuddling that it needs.
Holy smokes, almost 4 years? And I could have sworn it wasn’t more than 3 years since you mentioned on social media that you were planning to introduce June’s milipede in the comic.
Time flies and Commander-hates-the-bug jokes don’t get old :D
Lucky for me, my daughter is not quite two, and far too young to have her own pet. Unlucky for me, she really, REALLY loves the scorpions and giant cockroaches at the zoo and tries to pet and kiss them through the glass of their enclosures.
I don’t like cockroaches at all.
Have you seen giant madagascar hissing cockroaches? I don’t like regular roaches, I really don’t like super king sized roaches.
But yes, she is adorable as she tries to kiss the horrible bugs through the glass. I’m just afraid I may be in the Commander’s shoes one day more or less, though except for roaches I don’t have a problem with most animals that are legal to keep as pets. She really likes a lot of the less than “cute” animals at the zoo. She spent fifteen minutes last week talking happily to an inquisitive condor that flew to the front of it’s enclosure and landed just a few feet in front of us.
I’ll be honest, I almost read ‘oh good’ as ‘oh god’. Either way it works… And also makes me wonder if he had to correct himself there. “Oh GO-oood the millipede is here too.” ‘ol lobster is definitely deserving of the few hundred #1 dad mugs in his cabinets.
Rereading the millipede comic reminded me of the pure love I have for the Commander and his X| face while he’s trying to not freak way the hell out over his daughter’s beloved pet.
Reminds me of a greentext from one of the weirder (relative term) boards, guy was bad at being homeless and sleeping in a basement of some family he didn’t know, he snuck upstairs to forage one time and heard them coming in, so he looks around: apples, beans, tank with giant centipedes, not much else.
So he does the obvious thing and grabs 4 giant centipedes to eat before running downstairs.
You claim you had a hard time coming up with something funny, but this is both heartwarming and hilarious. I love Commander’s look in the last panel. It screams: “If I don’t look there’s nothing to fear. If I don’t look there’s nothing to fear. Oh my god if I don’t look I won’t know where the bug is and that’s a scary thought.”
I got Pokemon Moon for Christmas. Just like when I played X, I named the first Magikarp I caught “Mr. Fish”. It is, just like when I played X, a female. (It’s over level fifty now, I’m very proud.)
It took a long moment for me to realize why the Commander looked so different. I think I may need to get more sleep.
Also, he looks about ten years younger with his hair down, especially in the first panel where the contours of his face are more simplified/less visible.
Been goin thru these for the past couple days and gotta say i love these comics. Especially ganondorf. Keep up the great work. Hope to see many other adventures with commander and company
Apparently they can live for 7 to 10 years, especially in captivity and careful consideration. So, yah, that thing is gonna be haunting the Commander for a while now.
Normally, I hear Commander as something like Jason Beghe, or Ron Perlman, or a combination of various other gruff-ass dudes, but that last panel was straight up John Goodman.
My favourite part of this is that I was rereading the series- and I checked for updates- but I had just gotten to the introduction of the millipede in the first place XD
I started my new Job at on Monday. I have to get up at 6:00 AM so I can leave for work by 7:00 AM cause I believe in eating breakfast. Anyway, I was filled with glee to see that at 6:35 AM this comic. I know that won’t always be the case. Regardless of when you put up a new comic I enjoy them. It seems like you enjoy the characters and the story you are telling with them and that is what makes it amazing.
I love how supportive Commander is of his kids and what they wanna do or what pets they wanna have. He hates millipedes, but sets that aside for his daughter so she can have a pet and that’s just the cutest thing ever!!!
Awww, June names things the same way Jared does! I forget if she got the millipede after she met him but if so, that’s really cute. If not, cute coincidence!
I don’t think “give it to someone else” works with bad dreams.
Ha! Probably not, and I for one am grateful. :)
Commander’s hair is getting longer, I think.
It’s just not pomped up like it usually is.
He’s at home, that’s where you’re supposed to let your hair down.
Too bad Mr. Bug is so good at making his hair raise…
“Millipedes! Why did it HAVE to be millipedes?”
~Indiana Jones, altered quote
He’s getting ready for the new Logan Movie, eh?
… Oh God, is Logan gonna join the Dad Squad with Commander and Kratos?
Comic Logan was already a member of the Dad Squad ever since Kitty Prude joined the X-Men. He’s had a veritable bucket of foster/adopted/actual kids dropped in his lap since, and he’s fine great by the first two categories and hilariously terribly with the last.
I mean the kid disembowels him on their first meeting. Immediately disowning him from even the CONCEPT of being my son would have been my position. To Wolverine’s credit he tries to take more responsibility for him up until he decides he has to make a tough call. Not enough, granted, but I imagine Darken’s tough to be around in general, as a perversion of a lot of what Logan probably loved in Itsu.
Not to mention the other biological kids he had were all kidnapped and trained to kill him by a group of the various people he’d screwed over over the years. They neglected to tell him they were his kids until AFTER he killed them all in self defense. AND Daken was in on it as well. Dakken’s a fun character. He was ALSO kidnapped and raised as a killer too. This is probably why Logan shouldn’t procreate. Anytime he has a kid biologically related to him in any way, someone tries to raise it as an assassin. Every. Damn. Time.
Laura (X-23) turned out fairly well.
Her adolescence was a bit Hellish for most involved, but she’s mellowed out to about where Logan hovers.
It makes him look a lot like Lucas Amato from Cybersix. I like it.
It’s the lack of goggles.
he looks really different like that for some reason… like when a guy with a mustache shaves said mustache and when you see him you don’t notice it at first, but then are really unsettled once you do…. (i go through this when i shave my beard at the end of every winter with EVERYONE i know. it has been happening for a decade now and no one ever gets used to it)
yeah, he really looks a lot different with his hair like that. very un-commandery.
also, interesting that the part in his hair is on his right side.. Just curious, but is the commander left handed? if so, nice attention to the little details there.
I mean, I figure here it’s just how his hair fluffs naturally when there’s nothing in it, like he’s got a cowlick or something.
I can dig it. My hair does that, parting on the (left) side as it gets longer.
Commander is probably right-handed. Action movie heroes (and movie heroes in general) tend to be right-handed (as opposed to lefties, who tend to be more weaselly or wimpy). Rock was created to deliberately be an action hero by the spacefuture military, so they would probably make him right-handed if at all possible.
if that is the logic, then he is ambidextrous, since you look more badass if you toss your weapon from hand to hand rather than turn slightly to aim properly, as well as allowing him to dual weild, the near useless but cool looking art.
Rather than imagining what he is by the action movie hero tropes he consistently defies, maybe just dive into the archives and see what Rock’s dominant hand appears to be.
Both Rock’s hands are dominant as fuck.
Give this man a cookie!
I’m right handed, and I’ve always had a right-side part…
What a fantastic dad. And a fantastic bug mom. She’s going to grow up to be great.
Does Manly Guys time pass in real time? Because I swear Sammy and June have been the same age since the beginning.
That or they were affected somehow by Commander’s time travel and so age out of sync with the rest of the universe.
Nah, it’s a pretty fixed, characters haven’t really aged or anything. Jared would be like 26 by now if they did.
Also, time travel. So, it’s been years, and no time at all.
It’s better to not think about it. Bad things happen if you think about time travel too much.
Jared COULD just be a really skinny and immature 26-year old! I know dudes in their 30s who could pass for him easily.
But seriously, you ever give any thought to having your characters start aging? I personally find those kinds of stories where time passes naturally and characters age to be intriguing, though that’s just me.
I have other things I work on where the characters are intended to age, but it would make MGDMT feel rushed considering there are only about 50 strips a year.
I’m fine with them not aging. Gives it a timeless quality. And given that Commander can time travel it’s not like if you suddenly wanted to draw his kids as teens or adults you can’t find an excuse to do so pretty easily :D
P.S. My first comment, love the comic, especially the characterizations and what a great dad Commander is :D
I’m fine with them not aging (at least to *our* perceptions). At the rate they’re going, Coelasquid will die of old age before her characters do.
…Not withstanding any time travel incidents, of course…
So, does MGDMT sort of operate on the Marvel Comics-type vague “sliding scale” time, then?
How about them aging when it’s appropriate they do so? I think from his view, Jared has been working at the agency for 6 months to a year. He has grown up a bit.
I’m a (fairly) skinny and really immature 24 year old, does that make tis worlds closest approximation of Jared?
*this world’s
Look at the bright side, the millipede is unlikely to get bigger.
BEHOLD! It is the Jörmungandr, The World Serpent! It Clasps IT’s Own Tail as It Circles All Of Midgard!
A five-million-legged Ouroboros. Thanks for that nightmare.
I remember Jormungandr from Magicka!
I beat that boss using nothing but dome shields, haste, and a rod of emergency teleport.
This brings such a smile to my face and warmth to my heart.
I was like “wait, _how_ old is this comic?” and then thought, yeah, it was at least five years ago when I found it, and there was already a bunch to read then, so yeah… This coolness has been in my life for so many years already! Awesome <3
Millipede season on the millipede planet flashbacks incoming.
Meanwhile, I just have the stuck in my head.
*millepede song…. dunno how that link broke…
I was hoping someone would post this. :D
tangent: your art style changed.
Always for the better, though.
That happens when you draw all day, every day, for four years.
it’s relatively normal for people to get stuck in a kind of “comfort zone” for artists too
it’s nice to see someone who can keep the same identity while impoving as an artist
congratulations and thanks to you :)
May I ask what you do to prevent repetitive injury strain? My hands/wrist can’t seem to live up to much arting anymore. :|
I often forgot how handsome Commander is. Wasn’t there mention of a pin up pic of some of the characters a while back?
As always coelasquid, you make me smile, and chuckle, and generally improve my day.
probably the only thing that’ll give our badass commander some nightmares XD
This made my morning much better. I’m awake hours earlier than I want to be, with a toddler and a puppy who both can’t sleep tonight. And this comic made me smile and go “Awww” and the last frame is just the perfect punchline.
This is a hell of a call back. I love it.
Wow. . . I have to add my voice to the people amazed that this comic has been part of their life for so long. Your work’s become such a routine source of happiness that I can’t imagine a week starting without a new MGDMT, and I still go back and re-read all the archives every couple of months when I need extra joy. Thanks for all the years of awesome, Coelasquid.
Two responses:
1. Millipedes are cute!
2. It’s little Skitter! Yay!
Nah, Skitter never really prioritized her bugs’ well-being beyond practicality; they were replaceable and expendable.
I much prefer June’s attitude, but I hope she never goes through so much as a fraction of what Skitter endured.
I’m now imagining Dannt as Rock Lobster.
…suddenly, the story is entirely different.
Someone write this. Please.
Is this a giant millipede from earth or one from Millipede Planet?
From Earth.
There’s no way in hell he’d have brought one of the ones from that planet back.
Most likely a giant African millipede. Grows up to 40 cm and can be kept as a pet. They’re not easy to keep – for one you must wash your hands after handling one because they tend to secrete a liquid when scared that you’d rather not have in your eyes.
Even then, Junebug’s got one heck of a big millipede.
This is what you get for encouraging your children. Unending love and joy, and the occasional millipede moments that will hopefully be brief.
How long do giant millipedes live?
*consults interwebs*
“7 to 10 years”
Oh boy! She’ll have that thing until she’s in middle school!
Maybe even college!
At which point, she’ll have to leave it with dear old dad to take care of. And probably want him to send her pictures every day to make sure he’s giving Mr. Bug the cuddling that it needs.
Hahahaa! I love the one from four years ago. It always reminds me of my dad’s reaction to my cornsnake. ^_^
Holy smokes, almost 4 years? And I could have sworn it wasn’t more than 3 years since you mentioned on social media that you were planning to introduce June’s milipede in the comic.
Time flies and Commander-hates-the-bug jokes don’t get old :D
Always amused at how accurate the parenting is in this comic. I’m just lucky my kid doesn’t love anything I’m terrified of (yet).
Lucky for me, my daughter is not quite two, and far too young to have her own pet. Unlucky for me, she really, REALLY loves the scorpions and giant cockroaches at the zoo and tries to pet and kiss them through the glass of their enclosures.
I don’t like cockroaches at all.
They might grow on you! And that is so cute.
Have you seen giant madagascar hissing cockroaches? I don’t like regular roaches, I really don’t like super king sized roaches.
But yes, she is adorable as she tries to kiss the horrible bugs through the glass. I’m just afraid I may be in the Commander’s shoes one day more or less, though except for roaches I don’t have a problem with most animals that are legal to keep as pets. She really likes a lot of the less than “cute” animals at the zoo. She spent fifteen minutes last week talking happily to an inquisitive condor that flew to the front of it’s enclosure and landed just a few feet in front of us.
Oh damn I’ve been reading this comic for over four years…
how would Commander BadAss react to Gurran Lagann?
Calmly turn it off, then shower for 6 hours.
Yall….look at the Commander’s right hand in the last panel. Thank you.
I’ll be honest, I almost read ‘oh good’ as ‘oh god’. Either way it works… And also makes me wonder if he had to correct himself there. “Oh GO-oood the millipede is here too.” ‘ol lobster is definitely deserving of the few hundred #1 dad mugs in his cabinets.
Rereading the millipede comic reminded me of the pure love I have for the Commander and his X| face while he’s trying to not freak way the hell out over his daughter’s beloved pet.
I love him with his hair down. And he’s such a sweetheart with the kids. World needs more folks like him.
Reminds me of a greentext from one of the weirder (relative term) boards, guy was bad at being homeless and sleeping in a basement of some family he didn’t know, he snuck upstairs to forage one time and heard them coming in, so he looks around: apples, beans, tank with giant centipedes, not much else.
So he does the obvious thing and grabs 4 giant centipedes to eat before running downstairs.
June’s eye looks weird in panel 3.
Like it’s cybernetic, or been replaced by a striped pool ball.
You claim you had a hard time coming up with something funny, but this is both heartwarming and hilarious. I love Commander’s look in the last panel. It screams: “If I don’t look there’s nothing to fear. If I don’t look there’s nothing to fear. Oh my god if I don’t look I won’t know where the bug is and that’s a scary thought.”
I got Pokemon Moon for Christmas. Just like when I played X, I named the first Magikarp I caught “Mr. Fish”. It is, just like when I played X, a female. (It’s over level fifty now, I’m very proud.)
4 years? Seems so recent. Commander looks good like this. Also, your art style has evolved. It always looked good. Now it looks great!
Best dad in comics.
It took a long moment for me to realize why the Commander looked so different. I think I may need to get more sleep.
Also, he looks about ten years younger with his hair down, especially in the first panel where the contours of his face are more simplified/less visible.
Also good god, this comic is less than a month shy of the seven-year mark.
Oh God, that’s a hell lot of Nope!
Been goin thru these for the past couple days and gotta say i love these comics. Especially ganondorf. Keep up the great work. Hope to see many other adventures with commander and company
That is superb lighting. :)
Poor Commander.
Does the kid let Mr Bug run free, or does she usually keep it in a terrarium, or whatever you’d call a habitat for a millipede?
The earlier appearance of Mr. Bug seems to imply June normally keeps him in some sort of tank, so probably a terrarium.
It’s been 4 years!?
I always love to see Rock with his comparatively tiny children :3
It’s been 4 years, but no one has aged a day.
One of my favorite comic dub voice troupes did your Dead-lifts strip. :)
gratz on the ditto lol
Hm… do millipedes live four years? Is he replacing the millipede whenever it “sleeps?”
Apparently they can live for 7 to 10 years, especially in captivity and careful consideration. So, yah, that thing is gonna be haunting the Commander for a while now.
Ho! the Millapode!
Juney’s nightmare ended… Commander’s is just beginning XD
The millipede is always with you, Commander. Who else would June trust to care for him?
I too am startled that the millipede was 4 years ago.
Normally, I hear Commander as something like Jason Beghe, or Ron Perlman, or a combination of various other gruff-ass dudes, but that last panel was straight up John Goodman.
I got Jim Carrey doing Ace Ventura.
My favourite part of this is that I was rereading the series- and I checked for updates- but I had just gotten to the introduction of the millipede in the first place XD
More than 4 Years ago? Was it really that long?
… but … but I followed the Comic since much earlier .. that means I’m “gasp” ooooooold D:
I started my new Job at on Monday. I have to get up at 6:00 AM so I can leave for work by 7:00 AM cause I believe in eating breakfast. Anyway, I was filled with glee to see that at 6:35 AM this comic. I know that won’t always be the case. Regardless of when you put up a new comic I enjoy them. It seems like you enjoy the characters and the story you are telling with them and that is what makes it amazing.
The petstore guy told me that they will try to burrow into your skin while you sleep if the lid is not properly secured on their tank.
Cicadas do that too. The little dummies think we’re trees. I’ve had one try to burrow into me before. It hurts as much as you’d think.
Just be happy it isn’t a centipede.
I am actually going to be sad when this comic updates. I will miss this strip.
I will not be… I share the commanders creep’d outedness..
I love how supportive Commander is of his kids and what they wanna do or what pets they wanna have. He hates millipedes, but sets that aside for his daughter so she can have a pet and that’s just the cutest thing ever!!!
All my hearts.
Awww, June names things the same way Jared does! I forget if she got the millipede after she met him but if so, that’s really cute. If not, cute coincidence!
I’ve said it before (& so have many others)… & I’ll say it again (& so will many others) …
i know this post is close to 2 yrs old, but i am just catching like last month and would like you to know I am learning fatherhood from your comics
wait, 1 yr old. I must have went to time travel a wee bit too long.